Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@PrinceAlexus I mean, Raekar probably won't have realized that there aren't supposed to have robots on board. Plus, she's not the type to scan absolutely everyone.

That being said, Astro Megaship is only about 100 meters long. She's probably small enough to land wholesale in a Battlestar.

.y top level hanger...perhaps. ny lower internal hanger would be harder. That's alot smaller than my landing decks. But they could extend docking ports to engage the vessel.

Total size estimate for my outer landing bays...
Maybe 600m in length, 100 wide at max and about 70to 80 high I think I saw.

I can Dock some fairly substantial vessels.
@PrinceAlexus I mean, Raekar has a robot son and is surrounded by a bunch of robots. So, should she not bring Full-Tilt with her?

She can bring who she wants. Thry free to work it out, just leave the warspites crew in dark about the cylon among them for abit. :)

Just allow me deniability for a bit.

Ir come put later when they grown to trust her snd cause them a conflict of beliefs and evidence
Welcome. Shiny undead !
had some free time, so posted. quiet spell at work :)

Can no one expose the cylon if they can detect them least openly or assume that the crew know beacuse its fun to think people knows but the people who are meant to the enemy. :)

they think its some alleiance when its just no one relised their a cylon all together!

Let me know if i set any narretive or anything not apopiate, im still trying to fine tune my style and so to this RP.
Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

The message came in over the screens but the alien codes and frequency took some time to fully stabilise into an image of a bearded older man in what looked like robes of some kind. flicking a switch on the command console the view of a woman in dark blue uniform with hair to shoulder that was a vivid red with signs of greys and fading. “This is Commander Anna De Rio, Colonial Navy. Copy. Full NBC and counter cylon protocol to be engaged in returning aircraft. Thankyou Master Kenobi. We will Move to safer position. This Channel will reach our CIC. Warspite out.” The message was grainy from an overhead camera and their uniforms looked a little care worn but the crew was disciplined. Keeping the heavy phone to her head. “CAG. Recall Recon. Full NBC and anti Toaster protocol to returning aircraft. Nothing gets on this ship.” The message needed more reply as she placed the phone down. “Col, we have quite the problem…” She said, it always was a problem, you just had to ride with them. The commander who had called himself a Jedi Master seemed to be quite handsome, dignified even. But Anna had known many handsome men in smart uniforms who turned out to be an asshole, an empty suit or just unable to get it up even. You could not judge off an image.

“Helm, bring us to the recovery Vector.. Plot course. Do Not. HIT. Any. Derelicts. Recall Cap if you have to, just do it.” He said as they plotted out a route the 500m wide and almost 1500m long warship could navigate. Warspite was smaller than her modern designs being a Jupiter Class even, Battlestars were not made to be the most agile of warships and Dredas was pinging all over the place, ships, wrecks, allied ships… I hope they told the Blue ship the same warnings, She a small one but they meant to be effective was a discussion, their allies where a odd mix and they where unsure how they could fully complement each other.

“Another contact. Dredas. Bearing 265. jump completed. Designated. Flagship.” Came the report as the command table came to life with blips, vectors and such information on the newest vessel. The crew had to hold their jumpy instincts to run out the guns, give the launch commands and deploy the Vipers on muscle memory.

“Hold, Hold. That's allied. Concentrate on recovery.” The Cols smooth tone sounded in the CIC knowing the crew had operated on a hair trigger for far too long. Someone was probably hovering over the ship to ship missile launch door controls. The Battlestars Orbit adjusted to avoid a hazardous area as the Dredas plotted thousands of tracks around them. Panic would kill them alot more dead than anything else.

“Copy CAG. This is Grim. Nothing to report. it's a tomb” The Captain's frank admission came to the air commanders table as orders were shouted to prepare for a full decontamination protocol. “Viper CAP. Pull close. We need you to assist Nav. Course and plot sent to you” Open space between the planet and the fleet was located and mapped into where they could easily evade slow moving wreckage and other ships but also turn their most heavily armoured facings to the unknown vessels… Trust was not infinite.

