Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

They had led the party through the ship layers deep into the heavily armoured hull of the Warspite past faded but solid bulkheads marked with white paint and various codes for areas of the Ship the crew understood. Heavy, blocky phones were mounted across the ship, old push buttons, heavy wired handsets and thick triangular doors spun open with a heavy wheel that unlocked the hatches to the conference room with its blue carpet. A little faded but the best they had, they had a good collection of drinks and food along the side of the room for guests, unsure what people would prefer or partake but it is offered in kindness and welcome. They would share even hard as times could be.

They had to pass an area of work, there were distant sounds of heavy metal, welding and the sound of a metal saw down a corridor. Orange clad crew were visible, engineers and so. That did not prnetrate far as doors wherw closed up.

They knew the ship was in a less polished state and the crew was proud of her, they kept the ship operating despite her older age and it was their home. Their ship. The meeting of the ship's captains was a diverse group, a rather attractive woman with red hair in advanced armour, various coloured uniforms with accessories,fancy berets and robes… the camouflage duty uniform was a little different choice. Col Black managed to carry her authority regardless of uniform. An officer with a sharp white Beret was very much dressed to impress a subordinate, the robed woman with the living aircraft had come alone though. Smaller crew perhaps.

Col Black took charge, the one who chose to go with a duty camouflage, black name taped and symbols that must identify her ranks and such on them. Commander De Rio had to drink seeing the projector, interlinked technology made her nervous on a deep level. The Cylons had ended everything when they did so… the projectors came to life without a flicker or a blip. It just came on and rather a .. dense hologram? It was rather impressive. The Colonial Officers had backed away at first but got over it and moved back to where they were.

The details were rather sobering, Daniel let them know it was bad but this was really bad. 2000 satellites, destroying an entire planet, this was beyond expected. There was no head to take down, nuclear decapitation strikes with strategic level munitions… it was not like the planet could be any worse than it was but still, the Locals may object to aliens mounting a nuclear strike campaign. Quietly having a word with Lara Six-lon, Major Kraken she held a quick and hushed conversation about what they had seen. Lara was unsure about the levels of corporation and the bulky Marine was giving them a counter perspective from outside the fleet command.

Commander De Rio was sat in one of the better seats but it was her own vessel, her own home and table. Downing the last of her drink before she made to speak, the major offered to refill but shook her head for now and needed to keep a clear head. “Thankyou Col Black. Your details are very much welcome. They have given us alot to think about. The situation is grave. Graver than we were told by that …powerful Being.” She was calm, controlled but the weight of the information was evident, the threat was worse than Daniel had laid out. What was he an angel?, he defied their understanding… ascending being was not exactly a norm for them.

“We have some fabrication capacity, however we will need to work out where we get materials if we go with plan 1.” The commander looked and pulled out an octagonal document and glanced through the list of data from the Dredas initial scans and pilots. “Most basic reports, those wrecks are thoroughly shot to burned frames and bulkheads. Plus these.. replicators… as you said, are problematic foes.” Commander De Rio knew that was obvious but someone had to state clearly the challenges giving a nod to the Col Blacks party. The new words were not so easy off the tongue.

“Aboard, The Raptors can scout and have jump drives. We can seek an asteroid Fields or a clean ship graveyard. Depends what this galactic Republic will aid us with or permit this. We however can process water with a high efficiency if any ships are short and turn ice / hydrogen into water from asteroids effectively.” The commander offered. A rather less high tech octagonal paper print out im a dot matrix font was handed out that listed the ship's present ability to process and clean water for those ships that needed it, and the dimensions of the port hanger, its void capacity, internal capacity etc in printed engineering drawings. Spare bunk capacity was listed. They would have to decide roles but none were fixed yet, they could definitely move miners, help provide protected space to assemble or store, or at very least keep the rest of the fleet able to enjoy longer showers. Never underestimate the value of a Hollywood shower.

The wholesale destruction of a planet or star sounded rather dangerous to say the very least. Her own thoughts were unsure if the allies would sign off such an act, or the Galactic Republic. It would be final…but extreme. She doubted anyone needed to know that obvious statement. They could do very little if this local force kept them trapped between the planet and their lines. “Will the other options work? we are talking about alien planets and stars behaving to anothers logic?”

She paused a second before finishing. “I do propose that whatever we do, ships do not operate alone. We are all new to this universe and should be careful and watch our backs. Also… well. These Replicators? They need Power, correct Col Black? They need infrastructure? The Major has suggested.” Commander De Rio was still getting used to this new language, new threats and new enemy.

A deeper tone came in from the larger man who sat to the commanders left. “Allied officers. We delay them while we build or prepare to take out this entire system as you choose. Strategic Level munitions could destroy the main power facilities planet side assuming they are not too deep. Let's be honest. We cannot make the planet any worse?” He said more Lightly, they could not hold the ground but they could deny the enemy key sites and such that they needed. “In short. We buy time for your more advanced plans to implement. They have already got complete ground superiority. We are limited to hit and run if even that.”

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

No no if you've got something in the works crack on. I'll be a good wee while before posting.

OK, il have it done by tonight, its not too hard to reply to and I already have a basic frame work laid out :)
Currently walking the dog.

Once I'm back quick shower then I'll work on my post

Il hold until your posted. :)
Posted. Let's kill them all.

Nice. Its a proud dump lol
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Aaaah. I personally think Maine is a Spartan 2/3. Just his personality/how easy he was manipulated by Sigma and his strength makes me think he's something more. But it's not canon.

Your the GM, so he can be whatever you want.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Sadly, Honor prefers hot cocoa to coffee ... Tea for more formal occasions, though.

Chocolate based drinks are good too.
By Spartans and Agents are you referring to them both being on the MOI?

As the MOI doesn't have any regular Spartans just the agents.

Oh, I took experimental super soldiers to be a spartan 2 element. My mistake.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Heh, now I AM starting to regret not bringing Honor herself in. Cause the woman herself is bad enough - as the late Pavel Young could attest after an improvised pulmonary surgery via 9mm coilgun rounds.

Now Honor backed up by a section of Mark 21 Battle Armour wearing MARINES?! Good thing our Replica foes are slight more intelligent then risking an all out battle right now. 😋

The power of space tea!
I assume they have tea, I mean HMS without the tea... tragedy.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

SpaceCrayons beware

Yup, assuming ET1 is the Langfords Marine role ground specialists.
100 of the Corvus Royal Manticore Marines
Just under 300 of Halo troops and regular humanness soldiers.
Not sure how many Warspite carries but crew is 3.5K so can least say based on Google extrapolation a good 150 to 200 range given the sheer numbers and show. 4 platoons plus a HQ element. Raptor can drop 8 off with kit so not all can go anywhere.

550 ish ground or boarding troops but only thr Langford has specialist anti replicator guns... so just shoot them till they die!

And whatever anyone else has spare.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

This isnt including the special forces like the MOIs super soldiers or the Rangers

We have
And the power ranger team.

Replicators beware!
Main reason I wanted a second is I also had a hankering for some halo, but had literally nothing in the ground detachment department.

I can also see the Kuun-Lan in future being relegated to being a quick response shipyard

Also..il add we have about 4 flavours of Marines, so we could have a interesting ground team :)
Main reason I wanted a second is I also had a hankering for some halo, but had literally nothing in the ground detachment department.

I can also see the Kuun-Lan in future being relegated to being a quick response shipyard

She can also if they learn ernough act as out repair ship, mobile fabrication and strip things to make raw materials for other ship's fabrication facilities. It's less glorious but handy.
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