Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>


Never thought about it like that.

I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it's very safe to say there s a fair few rules on that list and the whole control of having children and marriages that the Bible would contradict without someone guiding the teachings in order to reinforce there dogma.

The Bible says husband's must obey wives etc but I do remember in encourages children, and such that would conflict wot there controls unless guided round and propogandairsed.

Why do you think they set a certain version of the Bible?

It's the one that most agrees.
Not the one that would conflict.
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

The thing that get's me is "don't read your Bible - too much..." and "We don't celebrate Christmas."

Maybe there's a reason behind it, but all of the Churches and Christians that I have ever met are overjoyed for Christmas and are hardly ever seen without and/or reading their Bible.

Just kinda puzzles me.

Simples it be.

Control. Pure control.
They want people to read and interpret it as they see and they see only.

If they left people to peruse it endlessly unsupervised they likely find many loop holes in there practices, especially regarding potentially marriages and other areas.

The cult is only as strong as it's control of the weakest members.

The basis of propoganda is information control and manipulation.
That's a seriously creepy cult.

Behaviour control.
Limited access to outside media etc.
Control of finances and travel etc.
Community self enforcing to deny escape.
Even there own insurance etc to deny outside influences.

There's creepy. Then there's really creepy then there's wesbro come Scientology creepy cross breeds.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

After the hug Victoria made a short twirl, well as much as she could with her balance in the Sol Bucks selfie mirror, she had it slightly modified in England but mostly just to best fit her rather petite frame. Vintage style prices where often closer to her size anyway. "Thank you, it was too cute not to buy. Il send you the boutiques website if you want." Victoria was a little concerned by her answer regarding issues, the phone call and reactions made her a little... Not sure what was up. Maybe it was just screwy hormones making her emotions and reactions a little... Variable. "Ok, well, fun and food definitely sounds an excellent answer, may need a hand with crowds if it gets too busy..."

Victoria definitely was not a morning person, especially without her usually raise the dead, necromantic grade coffee that present events meant she was unable to enjoy. Decaf just was not the same, and herbal teas where a crutch for her normal ever present coffee mug when working. Still not the same, never, nope. Caffeine was special... Only...a rather long time. "useless in mornings. Working for myself helps, let's find something before all the good stuff gone." Quietly, Isosef kept a distance back that would not be too close and the women had their privacy, he was just making sure. Right now they were just being paranoid but it was better to be paranoid than caught short. Plus Victoria condition was such, her safety was not the only one out there and at potential risk. Too many unknowns, better off being too careful.

Isosef just felt something was about, sometimes you had a sixth sense and the Russian had long honed it to stay alive. Something about the place made his sense...blip. this place was an ideal cover for any number of things. So busy you would never know until anyone virtually screamed it. Hiding in plain sight was the greatest place to hide. Not even the best police officer could follow someone and keep track of their actions, bump passes, or any other trick old as man in subterfuge and espionage. Maybe he was paranoid. But he was alive.

Victoria looked out for a food cart and finding one that sold what she thought would cheer up Manami, good old fashioned simple yet filling, and deliciously delectable fast food. Her stomach was a little delicate and chicken was one of those foods that was simple yet so nice done properly. While waiting for wings, Manami raised a few interesting points... Friend. Yes that was a cover. Her eyes and voice gave it away
"let's grab some good old-fashioned guilty pleasure food, and talk. That's a difficult one. Umm, my experiences are very different. So, feel free to take or ignore it. My family is... Unconventional... Dad was away a lot too.

Hey, can I have some wings, mild sauce, no Indian spices though, and can the chicken be well done with a side of cheesy chips, and mayo... Some days need junk food. She's on my tab. I had an urge for delicious junk food with extra American on the side"
Victoria finished her order, with a hybrid accent of Russian and English, the petite yet alabaster skinned raven heisted lady leaning an ornate cane with a sol bucks in a red 40's ladies trench coat. Some days really needed junk food, plus there was plenty of chances to try little bites, pastries and so on top of anything caught her eye. Victoria just was suddenly starving yet also delicate. Life was very confusing.