The command was acknowledged in the same way as any other, Warspite had barely any windows, they were a luxury no warship could afford, the observation deck was an exception and they already had to make it an bookable location due to demand on the space. Couples tended to need to be reminded the time slot was over.

The Kuun-Lan message replayed over the speakers of the CIC, like every speaker and phone on this old Battestar it crackled a little. Their systems were old and nothing anyone had tried had removed it in the last few years. A short conference agreed and the voice of a younger woman came over the channels. “This Is Warspite. We copy. approval granted. Commander De Rio and our diplomat will meet guests In the Port hanger. We repeat Port Hanger. Guests will be seen in our main ward room. Refreshments will be made available”

The message paused and came back less sure but remained professional directly to the command ship alone. “Any additional expertise ensuring decontamination of aircraft is appreciated. we are under resourced and our crew is committed to many tasks to bring this vessel to her full effectiveness.” They were proud but not stupid and would not turn down the skills of others who might have faced such threats. They where meant to know more about this kind of danger, had more recourses and much as Warspite was proud they knew they where running on line, they where short on everything. it was shameful to admit their materials and other resources were frankly short in everything but alcohol, ammunition from Ragnar Anchorage and god knows how many cigars and cigarettes it seems. Warspite was going to have to rely on her allies. Materials would help, but they needed intelligence, technology and methods how to fight their new enemy too in detail. Another ship was meant to also be able to aid them when it came to join the fleet.

“Diplomat Six Lon to the Port Hanger” called out over the PA system and repeated Thrice before it cut out and the normal messages and updates resumed across the PA calling out assignment, command and the time every 15 minutes in current status.

Slowly but precisely the heavily armoured mass and bulk of the Warspite began to engage in slow but precisely plotted adjustments and changes to their course and angle rolling the ship with the changes to get closer to the Kuun-Lan where they could better be assisted and more centrally receive the delegations.

In the massive port hanger of the Warspites flight pods each one externally over 500m long, 100m wide and 80m tall, however they stood in the pressurised recovery area of the hanger. Commander De Rio was stood flanked by 20 of her Marines under the bulky muscular form of Major Ivan Kraken who where at parade ground formation with their rifles across chest in their black duty uniforms. Tactical armour was all they had, no formal uniforms, no real band or anything. they would have to do for now as a honour guard. She looked smaller vs the men and women in their full black kit, but her presence and respect she inspired from her crew was clear.

The woman alongside her Lara Hoshi six-lon was dressed in a red dress, black heels, a taller woman than the commander in with hair free and longer in a striking blonde. She was the civilan face to the soldiers next to her and the one who would have to help bridge the gap between the the ships of different cultures. an Cylon no less? well she was now a Cylon so far away from her world, a Cylon no one knew was a Cylon. The ship had assumed she was just rather strange in her habits like the rest, another broken soul from a broken and ravaged grouping of worlds. "Ready as ever Commandeer" She said with confidence. They would wait as other crew laid out foods, drinks in their good ready room, its carpet was a little faded but it by far their best formal space they had.

"We shall do, no options. we go forward. We defend Humanity, though it may be a different name. our Oaths have not changed even if the Galaxy has." Commander De Rio said to the woman, she was a odd sort but Lara Hoshi six-lon was like the rest of the ship. All they had was they had, they did the bets they could with what they had. That was all they could do.

"A little stunted, but we can work with that" Lara said as they moved to lighter topics like how one of the Pilots had been seen leaving for duty shift from the Officers section of the ships quarters. Their would be no reprimands, gossip sure but everyone needed some comfort in times like this.

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

Coswain and his party saw the charming woman approach them with gleaming bright eyes, and…did she look familiar? He had worked with the Royal family of Lunaris and was unsure about that. Sitting down with Hector and Daphne who had not got the same thoughts and had not been so close to the King or Queen as Adonis was. He was sure he and Persephone had attended such a show, but this was so far away. No, no. Definitely not that woman, she just…dropped off the map. The ensuing trouble and issues of the past had kept the Royal guard busy. Very busy, he remembered the crimes they could not run down, a hundred other tasks…just no ability to properly isolate one threat and deal.with it.

