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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Would be interested in a female witch? :)

That would be wonderful! C:

Time: Morning
Location: Leblanc Home --> walking
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Monica @baraquiel Rose @Tae Felix @jetipster

The rest of the night had been uneventful. Rose had claimed the guy she was talking to was a jerk and she put on quite the act. Violet could tell there was much more to the story, but she also knew she wasn't going to get anything out of Rose that night. She introduced Monica to Felix and Rose and they ended up spending the rest of their time there. Monica was a sweetie. Violet hoped they could grow to be friends. Though a few cute boys had come to the table, Violet wasn't in the mood to flirt as much. She had wanted to stay close to her sister. They had gotten home before midnight and Violet had checked on her pets before going to sleep, snuggling up with Pumpkin and Chéri.

Violet yawned as she woke up to the sound of hungry Pumpkin meowing in her face. Her eyes fluttered open to the sight of the calico cat seated on her chest, staring down at her expectantly. She petted the cat's head with a smile. She then brushed her bangs out of her eyes to glance down at the feeling of fur on her neck. Chéri was across her neck, still asleep like a fancy little scarf. She slowly sat up and picked up Chéri to cradle her. "Oh, my hungry little babies."She cooed. Moving over to Lawrence's habitat, she leaned over and blew a kiss to the tarantula. "Good morning, handsome."

She soon made her way downstairs, still in her pajamas and with the ferret in her arms, the cat following behind with excited mewls for her breakfast. Seth Leblanc was in the kitchen, wearing a flour-covered apron. "Hey, dad. Everyone else up yet?"She greeted him as she waved her hand to have the animals' food bowls filled. She set Chéri down and slid herself on to a stool by the counter, yawning once again.

"Morning sweetheart. You're the first awake today. You remain the defending champion." Seth greeted her and moved over to kiss her head. "Any progress on getting a job? Sitting home all day won't give you any inspiration." He moved back to the stove to continue making pancakes. "There's plenty of places hiring in town."

Violet pouted and stretched her arms across the counters as she thought about it. She should have known he was gonna open this can of worms immediately. Rose had a job already and he was right that she shouldn't spend her time off from school doing nothing. "I was thinking of applying to the bakery. I'm not so sure I want to keep up with the computer science major anyway, I'd like to test out my other avenues of expertise."

"Well, you're great at both things, so you'll do fine whatever you choose. You are a Leblanc after all." Seth grinned as he used the spatula to put some pancakes on her plate. "Why don't you bake a little something to bring there and let them see what you have to offer?"

Violet licked her lips with excitement as she noticed the pancakes were blueberry. She began to cut it neatly with the knife and fork, as she was overly proper with things. "Us Leblancs do everything better."She agreed to his first statement, then tilted her head thoughtfully about the second one. "You know maybe I will. But what to make for her..." She could recall going inside Sweet Keks a few times. The desserts were really good so she had to definitely work hard to impress the woman in there. She had definitely seemed shorthanded at least; it was one of the only bakeries in town so it got mobbed due to its fantastic reputation."I don't know how to make anything german."

"You don't have to. When you're applying for a job, you're selling yourself. Make something that will introduce the baker to who you are." Seth told her and she smiled faintly. It sounded like something her mother would have said years ago. Though it seemed like a cliche, she had always been telling them to be themselves all the time. She had clearly rubbed off on Seth even after all this time. It was comforting in a way.

"Maybe I'll make some macarons. I saw them for sale there and I think she'd appreciate a take on it from a girl who lived in Paris for a while." Violet said thoughtfully. She decided she'd probably make raspberry macarons. They were the best. However, she was going to need some supplies. She glanced out the window. Normally, she could just conjure everything she needed, but it was raining outside. It was great weather to take a walk and get out a bit. She had a new lovely umbrella that she wanted to use too. Plus, she knew her dad would lecture her about using magic to cheat her way through life. He did it to both her and Rose any time they took shortcuts.

"Yeah that's a great idea!"Seth agreed then suddenly bellowed through the house, "PANCAKES! HURRY! Get them while they're hot!" She giggled. Seth was too much dad for anyone to handle sometimes.

Violet got up once she had completed her pancake to go upstairs and dress. She returned after a few moments in a pastel yellow sweater with a white, detailed collar complete with a pink bow, and a peach skirt. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. She had a bag with her and a kitty-cat umbrella. Chéri hopped into the bag and peaked her head out. She giggled, "Oh mon Chéri, of course, you wanna come to the grocery store."

"Violet. Don't let anyone see Chéri..."Seth told her uneasily. "Hunters are trained to look for those with familiars. Be careful."

