Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Feel free to pick that up how and when you deem best.
I just tied you into the post, so you can take that and pick it up as best works for you.

I just wanted to not leave you out :)
Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

Commander De Rio watched the hangar lifts drop down from the upper flight deck, an larger blocky transport that seemed to be painted in a pretty boring and standard grey paint scheme. Nothing outlandish, nothing too alien. It had engines you could recognise and doors.

“Welcome to the Warspite Gank S'jet, I am Commander Del Rio, Lara Six Lon is our chief diplomat next to me, Major Ivan Kraken, Colonial Marine commander.

Your assistance earlier is most gracious, we have cleared them to land and operate from our starboard side hangar bays.” she gestured politely to the man whose head was bald, his clothes and face did not strike as anything particularly distinctive. Seriously.. the man could have blended into a bright sunny day it seemed.

The marine offered a rather meaty hand in a handshake, tall, heavy with muscle and well armoured. He was not the most subtle man but the commander could rely on him and was extremely capable in combat operations. “Sir, welcome aboard.” He said laconically.

“Welcome, I will be your main contact aboard, If you have anything we can do to make things comfortable, let me know and we will try to accommodate you.” The striking tall woman in a red dress nearly 6 feet in heels said smoothly. Unlike the rest of the crew she seemed to be entirely comfortable despite the almost constant wardrobe of dresses and stilettos. She was more eye level with the bulky Marine than the Commander. Many were unsure if her feet were human, or how many dresses she owned…

“If you wish, the Marines can escort you to the conference room or you may meet other guest's here, as you are our flag commander.” The tall woman said with a smooth voice of a diplomat and an easy confidence.

The Dredas warned of the second incoming aircraft, the Viper cap was genuinely confused as some beast, or aircraft was being flagged up. No one was quite sure of the ID. Reports from.the hanger crews were more alarmed as it seemed to bite and scratch the landing claws and platforms. Several alarms sounded across the systems as to the landing area seeming out of control. The Vipers drew closer but did not engage or make an attack without orders observing it out of curiosity. The lead pilot kept The rookie on the flight calm and in control of the situation.

As the hanger descended there was nerves and caution as the new aircraft was lowered into the hangers. This one had claws… wings and did not match the normal descriptions of what they believed to be possible. “Maam” came the voice from Marines who looked at it with a thought that they needed way more fire power to take that down if it was not friendly. “Hold, Hold” The Commander said firmly but looked at the Marine to show she recognised the concern was also genuine.

The woman in red and silver had a rather grand title, what it meant was entirely unsure but Comander Del Rio took the gift with a polite nod worthy of a senior officer, unsure but Lara nodded to confirm it was right. “Welcome to the Warspite, agh your. Friend. Will be safe here, be assured.” She was unsure, was the Ship…alive? “Lara Six Lon, you may have spoken to our diplomat, and my Marine Command, Major Ivan Kraken. Your gift is most kind.”

Hand shakes were offered and the Commander placed the small object respectfully in a pocket of her dark blue uniform. She did not know what but it paid to be polite. “Its a Strange universe and Warspite is a tough ship, I'm sure we can put this aside. Please feel free to request my services if needed.” The diplomat said smoothly and broke In to cover the gap. “Commander, can I say we consider allies payment enough. We can talk this out ” The diplomat did her best to soothe out the awkward situation and maybe a favour would be exchanged. Lara Moved to engage the lady, explain a little more about their surroundings.

“Allies indeed, it's far from first Scratch on the Galactic Old Lady, and far from the last.” The commander had returned to her groove now after the alien aircraft had her fumbled for a minute. Giving a thankful nod to Lara’s save of the situation.

“Have you met Gank S'jet our esteemed flagship Commander yet?” She asked lightly and made an avenue of introduction. “Least someone knows how to stand out” She said almost a whisper and a smile as she wore the red and silver outfit amongst the black, navy blue and faded and worn paint of the Warspites hangers.

Meanwhile at CIC, a ship the saw as a large tube broke into the system, another allied vessel of a yet unknown configuration only seen on tracks. According to the data Daniel told them, they could communicate though and that was a miracle in itself. Every ship however alien could communicate. It was only just picked up and yet to be fully recorded into the systems. “This is Battlestar Warspite CIC. Allied vessel, we welcome you. We were chosen for command personnel to meet, Commander De Reya extends her compliments and hospitality. If you wish to attend. Port Hanger. Please stay on track with your provided landing vector. ” The woman's voice ended on the crackled line and hoped they would not be offended. They were trying to hail and help the flagship organise the fleet. It was more work than LT Geata had for a while but felt good.

