Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I'll be having my character up in less than a day, I had guests these two days so it's been hard to sit down and write :) Thanks for the info on genders!

Great, Don, t worry.

Join and write when you can. Life comes first after all.
Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether . Friday Evening

Marinalaia smiled when she handed over the card, it seemed her drunk way of being nice so she slid into her pocket of jacket. She was majorly drunk and definitely needing someone to keep a eye out for her. And she had 3-4 people helping her. There was kind of a code not to leave a vulnerable woman out in danger, you never knew when it might be you..

Just get home safe OK! Bad man gone.

And lots of water! Help with hangover.

It was a a little simple, but when you where drunk, simple was easier and drunk people understood simple alot better than complicated. Little did she know that this was only the start of the epic drama.

Talking to Xia, the woman in daring dress before, yeah it was her! She seemed diffrent from last time, but guessed they both had a rather dramatic experience at jazz night. They had been a rather extreme event and that walsys changed your prepspectives.

I've been vuntable before, you gotta help. Jazz night was not a fun one for me.

Sure, thankyou. Massage be nice sometimes after a long week I have to admit! I might have to call!

I'm a flight instructor, no cards I'm afraid. Best office view ever though.

OK, just get her home safe. She needs a friend. Have a nice night, definitely catch up another time.

Being honest with Xia, she could understand why, and maybe think better of her reaction to situation that she not out to hurt the poor blue haired drunk, after jazz night she had needed help, so return the favour.

Poxkwtinf the second card, well damn.. Was this a new thing most people carried on a night out? Oh well, she could text back tommrow and say hi at least. They needed to make a few friends. Being a flight instructor was always abit intresting so that helped. Wishing her well, the woman was in safe hands ot seemed and would be free from that creep who had slinked off to find others. Perverts like that needed a good kick in the balls with a flaming axe.

Victoria relaxed as watched and then someone came up scrambling their names alot but offered some drinks. From ethen, we'll that was kind. And given from thr bar direct she had more faith in those than ones from a person. Victoria was overly cautious about some things, and times paranoid for a good reason. It was not paranoia if the threat was real.

Marlin seemed to be doing OK, and helping out the woman, she tried to blend in abit before the shit it the fan with a force a tornado into sewage plant.

Some bitch came up and started laying into her, eyes flashing icey as a polar winter, and accent taking on a noticbele edge of hostility that sounded more threatening when her Russian accent kicked in fully as well. Tall and blonde she definitely looked the type anyway. Regina George was not meant to be a role model.

oh, sorry to interrupt your fawning hopelessly. Women... Sorry I must of missed the band of deformed overly made up trolls.

Jelous they Don,t like used goods that's been round the block more times than cab?

Giving her a look of cold disgust, her next line riled Marinalia up no end and she gave her a look that would be close to a death glare, she had a rather lack of give a shit to some things, and they where past that mark. Her urge to slap though her caked on makeup was growing expentonally and expose the ugly trolly below. She was taller than her, but years of swimming meant she had a good swing, be it slap or breaking her nose job. Both backed up slightly as the mob grew knowing that they had a real fucked up situation and dealing with them was gonna be difficult.

oh great... And you wonder why you lot all Don, t have men!

Get out my face before I remake than nose job and the rest of your ugly mugshot. Il even help your friend.

Plastic surgery mistakes club meeting tonight?

Rather defensive, her accent would about cut a diamond and she slid a hand to position her hand just where the cs spray was. If they made a move, they could be on a one way trip to eye watering pain. Granted there faces where so fake they could have none.

As the mob backed up and shouting grew in severity and noise, any response got Drowned out and they where severely outnumbered by some 15 or more of the trollops. Victoria nodded and glanced a major situation could happen, and they would have to react with a more proactive defense. Shouting back was hopeless as the pack of harpies began to decened and summon more of there evil kin.

2 vs 15 trolls, this was gonna be a night out to remember, qaulity they where not, how much plastic surgery did this lot have? At least a few kilos of make up anyway, designer... Sure, they still looked like trollop even if they had couture.

