Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I'll let a little before I reply. Don,t want to end up making up half the page. Plus depending on certain actions in one post. It have a fair impact.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

weekend to Monday evening. Sol City. Planned event

Baseball bamboozle meant, when did the undertaker play baseball again?

Victoria and Marinalia definitely would not be called sports fans, though they knew junk food. Especially when it came to cheesy chips, stuffed crust pizza and Chocolate pancakes... Especially when Marinalia made Chocolate filled, Chocolate doughnuts. "I doubt you would of made cheesy chips. Though il pass on the beer. Chips though il not say no to.

Umm yeah. Nice uniforms though. Though a little misleading the ball was an egg, and they threw it mostly... Names always so... Contradictory?"
That definitely was a stranger sporting name for that one. Hand egg? Though that one offended a few, it definitely seemed more accurate. Soccer. Why could they not make sports easier by using accurate naming? "Umm. Yeah. My ex loved cricket. I was more swimming and equestrian kinda girl with some fencing on the side. Nearly made national team in the pool. If it's wet or on a horse I know it." Marinalia recognised a few things, bowling, batting, though the lack of wickets was definitely strange. "definitely, gargamella and I would love to. I'll let you pay Vika! After Northern run. Gotta fly into Canada. You do anything a carabian palette like?" Victoria shook her head, Marlin was not gonna forget that one for a few days at least. "Sure Smurfette. Maybe vi should invite red jeanie... You'd love zat. Like ve upset her... Zo. Rounders no? I think it was rounders... I missed a fair bit of school."

Victoria had relaxed a little. The whole fan girl incident had made her a fair bit more wary, especially when you had a extra worry. "Aww... Woah. Kiss cam definitely those two." smiling slightly though a surprise, a glittering diamond and gold band on that finger. The girl looked 18 ish in a college hoody. Talk about quick. Turning her attention from the young. Young but married couple. "Cricket oh raven magnetic mistress of trouble. Urgh, Siobhan... She was not a cop at least! Don't tempt fate!" Victoria, trouble. So much drama. There lives loved drama like they mortally offended or earned the love of the llama gods.

Watching. They did their best to work things out anyway, even then. This seemingly simple sport was rather more nuanced and complicated than hit the ball far as you could. Layers... Onions and layers. It was an analogy restaurant staff would love.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

weekend to Monday evening. Sol City. Planned event

Baseball bamboozle meant part Deux

Soon as he turned round, Marinalia remembered the slightly crazy in her personal view man who had jumped out, into the water with full gear and defied her logical view of jumping out of perfectly good aircraft be they fixed, rotary or VTOL. A V22 would definitely of been fun to fly, shame they where insanely expensive and rediculously complicated. Captain Mali indeed, after a few flights Captain Olympus had changed a fair bit. After all it was a fairly long flight and no one else to talk to. He seemed a decent chap and long flights with no onw to talk to where a tad boring.

Victoria had hered that story, her dad ship had required repairs before but no one had jumped out of helicopters to do it. Levels of crazy indeed. Like leaving a perfectly good ship...

Hey, still stand by not jumping out of mechanically sound aircraft. You make me too close to hurting a passenger and I've never done that! Meet my computer nerd sister Vika." He knew her slight rebuke was all in good faith. She very much took her responsibility for getting people under her charge from point A to B safely, intact and unharmed seriously. Slightly joking or not, she never would intentanlly risk someone. "oh, so vou I hered of. Victoria, hey, il take prettier nerdy sister. Umm care to explain ze sport, it's the Von with the rock right?" Victoria's paired dark grey eyes to her sister lit up with a little mirth, granted she was clueless about baseball but not blonde bimbo clueless. Computer nerd jokes aside, it did hide the darker sides of her job. With the fall of a few crime bosses, a few in Russia had seen chance to make in roads, the consulate always knew what was going on. Her software while securing maratine traffic also helped hide there other dealings. All disguised as testing and updates of course. It was quite ingenious, why let a economic opertunity go by when the chaos made it easy to establish a foot hold should you ever need one? "See what I have to put up with from neredette here.

