Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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A bit of a delay is very much not a problem given thr circumstances.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Festival site - Corona Park- Sol City


Marinalia relaxed once mount Victoria was defused and safely set to simmer instead of boil over dramatically. Hopefully no cars were hurt, the prior incident seemed to have become quite infamous. Their family definitely lived up the whole drama llama magnet theory, maybe llamas in hats called carl where the reason? "I'm going to enjoy some shopping and maybe check out that strange little hipster corner. You just be careful Vika, its getting abit busy. Oh, forgot. Found your lost earrings, the silver plate ones. Living room, small glass table where you left your ipod last week." Victoria ability to misplace stuff Marlin was used to and was a odd week when she was not asking if she forgot where she put something down. "Yes Mali. No cars hurt, and I'll be careful. You and Maria tag teaming? Have fun, the British section is, I did recognize some stuff.

Been looking all over. Least they are not my good pair. Thanks.``
A quick hug later and a few jokes Marlin wandered the market areas browsing for bits and pieces. Finding some bits, finding the odd thing to help replenish her girlfriend's stolen wardrobe until she felt up to a more major shopping trip. Bypassing the unicorn hoodie that probably would be adorable but may or may not Marlin on her own sofa as the guest room was taken. She did find a cute mug though.

One arm laden with a few bags and an email later she took a diversion to a small shop nearby who had repaired Xias phone however much it might have been easier to get a new one, there were photos, and all on this particular one. Unlucky for Carlo the text and call log was mostly missing though she blushed a little seeing somehow the naughty photo of her in less than regulation uniform had survived. Of all the things... It had to be backed up... She did look good though...

"Hey Carlo,

Just got her phone back from the repair shop, good news it works, bad news most call log and text is gone. The sim card was beyond repair and had to be replaced. Her beating you snake high score is intact though.

It's the same number. Maybe we get lucky and they make a mistake.

Ps... Hope your Jerk Chicken place is good or I'll set Xia on you when better. :)

Marlin. Aka white girl"

Pressing send and ending it with a little reference to the first time she met Carlo in somewhat less amicable terms. He did not make the best first impression but he did the right thing when it mattered even if he was rough round edges and took some getting used to.

Taking an alternative route back to avoid crowds took longer but was a relaxing walk and made it to the take out place, bags hanging off her arm and sipping a smoothie from a street stand that caught her eye and a stop to collect a bracelet she had a catch repaired plus cleaned. Sending Keyla a message as she had a phone and Marlin Currently had Xias in her bag.

"Hey Keyla and my beautiful girlfriend. At Jerk place Carlo recommended, going to pick up food. Mount Victoria disarmed :) feet hurt, not wanting to cook so i'm getting take out.

Text me what you two want for dinner? Menu pic enclosed. Tell Xia i don't care if she breaks anything! We can replace almost anything bar mine and Vikas Family heirloom Jewellery

Mali X aka camel

Ps. Tell Xia Mulan tonight, I decided. :) "

Smiling and taking a selfie of her loaded down with bags, leather jacket glittering, silly Pilot joke T shirt and looking tired but happy and dark grey eyes happy for once.

Marlin still had to try and nudge Xia out of Crippled related comments, that just hurt her hearing it. It might take a while to heal but she would, and even if she did not fully Marlin was not going anywhere. Milo has not exactly given up on Marla and they had been happily married for years intact, limbs later and one robotic. For some reason this random spur of moment and at times little crazy how it happened relationship had become something far more scarily quickly.

"No, i told you, i'm on leave Ivan. You should not have scheduled her off then and me... im caring for someone. Yes that someone. Seen you when I'm in the cockpit not before. I do this job because I love it, not a paycheck. Might work on others, not me.

Bye. I coached your daughter for free even when she was taking a shot I denied. So you probably owe me.``
Closing the call with a press, where was a phone to slam. When you needed one?

Turning back to food, she excused saying she was just waiting on people letting her know what to order and letting the family ahead go first.

@King Tai
The Woman glanced over, well that wws a strange one. 2122? What on the earths was going on, 1999? Was this a joke. It was mid 2020, Mars Industories, did it even still exist?

The Artic base, did it still exist? Did she even exist? What was the date? Little Suprised the woman was ok? Shw was half dead when she came in, now she was fine. Nat 20 on constatutiom role. The woman apecepted it, it worried her but not her business at same time. Tidying her white itricate braid a little and fiddling with the hidden metal pin that kept it all together as a distraction while she gathered her thoughts and calmed down golden eyes slightly alarmed."2020? What is even the year? Its 2020 right? This is some joke? Did my boss set all this elaborate trick up?"