Both notices Ethen looking over and gave a help us glance, hoping he had brains to break this up before it ended up a rather one sided cat fight. Still, there dad had taught them to finish one if it started.


Then things went worse.. Ashton stepped into the problem and soon things went more shitty. The shitnado was gathering pace as the harpies laid into her. A split second later and a flash of a bottle and what looked like blood. Jesus this was turning fucked up into a new artform. This was pure chaos.

Marinalia finally decided ernough was ernough and as she saw Ashton stagger, and she was pissed off. She had been kind to them, and helped her sister out alot. They owed her and was not gonna let them get away with it. Reacting to her attack with a suprise elbow to her face, and backing up letting a cloud of eye searing CS spray. There dad had brought it, she was not sure how strong it was but it was definitely strong, and would sting like a bitch to anyone caught in the spay. Pepper spray, this was a whole new level of fuck off.

Back up... Bitches...now!

Backing up, she was shouting, and covering the much smaller Victoria, she was alot lighter, smaller and would not do well of they decided to be aggressive. Protecting her sister mattered, and Ashton. her action should draw the flak off her.

Victoria was suddonly emotionally volitle, watching her scared and then angry. Marinalia had ernough and was had sent a few back slightly, the spray would not linger too long and they would have to deal with the angry trollop team. Hand shaking from the anger and fear, Victoria skid hers out the small bag, there was not too much, it was more compact than Marlins but would provide her a nasty suprise. At her size, outnumbered some 7 to one at learnt, this definitely was self defense. She was not gonna sit back and let freinds of family be hurt.

Aston! No!

I do bite. So. Leave. Now.

Her accent was cold as it got, Victoria was a ice queen at and could be pretty cold and hostile at times, one thing was true. She was loyal to her friends and family, and would happily take on some trollop to do so.

As things began to turn worse, and look bat for team Romus, a man came up and started shouting at the women who where gathering. He was the man who was too scared to speak to her, and gave him a smile for helping them. He could not talk, but could start a full blown bar brawl!

That was a suprise.

A little help please.

Marinalia was shaking from lashing out at the woman who attacker her who was glaring and her nose steaming with blood looking like she was about to try and claw her eyes out with her tacking false nails. Her fiend who was bunched over from CS spray to the face, eyes steaming looked equally vichous as the pack was closing. She was fucked, but she could still send a few more says at them before the deterrent ran dry.

Both sisters exchanged glances. Even with his intervention, it was still shitty odds. Very shitty. Hopefully security or someone else intervened before the trouble got worse. There definitely was going to be drama tonight. Maybe Ethen could bail them out, he might at least be able to keep them from getting kicked out for defending Ashton honour, and 5-1 ganging up was definitely a a defensive situation. They had not started it, but it might hurt alot of they did not end it.

@Zaxter996@King Tai@Silver Fox@Almalthia@Rodiak

Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether . Friday Evening

When the woman gave Marlin a help me look, she was torn between helping her sister and the drunk girl though Victoria was better placed to handle herself than the girl. Anyway Ashton could likely cover for her and she had a very diffrent look to the one that the woman she seemed to hide from knew. Just hide her eyes a little and decoy her accent.

Giving a nod, she glanced over to the woman and whispered to Victoria before walking over to rescue the woman from the creep tying to come up with the best way to make him think twice. Adopting thr most cut glass accent she could, and walking over with a click of low healed boots, pulling her jacket over so the salime ball could reach less skin. Before she left, she made a quick swap to put her ring on a engagement finger, the pale mark should be invisible in the dimly lit club, maybe put him off going for her a second to get her out.

Miss! Finaly your late! We expected you here a while go to sing miss adento.

We need you in... Make.. Up

Gesturing about to pretend to be a pushy foreign PA planning to drag them away as a mock band, Ashton pushed in and broke things up alot more directly than Marinalia plan to deceive the jerk. Oh.. Well that was effective anyway...

that was more direct! I'm Marinalia Olympus, have we met before? Sorry, you look familiar.

Jeez that's a slimeball, pepper spray might have been abit too dramatic and got us banned. Thanks Ashton. I have had bad experiences before.

