Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Old Starboard pub

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Victoria giggled, she was rather much enjoying her self and the back and forth. Princess, maybe not, but she was a lady, a maybe not quite lady like lady, she rather much had more fun not being a prom and perfect princess. "Well, Princess Victoria expects a gentleman to sweep her off her ones feet. Anything I've not cooked is good by me... I'm a little less skilled in the culinary arts than I am building security systems." Park View, well yes it was a little high end but it hardly was colonial times or the era of the Tsar. "its my sisters home technically at moment, just me Mali and Isosef has his own small apartment in a annex building. My dad lives in England unless he at sea with my. Wait step mum now. My family is a little... Unique. Dad works for a interesting profession.

Strangers are only friends we have not made in your case."
Giving him a smile, yes her family was a little well crazy, strange and different. Though that was all normal to her. Marlin technically controlled the home, especially since she inherited a fair bit off her grand mother and the one whom the home was one of her favourites. It was only right in a strange way she controlled it. Her inviting Xia to move in? He doubted Marlin would hesitate to offer her shelter if she needed time to recover.

Victoria felt his arm tighter round her waist, obviously he was concerned about the matter. It was scary it could happen to anyone... No one was immune from the crazies. "No, we have no plan, your scooter only seats two. Paige is... I may not like her but she will handle it if there's trouble.

Your noble steed awaits sir knight after I send a missive to my fellow lady in distres."
Trying to make light of the worst, there was nothing she could do easily to help. Not directly anyway. "OK, just stay safe OK. Yeah, fame has a real darkside. Call her, please. Rather not see my friend hurt. OK, let me know if you need me to though. Friends help friends even there in a tight spot.

Victoria signed off her text and hit send then the whole happy wave that existed, died a horrible screaming abrupt death as it ran into a solid wall of porcupines on meth.

Turning round recognising the voice and dark grey eyes turning to ice, she really was not sure if Ethan had her best interests at heart. The reveal, it w as a huge house, there house with 2 private floors. He close the moment in front of the press. Then the video, that was plain suspicious. When you narrows it down very few knew what they did, few knew much about the upper floors of there home or which bedroom she chose. It was the first major event there in decades. Somthing was just not right. They had to have a reason to attack the system, it was hardly simple or hardly one that would make them a fortune like a bank..

Urgh, she hated mysteries. "I have never claimed whom is the father nore tried to pretend whom they are. I value my privacy, nore do I want to drag in the stinking gutter realm of the press.

Athos was also a Alcholic, who died alone losing his son in a war. But luckily I do not have a illigimate son to challenge you to a fight to death."
Victoria dew her name from the book as did the rest of that group, she had read it and least one of the sequals. When you spent so long in hospitals waiting for appointments you need to do somthing to keep entertained.

Talk, maybe they should have but also he was one to talk too. They had one bar fight, a night of passion and a rather intense outdoor exercise session. This was a rather fucked up mess, granted she had not helped it at all but he hardly had kept up communication or even asked how she was. "We do. However fucked up we cannot exactly press control Z, the buns already in oven.

You left me to handle this alone Ethan. You left me to be worried, to have to change my entire life, job and more. You never asked about my appointments, or the risks I'm at...

Engagement... Ring... I might be no nun or white virgin but that's, somthing different. That was... That was you not even know... You not even knew anything about what that carries with me."
Victoria was in a rather... This situation was a mess, she just wanted to go home, curl up and forget tonight ever existed. Xia hurt, her friend maybe stalked now this...

Then came the... Well the worst. Nope. She was not giving up, backing down or rolling over. No, no fucking way was she going to surrender her child, she had a not so small fortune, resources at her disposal and a rather stubborn family behind her. "I might not be a doctor but it takes two to make a baby. I have rights and you have no evidence, I should know as I spent past several weeks confirming citizenship issues because im legally dual.

So... If I choose anything but you want me to, il lose my child, and your basicly going to blackmail me for years like this right? . How gentlemanly of you Conte le Fare in the short answer.