Next entered a red suited man, fairly solid, plainer fashion about him but as this place seemed to be... Was it. Books and covers came to mind. Thrn came a busker, well he had carboard and a instrament, seriously strange. A little vexed by all thr indoor smokimg and frowned, seriously her dress would smell of smoke and be annoying to clean. Con, a convention, what kind of convention would this be? "Nope, No costume. local neighbourhood robot lady. Though i don't want john Conner.

Odd question. What year is it... We have a few version.people claimimg? "
replying in a German accented english, turning slightly and stretching her leg and ankle with a whine of servos and nail painted metalic toes cisable in a designer heal shoe to prove it. Walk no, it was moving again though and charging bsck up.

Turning back to her wine and wait for choclate death in food form, Sophia Wollf was glancing round more concerned looking for a Calander or anything to gauge time by. The teo smarly desssed men seemed to be heading to anothet bit, somthing about them... Too smart, too alert. Too somthing.

Power... The battery om her leg would last a fair while, it was semi powered by nerve impulse and could be fully just was more tiring and battery was much easier really. What to do... Least there was food and water, that was a start, it was dry and warm. That was better than her misadventure in Artic. Least Sophia had a place to start. If you left would you go baxk to where you started?

@Zoey Boey
@Lady Selune
The woman balenced a little precariously as she waited and took the scredriver with a smile lifting the dress higher hem exposing a metalic panel and a recessed engraved logo , clicking it open and removing a battery like object carefully. Placing screw driver back on counter and finding a replacement in her hand bag before a solid push locked battery and panel closed automatically as her dress slid back to normal and red lights began to turn orange as it powered back up.

Relieved at the fact she could now walk again in a few minutes or so and relaxed a alittle with balence slowly returning to normal. "Thankyou, most helpful. I can wait. It does not restart instantly. This is a suitable place to sit for a while" Taking the wine glass delicately balenced in one hand and this bartender had good taste in wine. A rarity.

Watching with some intrigue how a person ews healed that quickly by whatever that medical miracle was. That would of been handy. Or leggy...

Watching intrigued as someone she thought might need a ambulance was healed by white foam before peoples every eyes it was hard not to be entralled by it all. The tone of thr gentlemens question very very much intrested, either they had a dangerous profession or where a very well paid doctor. Sipping the glass of wine slowly and savoring the fruity flavours."Damn... That would of been nice to have a few years ago. I was sure we would be seeing paramedics. Luckily its a medical miracle."

What could she say, this place was unique. Someone was trying to buy off someone some advanced tech, the woman looked like she fought a small bear and the bar had decent house wine? "You gonna be alright? You probbly should sit down or least lean on something? You look rather shakey? And probably should avoid alcohol tight now.

Hey kitty. Your cute, be careful.

Yes, it's a prototype The Artic facility i was at, it sank. Mars look after us though. "
Cute kitty, this place was rather stramge, miricale tech, cats, was that even legal? Someone whom was a tad... Smartly dressrd. Someome beaten up. A cat... You could not make it up. Ok maybw that was abrupt but he probbly was going to ask eventually, better to confront than akward silence, anyway it sometimes sparked Intresting mommemts to challenge people's polite efforts not to look.

@SilverRain@Silent Showers@Zoey Boey@Lady Selune
The woman entetimg stumbled slightly as she entered throwing off her hood hiding her face from the suddon downpour that came out of the blue and happened to see a particular door that drew hwe attention. "Oops... Not drunk... Old battery."

A light german accent, long white hair pulled into a dettiled platt secured by a asian style metal pin just visible and on taller side with gold eyes. Entirely normal for her age and gender except the hair so pale to give Elsa jealous momments and just below her dress peaking out one leg repaced to the thigh, knee and sculpted and painted metallic toes that sat in a black healed shoe matching the human one.

Careful as a light blinked red and the replacement worked a fraction of second slower to throw ones balence. Pausing to gingerly lift self to bar stool with a quiet servo whine. Looking around the strange and rqther varried bar from a woman who looked like she barely escaped a fight, a tall smartly dressed gentleman, a rather cute cat and a bartender with a poker face like if they even where suprised no would ever tell. "A glass of your decent white wine and a desert too choclatey to be legal of you do one please tender of the bar." Noting the red light now blinking a merry dance and a second lighting up. "Odd request. Can i trouble you have a small screwdriver or fairly small yet strong knife please? I cannot quite use a USB port"

Returning to take a little time to look at the other patrons and feline as someone seemed to treat the injured lady, the man in a smart suit had questions as a man ordered a coke while he looled like he should be ordering something more expensive. Another stranger was oddly yet advancedly atired. Least she would not be bored while the new battery kicked in.

Tonbe honest, Casual can vary drom just above free to adcanced without being in advanced sections.

As a clear divide. Its not really one.