We need to get you home Aoki. Your drunk miss, and that jerk is still here.

Laughing slightly as he left with tail between his legs, ans introducing her name so more trust worthy, he was a utter slime ball and she needed someone to protect her. After her previous experience, her give a fuck about hurting creep line had been shrunk quite abit. She was genuinely concerned about the woman, she was sobre and he creeped her out, yet alone a vulnerable drunk.

Keeping a eye out, the woman definitely needed someone to look out for her, and ended up with three, thankfully the taller woman with darker skin had a good eye for help and danger.


Victoria was Suprised as Marlin told her she had to help but understood and glanced over at the scene as Marlin tried to intervene before Ashton came in and caused a far more direct way of breaking up the situation.

Though that left her with Paige..., deciding that was not the best plan as her raven black hair twirled when she grabbed her drunk from counter and took a round about route over not realising who she passed before linking two... A second cop... Jeez definitely somthing strange going on, and sat with Joel too?

Well things had gone badly.. And so, it was understandable just a suprise. Her red hair was hard to miss, glad of her dramatic image change she went by carefully and quickly as she could, catching them with a quick ice grey glance as she passed looping round. Adopting a full Russian accent, and deciding she was a not Victoria if they only knew her English accent/tinged accent.

Hey Ashton, always running into fires... Never a boring night!

You know who's sister and boy racer... Here. Offside from bar.

Adding the second part alot more quietly to her sister, her accent was heavily Russian and very much accurate. Hopefully ernough to convince those she did not want to reconise her anyway. Anyone like Xia would notice they both shared near identical eyes, and somewhat similar as half sisters but not identical as diffrent mothers.

Marinalia gave a quick glance and saw, hoping the whole show that the Sirens had going was a strong distraction. It was true, they where not... And things had, but she was not exactly how to think about seeing them though. Especially after her last rather badly gone meeting with Joel.

Only time would tell what happened if anything, good or bad.

@Silver Fox@King Tai@Almalthia@Rodiak@Pilatus

@PrinceAlexus Alright, awesome! I'll wait up a bit then, there's some kind of national holiday going on my country anyways, so I'm in no hurry :P

Ok, so on a rough count, we have a equal to minor bias about about 1 to female.
This sounds like the best thing ever. Just got done reading the first two pages of the chapter one IC and I really love it. Slice of life is one of the genres I genuinely always had the urge to RP (but there weren't a lot of opportunities). I see the male to female ratio is leaning a bit on the male side, so a female character would be welcome?

If there is room for one more, of course. I literally just jumped into browsing the site today after a long time, to see if there is anything interesting to shake away rust from my typing fingers.

Great, we always welcome people.

And id just wait a second till we do a up to date Gender count, we had a bunch of new characters and i need to do a new count first. we may have a gender til to female, or a equal balance.

Help would be appreciated, but I think I have an idea cooking in my head for how to get her into Aether. Only thing stumping me is how to get her to interact with people, and how the whole group writing thing works. I've been role-playing a while, but I'm still fairly new to roleplaying in a large group and I don't wanna mess up and be an inconvenience.

No problem :)

honestly, you just enter the scene, and dpon't think you have to do everything at once, interact with a situation and just try to keep up with the post rate, some are slower, some are faster and you will find people who match your pace and ideas.

just start smaller, and work up. Rome was not built in a day.

We will have some drama coming in scene, so react to events, and you will soon find yourself reacting to or bouncing off other characters.

its alot harder to open up, but once you get abit of back and forth things soon start to slot into place.

you can always bump into my characters, i always try and help people out :)


We have a discord too, so if you want ot chat back and forth, its easier.

Sweet! Now I just have to figure how to tackle this haha

If you need any help just ask :)

Approved. Welcome to the party citizens :)

Post em over and join in the fun.
Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether . Friday Evening

The woman who had the pretty blue hair seemed pretty drunk, and she felt slightly, a tiny bit respohinable for keeping her safe. Somehow there was a whole female thing to look out for each other. Life was dangerous as she knew and did not want anyone else to face what she had been put though. She, d keep a eye on her then she could, just incase.