Smiling at the range in delicious smells, sauces and the constant sound of quiet sizzling chicken, freshly made each batch with care. Definitely a. Good choice watching them as they made the complicated steps seem like it was an effortless routine.

Finding a table and sitting down, Victoria used a little guilt at leaving someone a little frail standing to her advantage q tiny fraction, savoring her meal before turning back,for some reason, she wanted to help. Unknown reason, she was a friend, still something was pushing her to help. Partly distracted by delicious wings she turned to Manami. That sounds...complicated... Money and family is rather...toxic.

I... It's definitely difficult... How much does your friend want it? Everyone deserves their own life though, even if it might cost. Nothing comes entirely free but it's there life, not their parents to control. If you ever need to talk or hide for abit, just let me know.

Umm, my family was, is a little turbulent so my view might be.. distorted. I'm just... Feeling a few things a little, so please excuse me emotions being haywire.

What your friend wants to do? On happier news...you have to try these wings! Best I ever tasted..."

Victoria did her best to avoid a few issues, some things just made her emotions go rather much into a chaotic tail spin especially now. Victoria did not mention her mum and she tried to avoid a few other details. She did not want to scare Manami away revealing her family's more dubious aspects.

@Tyler Night@Pyxis@Allycat

Marinalia waited for her friend, though Athena was busy getting her signed poster. When he looked her way and smirked she did her best to ignore him sipping on an overly priced rather sweet coffee she was known for. Somehow they always came across each other, admitly this time she follows Athena because she wanted a poster and Apollo was a bit of racing nerd, it was near the coffee place which was her goal anyway. She needed her Caffeine and sugar perk to keep going and perky on her feet today. Even in the comfy boots. She really felt for the girls up front in heels and having to face the public so more extensively.

Absently minded watching the racing video, she really managed to miss most of that when was there. Her Jamician adventure had taken very different lines and routes. Instead of racing tracks it was a little more local and more hidden part of the country. Granted the views where pretty but she really found flying more fun than racing. Athena was up front, success. Her brother was much younger, more a fluke than planned but she took her big sister duties seriously. "Nathen, or Nate. Depending on how much he annoys me. Thank You. I'm Athena, you been by the cargo office a few times I recall. Ever need a guide. Your rather handsome so I definitely don't mind helping you...

Thankyou for the poster. She never talks about that much, Il have to push her abit"
Marinalia just watched her friend, she was not quite as much of a flirt mostly because she saw the redhead sauntering over thanks to Marlins hand sign to wave off as she saw the redhead approach. "meant to be on my side Athena! Oh, I believe it was totaled up as a draw oh fastest son of Sol. Try flying dear Joel not of mine. It might make You see how much more free and exhilarating it is defy gravity and and not just understeer. Oh... I forgot Grampa Max asked me to pass on, he acquired what you needed...whatever it is if I saw you.

Good afternoon Siobhan. Hope you enjoyed your adventures in the Caribbean, the Blue mountains where rather beautiful. Despite the small upsets, your painting was rather nice and reminds me of the family house and grounds. "
Athena was a little surprised and made a small drat when she saw Siobhan approach and marlins verbal que, a little dangerous to flirt with girlfriend right there. Taking the had, well she was confident."Sharon Agathon, or Athena to these folks, I'm good Thankyou Siobhan, making my little brother happy. That's Lee, or Apollo by the car, our pet racing nerd, and you seem to know Valkyrie whom you have... Past experiences... I worked with her till she got on the new 100J heavy transport...lucky so and so.

We better get a move on soon, the old man probably wondering, we cannot buy dad a few drinks tonight and call it even Lee."
Lee who had remained quiet, more enjoying seeing the set up, the professional pit kit and more, Marinalia definitely was one who cars where a means to A to B not almost like a ship, each one unique machine with unique quirks. Knowing what he did from her upbringing though, she never had the satisfaction from earning your car and your freedom."Nice flat 6 racer you have here, though always preferred the Italian or British racers. Germans, great engineers, just needs more soul and passion to there designs. Swedes are just flat out crazy folk though.