Fancy being a gentleman explaining this colonial mutation of cricket to a pair of English ladies?"
Joking, Marinalia was comfortable ernough after a few late night long flights, ships by Murphy law to break down in worse weather too, add a diver with a lack of self preservation and it was hard to forget. "Nerdette... For one smurfette was blonde, and white washes me put. Oh yes. Come on, we Don't mind ze Company." Upon Victoria's return. She was not leaving Marinalia Nerdette go without a alittle answer. Leaning on her cane for a sense of safety she negotiated her way back. Much as modern stadium, the busy venues always made her a alittle nervous. Apcepting a arm from her sister helping, needing the toilet more, emotions being a tad haywire, random food choices and more. urgh. If she had not known, she probbly would have been suspecting somthing was up. "Yeah, they not really have as much chance to play baseball in Alaskan snow. Smurfette. Good choice she has Gargelmella" The joking sisters aside. Marlij just had a feeling in her gut somthing was wrong, or somthing would happen... Much as she tried tonoush aside and ignore it.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

weekend to Monday evening. Sol City. Planned event

Baseball bamboozle meant part Deux

Victoria definitely was not the most sports inclined person to walk the earth, though she had worked a few basics. So batting, running, it was a bit like cricket? Going with cricket as a basis to the sport. "OK. So there's the bowler I guess. No wicket, what's with the glove though..

Wonder if there good. The Dallas cowboys play baseball right?"
Marinalia just shrugged, Alakasa was hardly a sports capital of the globe. Especially when you were snowed in a good chunk of year and travel was not exactly cheap. "Your asking me Vika? They catch the ball in films anyway. Don't they play basketball?

I fly planes, your computer nerd. We hardly qualified Vika."

While Watching , Victoria had not much more clues, the batter had a good arse admitly, not serious about it, life was complicated wrnough as it currently was. The she spotted someone, he looked familiar and remembering a smell strongly tied to that day of burnt fuel, smoke and Ash. They were headed to the same zone of the stadium. Half price food was good especially with cheesy chips. Not sure if it was a big thing over here. They where a drunk 2am treat from heaven. What was the coincidences, scratch that this city was a village. Waving over she decided to be friendly as he had offered sanctuary on a cold winter's day. She might not have remembered him but for the intense memory of both betrayal and blown up night club that was cast into her memory."Nerd maybe... A pretty one though.

Hey. Don,t need ze tea today thankfully. Fancy explaining a little about Baseball. My sister here is hopeless as me. Same sport as Cowboys right?"

Marinalia had to admit for her all travel, sports was definitely not her strong point. She could land a helicopter one side of a line you wanted, in wind conditions and low visibility. Most of the race she managed on the bits picked up from her grandfather's rather more interest in fast cars. "You wanna start that one again sis?

So you the one who looked after Vika, Thankyou. It was a cold day, and not a safe one at that."
Unlike Victoria with her mixed accent, Marinalia was straight off the boat English, however much she traveled it had not changed much. Even with the very contrasting sisters, one alabaster skinned, Raven black brunette and the more tanned, fairly fit from swimming Marinalia being a natural blonde. The eyes still was almost eerily a perfect match in colour and both had clear signs if you looked of being blood relations.

With Victoria being, well Victoria they had managed to snag a reserved spot lower down that was more accessible as much as stronger it was probably better off avoiding a hundred or so steps up to one of the higher stands and the clinch points. There was one guy, throwing out a cup or so, he had a team colour on, and hat etc. Probably feeling his soul die a little in there description of the sport. From what she had worked out he definitely was a home fan and Sol City Wild was a fairly popular team even if it was not a full major sports event. Still a good crowd and from Marlins flights into Neo city she knew a hint that they had a fair sporting rivalry. Neo City did have a full international hub yet thanks to commercial agreements and general stuff that was rather boring. Some flights only landed at Sol City and had to shuttle cargo across from Sol to Neo to complete delivery.