Responding cheerfully to the woman, yep she was a flight instructor, it always did attract a abit of attention with em that as a job title.

I fly! Yep. Alaska, Rome, London and more.

That sounds awesome, I cannot draw but I appreciate the love and hardwork someone put into painting them.

Why I love my job, I just find a new view.

Giving her a cheerful wave as she ran off to join the crush over the new act coming up, tapping her foot she had to admit they where good, even if there whole stage take over brought back uncomfortable memories of events past. Long as no one played jazz. It was not her favourite type of music, but the singing was good and soon had her bobbing along to the music.

Marinalia glanced over with her grey eyes, spotting the woman who seemed to look and make to look over to her. She had a intresting sense of fashion and that was just making more links between the two. There was someone at the jazz night from hell with a rather stunning black and white long dress... Maybe it was her?

She almost looked like she would head towards her but then someone bumped into her, it was the blue haired artist she was talking to who headed off. Well small world, and hey, random world it was!

Victoria gave Ethen a look with distinctive grey eyes, and a hint of determined ice to them wanting him to just to dance with her and stop stalling. She just wanted to have abit of fun tonight and someone confident ernough to come up and say hi... He had looked cute, but of he would not even say hello what was the point. Not even be able to hold a dance.

Come on.. Before I curse you with my powers...

Teasinf about her choice of goddess, it was a real wild card but she also was not exactly a normal person herself.

Starting off a a little slower, she was still nervous about her balence, and falling over or so, despite not likely she knew her recovery was not complete and had to take a little care. Why her studded ankle boots, where a very conservative heal, despite being so short. Though she found her pace after a song and Soon was enjoying herself happily and things where a a little tame compared to some, but also she was not giving him signs that she wanted him to stop. Not end up in bed with him... But she wanted a a little more fun before the night was over. Despite aperineces, she was a a little different under the surface, not quite as tame... Beware the quiet ones. She was not slower out of wanting to, but more she had to be careful, and ending night in a ambulance was bad idea.

beware, they might not let go once they get there nails in. There a dangerous species in packs.

Maybe... Depends if you sing as well as you claim Ethen...

Teasing, she knew exactly how he sung, and probbly has one of there old albums back home somewhere, she had lost track of a few od there newer stuff, but life had got abit busy at that stage. Feeling him tease her ear.. He knew exactly how to... It felt good... But she would not fall over him.. Nope. He would have a little work to do.

One for luck

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in return. He was lower, she was too short to reach up normaly without pulling him down to her height. He had teased her ear, she was not going to make it seem like he had everything in his control. Turning a a little pink at kiss... In her terms, less pale... She was Suprised by hat, and ordered a fresh drink as he headed off to the stage.

As he took to stage the club came to life to a whole new level and watched from afar, not being of any size to survive the mosh like rush, that was not a place she would do very well at all.

Hugging her sister, who was teasing her a a little over the whole dance and guys seeking her out, they where enjoying the music from the side, was a a little quieter, and they could escape the rush and crazies. It was nice Victoria was happy and having a a little fun though.

As the concert was making a good pace and a solid vibe. She sipped her vodka and coke as someone, she definitely was not where for fun.. And some guy. Somthing about her was not right... She was not super perceptive. But you did not need to be to tell. She was somemthing else. Wait...little miss deathstar? On crap... She was headed to bar, and after the whole Milo thing and the car... She probbly was not gonna be in good book, she wad a cop like the red head. Thankfully her hair, skin tone, no walking stick, new clothes, that should be ernough layers of disquise as the raven haired slightly gothic woman pulled her sister over. Pretending to point somthing out, away from her, grey eyes flashing like polar ice a micro second tracking the womans movements, and deviating her angle away as they approached bar.

She was busy with somthing else entirely so the decoy should work, whispering to Marlin to help cover for her, which she did not knowing exactly, but that did not matter.

@King Tai@Rodiak@Almalthia@Pilatus

happened to quite a few people.

We must raise the sacred Taco to summon Manz

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