Probably, and no, old man's out with Roslin tonight, so I need to be on time back. Grab a coffee on the way, that Il soften him up."
Athena could not pass up one operturnity to rock the boat and the pretty Asian Pilot leaned on her toes before thanking him for the poster with a kiss on the cheek and a flirty smile. "Thankyou, let me know if you need a guide or wanna learn, I'd happily volunteer." Just because Marlin was not interested did not mean she was not perfectly willing to least leave a little memory behind and a friendly offer. "Were gonna be late, and he never noticed flirting, you need to be metal with tyres" Talking as they were leaving, it might of carried bit it was nothing that was a lie. Well maybe if you worse q short dress and had some romantic tryst on top of city hall...maybe he might of noticed.

Heading back to the Deadalus tent, lines where busy as ever for the simulators, the aviation nerds where loving models of planes through the ages they flew and the old posters. The uniform had not changes as much though, modernised but the more fitted female uniforms contrasted against there rivals more genderless offerings of late.



Looks like everything is there and all the ducks are in a neat row, I gave it a look while drinking my morning cup of tea.

Just need a second one and your ready to join the great Sol adventure.

You know what? I think Joseph has kind of faded away into obscurity, but I might just join this again with a new character, who'll hopefully have an easier time sticking around.

The cardboard suit will not be forgotten though :)
I will check what I've missed so far soon.

Not too much. No more than one page max I think. Your fairly up to date.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Victoria had quickly said yes, admittedly she was a little dressed up but she had to visit Dira that morning and drop the documents off at the UK consulate, citizenship was really annoying to deal with. Much as she was jumping the gun a little, she did not want to be having to run about making sure things were ok when she felt like a lost land whale, or give anyone any chance of using tricks or leverage against her as much possible.

Arriving at Corona Park, she could not get to the house for now as too busy so pulled the dark purple Bentley into a slot with a go or two, not fully used to the larger car, that and an auto. It was easier but it felt like her foot should be doing something... It felt too much like a video game go and stop button almost. Pulling a coat off the back seat, her handbag out the foot well and checking hair and make up before heading out in the mirror, though mostly just enough to make her paler skin seem vaguely healthy looking and less bride of Dracula. The coat was a cute spur of moment buy in London though she did have to have it altered a little to fit properly and it contrasted nicely with her Raven black hair, though her highlights where fading a little.

Letting Isosef keep an eye from afar, anyway, who would easily recognize her here... Too many people... hopefully. Dressed in jeans, comfortable dark boots and a simple striped t- shirt on underneath for comfort with her small Edwardian era ruby short necklace visible under the coat glittering in the sunlight even though it was still a cooler spring day.

Giving Manami a careful hug greeting her, not to spill coffee on them and her nice dry clean only coat, plus she was feeling a little more tender recently having texted ahead for a decaf with pumpkin spice and cream. Oh how she missed Caffeine. "Hey, made it, sorry traffic sucks worse than Central London today. You look nice today, nerdy suits you Manami.

You wanna talk? sounded like a bad morning? Or just grab something to eat?Though can we avoid Indian, ummm. You know.. mornings... Any food you like. Not short on choice?, Or I only live just off Corona Park?"
Victoria was concerned about her somewhat friend, the message was a little out of the blue and a surprise but she just rolled with the changes. She was a little nervous not wanting to tread on any toes and upset her any more.

Victoria tried to keep things light, sipping coffee with her coat belted up neatly to keep snug and going carefully in the crowds with the rather decorative blue cane for balance. "I prefer my car, too orange... I'm more subtle at times. Umbrella... Those uncaffeinated really do seem zombie like... People have a point. Someone was trying to push the pull door for a minute before noticing." Passing the large Rebellion tent on way to the more food side, a rather large German was shouting about, and making a big show round the bright orange automobile next to another one. "Член мариновании A marinated d#$%". Swearing a little too fluently, her dad was a sailor. She did not quite enjoy the Chef's TV show, it was ok, but carnage got old eventually, it just was cruel and he had absorbed a fair bit to span Europe, though not really UK or East of Berlin. The Deadalus tend was busy, between the swag and the simulators young and old seemed to be getting involved with a mix of staff in everything from hoodies to full uniforms with a pretty air hostess or two giving the Rebellion girls a competitive look, especially with the Umbrella PR team going all out too. Marlins feet where probably gonna be killing after today stood up for hours, easily spotting the long Blonde hair, uniform and surprising aspect of her, she was pretty good with kids, noted by the one she was helping with a little captains hat.