Even though everything told her things were quiet, Victoria had a feeling that a storm was coming. Maybe far off but something was coming. Her gut normally was right. Well when it was not deciding that fish sticks and custard was a good idea. Scarily. It worked... It really did. Rather filling too. Not that her sister would not tease all it was worth out of it, though currently her pregnancy risk was definitely statistically lower so return teasing was not possible, and her family might not be able to face 3 pregnant women at once. Marla was enough on her own!

Pointing to the guy seeming to get a player to sign, somehow the odd trick worked... They were living proof stranger could happen though.

Mentions and tags.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

weekend to Monday evening. Sol City. Planned event

Base Ball bamboozlement

Victoria was staring at her wardrobe, Saturday had added a few other items to her wardrobe thanks to Manami's unplanned but rather productive shopping trip the previous day. The woman definitely had more layers than her outward appearance could suggest and she had enjoyed the little excursion, especially just being able to let her guard down abit, buy a few nice things and appreciate a vaguely normal day for Sol City?

Sunday was quiet, though a long phone call from an old friend. Quite a few theories and several mugs of decaf tea she had set a hound lose among the clues and theories. Nothing was entirely untraceable, there was something, recorded, copied or listed somewhere. Just had to find it. Cardinal loved a good mystery to solve and Victoria was a good friend. How could he refuse to help. Deciding that serious matters could wait till Monday. Ethan was complicated. They had not communicated too much, it was difficult but between travel to other countries, work and keeping up regular hospital appointments it was not entirely easy on top the thick file that say on her desk about legal citizenships that had only just been clarified. Not to mention the bloody Rita article cost her job and had to sort out a new one in the past few weeks!

Gah. Money was useful, the job front could have waited but independent funds where definitely valuable. Being indebted or reliant on people would be a much weaker and easier to exploit position to be in.

Monday rang round though and with a glee of a small child she watched as lorry backed up the drive partly and the ramps swung down back down and the transport locked itself on pads to protect the stone. Finally. A dark purple shape of British built, 6 litres of engine and a fraction over 2 tons of well crafted automobile gleamed in the sunlight on the drive. Her mini was a run about. This was a real car. Signing on the line it was finally hers, a Bentley Continental folding hard top with 4 seats and loaded down with gadgets. Marla owned one, much as she disliked cars her step aunt? Aunt in law? Whatever. She loved that car. Turning the key, the engine sprinting to life with much more powerful roar. Yep. This definitely was what she wanted.


It only took a good cuddle from Xia to dispel any thoughts negatively Saturday had brought on. She was an energiser bunny of positive vibes that never seemed to give up. She had helped a somewhat broken Marlin heal and not even asked anything in return. What did she do to bump into such a person on a blizzard strewn weekend that had upset everything so quite spectacularly.

The rest of her weekend was pretty slow but having flown several thousand miles, weddings, flight training and absorbing the tome like brick of a manual for the 100J, a slow one was a relief. From the sunlounger on the patio with headphones pumping out a gentle beat and a trashy novel, "The mermaid and the marauding marquis of Tortuga" laughing how did that even work... Part fish and human biology aside it was a fun read. Thankfully her taste in trashy novels was not well known.

"Hey I was reading that Vika" covering herself and tying the top half back on, between her scar and the whole invasions of privacy, she mainly sunbathed in the walled and tree lines private garden."vather Surprised by someone more Caribian eh Mali... How does that even vork? And he cut away her bodice with his cutlass divesting her... Wait how she sitting... She a mermaid.

