Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

@The Muse

Few questions oh Muse!
Do Blightborn have a need to breathe, heartbeat and blood pressure, and or a need to eat human food. Or just subsist on powers?
Banned because "banned because ""banned because banning is very mean and you shouldn't ban people"" is very mean and you shouldn't ban people" "is very mean and you shouldn't ban people" is very mean and you shouldn't ban people

Banned. Because your Ban explanation is Banable...
Just gonna let our resident war criminal finish their post before I continue with GM thangs. Might do another Kuun-Lan post today we'll see

Aye. We need the Geneva checklist crew. :)
Got to have all rhe misfits.

And.. must remember triangular doors.
A reminder for me so I not muck things up.

@PrinceAlexus I mean Colonial One could dock in the hangar bay.

In a similar game where I played the Prometheus we did some mathematics and figured the only thing stopping me was the tall bridge.

I mean with the Cylon thing, a scan would show her as human though, no? Just bio-engineered and enhanced. Since they're not technically robots.

True, if Colonial one can fit. It can fit some pretty big ships in the void bays with the Viper runways / raptors.

That's also a good point she is one of infiltrator model cylons.
@PrinceAlexus I mean, Raekar probably won't have realized that there aren't supposed to have robots on board. Plus, she's not the type to scan absolutely everyone.

That being said, Astro Megaship is only about 100 meters long. She's probably small enough to land wholesale in a Battlestar.

.y top level hanger...perhaps. ny lower internal hanger would be harder. That's alot smaller than my landing decks. But they could extend docking ports to engage the vessel.

Total size estimate for my outer landing bays...
Maybe 600m in length, 100 wide at max and about 70to 80 high I think I saw.

I can Dock some fairly substantial vessels.
@PrinceAlexus I mean, Raekar has a robot son and is surrounded by a bunch of robots. So, should she not bring Full-Tilt with her?

She can bring who she wants. Thry free to work it out, just leave the warspites crew in dark about the cylon among them for abit. :)

Just allow me deniability for a bit.

Ir come put later when they grown to trust her snd cause them a conflict of beliefs and evidence
Welcome. Shiny undead !
had some free time, so posted. quiet spell at work :)

Can no one expose the cylon if they can detect them least openly or assume that the crew know beacuse its fun to think people knows but the people who are meant to the enemy. :)

they think its some alleiance when its just no one relised their a cylon all together!

Let me know if i set any narretive or anything not apopiate, im still trying to fine tune my style and so to this RP.
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