Abuse, controlling and manipulation. Hmm.. Why do I see a large red flag? No. I'm my own person. Not yours, no one but my own. I'm not some. Barely 18 girl just out of school. If you think il back down over my own child or give them up without using every resource at my disposal to destory any threat, you more a fool than this cities major."
Victoria's accent taking on a rather cold edge. Heavily laced with Russian and growing more emotionally charged. Victoria really was seeing a darker side to Ethan that really have her reservations about him, serious reservations.

@Almalthia@Infinite Cosmos

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Sol City Hospital

Night time Nargles

Marinalia aka the Future Eng. Wifey refused to back down and a protective instinct kicked in refusing to give an inch despite the fact Carlo was trying to intimidate physically and aggressively pushing the coffee at her. Backing down was not an option, she cared for Xia more than most probably thought and likely did not think she would stick about. "Coffee, milk one sugar please. I'm too tired to argue over coffee." Marlin despite her light sleep and small yawn. It was very late and she had probably been up on and off getting on for 16 hours straight and not a calm late evening. She was not leaving till Xia woke up, she would not leave her like this. Fuck no.

Once they both returned, Marinalia rubbed her forehead and downed two paracetamol to blunt the growing headache that was making her feel like the close to a day without any deep sleep. "Help, thanks. I was... Attacked badly when I was younger. You better expect Xia could be shaken up badly. She might not be Xia you remember for a while" Not revealing her scar but being honest with Carlo, Xia might not be badly affected, she might be a complete mess, it be seen when she woke up and was off the major pain killers.

"Not sure, all i can say is it makes no sense... They left her phone, took her bag of clothes that hardly high resale. Even I know stolen shit sells for a fraction, and a fraction of low is worthless.

No cast solid proof you can take to a judge. Just a bad feeling, things not quite right. We were staying at mine this week. I really was worried. I voted her over as my home has more security, cameras, gates and sensors the works. It was her to tell. I was not going to break her trust. This has... Forced it.

Fates a... Fate must hate me... We were going to talk about exactly this. I won't her healthy and bastard punished much as you do..."
Marlin was not in a mood to give an inch but she also realised he was least meaning it, he wanted to help, better try to be civil if she stuck with Xia, Carlo was about too. "Il keep you in the loop before her phone gave in, I'll try to have it fixed. last thing was the Uber and a message to me. Got my lawyer checking things too, just making sure there's no problems. Xia not be in a state to answer questions for a while don't even dare." Adding a steely tone to the end of her sentence, she really meant it, Xia's mum asked her to look after her. She was not reneging that promise.

Her emotions currently running raw and at the very surface soon took a rapid change feeling a squeeze on her hand and hearing her weak but very familiar voice, crying at the fact she woke up and returning a gentle pressure on her hand giving a kiss on the forehead. "I'm here baby. Hey. Stay. Still, you got pretty badly hurt. You in hospital honey. Carlo made it here and worried about you, you safe now. Just lie back." Trying to keep her from moving too much so not make self worse carefully as possible, with her voice making her concerns and worries completely clear. Shaking, worried but also relieved she had woke up. Marlin was scared deep down she might not have. "Your mum asked me to look after you, and I mean to keep it". Catching Carlos glance, he had not really seen them together much it major details or events, though she was beyond caring what he thought or about how public her display of affection was between extreme emotions and sheer tiredness not giving many fucks. "umm... Yes, we might be a little closer than you realised if your eye brows up near the roof are saying anything." Joking weakly in a small way to try and soften things.

@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Old Starboard pub

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Victoria smiled, yes that might be a bit basic but it would get about and she was feeling a little vulnerable realising what happened to Xia only a few hours ago. Vespa? It certainly was a contrast from the classic American model he was driving before. Her Bentley was not the most practical for city traffic but it did pass the comfort factor by a wide margin. "Thankyou my knight in chefs whites. You look good in them." Giving him a gentle peck on the cheek in thanks and resting her head on his shoulder a short time, long black hair cascading down and contrasting greatly with the whites.