Violet frowned and patted the ferret's head gently to urge her to hide. "I think most people will just recognize me as the weird ferret mom I am. See you later dad. Give Felix and Rose my love. " She planned to chat with Rose later about what had happened last night. It wasn't a good idea to let her get secretive again.

As for her father's warning, Violet did get nervous when it came to hunters. After all, she had gone through a very awful ordeal with them when she was quite young. However, she still refused to let that fear control her life. In fact, it was something she wanted to directly fight.

She opened her umbrella once outside and began her walk to the grocery store. The sound of pitter-patter on her umbrella was relaxing and she loved the smell of rain in the air.

Location: Operation Humanity Headquarters

Most hunters lived at the base, but Angel had figured out from an early age that they were very willing to keep her appeased, so last year she requested to live in her own house in town so she could better watch out for vampires. She had wanted to get some space from the controlling manner that Operation Humanity possessed, but it all ended up only giving her more trouble. Regardless, she had to report to the HQ by 8 am every day.

The routine of walking into the building, whilst having her fellow hunters stare at her like she was a freak of nature, was as per usual. Their eyes would be glued to her and the chatter would lower down to a few whispers. This was all no different than when the troubled kid came into school and everyone held their breath in order to see what interesting or weird thing they did this time. She grinned at them, winking. Angel would never consider herself a victim again. In fact, she considered herself top of the food chain. No one really tried to say anything to her face anymore so it was clear she at least intimidated them.

With the neck wound still healing, she was wearing a thin, black turtleneck today. She was going to the training room originally, but a black-haired man stepped out in front of her and folded his arms. Angel sighed. She had a bad feeling this might happen. The dreaded words followed as expected.

"Trotter wants you in the office." He informed her. The guy's name was Jacob and she had been hooking up with him on and off the last few months for no reason other than the hell of it. He was clearly not the committing type so it was the relationship that benefited both of them. She wasn't sure why she agreed to it and enjoyed it. Maybe it filled a void. Plus, he wasn't ugly.

Angel smiled and reached up to trace his jawline with her finger. "And I want you in the closet later." She whispered huskily, watching the grin the formed on his face momentarily before she abruptly turned away to make her way to the office.

She giggled to herself as she walked away without looking back at him. Her smile fell as she arrived at his office and knocked on the door. It immediately was opened and she leaned in the doorway. "What do you want?"She asked dryly, crossing her arms. Angel was probably one of the only ones here who lacked respect for authority, but that was also because she was one of the only ones who could get away with it. Disrespecting the colonel of a government operation was almost suicide for anyone who didn't hold enough value to be unfirable.

Colonel Nathaniel Trotter sat at his desk, his thick brows furrowed and his blue eyes glaring daggers at her. He had a groomed mustache that matched his dark brows, but unfortunately not a head of hair to match it too. He was always dressed in his classy uniform with all his fancy badges. Angel wondered how come she didn't get any cool badges. She usually got distracted looking at them all but his facial expression was hard to put her eyes away from. He looked really pissed.

He gestured for her to sit, the door slamming behind her. Angel flinched, glancing over her shoulder. A woman by the door glared at her as well and nodded at the chair expectantly. She sat down and folded her arms, leaning back in the chair. He seemed to be taking a moment to collect his thoughts, so she took the opportunity to take the wheel of the conversation, "So what's with the Swedish guy? He doesn't answer texts at all."

"He's not coming. That whole sector had to be sent elsewhere to a more dire circumstance. “ The Colonel picked up his papers and neatly tapped them on the table, organizing them as he spoke. He turned the computer monitor around for her to look at it. A full display of the group of vampires closing in on Angel on the road from a security camera began to play out. “We also have footage of you entering the club and later leaving the club following a subject who was clearly within your ability to eliminate. You injured him and purposely let him run, keeping distance. “ Angel forgot how good he was at putting things together. This was going to be a hard one to wiggle out of. “You antagonized enough in that club to drive some vampires to plan an ambush on you. However, how did you get from the club to that area blocks away? And why on earth did they know you’d follow him there?”

Angel opened her mouth to answer, but he held up his finger. He had known her since she was a child and clearly knew she was about to spew bullshit. “This is all because this little charade of yours is a routine. You’ve done this before, hunted vampires there and purposely hurt them at times in hopes of having them lead you somewhere. No need to tell me where, as I have a good idea of where you want to go.”

Maybe she could fool Niko and Sean, but there was no fooling this man.

“It’s childish and reckless.”He spat, his tone taking on an angrier and sterner tone. “You know how crucial you are and now you’ve gone and made yourself infamous amongst the bloodsuckers. No doubt every one of them is aware of your antics by this point because God knows how long you’ve been pulling this shit. “

Angel dropped her gaze. He was right. For them to plan an ambush the way they did, they must have been hanging bounty posters the way they did in western movies all around, except they stated that she was just wanted dead, instead of dead or alive. “Let them come for me.” The words came out of her mouth without much thought. “I’ll kill them all. Just saves me the time of having to look for them.”