Oh. Dad called. There back in England after their Honeymoon. Seems they extended it and took a rather indirect route back via South America."
Victoria grabbed the book and found the book marked page. It was... Well creative. They had delayed there Honeymoon abit as they both had to tie things up before they left, though she was glad Maria and her dad where finally happy. He looked years younger since they got together. "maybe... Or just your my annoying younger sister. Yep... Check out chapter 5, biology is not the author's strong point. It does not even work that way!

Yep. Mum sent me a message. Dad, reckon we end up that happy... Those two basically are soul mates."
Several happier moments later, they never really meant the insults. Even after the Winter time ball they never heavily argued. Cold but they had little to rely on but each other at times. "Younger and prettier of course. Borrowing that one later. Need a laugh. Hope so, though Maria kissed a few frogs too, she was engaged before too." Borrowing. Or "Borrowing" anyway. "Sure, Vika. Belive it. Rest Don't. Lemme least read that bit... The Navy captain is about to try and capture her to lead him to Davy Jones tressure. Yep.frogs, maybe a princess more accurately about now. And why was there tin of custard and a fish stick box on side last night... "

Monday came along, Neither of them had ever been to a baseball game ans understood about as much about the sport as she knew Arabic. Still could be a fun night, it had a bat, ball and was very American. Then came Victoria's rather fancy new car. The fact a Tominy thing as Victoria was driving a 6 litre sports tourer. Still it was perfect, especially for long distance as built to casually Cross Europe without giving a sign of notice.


Pulling up they took Victoria's car, dropped the top and headed out to Christan it with a trip not round the park. With a loud rumble and a somewhat judder it took off chewing up the city miles and twin turbos wanting to surge forward but constrained by the traffic.

Pulling up in OK time. Luna sports was not too far a trek at least. The rush hour was over and thankfully the Americans had generous parking spaces. Victoria had a snug fit dark wool coat made in London on, jeans, low boots and a warmer top picked up on Saturday that was fun. It was not bad but still not exactly summer. Isosef could head over pretty quick but they doubted they needed it. Too many people, hiding in plain sight and been a while since had an evening out together. Marinalia was dressed a little more distinctly, playful patterned skirt above the knee, some comfy trainers though a white fur coat with polar bear ears on hood for warmth over a Barber T shirt if it got cooler but Alaska made her a little more Sol proof than Vika. It was a decent evening so she doubted it would get too cold. The coat just was fun, warm and quite comfy. Sure some said childish but eh, life was too short to be serious all the time.

Finding there seas, Victoria booked ahead online, players warmed up round a large diamond. Several... Pads and a large net. Oh. No wickets then... Bases? Yeah they said bases. The bat was more like softball but the bowlers speed and warm up reminded her of cricket. A tad boring but Marinalia made a few sacrifices for Victor when when she was younger. The guy was catching light throws with a large glove thing. Granted she knew gak all about the sport but the atmosphere was good, they had cheesy chips and drinks. A few happy photos later uploaded , just to prove to family they had been. The two sisters where not exactly known as sports fans and had mostly come out of curiosity as what was a widely mentioned past time in America.

A small nibble of worry just told Marlin, well something might happen. Things had gone well. Something always happened to one of them!

Talk distracted her, Inky was still launching a reign of terror, the food festival she hered mentioned but no confirmed rumours as to what they where doing at Deadalus there. Investments where... Well one area she was little more shakey. She knew ernough to manage her own inherited from grandmother but that was mostly just managed and kept at low risks. She did not want to make fortunes just a steady, safe reliable income. Turning her thoughts back to Inky, least the airport was miles inland. No Krakens raiding them!

Minor mentions
Direct mentions

I just realized I'm not in the discord chat, would anyone be kind enough to shoot me that link?

Sure. Il fetch my cannon and fire one over into your PM box.

Remember to duck lol :)

Looks good. Get a second GM to approve it, post it up the CS and join in thr party :)
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday. Old starboard pub 1 off on travels

Sol City return and changed times

Marinalia waited for her order and just did some quick maths to work out the ludicrous system of American tipping that required you to pay for food, a tip and sometimes a service charge? Could they not just pay a decent wage and have one price is what you pay?