What did he thank she needed? Did he even know what an female considered requirements? Ok, yes she had grown used to a few comforts and luxuries that made life nice. He probably thought one shampoo and body wash was perfectly normal and that you could maintain a clear bathroom side... "I might be used to a certain standard of living, though I'm not a bad guest. I'm sure it's perfectly comfortable. Forward, you're confident in your charms. I'm not too far on park view if you want to return me to my tower oh brave knight and willing to brave a more feminine home as an alternative.

Except for brunettes whom seem to wander in perhaps? everyone needs a break, you need time to look after self. Being your own boss has a few perks. Apart from the Embassy love meeting mornings, and I'm not exactly my best."
Victoria was teasing, ok teasing fairly heavily as her dark grey eyes sparked with a little fun. Smoothing out her black and white dotty 50's style dress with leggings under for warmth that made her look a bit gothic pin-up girl, that was the intent anyway and adjusted her long starless night back hair to lazily cascade down her back with subtle waves that had taken way longer than Ryan would ever understand. She had not planned anything just wanted to look nice tonight for the fun of it, it seemed fate was pushing other ideas her way.

"fair warning. Im, not a morning person. If you're sure you want me. I prefer a continental breakfast, decaf, 1 sugar and cream. just to let you know." Deciding a rather clear answer though the fact he was over 6 foot and she was under 5 foot took a little creativity, something she had got used to being 4'9 and a fun challenge. Giving a little smirk and sparkle in slate grey eyes sliding over to perch on his lap with skirt rising a bit and being rather lighter than she probably should be. Taking the initiative she wrapped her arms around his neck to steady self and kissed him rather directly and pushed back into the seat a little. Breaking the kiss after answering his question with a cheeky smile though kept her arms around and kept things rather hard to miss. "Need that in writing or that enough? I can remind you if you like"

After a making most of her little position and flirting and slid off carefully as it seemed Victoria had made answer perfectly clear. Resting her head into his shoulder, Ryan made a handy comfortable spot. "your comfy, bad time to be hungry for a snack." Victoria certainly had a far more interesting evening than she was expecting.


Glancing over to her friend, well what did she call him now? Eh, that would have to be a choice for later. She had 2 languages to choose from. About other matters, her whole brain seemed to have been over worse right now and that could wait for later.

Turning to see a beep on her phone flashing and glanced to see it was her friend. She had very much enjoyed there outing to the mountains and the relaxed hours just talking, though not normally at this house. She slept earlier for her beauty sleep.

Swearing in Russain under her breath and noting Ryans confusion with a side glance but dealing with her initial plan first. Paige. Marlin knew Paige and she had a... reputation that had spread far, further and deeper than maybe she even knew. While many unsubstantiated claims she had a reputation more like a veteran old west sheriff and a relentless hunter once you fell foul of her. If half was true... "Some asshole is scaring my friend. Stalker maybe... She the model I went for afternoon tea with for lunch. I'm helpless right now to do much...". Marlin, sending her a message, hopefully, she had wifi... No, wait... Wait... Marlin sent her a photo one time a few months back on what's app about the whole surprise... Same phone. Yay, she forgot to upgrade! Go brain.

Victoria thanked her rather excellent memory at times, attaching the photo to a text message to Manami. It was rather frustrating how little she could do to help in practical terms. "Manami, you got anywhere safe to crash for a night or few days until you can make it secure? Change the locks and all that's shit? If it's safe to do so? Or barricade the door for the night and so until you can do anything?

Umm... Stuff missing, creepy feeling, odd message or that shit? It's pretty creepy and majorly not normal! Be careful Manami!

Call Cops if you need to, the number on card, Marshal, tough one. You be safe if she comes! She hunted down the trash who hurt my sister.

Stay safe! I could send Isosef over in the morning? Let me know and I'm and him over to pick you up! "
Victoria hit send, there was not much she could do at all, that was not Good. So very not good. First Marlin and Xia, now this, why did this city have to have so many fucking weirdo's!

Sighing and resuming her comfortable position. "Why... Why are there so many nutters in Sol it seems? Sometimes I wonder why Mali chose this place of all places."

