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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor -

Taco Tuesday

Marinalia had spent many hours sorting out what Xia would need, lawyers, Doctors, nurses, police and taken up a good chunk of her weekend with the large plate her mum had handed her though. Determined to do right by her girlfriend and also her mum had been difficult but a sense of pride sorting things out. It was a lot of juggling but she had not dropped the ball.

Getting in contact with Paige was the easy part, getting actions and real life results would be a lot harder, even with her lawyers paving the road ahead smoother regarding some other aspects.

Luckily she already had the week off booked but her plans for the holiday had definitely changed a fair bit. An original idea to perhaps try and convince her girlfriend into a horse riding lesson at Atlas Mountains newbie trail. Rather gentle compared to her normal route but she hoped to lure her into further adventures. Lazy mornings, lunches, little dates, just the stuff they had missed from the holiday im the busy Sol City rush.

Tuesday had brought a little tired but rather happy Marlin as Xia was released into her care and had managed to at least move her basic essentials to the Manor from her apartment, or at least what was left and Carlo had been able to replace alongside Marlin. It was not perfect but she had done her best to make good from a rather bad job. Proper food, a comfy bed and alot more privacy at home. Walking out, she gently wrapped an arm around her girlfriend as they walked out, she had a long road to recover fully but was going to help her along it.


Offering a helping hand down from the Land rover if she needed it parked up on the drive, heavy gates locked behind, and all the alarms, cameras and flood lights had been set to cover as much as possible. Finally home, well part of her however much the situation hoped that it became home home... That overly forward part had been particularly active recently having been forced to realise what she might have lost. The rather scary amount of medicines and appointments still attested to that coming up over next few months. "Home Xia, Finally, traffic was a pain, you ok to get down?

I know this week has not exactly gone as planned but hey, il try to make the best of it. I still have you, so I'm already not doing too bad. "
However worried she was determined to least try and make the best of it, it just was too hard to be close to the Caribbean woman and not pick up some of her infectious drive and personality. "Key, you want to do the honours?" Handing her own Key to the front door, it was a tiny thing but important. This was her home now, she might be in Marlins care as such, but some things were just important to do properly regardless.

Leaving things open, if Xia wanted to go out if she felt up to it that was fine, if she just wanted to chill in the garden or curl up for a nap that was perfectly fine. Victoria had visited the hospital too, though her experiences made her dislike the buildings on principle to check up. It seemed Xia was kind of part of the family in a sense, Marlin was rather protective of her girlfriend right now.

Xias mum, that was one meeting a marlin was a little nervous about, had she done enough? Had she done things correctly? Much as she liked the woman, this was her daughter she was looking after! Grown up or not, parents tended to be protective. What if she met Maria? Marlin could only imagine what the two would be like together.

@King Tai
Local government. They always find work even if I'm stuck at home!
Morning to Evening

FREE SKIP - Morning to Evening - Warm & Partly Cloudy

Taco Tuesday

Welcome to your favorite Tuesday, Taco Tuesday, the finest way to enjoy alliterated food since Sunday Salsa Night and the not so popular Thyme to cook Thursdays.

In a major city of culture announcement and in cooperation with many of our local chains, enjoy 50% off Tacos today, and discounts on Mexican food and restaurants one day only so make it count!

If you find yourself over-indulging, remember to visit the Iron Sanctuary, aka, the Glorious House of Gainz inside Luna Sports Facility and work off those calories alongside some of its more muscle bound, protein shake fueled, regular patrons. If your after something less strenuous, Luna Sports also hosts many lighter classes from Fencing to Yoga and many other options.

As always. Any questions or help required feel free to contact us in thread, PM or Discord.


SOL source of News since 1895

News and Events


Japanese Investment Group nearing deal on Future Stadium Construction

Yokohama based Investment group, Stonebridge Holdings, is nearing an agreement with City Hall and Sol City property owners on future development of The Run and Light Lane in the City's northwestern core. Representatives from Union Pacific have also been in talks with city planners on the proposed site regarding the railway giant’s northern yard in Sol and the effects on traffic along the railway’s properties in the proposed site of the new sports stadium. With all of these major players in place, as well as visiting representatives from Major League Baseball as well as the NBA, the sale and acquisition could likely go down as the most lucrative in Sol City history.