It's more a sliding scale.
Ooh intresting... But which charceter do i use..hmmm

Some are a tad silly. Like a living saint whom has powers of mangos and get drunk on caffine.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Festival site - Corona Park- Sol City


Victoria was wandering the Market slowly and a supportive arm from Isossef as despite the dry weather the mut still did not make the best ground for the snowflake canes metal tip and the crowds around where building up. Preferably independent the difference was that even her pride has to recognise when help was required.

Passing a small stall of some scented candles and soaps fairly quickly unsure which ones was a little unsettling, not majorly definitely not her choice right now, that was just plain odd but what was normal? Did Victoria even have a normal?

Pausing in a clearing type area that had been built round the large fire that had been started but the massive edifice wood would take a while to build up a major flame. Only when it was impressive would any of the fire related events be happening. For now it was nice just to be out the crowds with more room.

Hearing a noise from her handbag, the Russian song chosen for the sole reason that she did not have the whole confusing whose phone was that moments. "Mali, yes im looking after self, no need to keep tabs oh older sister. What. Yeah im atill at the festival, near fire, why... Fine, near the stand with the large doughnut mascot."

Marlin stalked her way across the festival to find Victoria, seeing the image via a local twitter feed on artists and art. The photos she had ignored till she saw a caption... One in particular stood out... Ryan Visually did not match but unless he had a twin running about. Iron Chef contest... Definitely... That looked a tad cozy. It did not take long to work out her oh so calm and care bear sister needed intercepting and directing before she caused herself more problems... Marlin knew Victoria has been a little friendly to the chef and had a degree of issues with insecurity and relationships. If anything like her last reactions to things...

Marlin had her issues sure, but Victoria definitely had one around insecurity. This would have to be handled carefully, but firmly. Hooking Victoria's smaller arm into hers and leading her to a small side cafe carefully but no backing out. "Sorry Vika, but the last few times you made things way worse for yourself. Listen to me, please.

Two teas, both decaf and pair of ice cream please. Keep the change, tables please."
Placing the sunglasses on the small table they found and looking into the matching pair of slate grey eyes firmly. Accepting the order and handing over a crisp note to a Teenager whom decided that a good idea to be elsewhere from the minor glare between the two probably related women."Thank you, treat yourself. fine, here. I saw this on a art feed, before you jump to burying someone at sea wrapped in anchor chain, its just a photo, no more, no other details." Handing over the phone and the pictures, was it a overreaction but with Victoria... In her present condition. Her reactions where very much not predictable.

Victoria glanced at the image that was Ryan, she was not sure what to define the relationship as... Had he lead her on, or used her emotions? Had she messed things up? He seemed interested before he left a note, but now Victoria was questioning her initial judgement a little more out of a lack of information to go on that outright suspicion. Victoria saw him smiling and laughing round a pretty normal woman, a woman who could dance without support, go out for a jog or not worry which route you took in Atlas Mountains or across the city because the sidewalks had fallen apart. "Il be calm Mali, you can unhook my arm. its not like i can out run you. you could pursue at a fast walk and not even worry on this ground.

I don't know ok! I just do not know what im feeling right now. Way too much going om, too much to do... I promise il not harm any cars or motorbikes. Ugh, I messed a few thing up yes. Little Miss red head, seriously, she has it in for us or something? Its like she our personal bad luck charm? "
A little sour at the whole being fact being less physically able. Ok maybe exaggerating but id id seem more confidence at times how small this gigantic city was! Millions if people and somehow she popped up?

Deciding it was safe and turning back to her ice cream, her sweet tooth was rather sweet so a stop for ice cream was not exactly unwelcome. "ummm.. Not quite that place in mountains but not bad.

Maybe not after one of Milos work outs though. And mopeds, or other things that move Vika."
Trying to lighten things a little, she had blunted the anger though forcing her issues head on and hurting Victoria never felt good. it was for her own good, who knew what might happen but least she had controlled the delivery and prevented her from taking it out on some poor car. "She seems a tad vexed with us, Make you feel better, question channel, Lets have a little fun. you still got the old account? One in that silly code you and your ex used?" That was a silly one but at time it appealed and still did using a modified personal Ceaser cipher that alternated using her name as a key as his was too long for it to be practical. "No harming things with engines...Yeah... Never deleted it. Good memories. Ooh... That's shameless distraction Mali... You did buy me ice cream though. Im in." It really was shameless nut it worked for now, Trolling was fairly harmless, Victoria out of heat of the moment would think first. "Know you too well. If he was playing your feelings, we can forget that promise though. Wonder how little miss red riding hoe feels about blondes... " A little bit of quiet drafting on a small note book out of Marlins hands bag.


Lovely photos, you really have a eye for composition and golden ratio, that white Greek-en dress and blonde look at racing event looked great on you when we saw you.