@Otterpop@Infinite Cosmos

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - Sol City Hospital

Night time Nargles

Marinalia was shocked when she had found out how extensive her girlfriend's injuries were, broken bones, concussion, internal and external injury. The Nurse just kept going down the list as the shock grew. Thankfully the nurse asked her to sit down first before she told Marlin.

Before she fell asleep Marlin answered Xia's mum saying she was at the hospital and someone had made it given how they were over a thousand miles away. Plus Xia's mum had been rather kind to Marlin when they met so she owed it to her to keep her in the loop. Her accent was clearing broadcasting her concerns and fears through a determined edge when it came to saying she had invited her to stay if she needed it and that offer was open regardless what she needed or the cost incurred doing it. She was going to look after the Island girl just as well as she had helped the English Biscuit.

A mostly asleep Marlin who was barely conscious jolted awake somewhat and looked over to see Carlo blinking her eyes still adapting to the light and transition with no real resolve to argue being woken so abruptly subconsciously giving the hand she was still holding a little squeeze hoping she realises someone there. "Carlo? Give me a second to wake up. I'l be back hon, not going away." Not even leaving the statement a option she gave Xia a gentle kiss on her undamaged section of cheek and got up stretching by walking round room, though gave a minor glare at his look at her in a shorter skirt, long legs, fitted top and leather jacket that had been her pillow on wall. She did not have the mood for flirting and pulled a cracked but serviceable phone out her handbag that was clearly identified by the case as to the owner "somehow they found her phone at scene dropped and missed or passed over. It was not hard to work out we were a little close. You might want to sit down and bring us some coffee, it's not a shortlist or simple situation." Much as been... Well, an asshole at the time it was obvious despite the arguments her cousin did care about her when shit hit the fan so softened her tone and handed him a note for the overpriced machine.

Waiting for him to return she nipped to bathroom thankfully a kind nurse had offered some supplies to remove most of her makeup so was not feeling so awful and looked less a mess. She really owed them a fruit basket. Heading back in she waited for Carlo holding Xia's hand and rubbing little circles into it hoping she notices and wakes up. All the machine and her being out was terrifying in a gut-wrenching way. "Thanks, i needs a pick me up.

She hurt bad, not yet woke up and might not be tonight. Her hands gonna be a few months to fully heal at least. She is so strong... How can she be so hurt..."
Sadly sighing and explaining the rest as best she could, it was a long list of injuries. It was very obvious she did not go without a real fight. "Getting angry at me not help, and no one else is hurting Xia more than she is... Quit being a twat. sit down and drink your overpriced coffee..." Her eyes glinting ice-cold deep grey pits of doom and a clear steely and rather a crisp accent. Much as she wanted to see someone pay, she was not taking shit for someone else. "Who? Who is pretty unknown right now. Whoever did it took her bags and vanished pretty fast. There was something, she felt like someone following her, something... Off. back of your hairs on neck sticking up shit. Things missing and just something wrong. She was going to my house because the security of the manor is quite a bit stronger.

A week so we could relax, life got in the way, work out what to do. Did not want her to leave really. I was worried about her, she finally took me up on the offer. Then this...."
Cursing the situation, she was meant to be safe and cuddled in marlins arms, not like this. "Found her... Some man... Oh.. And a Uber driver. He was due to take her to my place. Not tell me much, I'm her girlfriend, not officially on lists. You may be able to get names I cannot.

I'm gonna turn a blind eye. We both know what end you want. I will look after her though, I owe her for helping me out a dark hole, I'm not letting her down now."
Making it rather clear, Marlin was not going away anytime soon and Carlo would just have to get used to it. Besides she promised her mum she would look after Xia and that was not one she was going to break. It was clear, he had the same look she saw in the men her father worked with. Carlo was not exactly out for handing someone over to the cops. She knew the whole snow bunny reference, though gave a little smirk that thr bunny was currently a rather protecting Polar Bear or artic wolf instead.

@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Sol Mates (Light lane) - mixed locations

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Victoria just got off the phone to the lawyer and sighed, the fact they had already used them twice in a short time was not exactly great was it? Trouble seemed to be magnetic and pull to the sisters. "Thanks. Yes. Sol Memorial Medical Center, Not sure, just find out what you can, not sure if we need you but better safe than sorry." Closing the call and probblyneould be home if some monster had not decided to get there fun beat in up a woman. Merlin's face told it all, things where not exactly minor or just a few bruises, if they contacted her? Who was the emergency contact? What on earth was going on?