However not all residents are happy. It’s been no secret for a long time, there remains a great deal of contention among locals about “losing” the Run and Light Lane to restructuring, though the deal and future addition of at least one more major sports team to the city would be nothing short of an economic bonanza for Sol. City Hall contends that planning will still be able to incorporate the “best of” the Run and Light Lane into the future designs, though it’s also no secret the Mayor’s Office as well as many members of City Council would love to end their respective terms with a historic deal for the city’s future despite the paving away of much of “Old Sol” to antiquity.

Likewise, Stonebridge finds itself in a unique position to gain an important foothold in their United States expansion. While no stranger to overseas imports, the Japanese firm’s move into downtown represents a major investment in Sol. There is still no word on a lease partner for naming of the future complex, but Starbank and Millenium are the most logical contenders for naming the facility. Millenium Stadium certainly has a pleasant ring to it. We will continue following this story closely as it appears to be rapidly materializing.

William Hemmer
Business Editor
Star Messenger

Pineapple Pizza Sparks Mass Brawl

Italian family visiting America sparked a mass brawl after a disagreement over pineapple as a pizza topping and which base is traditional.

In an interesting news item, a visiting Italian family of plumbers started a mini-riot over Pizza. Those arrested included Mario Calzoni, Peach Calzoni his spouse, brothers Luigi, Wario and Michael along with respective spouses Daisey, Bowesette and Jane Calzoni. The dispute escalated over a Pizza order at Toad's Pizzeria on Blue Shell road around 9:30 PM. This soon escalated and manager Alesandro Gomba the 3rd attempted to intervene but only sparked further discord and dispute.

We were unable to get a quote as the Calzoni family were held and fined for the event by a judge the following afternoon. They were deported by Warp Pipe Airlines the evening with the judge giving a stern warning about violence however much the Pizza was deemed culturally offensive. "Whilst I acknowledge the aggravation, the behavior was unacceptable for civilized, grown adults, as your first offence you shall be deported and fined... Life is not a video game. There are consequences."

Though we could get no answer from the Calzoni family or what sparked such an aggressive response, Gomba the 3rd gave us a short meeting while serving up a delicious breakfast pizza."It was madness, the flowers ended up on fire and several pizzas ended up on the ceiling tiles, luckily there were no major injuries or damage and we managed to reopen after a tidy up and sending my son up a ladder to remove the various pizza based projectiles-Now. Would you like that deep pan, stuffed crust or thin n crispy? "

Stuffed crust thankyou, Mr. Gomba if I do say so myself. Pineapple on Pizza, tweet us to let us know your thoughts and opinions on favorite pizzas on our official poll.

Cassnandra Gelatino
Local News and Events
Star Messenger


Spring has Sprung in Sol City! Look for a classic early spring day as a high pressure system settles in. Enjoy the day as temps rise quickly from sunrise and settle in under an evening blanket of passing clouds.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.
24 Hour Time Skip Warning


Consider what your characters have been doing for the last couple of days. Who you have interacted with and the choices you have made will start having more effects throughout the game.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
24 Hour Time Skip Warning


Consider what your characters have been doing for the last couple of days. Who you have interacted with and the choices you have made will start having more effects throughout the game.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Hephaestus Manor 3rd floor & Sol City Hospital

Night time Nargles

Victoria had a strange sensation, her legs elongated and merged into one muscular form that curled around her protectively and the warm quilt curled up with her into a warm bubble of softness. It was rather enjoyable once you accepted the strange feelings coming from her lower body. It certainly would save money on shoes. Feeling a gentle kiss she smiled and moved further into the warmth that was very comforting and rather reassuring. "Nice... Warm.. Sleepy '' Mumbling to self in her sleep Victoria was peacefully in a deep sleep.

Too tired to fully notice, blinking awake from the rather strange dream, yep two legs, 10 toes and two small feet... Wait. Something felt different and blinked to focus noticing no pressure warmth round her shoulders. "Ry... Ryan? You're warm... Ryan? You in the living room?" Rolling over to the other side of the bed was empty and reaching out she felt it was cool and empty. Where was he? Rolling back over she looked to her side table for the time, was it breakfast already? It was still dark though?

