Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
In Fresh Squid
@PrinceAlexus rather than making you post it, I'm just assuming your CIC will offer an invitation to the Mother of Invention.

Once everyone's on the Warspite and happy with their hellos we can skip ahead to the actual talking part, rather than getting bogged down on the handshaking.

Yes, you can assume. I just wanted to give each player a mention and invite, seeing as I started it, I did not want to leave the others out.

Aye, move em on. I can get bogged down in details, so move it forward!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Definitely true on berets.
As for the question of smallcraft, the RMN has you covered. Namely - in 'Corvus'' case, three or four M28 or M30 II Condor-class assault pinnaces.

Command a capital starship. Still being beaten by a beret sounds entirely reasonable a thing.

Il give them a go on my list, I have a spare credit I not have anything to use on. I'm waiting for pre order for Seige of Vraks and may not be on for a while..
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

I am a fool and re-read their sheet and it does have shuttles.

We know Battlestars aren't meant to go into atmosphere...

It looks really awesome though...one RP I did thay. With an...8km Battlebarge. It suited a Black Templer...I also rammed a ork mega titan before somehow escaping gravity again.

The second one had a rule you cannot use a starship as an melee weapon.

Are those books good by the way?
If you read them that is, I seen it advertised on audible?

I tend to lean more to warhammer 40k and other stuff, but I enjoy some variety in my work listening.
How Raekar see's herself:

What everyone on Warspite is seeing:

Well, Lara apercuates her sense of style..but she wears stileto heals in the apocalypse as a choice!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

I think the point is... Do they have shuttles?

Well I guess Il say they made a mistake and assumed!
It's 1km long, 2/3 to 3/4 ish the Lengh of their own ship and probbly way too large to safely land on planets easily.

Ships that big are usually deep space vessels in their perspective.
Quick post done up, as well as some cute interaction between Hammond and his XO

Lol, I see this will be fun one to work with.
They could also use a shuttle ya know :)

That was fun, Berets are hard to get right.

Your gonna turn this back around on me lol....
I just know it.
Ganks gonna be all like. "Who put us in charge?"

You did name his ship...command ship in its role lol.
And it's not much smaller than then the heavy Viper nest. So it's second largest in the fleet.
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