Suddenly noticing Ryan as she remained distracted on the phone and not thinking it had taken that long or sat on hold for however long it was. "Oh, hey Ryan, Mali not scare you off, you seem a little nervous?

Sorry, Marlins girlfriend was hurt, had to arrange some support. Took a while. Busy night it seems."
inviting him to sit down and giving a light kiss on the cheek as a greeting that came naturally. "So, you alright? Seem a little shaken up?" Victoria was fairly attentive to things around her, she had to be being more frail and also to see problems coming up or avoid sections that would be less stable to lean her weight on a somewhat narrow rod with a handle.

"umm mind walking me to my Uber later? I had it booked earlier but that was before Marlin had to go?

Umm? You meant that text? Because. Oh fine. You want truth...I do not want to see you hurt because of me... I do not know how E... They may react, or who they know. Let's just say I suspect something strongly. I just want to warn you. You been a friend.... And I try to look after them.

I don't want someone else to pay for my crazy life twists and turns. My family take a little getting used to."
Victoria just did not want to scare him off but he had got far enough that she could not really lie to him either. "You really want me when I'm Pregnant, by someone else, and your nice, well-off, and probably have a dozen other women by just cooking a meal?" ok, a little self depreicating but it was good to make it clear. Seriously confusing question.

Why did he like her? Most people would run a mile from her given her situation and how much crazy things happen to the sisters. Why? Why would someone want to volunteer for that? Xia was a pretty amazing person to stick by her sister regardless of everything and helped her heal. Placing a tiny hand in comparison on his to reinforce the point and jog his brain to reply to the Raven haired and pale grey eyes woman.

Should she tell him about her family. Or what she did? Had she scared him off yet or not? Was he really that crazy to join her shenanigans.

"You not run off yet... I'm not that scary hopefully. Maybe when i first had to quit my morning coffee." laughing with her distinctive mix of English and Russain accents. Trying to break the tension. She really eas not a morning person, quitting caffeine cold turkey was rough and anyone before 11am or so had learned to leave her be for first week. Her pink and purple vertical highlights where beginning to fade to the tips to just it's intense natural black darker than a moonless night.

She still was rather worried about her sister and Xia who condition was unknown. Obviously not good situation, it was rather scary if they contacted her girlfriend. Did she have family... She mentioned a cousin? But he was potentially unreliable. Her mother and father according to Marlin lived on the other side of country. That must be pretty horrible for them not knowing what's going on.

Turning back to Ryan it was concerned, the few times she met Xia, well she was nice. Her energy was rather infectious. "Soo... How you finding fame as the iron chef of Sol?" Smiling, a silly question but a little distraction from all the worrying thoughts.

@Infinite Cosmos

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - mixed locations

Night time Nargles

Marinalia Old starboard - Hospital
Marinalia missed the first message as the signal at the pub could be a little shaky on her network at odd times. Getting a Call later one and going pale almost dropping her phone before switching to heart-wrenching worry and volcanic anger at whoever had done that to Xia and back to shakey worries in seconds. "Marinalia Romus Olympus, yes that's me. Xia Alexander? What is going on! .... Il be there. What. I. Will. Get. There. Tonight. Is that understood? No. Thank you, I'm, quite capable of getting there at any hour" Forcing a tone similar to stating the fact the sky is blue without any doubt mixing with her accent going rather harsh and clear, wait till morning if it's easier. Since when did her family take an easy route?

One quick word with Victoria who just told her to go, she could find own way home and Marin really cared about Xia, that was clear enough. The poor receptionist even doubting her resolve on that matter. "you go now Mali. Il be fine. I will contact dad and so, let them know and get the house fully secured ok. You just go. Your sister got it handled Mali." A quick hug, exchange of charger and laughing her before shoving indoor direction.