Not bothering to cover self as it was rather dark and you barely could see much , Victoria sat up and saw something next to her phone. Confused and turning on the lamp to see a note. Reading it, her emotions ranged widely and ended up confused. Why as his actions, the note and the kiss all seemed to be rather in conflict? What on earth was going on? Urgh... Too much... Deciding it was way too much to be dealing with at horrible Am in the morning. Dimming phone to a minimal light and sending a short response. "Stay safe. Sleep well. Am i that scary without makeup or was it the scales? lol? Strange dreams.

Hitting send, it was as much as she could think to send. Her desire to get answers was asleep, she could think of more complicated things when the sun was up and lied down making herself warm under the covers again closing her eyes and hoping to get some more sleep, minus strange dreams of being part snake. Hopefully Manami was alright and Paige got her, she definitely did not want to see her friend hurt or treated like whoever might be bothering her. Hopefully Marlin and Xia where, hopefully she was awake at least.

@Infinite Cosmos

Marinalia was tired, emotional and running on caffeine but she had stuff together and organized however not sure how she was managing it or operating on a level of being able to deal with a crisis or disaster.

Her hand remained in Xias regardless and she was not letting go, part of her was scared if she let go she might vanish or silly such thoughts running through her head. It was a source of comfort and she was drawing a strong well of strength from her girlfriend. It was rather difficult for her to see such a strong woman, so bubbly, bright and energizing laid so low and hurt. Even in the short time together she got used to her contagious energy.

Ok, her list was rather order like but right now she had a large list running through her head to deal with, several of those where ASAP and she did not have ownership of the property so her ability to deal with the keys issue. Tiredness showed despite her drive to do what was needed. "Sorry, just I'm not living there. I can only do so much. Please help me sort this stuff out. Between us, we only people she got right now. They know where she lives and has her keys... At least get the locks done, the place is wide open right now.

My favourite assholes in future English wifey inlaw then? Bit of a mouthful though. Just find the hair stuff then, il sort out the female stuff etc?. I'm sounding like my dad... Better not. If this was Maria. Nope!"
Laughing along with Xia's comments she offered a small gesture to try and give and take a little with a more relaxed posture and accent now that Xia was responding, awake even though she was high as a kite.

Marlin had to smile at the comment, hungry that was a good sign at least, that or she had munchies... Did morphine give munchies, she barely remembered her experiences with the rather potent drug, the pain and many other things where a large blur in her mind. It all was rather fuzzy. Thinking of food... She should get something to eat to keep up her energy levels, or least sugar and caffeine high. Giving a gentle kiss and letting go of her hand, that was harder than it should seem ever possible "Just need a pick me up, be back soon Xia, I had promised to not get in their way to stay with you.

Umm Nurse, she been awake for a little bit, Please let me know if anything I can do to help."

Returning later with a pasta snack pot and some drunken doughnuts, it was hardly good for her uniform but tonight was an exception. The Nurses were finishing up and Marlin a little more refreshed and now with some food ate one handedly holding her hand as Nurses worked for reassurance earning a few quiet comments and a smile from the nurse on duty desk. "love you too Spicy egg.

Police lady I left a message, il do again in morning to make sure. I trust her to come through."
However high, those words made Marlin smile and squeezed her hand appreciatively. Home, her mum had basically given her carte blanche to do whatever necessary to look after her while she was unable to get there. That was both scary and also showed that she obviously had made a very good impression when they met in Jamaica. "Home... The Manor. Your mum called and asked me to look after you. Might be a while so it's your home too. Carlo, Security there is way tighter, guest room for her mum and someone usally there to keep a eye and help. Practical, it's nothing personal.

Not sure, depends on how doc thinks you're doing. At earliest if doc signs off on everything? it's not gonna be till tomorrow... Umm today? afternoon or even a few days if they want to observe you. It's a fair while past midnight. You were out for hours... I was so scared.``
Remaining calm with a little of her clipped accent and steady clear tone ever so present in her job failed rather rapidly and emotions just took over revealing how much she had been scared by the whole event and waiting. Part of her wanted to make the arrangement permanent, it was nice having someone to come back to night.