Marilania was enjoying her day though it was not exactly how she planned to spend hours of her Saturday working on a day she off shift. Teaching flying at this event was easy...heck they did not need them just someone who could fly. But it was compentove so they had ...just had to have the real deal.
"Valkyrie, you want any coffee? Old man's here and needs to be made more PR friendly?. May need help, you owe us a round anyway" Marinalia shook her head and followed, her urge to curse him was tempered by kids, plus she really wanted coffee. "Fine Apollo, get Athena to help too, especially if we getting for the girls up front. Glad I'm only working on this part" Much as it was fun, they were busy with a capital B and more. Free stuff, or just distrust of anything Umbrella? Rebellion had some cars on show... It looked orange, sleek and shiny. The paint job was pretty garish though. "That's the spirit, Hey Athena, supply run, Boomer can cover and keep Growler distracted. Always loved Rebellion, best race cars this yea..." Marinalia gave a small face palm, course she forgot Apollo was a part time racing nerd, the urge to drive fast was fun by nothing on flying. "you volunteered me. Spirit yeah. Prefer flying, fine...fine we can walk by. But you know how well me and anything related to a certain person goes...badly!"

Her thoughts wandering back, she hoped not to bump into the redish, pink haired lady. Her crewmates would definitely tease her over that one. She had totally jolted like a deer in headlights for a second and it was clear the taller woman was flirting. She just hoped no one got the wrong end of the stick, it was not planned or intended! Granted she was pretty with an excellent figure, but Xia had already managed to stake her claim and somehow crazy worked for them.

Jolted back once the coffee run was done, they where stood near the rebellion area, Marlin had her traditional sugar overload wafting it's scent out, soon she got dragged over to check out the competition. Apollo was casual but his racing nerd was pulled along, hoodie with flight instructor and his call sign on while Marinalia had her full uniform with stripes and badges and Athena had a company light jacket pulled over a blouse and trousers. "Porsche... Racing spec . Nice flat 6, great power to weight ratio for size, really reliable with racing trim, upgraded carbon fibre braking and more, bet this one eats tarmac like you do pure diabetes coffee. Wonder if they installed energy collection and used fly by wire for faster responses than linkages" Marinalia rolled her eyes at the car comments, they got you from A to B, helps if they looked pretty but the tech specs where lost on her. "so ...it goes fast. Still a car...Fly by wire is great, harder to feel the aircraft though. You call me a nerd? Its ... Hey, my coffee is energising. Come on Athena, back me up. Sol Bank might have some cool stuff to bid on" The other female pilot gave a laugh as they had their moment. Marlin was a swim nerd and loved flying, he loved anything fast, really they were the same. Sports nerds who loved going quickly and being free. "Valkyrie, you nerd out at the swim challenge on Ninja warrior so ... Yes, still I felt buzz like 5 hours later... Oh, it's the cute racing driver you knew, while you gush about a flat Vs V, or try to blend in dressed like you walked off VIP duty. He saw you already. Toodles

Do you mind signing something for me, just to make my racing nerd collique jealous and my little brother love me forever? He loves go kart racing and now has your number on his. Hope you don't mind, you got a well meaning copycat"
Athena headed over, leaving a Marlin and Apollo by the car both working if there more normally quiet friend insulted them both or was just different out of work. Meanwhile Marlins sweet coffee scent drifted mixed in with smells of freshly polished cars and the mix of coffee and people.

All happening while the Asian Brunette tried her best to be the best sister ever, at least for a week.

Indirect mentions
@Pyxis@King Tai
Hit reply too soon. So here are the tags.