150 dollars down, one rather motivated Taxi driver and though a few drinks in her, the first had her thinking clearly though her emotions were currently running high and very much volatile. She really did not need idiots tonight. Heal's clipping of the hospital tiles still dressed up in a sparkly skirt, blacktop, leather jacket as changing was the last thing on her mind. "Xia Alexander... A few hours ago. Assaulted. Where, please. I'm her girlfriend, I just got a call about half an hour ago from patient alerts. Someone said it was a bad situation? She was being... It was creepy. Can you ask security to keep an eye on her room?"

It took a surprisingly short time for her to make it to the ward, they seemed to be fairly efficient and the layout though maze-like was well signposted or mapped. Lines like Sol International on the floors were easy to follow marking the route to the various departments from the entrance. Nothing could prepare her seeing her girlfriend asleep with various beeping machines, bandaged, bruised and such lively and indomitable woman laid so low and vulnerable. There was no question. Xia would have shelter at there home, anyone getting in the way would regret it and whoever did it would pay... Big time. Worries soon broke her surge of anger before walking in and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead carefully as she would a newborn baby. "I'm here baby... Love you. Just please be ok. I don't give a fuck how just please recover. Not about to give up now
You're coming home with me and il look after you Xia. I promise honey. You be safe..."
Collapsing into the chair next to the bed emotions takin over the crying Marinalia who tried to concentrate on the paperback a nurse had tossed her earlier, "Countess and the Captains lament" Some slightly smutty pirate novel to distract her. It was pretty useless having let Victoria know earlier to not wait up and fell slowly asleep holding Xias good hand willing her to recover. Book half-open on lap and overpriced coffee abandoned on the table by her long gone cold. Xia had helped her recover when they started dating, sadly it seemed she would be returning that gesture. Though her neck was going to hate her when she woke up...

No one had really tried to stop her, not sure if allowed or not Marlin just had tolled with it, not noticing the nurses small smile at the scene unfolding however dark and hurt, there were signs of light too. It was pretty obvious to anyone with a brain she would not hurt the patient so they continued there rounds and checks. Plus the look in the woman's dark grey eyes told she was definitely was not going to just leave the badly hurt Carabian lady who had come in badly injured and would be needing a fair amount of follow up before she truly recovered. You usually could tell who would stick by and through, those two seemed more likely than not.

Maria and Vesarian - Olympus Manor Southern England outside London
Vesarisn was waked by a call, rolling over as Maria grumbled about sleep and of its not important they better hide in outer mongolia or Tibet. His wife was definitely not one to face in the morning with a lack of sleep and walked over to the next room looking out over the manors black grounds. Victoria, his daughter sounded scared, not good. Soon the story unfolded and massaged his temple deciding that talking his other daughter to not want someone's head on a silver platter would be a fun call. "Ok, Vika, you just let the lawyers know, I'm make sure that the family know and try to calm down your sister. Just be careful, you and the baby. It's not ideal how it happened but you're my little girl, you were before, you are now, and you will be in future. Love you, and my grandchild. Remember you teach them to like Arsenal like Grampa!

Cannot do anything without knowing the situation. Let us know what's happened and such, then we can work out how to handle it ok vika? ... Good, stay safe. Love you."

Heading back to bed, they had a very early start and the family could deal with it in the morning. "What trouble the girls got into?" half-asleep Maria cuddled her husband. 27 or so years it had taken, she not letting go anytime soon. "Marlins girlfriend was hurt. Nothing we can do until we know more. Marlin really means it. Talk to others in morning milady". Lazily wrapping an arm around Maria's naked upper body before going back to sleep enjoying how she disliked restrictions and hoping the phone not deliver worse news. Thankfully years as a Captain meant he handled bad news better than most, nothing they could do, best to go back to sleep and work off complete information.

@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - mixed locations

Night time Nargles

Victoria & Marinalia
Marinalia leaned over the bar trying to retort to a previous comment from Victoria and arguing good-naturedly. "Hey, you have commitment issues. You had like 5 anniversaries on and off... You need to decide what you want sis. Not getting at you. Which one you want?