The phone call had surprised her, while nurses had worked Xias mum had transferred her to look after Xia legally and do whatever it took. While she had made a good impression the fact she had trusted her daughters health and wellbeing to her after some 3 months had rendered her a bit speechless for a while until verbally prodded back to reality. Regaining her composure a little to continue, and putting a little pressure on her hand just glad to feel it back. "you're stuck with me, I've already faced down an angry Carlo, not sure if he hates me for it or likes me for it... Your mum's making plans to come, I offered her the guest room, it was the least I could do all considered... Plus she was rather nice to me.

You just get better so one day you can add another surname to my stupidly long name tag?"
Joking with the last one, Captain Marinalia Romus-Olympus Alexander... Yeah. That would be mouthful. Do name tags and ID come with 2-3 lines? Sure that comment might raise a few eyebrows but she already was down as"Future English wifey" as a phone contact, what was the harm in it? Plus it might get her mind off being in hospital a little, hopefully good drug induced thoughts than flashbacks maybe.

@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Hephaestus Manor 3rd floor

Night time Nargles

Victoria was too worried to notice Ryan's issues having several of her own weighing on her mind heavily. Between her own, family and friends issues she had enough to distract her from noticing Ryan was also grappling with something back and forth. He seemed to take her habits rather well unless it was just being polite and hiding what he truly thought?

Victoria insisted on closing the curtains herself, however unsteady she was and one handed she valued and treasured her independence. It was more a matter of proving to herself she could do it, Victoria had felt helpless before and that was her worst nightmare. "I got this. Relax." Gentle but insistent about it, she wanted to manage it however much help. Would have been practical or easier especially using one hand. "your a guest. OK, feel free if you need to, especially if you're making breakfast. Kitchen, well you might have to make do abit." He did offer, their kitchen was... Not the best stocked or equipped but neither of the Sisters where the best cooks out there, healthy cooks but not the same standard as Ryan would consider food.

Shortly after sliding under the quilt with a little help and it had been a long while since someone tucked her in, it was nice. Giving a smile while he seemed to frown at his phone, something was important but tonight really was not. The time to ask though and thoughts turned back to her attire for a second. Not wanting to seem like, but... That was how she felt comfortable and however soft it was not the same.

Sleep not coming easily, Victoria was not sure how long passed before Ryan returned and when she had slid off the top half of her sleepwear to get comfey and try and get some sleep tonight. Her sister had not told her if Xia had woken up, that woman had been a major help to her confidence and returned the Marlin she knew after weeks of her shadowy form that was not quite complete. Too tired to care yet too worried to sleep, hopefully Paige could help her friend too, hopefully Ethan did not attack her family or friends, his issue was with her, her choices. Too many what ifs, hopes and worries.

Not sure how long her mind wandered down those roads she felt an arm wrap around her Neck and bare Shoulder. Relaxing a little at the human contact "Warm... Sleepy." Not moving the arm, she slowly drifted into a worried and slightly broken sleep, not fully able to shed the stress of the evening. Her brain did not fully formulate things and merely just worked on a minimal level and merely snuggled herself below it.

Hopefully the ship could ride out the rough seas that came to assail the sisters vessel on the horizen and beyond. There was nothing she could do about that tonight.

@Infinite Cosmos

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Old Starboard pub - Taxi - Hephaestus Manor

Night time Nargles

Victoria was unsure of Ryan's intentions with the card, what did he intend to be doing or planning. The two obviously we're not the best of friends nore punching each other and attacking each other with plates and things. Least it not ending with a bunch of cops. Following Ryan's lead she was rather content to let him take charge for this time.

Reaching the car, his directions though where a little wonky as the main Olympus estate was located in England, the larger property was rather much a home to several generations of Olympus with separate properties located on the much larger estate and main house housing 3 generations of the family. "Hephaestus Manor, Park View Road, near the old band stand. Olympus Estate is just outside London Ryan. Might be a rather expensive fare." smiling, she wanted to get home not just end up doing random loops on the City routes. Maybe it was known as the Olympus Estate, not worth the effort finding out.