@King Tai@Almalthia@KillBox

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Marinalia enjoyed the baseball game surprisingly though the company did help, Xia she was just glad to have some time with after a busy day, and a few busy days coming up meant that a little time to relax with family, a rather attractive girlfriend and some nice passing people they seemed to know. All in all it was a good way to spend a Monday evening that probably would have been netflix and a long bubble bath to relax. Not that that was bad, a good soak never hurt, especially for her sometimes aching feet after a long traffic jam on the gears and clutch all the way. She thought she saw a flash of familiar Red hair leaving but was too distracted by her girlfriend and sisters conversation to fully track. Isosef kept an eye though if any trouble, it was paranoid but he knew how to blend in and not crowd the women.

The rest of the week was pretty normal, flights into Canada was like flying into the US only with more paperwork to fill out and sometimes they spoke french more than English depending where you ended up. Either way it was ... Without any real problems and the views of the northern expanses of wilderness certainly where spectacular from cruising height on a clear day. Taking her free morning, a few km several mornings that week had her least feeling slightly better if her resolve failed at the food festival. Not that the fact she could sneak the odd kiss from a certain someone on the way in or out occasionally enjoyed. Much as she as not clingy, part of her just enjoyed having someone, it had been a while.

Friday swung round and saw the two sisters getting their nails done with pumpkin spice lattes and a late breakfast from a nearby diner of pancakes. The Festival was partly set up and they could watch from their home the growing construction site that was the food festival, trucks, heavy haulers and vans of all types had descended and unloaded what seemed like a small town of booths, large tents and structures bearing large flags and logos of sponsors with another larger stage like area being built with the help of a small crane and rather busy crews visible in there high vis. Nails where not strictly needed but if she was on show, she would look good doing it...

By the time the morning came round too quickly. Dressed in her full formal uniform, skirt, fitted jacket complete with 4 gold stripes as a full captain, gold wings, and all the trimmings including her cap. Rarely worn normally complete with gold leaves and airline logo. She really had gone all out as peaking below her uniform was the gold chain and gleaming ice blue diamond necklace from her grandmother and name badge in gold text with wings, "Instructor - Captain - Marinalia Romus Oylmpus". Despite being being 5'5 it did make you feel 6 feet tall. Guess it was kinda the point. Only her day could not go entirely easy as she queued up for a coffee, hand bag digging in for her cash card, dropping her hat while she was at it.

Leaning down she had the misfortune to bump a taller, rather attractive lady with her bum as she leant down to pick it backup and brush her leg somewhat, she really did not want to be flirting, she was quite happy as she was. Taller, rather well toned with pinkish red hair... The smile she gave really did not help her case. Nervous smile... sHe helping pick up with slate grey eyes meeting green"Umm. Sorry. Dropped my hat, don't normally bother with thing, excuse me. I got to get to the Festival, Thanks for helping The rather short yellow sundress, wide hat and simple white cardigan, it all worked especially showing quite a bit of skin... Very toned Skin she rather much brushed against in a rather nicely fitted pilots uniform and skirt that was... Well it did not hide her athletic figure under the 4 gold barred uniform.

At the Sol Bucks near the Cornea Park, she was sure she has seen her before, rather hard to miss. Her English accent was cheerful, though had a chime like nature recently thanks to things going well again. Marinalia quickly ordered a pumpkin spice latte and got to the food festival. Much as she was confident, flirting with random people was a little out of her comfort zone off the bat. She preferred to get to know people first, warm flirting not basically cold calling. Especially when she really did not want to give wrong idea, she did not need two girlfriends...

Heading out to the festival and the Deadalus area sipping an overpriced but rather nice Sol Bucks Coffee. The simulators and so where all set up, freebies stockpiled, models all mounted and glemaing just had to wait for the visitors. She already had put one of the hoodies aside, daedalus did not have as many today and they were really comfy...so very comfy. She was yet to manage to steal one off Xia, yet... Yes...she was a hoodie acquirer...

Savouring the Caffeine, they were going to be busy, especially when people reached the various corporate hospitality. Rebellion was nearby, though they still had something... Whatever it was hidden. The red and white logo of Umbrella was clear too, Caffeine addiction studies. Well everyone had heard the rumours and myths what had gone at a few of there facilities...who knew the real answer...