Really it would make life a fair bit easier. The pie when it eventually came was rather good and the apple was a nice contrast to her other items she ordered. Definitely returning here for the pies, they really where worth the wait. The other oddity across the pond as the locals seemed to phrase it was one doller bills, qauters, American money was always a alittle strange to the European mindset. "keep the change miss, il be back for the pie. Apple definitely best I've had in a while." Leaving a fair tipp, or what she thought was generous of 15-20 dollers. Never hurt to treat the staff well especially when you planned on returning. Tipping had been quite the surprise when she had first landed in the US and taken the connections to get to Achorage.

Leaving with a alittle more spring in her step making sure her skirt not caught up to embariis her. Not that short though showing a nice party tanned bit of upper leg and a slight sing song element to her English accent swinging her hand bag over her shoulder as leaving. Glancing back that guy really was too pretty to be normal. Was he part elf or something? Sir galadriel not galahad. Putting the strange thoughts aside the other woman was too engrossed in her notebook? and the skater was just enjoying a meal. Interesting cross section of people.


Heading out to find her white land rover discovery as unharmed as ever, no annoying popped wipers or such silly pranks. A quick check of the sat nav listed it as busy as ever, long but faster cut loop the park, cut through to the Manor and avoid trying to take the bad junction on corner... Yeah that would work out. Least Ivan knew his traffic even if he gave her the odd bum shift.

The drive there was the usually stop start singing on to the local pop station, it was cheesy, but no one else was in the car so her own carpool karaoke.

Deciding she needed a walk before heading home so found a spot on the road through Corona Park, pretty cheap really and dumped a few of those strange American quarters in the machine. Finding her vintage aviators and wandering into the park to enjoy the sunshine with flight jacket hung over one arm, and a gleam of polished riding boots, though surprisingly comfrey for a pair only recently broken in.

Wandering past a couple holding hands thought the trees, it would be a more fun walk with a certain spicy egg to find a nice tree to sit and cuddle under. Small things became more valuable when you grew up wealthy. Then she heard a few kids shouting gathered round a woman, a guy, couple? Flowers? Definitely chemistry. Being a pilot she had 20/20 or near on. Then it hit home. Had to be. Long red hair, tall, he was hard to forget, especially after there altercations. It was not even like she was pursuing him, losing. She got beat by Siobhan, Marinalia rarely lost well. Anything. She had a hard to get job, licenses, professional, she worked hard in the pool and her horse rides to keep her attractive figure.

Trying to stay out of sight, and walking by she glanced over with a sunglasses glittering in the spring sunlight. It was not even about Joel and wanting to date him, Xia made her very happy and was the bubbly energizer bunny who had broken her out of a fairly deep funk. No she lost. Pride was hurt, the man she was over. The fact was that red headed, blue mini dress flaunting Irish American bitch had won. That was annoying. Did she screw him that night. Might explain it...

Checking her phone as she walked by, a blip just confirmed an amazon delivery was arriving. The picture on the lock screen made her smile, that one on the beach. That was a happy moment, the warm sunlight on her skin and soft sea breeze in her hair. That distracted her from her moment of hurt pride. She was definitely not regretting anything she did regarding Xia, or the memories that made her go a little pink. Practice definitely made perfect... Whatever happened she was gonna stick with her. That holiday and her family decided that one.

Heading onwards, the path would take her back round a short lap of the area, the sound of the laughing kids carried as she walked and meandered slowly back to her 4x4 by a rather indirect route. Hopefully unbothered by the lovebirds and there junior charges.


Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday Morning. Chapter 3 day one. Sushi Restaurant. Free skip

Victoria was a alittle Suprised by the reaction to her old look, though least it was posetive. Not that the rather striking snow white was voluntary though, or her tiny size that made her old photo look more akin to a elfnm if she got a set of pointy ears or a rather attractive snow hobbit. "Now reminds me of happier times, Frozen was not my movie! The kids where cute, but I could never wear pale blue for months." Laughing slightly, while the kids where cute, a few other offers where a tad less cute and more Peper spray worthy. "Zanks, though you the model, I Zhould call you pretty" Mostly joking, Victoria played slightly with her highlights near end of hair, the purples and pinks blending and contrasting into the deep Raven black of a pure night sky. Victoria knew she was attractive in own way. It was nigh impossible to hide, So was forced to embrace her rather different looks.

"Definitely not a Disney romance, vut really do love each other. They both took a rather difficult path. Don,t get a dozen cats just yet. I'm sure voul meet a good egg.

Vou really Don't want to vent my relationship issues, ve be here till the contients reform into one."
party Joking, but also partly true. Victoria just did not know where anything stood. The path month had been turwly crazy and working out the legalities of potentially triple citizenship was worthy of a migraine and 7d chess in one. Though she genuinely thought there was a good egg out there for her, even as her own mind tried to make sense of conflicting emotions, and not go happily vacant as the memory exactly what exactly went on in that bedroom...

She did notice the fans, and the camera flash though a glare from Isosef was keeping them at a safe distence. Victoria gave them a cold glance and just tried to ignore them. "Ves, its very polite ovcourse" Victoria should have tried to ignore it but one too many flashes in the corner of her eye had ernough of holding her thoughts privately. "I'm zorry if I cause you negetive press, trouble seems to like me. But I try to protect my friends." Her Russain tinged accent did make it sound harsh to the over zelous fans, but warmed a fair bit privately, and Victoria was just enjoying another human who not judging her or out to harm her.

Then dropped the bombshell. Babyshell? Well the baby was due to exit for 7-8 months so that was least one blessing. Too much stuff to do. She was responsible for a whole new, shiny... Well messy yet her own child's human life. It was alot to take In, even weeks later after finding out in what was a very bad way. "zankyou, I found out in a rather too public way. Zhough I Don't regret it. I just wish my mum was here to see her spoil her granchild." Victoria was more honest than she wanted to be and damned hornones made it clear the issue was very close to her heart and currently causing a few moments. "Zorry. My emotions are a alittle haywire thanks to the womb dweller" Trying to not leave it on a negetive, she had ernough worries of those and whoever had betrayed her trust so intimately and deeply. One hand subconsciously going to her stomach a second before she tried to not fall into that reflex.

"Vankyou for trusting me. Give me a miniute... Or 5-10!". Digging Into her tardis like hand bag and managing to find a small card saying "Lady de winter coding and security solutions" and a Freeby pen from the hospital writing down a neat personal mobile on the back as the one at front was a redirecting work number that went to her indirectly to protect privacy. "Ze one on back is mine." oh. Shopping, well after the vampires wanted blood, and on a Saturday too no less! Sure she missed one but they work on Saturdays too! Dracula and his brides where highly dedicated it seemed. "Yes. If my sister has her way, my baby definitely will like Disney from before birth, Zhough I want to try and get them into harry potter. She was eyeing up "it's no moon" this morning too. Along side princess Vanellope von Schweetz themed times.

Zorry I'm rambling a little. Definitely find somthing cute, though won't be so little in a few months."
Victoria definitely was finding things a alittle strange and the whole making a new human being thing was really messing with her head, emotions and body. Though distractions for now. The first phase of the Arkady plan would kick in, her sales where up on the maritine encryption systems. Soon dozens would be running it. A very nice earner. The serious stuff could wait for the weekend to end and enjoy some free time.


Youl have to chexk with others but I'm ok for Marlin.

She flies both fixed wing or Helicopters so she could have dropped him off either way in a emergency despite being a flight instructor. Though she only worked for deadalus for like 6 months so it been more recently.
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