Not letting go of his hand, she was rather worried about the whole situation, too much had gone in the past night, Xia she did not know closely but she was nice, nice to her sister, so she was worth the worry. Her friend too, then add Ethan and Ryan, and everything. Too damn much... Just too damn much for one person to take. "It's been an intense night. I'll be OK, just... A Lot of stuff all in one go. Xia, helped mali a lot. Manami is a good friend. Ethan, I'm too tired, but safe to say, I have my faults... Mistakes definitely but also reasons." Leaning her head against his shoulder she cat napped part of the trip back, barely half awake eyes closed peacefully and trying to least get a little peace and serenity.

Reaching there house, she lead them past the gate after giving the cab driver a nice tip, up the marble drive before leading Ryan to her suite on the third floor. "Wrong door, that room not been made up, you can if you really want to, but I'm exhausted. Kitchens first floor, living area, office and so. Bedrooms this floor, ballroom and so ground floor." Leading him in, past the living room with the ensuite just off the to the side and dumping her bag, coat and cane onto a chair, waving past a sensor to turn on the lights. "Sure, make yourself comfy. I'll be a short while, I need to remove my makeup." Smiling at the kiss and vanishing into the bathroom to change out her dress, remove makeup and such things Ryan probably thought were Greek. Singing along to a pop hit in Russian while she was brushing her teeth and so. Then her moment of oops, crap and damn. Forgot a top as so used to not having anyone else about... Stood just in pajama shorts, her dress had let her get away braless... Oops. Hand towel be a bit useless and laundry day... Nothing was working out today.

Her rooms were mostly decorated and furnished comfortably but relaxed and without the grand plaster work of the ground floor or marble floors. An antique dressing table in the corner covered in a scattering of make up, hair brush and other general stuff a woman used on a regular basis. Her laptop lay on a coffee table and general a forgotten mug. Round the mirror and on the wall Victoria had a large collage of photos, ranging from a much younger Victoria with her dad and mum on various trips and milestones, her and her dad in far flung places, then Marlin came into them, Maria and others in Russia, England and Africa.

Holding her dress across chest, not that she was shy or fact doctors did so many tests exams and so that she did not instantly realise how her comfort level might differ. Hopefully Ryan was not scared off by how petite, or visible in bright light without distraction, faint scars of silvery marks from IV points and Various monitors that were in long enough to leave a Permanent reminder on her arms. "Umm... Sorry. Got used to doing how I'm comfortable. I don't sleep in much. little memento from my teenage years." Closing the curtains one handed with her balance took a little doing bit between flashing the nigh unlikely someone out there, or a little trouble. Trouble every time. Popping round to the walk in wardrobe off the bedroom, why her bathroom was off the living room was a... Curious layout. Ensuites off the living room, and there's a few cables over there if you need a charger. Might work anyway"

Popping back round dressed in sleep shorts, comfoey sleeveless top with a snoozing cartoon Polar bear with a eye mask and dropping next to him brushing her long hair into natural state after and giving him a kiss on the cheek though it took leaning up to reach. It was probably cute for him, for Victoria it was effort."Thanks... You been nice to me. Even despite everything. Hopefully good news in morning." Yawning, Victoria climbed up the bed and slid the under covers, just sending a text before leaving her phone on the end table, with a charger on quiet mode. Warm under the covers, she was least comfortable if still rather worried about everything. She left off texting Marlin or Manami, they probably had more important messages and did not need distractions."D. Plan B. Set it up. Same time as last. VR"

@Infinite Cosmos@Almalthia

Apendix 1. House reference plan

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Old Starboard pub

Night time Nargles

Marinalia saw how Carlo was hit fairly hard by prospect Xia could be in it for the long haul, it was hard to hate the guy however much Xia ranted, raved and had insulted him he still was there when it mattered. Sure the shell was a bit bad but the yolk was in the right place. Raising her top to show the faint line of a long scar across her stomach. "I never... I know OK, it may take time but she recover. I was a top athlete before that..." OK, she was shaking now, she had admited that to Carlo of all people, she hoped Xia realised what she would do for that woman.