Least she was only a short walk from home, she could practically see the white Parisian mansion from where on the edge of Corona park. Park view...well it name made sense, strange thoughts while the white tips of her french nails linked to a hand holding onto a pumpkin spice lattes like it was the holy grail. Apollo might be here at least, perhaps boomer. The old man was unlikely. Hopefully Athena. She was fun! Ok she felt a alittle over dressed but hey, people came to see the airline at its best. Some where more casual but her confidence felt better in her full uniform and gleaming gold stripes, wings and cap with wreaths and badges. It...was her..but more. It was a outward layer of protection.


Victoria had excused herself at the end of the baseball game getting a lift back, though she made sure to give Xia the hug she missed, and extra. Victoria was a tad more emotional these days, damn hormones... Up and down like a yo yo. Getting an early night she barely had a shower and dried off her hair before curling up in her overly large bed and sleeping rather soundly cocooned under and in a squishy quilt. If Marlin refined she did not know,

Remembering her chef passing acquaintance, she had bid him a good evening and promised to take him up on the offer one night. She would ring up in a few days once things settled down and she knew what her schedule was like and Marlin was not busy doing later evenings home after heading north each Lunch time once the cargo's where fully loaded up, checked and signed off. "Hi, it's Victoria, we gonna be having Marlins Grandfather over soon, and your food is lovely. can you get us a table for 5 aporox, though it may be short notice, not sure when exactly when over. If your snob boss argues, just get him to Google Maxamillion Olympus. He will make us room. We can make sure to tip well if it helps!"

The first thing she did notice though was rather not so welcome when she found herself wanting to throw up, or feel close. Urgh... One slightly slower later in the morning later and a long shower she made her way down to starting to really realize what kinda ride she got herself into...that thought was broken by a sudden rush to the bathroom. It was meant to mornings.... Sigh...it was still late morning. Maybe it would respect its name and give her rest of day...please. well this part sucked...or spewed to be exact.

The other news only made her soul sick. Urgh. She did not want to believe what was laid out across the large office desk. Only a few names on a list. Only one of those was the most likely suspect but part of her did not want to believe the tear soaked script listing "Ethen" at the top and reasons that could only combine... She did not want to believe that... She was not expecting a fairy tale, or even that it was guaranteed a wedding or princess getting kissed by the prince. However such an intimate betrayal was damaging down to her soul. It just hurt... She wanted to believe it was not real but too many facts that added up... Hitting her desk with frustration, that hurt but right now, everything did...

Calling Isosef, she did not feel at all safe to drive in this mood, a walk was needed but she wanted some peace and quiet so grabbed her coat, boots and bag and soon found herself sitting overlooking the city in the Atlas mountains where least she would not be bothered....and away from... The list... Torn what do even do... Publicly nothing, maybe even seem happy... Privately... Different. "I know things been... Busy. Very busy. citizenships are stupidly complicated. But we need to talk. Did you tell anyone?. Because someone betrayed that video. Only we fucking knew exactly. And told very very few... In private. I do not want press...I just want to live without that bullshit, have a healthy baby and keep any child out the fucking vulturous craven, scavenging scum! They cost me one job already. vkia" Victoria did not know what she wanted to say, exactly what she wanted? What exactly did she want to get out of this?

It had taken several weeks of research by two clever people at least just to get close and a rough but fairly straight suspected answer. They had hidden their tracks very well around a month or more to unravel them. Exactly who was...unknown. a lot of unknowns. Urgh... Her mess was of an epic sized shit hitting a very large fan while it was on fire in a hurricane.

One quick run to the shops to pick up a few items she had on order that were not available in her size and a spin by to drop some documents off at the British consulate office in the city, it was getting round to her feeling a little hungry. Agreeing with Isosef who was a little bit of a passenger seat driver though being paid to look after her. She still was paying him so... A little awkward mix especially when your protectee insists on driving, thankfully it was a safe...ish city. Slowly in the traffic the Dark purple Bentley rumbled along though the metropolis.

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