“Yes, that was the order” Daphne said cheerfully as the Small lady in a hood seemed to have passed on the order to this striking woman with green eyes, almost seeming to dance as she moved about. Her energy was just…energy. “Much as I greatly respect the Royals. I really need a meal” Daphne admitted that her Hunger was very much earned after a long ride.

“Soldiers are always hungry!” Hector said lightly and began to relax as things calmed down and the Lords, Royals and other stuff was not Hector's deal.

“Least this is normal. Guess we're building.” Hector said with his heavy thick northern accent turned to the lady. “Adon. Sort ya head out. Food. Ya got the coin” He hit his friend softly into his armoured and padded shoulder, they would have to hit each other really hard to hurt each other. Swords, weapons were the only way to severely hurt each other in their present garb.

The woman's description of the large platter with spices, food, meats, breads and more all in one plate? The Look from his comrades were hungry and he might be in lethal danger if he refused to buy the premium platter of meals and food. He had ridden them hard to get here so… a good leader rewarded their Soldiers and looked after them. “You two are very much starving. We drink and enjoy ourselves then!” He said decisively as he saw the lady head to some gentleman In the corner, clad in furs and a heavy build. The man had the build of a powerful worker of some kind, he looked weather beaten and someone who put in a hard day outdoors.

“Go Adon. Go” Hector gave his friend a push and shoved him to go to the lady Na'ri to order the meal. His friend was the handsome, charming one and diplomatic one. He hit things with a hammer, and kept everything in good condition. “Lighten the purse, seeing as we walked into paid accommodations” Coswain went to stand up and adjusted not to trip over the bastard sword hung at his hip, swords really got in the way at times.

“Going..going ya old bastad” he laughed as he stood up. The tall Royal guard walked over, His hair and beard were short and run With pale grey that contrasted against the slight Permanent tan he was not sure where it came from in his ancestors. No one ever wrote it down in detail, he was a Lord by deed than birth and had earned it though 20 plus years of service.

“Excuse me, mi lady, we would take the platter and some extra cheese, as well as buy this man a ale for interrupting you.” He said with the easy confidence and tone of a man who did not fear to face a challenge. “Coswain, Lord Castellan from Lunaris., warsmith Hector and Daphne my squire.“ he offered a hand, his arm strapped with leather, chain mail and plain but high quality steel he would not be able to remove till later and gestured politely to his table. A tall woman Around 5'10 with dark brown hair And a heavily set and bearded man going to grey but a mix of Smith soldier in his stature with detailed armour he had customised himself.

He interrupted the man's service, was polite, introduced himself, his companions and so on. A small touch, The bag he had could easily cover an ale for diplomacy. Sometimes you just had to make a gesture of goodwill.

“Anything interesting about Dawn Haven?” He asked casually like a newcomer he was, just casual conversation. Nothing too heavy as he waited for the lovely lady in her skirts and bright green eyes to confirm they had got the order and thank the lady when she did.

@Fetzen@Girlie Go Boom
Hope you don't mind Raekar being a little Thirsty for Obi?

Well if you attend the seeming Warspite Comfrence, you never know he might attend! Who knows :)

Though unless you wanna take space jet skis... hilarious lol. You can message for a raptor. Sorry. A space going open top jetski almost is kinda amazing fun. Someone just taking flight through space, it's a really fun contrast.

Unless you can straight up teleport!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Oh have your peeps retrofit her to give some fighter production?

I'm going off Galaticia type lore. Early on. Right now we have more potential pilots then Vipers. Mothballed museum grade Vipers are being refitted gadt as able for combat operations, same with any raptors, weapons and so.

I'm busy getting my former museum into full fighting trim again.