Keep up the awesome work :)

"50 bucks she bucks you and not even reply. Aunt Mali still takes some getting used to. Lighter stuff, we can talk over the rest later." Victoria pressing send and smiling, sure the bet would be lost most like but they could go out for lunch somewhere nice on edge of Corona park or perhaps head up to mount Atlas on a day both free. "You have easy part, baby sit and spoil. Where do you want Lunch Mali? Little. Miss red riding hoe... Bitchy thou are this day. How is Xia holding up? Maria let up on the ring jokes yet?" smiling but also a little serious and curious how things where going for the couple. Victoria was glad the Caribbean woman had brought back her sister somewhat. She was happy and Vika did not really have anything against which gender caused it. Still a little surprised by it all but her life.

@Almalthia - Social Media silliness

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Mixed Loccations- Sol City


Marinalia had a rather diffrent week than she planned or ever really expected but notone she would make a diffrent decision to help, or decide that her girlfriend was not worth the hastle even if it would be a difficult weeks to months for Xia to fully heal, maybe longer to recover her job fully back and skills but it was worth it.

Carlo had been paid. The house was stocked with everything everyone wanted, OK maybe she was overdoing but she was going to make life least good in some ways. Smiling to herself as she woke up with Xia asleep next to her and slid out carefully not to wake her feeling the need for a shower to wake up and lazily basking in the flowing hot water singing along to Dinsey rather well though would never admit to that one to strangers. The joy of waterproof speakers hidden away meant no need to risk frying her phone too that was a handy innovation.

Heading out hair wrapped in a towel and dredging round for some clothes to wear, the festival could be hered even back here faintly though the thick insulated glazing a little. Unsure what to do she would need to ask Keyla and Xia and see what they wnanted. Obviously it was definitely a lie in as she could hear Victoria shouting on her way out through a door as she was never a early morning person... "I'd not Call Maria... I want to do it oh younger sister. We will, stay safe Vika, you have fun." Shaking her head at her Victoria as she found somthing abit more basic in designer Jeans, a comfy t shirt and sorting out her hair, magic... Well it was easier the explaining how you use air currents, computers and various engine modes to keep it airborne at different times. Her flight jacket was resting on the back of a chair of she wnated to go out, better try and ake Xia up, she could be grumpy when hungry though so better wake her before breakfast entirely became lunch.

Giving Carabian sleeping beauty a kiss on her cheek and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Wake up sleepy, you are cute when your sleeping but wake up babe. We need to do your Physio, breakfast and I need a kiss." Smiling, sure it was not the most romantic thing ever but right now, she was happy just to have someone to cuddle and hold her hand after the shocks of this week. It was only temporary, hopefully they could just remember the good bits in the future.

Doing her best to help somewhat unsure exactly how to do it perfectly and Learning along the way to do things, her horse riding at weekend was optional, one day she convince and her girlfriend to give it a go in reality.

Marinalia felt abit guilty leaving Xia with Keyla however the older woman had a core of Steel when she wanted to and basicly told her to go out and enjoy the festival going on outside and they would join her if Xia felt up to it. She was rather firm but kind telling her to stop worrying and she could handle things.

One last gentle hug Marinalia was walking down the curving marble stairs. Least the overpriced food was not a issue if could not be bothered to wait in the queues and just nip home. Victoria was already off exoloring where ever she was. Rather casual in t shirt, riding boots, jeans and her flight jacket hanging open she really escaped note bare the real gold wings glittering in sun light, patches and vintage aviators that where not always easy to find.

Even with the fires not lit yet the festival was lively and the stalls, where rather varried from the rubbish to the genuinely nice stuff and more beyond. BONE? no, just some similar police acronym wandering about. The other article Victoria sent her, did they interview Siobhan about them and get confused?

Several stalls later, quite a few items not right least she had some idea what to get but not perfect. Her mum was really tricky to buy for so you had to shop in advance. Now if only she stop teasing her about needing the jewrally vault after hearing her new living arnagements... She had rushed everything else, she would probbly not say no... But not rushing to ask either...

Lopping round and grabbing a coffee from the Solbucks stand watching some. Italian by the guess of the flag pin they wore cry at the concoction she was reeling off. "One White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla syrup, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles to go please, packet of pom bears, yes I do have a card, and yes, I really do." Sipping thr over priced sugar concoction, ahh.. That's the ticket, she got thr odd question if the wings where real, most where too locked known worlds to really notice what they meant though. "What, salted, red ones. Thankyou."

Happy with her sweet treat and a snack, Marlin loved them when she was a kid and a grown up. Plus not nasties in them. Glancing about for anyone she knew and running a blank deciding to buy look for somthing cute as Auntie Mali, and hopefully a present for her mum.

@King Tai

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