Lawyer. Sure, it was less interesting than he thought though, mostly admin, and symtuff but there may be some useful information out of it. "Sure, honestly, it's not. It's not like TV law, mostly just making sure all her bills are covered on insurance , any difficulties with her job, and prep for any restraining orders or such. She got it bad enough without that bullshit too. Yes Carlo, I'm not exactly poor, before you waste time digging, oh come on, you wondered... I'm Maxamillion Olympus granddaughter, OHI, Europe, Heavy industrial." Sipping her coffee, still a little shakey though obviously she had time to think though what was needed, though Xias mum had helped greatly. She was honest with Carlo, he was future English wifeys in law of sorts, plus he was gonna be part of all this regardless. Better be working with than against. "Not exactly South Side... They got to be noticed somewhere?" Not wanting to hive away all her secrets to Carlo, her father definitely was a shade of grey, dark grey to near black at rare moments. Xia did not mind, but Carlo? Would he start asking for stupid shit... He still was a unknown quantity.

Marlin smiled at Xias comment, she was awake that was infectious despite the tears in eyes. Happy tears, overwhelmed tears nor sad tears. Massaging her hand gently with a watery smile and little pink flush realising finally how intimate she had been in front of him, no shame, just noticed how close they where and how he had not known or noticed before. "umm, so, might be putting up with me for a while. Snow bunny, nothing more creative? You never saw Victoria, she looked more like Elsa until recently...

Drink babe, slowly though... Bit at a time. Peobbly feel like a desert but you need to take it slowly. il stay with you, your mum seemed to be unsurprised... You just get better, I got this OK honey? "
Helping her drink abut of water from the coughing, following the nurses advice to the final punctuation mark, there good graces let her stay at bedside and it paid not to upset the benevolent dictators of the hospital. Extremely careful and gentle, the Blonde had a suprsing talent with kids growing up, sick people and kids where not too diffrent. Her mum had not even asked where she would be, it seemed the family trait to dig up truth was very prevalent down the generations.

Turning more serious, Marlin had plans and Carlo was going to help, or she would throw him to his mother and aunt and having met Xias mom, damn she would not want to be on the wrong end of her. "questions can wait abut, she high as a kite right now. Ask when the mess wear off? You know how to get shit done... I need shit done.

Locks, this bastad maybe knows where she lives. Swapped, ASAP. I want that place secure by lunch time. B, she going to be with me for a while so once that's secure, can you sort what she has left, get some basics like a tooth brush and so? Be a afew days but that would be a big help. C, anything, well... Black she needs, you know, that hair stuff etc is a whole different universe to me. D, Il sort out some clothes, I know what she likes from Jamicia and rough sizes, but I know that's quite a stack in cash, Xia does her job for love not money, so give me your bank, il transfer over enough to cover and some to spread about to find answers. Yes, I know your... Aquientences are not free, so... My dad's a little grey, I know your not exactly putting our a APB.

E.. Forgot E. They probbly have her car keys, can you, just deal with it, whatever needed. I have my hands full here looking after her right now. Please... Cannot do this all on my own. "

Marlin halted her list, he. He was a bit of a asshole at times, silly and annoyed Xia no end but he knew how to get stuff done, and have it done. Quicky, and this was family, she could trust he not skip out on family when she saw how he reacted to her hurt. The money was touchey but the locks alone would be several hundred dollers alone, more maybe to have someone out by morning was ending, the misc items could add up and she did not want to make things any harder than they had to be. The left over, well she did not want to know how he spent it just that it would help gain results, money talked a unique and universal language.

Listoning carefully to Xia, she have a afwrmetive squeeze to her hand, and nodded. "The Marshal, Umm... Paige, Blonde... Laser eyes, southern accent? yes. That's her, il call her Xia. Carlo, she asks, she get you Don't have to meet her."

Finding her phone and the saved number, she had hoped she never need it but, well, it was needed sadly. "Paige. Its Marlin.

Need your help. It's bad. Xia was attacked badly tonight , strange stuff been going on, missing stuff, and just not Normal. You have a reputation for getting shit done, and being relentless hunter.