Warspite can make her own spares, and ammunition applies to some degree. So we need metal etx.

I may need tp start a production space in one of my hangers.

Maybe build the "Lara Roslin" stealth Viper... it was made of ship's spare parts in the show.

(Apologies for a nerd momment)
You'll want to make friends with the Kuun Lan. She is your solution to shielding without needing to alter your ship

We also need its logistics and raw materials... so we definitely need friends.

We have Vipers that need to be refitted. And our produxtiom etc capacity but need the raw materials to feed them to be worth anything.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia eye Twitched a little at being called matron, it was a title she was not used to and replied with an easy expression. “Na’ri, you can call me Sya, we are far from any capitals, I came from the borderlands not Aurelian grand cities.” She spoke letting her native accent show her true origins and homeland. She did live up to her status but something about Na'ri Sya did not want to be called matron for some reason. She worked well, was great with people and talented as she was beautiful. Long as the tone was respectful she could let her assistant drop the title.

“Keep em happy, they keep spending. just do you.” Sya said as she headed off, she had her full confidence in Na'ri and turned to make her way waving up to the staircase and waved to the new man entering. He was tall, muscular and looked to be more tanned than the Lunarians… must be an Aurelian. His winter gear was not as heavy as the Lunarians but they lived in this climate all year round, the weather was meant to be akin to a light shower for them. Be friendly, she kept her light born nature discreet but tried to be friendly.

Heading up the stairs, the smaller rooms were more often rented so they would be very likely fine but first, her best room likely needed fresh candles, a tidy up, and check if sunni had dumped any new …things there. He seemed to collect things and liked to hoard things, hoard… she might find a random box of pottery or so. He promised not to…but who knew with Sunni.

Her eye caught the woman In furs drinking and eating with a man before rounding the corner, she had questions but work came first… pulling her gaze away she headed up into the small corridor between the room currently lit by a few dim candles but that was no challenge for the blight born, it was honestly how she preferred it and most comfortable in dark than light.

Those questions caught her mind as she walked but ignored them to focus. Focus Sya… she said to herself, plus she did not want to look like some idiot to this woman, this was her Inn, she was proud of her place in this place. This was one place she felt safe and able to drop her disguise least away from the main bar.

Dropping the cloaks Dark material to fall around her shoulders placing it on a the bed and reaching to check her braids were still holding in place. Long Dark brown hair tied up in intricate design as a point of pride even if not seen by many she was not some survivor but a woman with a purpose again. She breathed a content sigh and let the weight fall off her, a long slow minute she could still feel the energy below her, but also some above, directly above… but it was…strange. Sunni was hard to read as any man she had met.

Her clothes were clean, practical but fairly plain. Much as she had been given coin and fitments for her new station they were not the most inspired of wear. Not like the bright colours and sleek fur with shining leather she admired the ladies of worth wore. Clothes she hoped to wear, to show she was able to defy her status and detractors.

Her over-large single eye almost glowed in the light as began singing a tune softly to herself appraising the room and beginning to put things to be suitable to her mysterious blight born lady of a guest. Fresh candles would be fitted, the sides dusted and a new bowl of clean water to wash off the dust and dirt of travel. Being clean was a luxury at times but one that could not be understated or overlooked. She would make sure all the other rooms had clean fresh water too. Her Inn was no dive or back alley murder slum.

The soft song flowed, a song of a Knight who fell in love with a monster, held his blade and gave her his last, she was cured… It was a little sad but oddly she did not mind it. Somehow that was one that stuck on her memory regardless. She was not Na'ri but She could hold a tune at least.

The Princess and Prince had least left much as she did not say out loud but Royals could really put a cramp on the vibes and the general feel of the place. Everyone stopped relaxing and things got… uncomfortable.

Downstairs…felt more normal now as life picked up, the energy and emotions she felt grew. All was good and the coin changed hands. Na'ri just had a way to bring her own energy into a room.

@Girlie Go Boom
@The Savant
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