Urgh... No rings! I'm just concerned about Xia and the whole situation. It's really creepy. Like the back of neck shadows And all that... Urgh."
Marinalia was hiding but she really was worried, Xia could turn up at 3 am of she needed to and get a sleepy hug of she needed help. This was just so creepy, so things just made your spine shiver just even thinking about it. "5 is a exaggerated number... Like 3 max. The other times were more because we could.

Oh, Verdai ring a bell... That was a hoot. Not a Saint Mali. It's not simple... I don't want to see my friend hurt! I know... To an entire room, and hardly discreet, but... It was a pull, a... It was dark and intriguing like a forbidden fruit.

That is fucked up if she wants to shelter for a bit, someone else to share the cooking too! ... It was you and dad who called me a danger to digestive systems..."
Victoria shook her head and ordered a glass of coke to drink while a little envious of Marlins still half unfinished alcoholic cocktail. It was stupid but she was just not sure what she wanted... Why, was it this difficult. Did she want the dark prince or the light chef? Why did two have to come at once? The dark glamour or the seemingly just nice guy? Even Maria had got onto her about deciding what she wanted before she lost both.

Marinalia decided to make that decision for her, either way, her sister needed to decide which one she wanted to pursue. A little nudge to decide. Taking her phone while she went to the bathroom and touch up her light make up, finding Victoria right app and sent a quick message.

"Ryan...its Marlinalia, Victoria sister. Short answer... Do you want to find an answer?. Old starboard. Bar, probably corner booth.

She needs to choose what she wants.

PS. Hurt her. You pay. Dearly.
PSS. Look after her if things go that way.

Putting the phone back before Victoria returned and turning back to her drink and watching the crowd. Ok... She had a little alcohol helping make the choice but hey. Vika needed to decide. Maybe seeing the chance would force her.

Seeing her probably to be a little annoying sister return when she realised what had gone on. Just choose already, blimey even Marlin was getting a little frustrated with her relationships. One bonus of Xia's temporary asylum at the Manor would be fewer worries and more cuddles... Maybe more... Definitely more. Her frustrations needed venting and there seemed no better method coming to mind.

Putting her drink down a little too hard at her frustration of not being able to help her girlfriend out of such a fucked up situation, her grandfather dragging her into his little venture and her sisters making things way more complicated than they needed to be. She loved her but Victoria could be frustrating. "Still complicated... Dark Side much.

Hey. He was nice. A bit too and scientist. Happier thoughts... We have tickets for the Lion King tour at the ozone theatre. I know we missed it in London. It's definitely more us than a yodelling class... What's with the mayor and things?"
Marinalia was rather happy for the prospect, it had taken a little effort to get tickets through favour from work, a late-night flight or several and coffee but they came through with good seats on the American leg premier. There even was an extra ticket, friend, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, they would not struggle to fill the seat. Sending a quick text to Xia, hopefully, she was ok, things were just causing a worry deep into her gut. "Stay safe, offer still stands. Let me know if you need help. Please. Mali x"

Sending it, she had said least twice but wanted her offer to be clear, Marlins rather protective side has escaped was not letting people close get hurt if she could help it.

@Infinite Cosmos@King Tai

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday - mixed locations to old starboard

Night time Nargles

Victoria flopped into her bed Thursday night more confused than anything. That kiss, mixed feelings, and more besides, her emotions were really confused. What did she really want? Slipping off her dress and finding a soft robe before taking off her make up and curling up asleep with strange dreams and confusing emotions and hormones running wild. Popping him a message before she fell completely asleep. "Remember the bottle of water and paracetamol. :)

Talk sometimes when you're not drunk. Please?


Her outing with Manami was fun, escaping into the mountains and getting lunch at the rather nice resort, it had not been hard to get a table as "Lady Romus" and a bit of polite upper-class general sucking up. Picking her up in the Bentley, the booking name. She was not hiding as much and let Manami in past a few gates though had remained less detailed about her father and how they came to be rather well off. She really needed the girls afternoon, fancy little sandwiches, cakes of so so many kinds and fancy teas. It was just fun to escape, talk and be free of pressure for a few hours and felt a little down after dropping her off home. It was little things like this that made life God. Though her interrogation into the Ryan Why, and why not... Victoria had to squirm a little how things kept falling into the more positive column.