Then this.. She badly hurt, only just barely woke up, broken hand, bruising, lots... Of... Its bad. Please help. She asked me to contact you. Her phone is bust up, and she high on whatever drugs they her on. Right now I'm looking after things, only person bar her cousin in a 1000 miles. already got my lawyer working on a few basics.

Hospital. Under Xia Alexander. They will be able to direct you, I was more concerned getting here to get eaxct detials.

Please. I can look after some things but not hunt down the bastad who hurt her."
Hitting send, hopefully she helped. Her sister might dislike her, Marlin had nothing against Paige, she flew her to Catalina, peobbly would again of asked, that was fun flying and a new challenge going costal. Catalina was not most popular landing spot, and she had not slown open water much at all since leaving Alaska.

@King Tai@Pilatus

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Old Starboard pub

Night time Nargles

Victoria had to admit, she did not message, but he had not asked, how many weeks it been. Either way both had some part in this mess, well her opinion. "and you dropped into the 1903 Romonov" Ball and could not message either?"

Victoria leaning on her cane, Ethan had laid into Ryan, everything had gone from a vaguely normal evening with her sister to a utter disastor zone of a event, one friend being maybe stalked and her sister currently at her girlfriends bed side and potentially seriously hurt. Short of Inky being reincarnation of cluthu and destroying the city how much worse could tonight get... Scratch that... There already was a cluthu cult... Who served a excellent sea food BBQ. "My next major appointment is Tuesday, 2 weeks, 10am.

I was easy... You joined me... Willingly. One rule for you, another for me? The only one is abit of biology and some national borders. Oh.. And the whole hacking. Near perfect timing of a event so few knew about it on one hand. Fishy... So much security broken for fuck all gains. Someone else found... It rather suspicious. not room for a private word at the party, in my own home...

Maybe I'm paranoid... But somehow I feel. Someone out to get me. Somthing is rather wrong. It's not worth it Ryan, he just trying to cause discord and divenrgence to his advantage. Don, t let him manipulate it against you.

Goodbye. I've entrapped no one... Paid no one, or threatened... What am I a vampire succubus luring men to suck there life forces and devour there souls as my thralls? I might have pale skin, dark hair and foreign accent but alas... I'm living and breathing as you are. If I was. Well id not exactly be using a cane to walk that's for sure.

The local Cluthu and inky vs fishily named fishermen are after members If you belive the silly... They meant to have excellent sea foods.
Looking up was annoying, it was hard to be serous being over a foot shorter than both, nearly a foot and a half. Looking up suckled and put things on there terms and you below. Being the height of a average younger American tanager had some real disadvantages. Not even 5 foot...

Looking overto Ryan, she just gave a universal look that told her she wanted to leave, did he really want to argue this out or should she find a cab home? There weherw still plenty of them running 24/7. Sol had a few advantages. "Please... Just leave it." adding very quietly, barely a whisper aimed at him. Victoria had her fill of trouble for a whole month.


Victoria was especially vunrable tonight, that was true not that she wanted to admit weakness while Ethan was around. Who could take finding out your sisters girlfriend was taken to hospital, your friend in potentially big trouble and then blackmail and controlling people trying to manipulate her. It was too much for anyone to take in a matter of a few mere hours.

Her limits where long past and all she wanted was to leave, sleep and hopefully someone to cuddle. When he took her hand she leant her weight into his arm for support, forgoing the cane and trusting him to aid her balence. If he did not realise she was more frail before by some oblivious nature, he soon would learn but also putting a fair bit of trust in letting her perceived weakness show to him. He was quite a bit taller by over a foot than she was, Victoria came below his shoulder in height and maybe close to half his weight or there about, it was hard to tell to be completely accurate. Looking over with hurt and tired eyes, right now she wanted to be anywhere but here. "Please, just anywhere but here. Too much tonight. Thank you." Her Russian tinge remaining strong even when whispering, the British was barely present still highly emotional though her anger to Ethan had been replaced by a tired resignation at the nights events.

Leaving maintaining a surprisingly tight grip on his arm as leaving not trusting herself fully given all the shocks she had recived that evening."Cuddle me tonight, I just need someone right now" Victoria just gave him a look that told him she was after a little kindness after all the dramatics.

@Almalthia@Infinite Cosmos
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