Watching the Dredas, The screen was busy, the Galactic Republic seemed to not have joined yet if they chose to. The Lt wanted to almost be a fly on the wall with command staff but her curiosity was not her duty. 3 more hours drinking from a mug of coffee that one of her friends on weapons plot had made.

“Copy. Col. Report from secondary command. They have the glitch on lines Alpha 2 fixed. Hardline is restored.” life switched back to the normal duty reports, messages and ships business.

Rider on a Black Lunarian.

Persephone Laconia

Persephone was Jolted as the man pulling her dragged her forward faster with a booming shout, he was calling out to the others, other people but she could not see them. She had no idea who the person or persons were. She tried to look round but only heard him saying to not stare at Sya, the place had a big heart and guessed this Sunni was a Trader?

Bird Man? Hot meal was what she latched onto and could not forget, that was the key part that she did want. Hot meals, Hot fire, something that mattered now… Birdman could wait, maybe he was a breeder of birds… or. Something worse? “I just want a hot meal right now” She said frankly, this Sya could look like a troll but if the food was good, the food was what mattered now. People talked of sewing, of the town's business, it made no sense for now but tried to commit as much energy as she could to gathering information.

This giant of a hunter had pulled her in with a fast pace, was it for danger, was it for an reason? She needed more information, more context, more details.

Something however was giving her a bad gut feeling… and she did not ignore it, somehow the call to birdman and the change in the energy was concerning. Her hand slipped down to a long dagger that rested below her cloak strapped to her belt, a solid, sharp and simple fighting knife of Lunaris design. The castle forged steel was unlike some others darkened and aged to a dull black and intended to be a more discreet and understated weapon. The sword was on her horse and would be too heavy to use.

She was jumpy when the woman came up to her, she was human and wore normal clothes, her eyes were not a glowing red and did not cause her gut to twist. The blades handle she let fall loose from her grip showing the uniform of Lunarus Military. Hopefully she did not know the exact signs of rank and status, that was more likely when she caught her voice, Auralian, however it was clear she was more important than a normal soldier. “Pershopne” She said quietly and had an air of deep tiredness and effort to it. “Need to find Comrades” adding softly as she tried to push herself more up to a position she could look around her.

“Tired, Hungry, cold. Not hurt. Get inside” She said frankly with an accent clearly from the capital of Lunaris and looked towards a sign that looked like it could belong to an inn with hope. The eye of the Beholder sign crudely painted but painted none the less swung gently in the snow. A lowly breeze along with the light snow that fell on Dawn haven. The rest of town was not as visible as the Inn, but assumed there would be a market somewhere and some kind of business district, a place for the Lords, and homes for the people. Those she would find later.

“By the moon, I need it.” Pershhone spoke and hoped the woman underwood what she needed, brown hair, younger woman who looked rather new to the frontiers if she was honest. The older woman's red hair was brushed out of an eye with a gloved hand. “Came from Valors Edge, Border Fort” She added, that was no secret and made it clearer how far she had travelled.

She tried to push herself to get up, to make it to that door, to get warm.

@The Savant
@The Muse
Il wait a bit to start my reply in case anyone else planning on posting. Depending on if the Langford or anyone else is due.

I posted a few times and let people catch up!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Power ranger suits not snappy enough? :D

True, they are rather colourful. Though it depends which themselves as some are super fancy with gold and all details. And others adopt a plainer stye.

If thr arts accurate. Thry are very fancy :)
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Too bad I couldn't bring 'the Salamander' herself to this lil fight. Something about a mess in the Sol System she's about to royally clear up ... and by clear up, I mean nuke everything in orbit that doesn't have a flashing neon sign above it screaming "SOL LEAGUE CIVILIANS; DON'T FRAG!"

Nukes do end problems. Very finally.

I do not know much about thr honor Universe but I'm sure it will be Fun :)
Royal navy in space with fancy caps and gold braid.
Hide your rum reserves and your fine women-folk, my friends. Because the not!British are coming! :D

We do need someone to give us some snappy uniforms :)
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Gank is a dude, and just for shits and gigs lets say he's bald

Well he saves on needing shampoo and conditioner lol.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

I do not. In the cutscenes when a crew member is talking it just shows a picture of the ship xD. I'm going for human, if you want me to make up a uniform I can however I don't feel its overly important.

Human I can work with just fine, uniform is not super important, just if they Male, female etc. Not need a super exact description with their age, star sign and favorite kind of ice cream.

Il save a reply till more people have posted, but do you have a picture what your people and uniforms look like?

Just reacting to you, would be a tad short.
Plus not wanna takenover IC.
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