"Should do that another time it was nice to get out the city, who think a model have such a sweet tooth!

Ps... Stuffed crust is best pizza!

Vika :)"

Victoria had an urging to get out of the house and she has not really sated it. She had to say goodbye to her friend from England too, he needed to return to the UK for a job that was starting up. After Ryan decided to throw her emotions to the 4 winds on top of everything else, well she was wanting a distraction from her thoughts and situation. Marinalia was up for it. Why not? Sure no drinking but she was restless, the night seemed the answer.

Night out... Best idea maybe not. Going insane thinking and needing distraction yes. Finding a fun short dress, teamed with leggings for warmth as a cooler evening and ever-present boots as a bit more support. Managing quickly to put a few light waves into her hair looking a tad like a slightly gothic 50's vision but hey it worked as Victoria's long black hair hung down a deeper intense black and distinct shade in own right against the dress as a shear absence of light.

Finding a light coat, Victoria was a tad weather-sensitive more than the norm. Disability really annoyed her at times, less steady, weather-sensitive, so many little annoyances.

Marinalia returned from her airport adventure after talking to her grandfather for a bit at the nearby office that was pretty quiet in the evenings. Most of the flights flew during the day,
Part of the agreement with the city to keep the noise down. However, miles from the city the noise from the jet engines, turboprops and old piston engines always was a constant hum during the day. At night... It was surprisingly peaceful for an airport. Almost made her miss part of the night shifts here. You had time to think.

Joel... Her grandfathers little, no not little. She saw the size of the transfer. It was small vs the company but it was no small investment put into the car, testing and custom building the car to beat the record. Sighing as she made it home and getting a quick shower before bed. Hopefully, she would not be expected to be more involved than signing paperwork. That would be rather awkward especially with Siobhan.

Her worries about her girlfriend were dogging at her a little until distraction came. An ill pilot and a flight to Canada to deliver vital mining parts at extremely short notice and paying a small fortune to deliver them same day like fed ex. The long flight gave her chance to relax though navigating over the wilderness for miles not even a single impact of man in sight. Bar the short notice and people who wanted her to unload before they even had stopped turning the props, a happily normal and boring flight. There was one thing all pilots loved. Boring.

Agree on with Victoria, it had been a while since they had a sisters night out. Deciding to go with something more casual but still wanting to make enough effort to look nice. Just because not wanting anything did not mean you had to just wear a hoody and leggings however super comfy.

Digging out an old leather jacket to keep warm, soft, worn-in, a little ill-treated over the years. She had shipped over more items as they got more permanently based in Sol for a few years at least. Her contract was permanent with Daedalus which was rather a unique situation for her. First time ever...

Both sisters climbed out the Uber LX at Old Starboard, the Pub was an easy choice, the 501 Club was infamous, Eather was ashes and burned concrete. The Pitt was good, but tonight they wanted a little quieter night.

Heading in arm in arm laughing at a bad joke about the whole Yodeling to Sol City. What next? They already had criminal celeiapods, a Cluthu cult, pokey the Rhino and a few other assorted oddities. This city was an asylum at times. Heck, they even had a bunch of intellectual yet scary villains in the perfect possee. Just needed a masked vigilante and a rather complicit police chief. Batman... Starman maybe? Moon man?
"Virgin Mojito for me... And a Sex on Beach please." putting down a 20 and leaning against the bar for support with cane hooked casually onto one arm, rather too practised for own liking with that. Sipping her drink and giving bar tender a thumbs up before turning to her Raven haired pale sister. "So Ryan... You decided how you want to handle him? Forget my girlfriend worries for now. Just concerned Vika. What does he really want from you?"

What's the worst that could go wrong? Oh... No, don't think that!

@Pilatus@Otterpop@Infinite Cosmos
I also would like to continue, and I agree we should have some patience

Crew, Captain, so is this a that Mutiny. lol ;)
Yeah, I'd like to carry on regardless.

However it only has been one day offline so not quite jump the gun before it's even been loaded.
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