“I’d like to see you take on the hundreds and thousands of vampires Viet Et Mort has stationed right nearby. If you continue the way you are, they will come for you and you are not immortal, Angel. We gave you a gift, yes, but you are still a human like the rest of us: fragile and easy to destroy.”

“A gift,” Angel repeated with a sneer and rolled her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to lay out exactly what she was doing so easily, but she had indeed expected him to treat her like she was a precious killing machine they had to keep safe rather than an actual person they gave a shit about. Not that they practically raised her or anything and that mattered.

He stood up and glared down at her, “I allowed you to live off grounds, you ungrateful girl! A privilege I have given very few!” She returned his glare to which he narrowed his eyes. “We will take that away and have you sleeping in a small room here-”

“I’m an adult. You can’t tell me where to live!”Angel snapped, interrupting him. They had controlled her life for so many years. When Angel finally got to live on her own, it had been so freeing.

Colonel Trotter shook his head, his voice taking on a low tone. “You have nowhere else to go, Angel. Without us paying you, you wouldn’t afford your house or car. Everything you have is because I gave it to you and I will not shed a tear if I have to take it away. Now listen here. You will not be allowed to go anywhere any time after dusk without Sean, Nikolaus or another hunter accompanying you. If we catch you hunting alone, and we will, we have round the clock surveillance, you can say goodbye to your freedom.”

They basically owned her. She was pretty sure her house and car were in his name since she hadn’t known how to buy those things herself and needed assistance. Even if she wanted to just go off on her own and accept being homeless, it could take her forever before she found Viet Et Mort. Angel had to deal with being their bitch for the time being.

Standing up out of her chair, she kicked it back out of her way and turned to leave.

“I didn’t dismiss you. You will also be training until dusk today. I’ll have someone come for you. Go run laps on the indoor track for an hour.”

Angel rolled her eyes and stormed out regardless in the middle of him speaking, but she did hear him and start making her way to the track.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
- accident -
Niko & Angel

Time: Night
Location: Taco Bell

Nikolaus waved him off. ” I’m not worried about the other one. She can be someone else's problem right now. Dakota’s here as well.” Niko turned to ignore Sean’s comment, not glancing at Angel. He didn’t want her seeing the worry in his eyes or the way his heart had skipped a beat upon the vampire biting her. When Angel spoke, he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes as he began stuffing his gloves away in his pockets. He grinned at the idea for food. His stomach had been rumbling; prior to leaving to rush after Angel, he’d been about to eat dinner with his sisters in the Operation Humanity clinic. He hoped Sean had a safe drive home; he didn’t want anything to happen to his friends.

” Yes, I’d love some food. It’s your pick, Angel... I also do need a ride, because I stole some kid’s bike on the way here. Poor kid.” Niko didn’t glance at her as he gestured for her to lead the way. He wanted her to lead so in case anything happened, she was able to escape faster. ” Do you want to eat in your car or at the base? I'm down for either.” Niko’s skin crawled at the idea of going back to the base. While his sisters were safe, the more sinister threat lurked. He kept his tone casual and light, though he glanced at his watch.

” And let’s get going, okay? I’ll buy, and it’ll be my treat too.” Nikolaus grinned at her and took a small bandana from his bag and handed it to her. ” Your neck is going to be bruised for a while, but it’ll heal quickly with the ointment I put on it. Best to keep it covered, too.” Niko turned to survey the area, his hands near his weapons in case of any danger and waited for her to make the next move.

Angel smirked as he told her he stole a bike. She led the way without a second thought at the gesture as she was not one to follow others’ lead. “Delinquent. She teased him with a smile, glancing over her shoulder briefly. However, she quickly turned it back forward from his sight to conceal its flush as she considered the situation. This isn’t good. She thought. Then he brought up eating at the base and the hairs on her neck stood up. “No.”She abruptly answered him, the tone of her voice solemn, “The car or inside the restaurant.”

She walked up to an old jeep wrangler and turned to look at him as he handed her a small bandana. It was black. Angel kept her gaze down at it, spending extra time to look it over as she got lost in her thoughts. “Now I’ll look like a dog fresh out of grooming.” She mused, putting it on her neck. Angel heard him say he was going to treat her but made no comment. She did not accept favors or “treats” from people. Trying to argue would be a waste of time, so she’d just suddenly pay for it once they got there and let him bitch about it if he so liked. Ideally, she’d preferred they’d pay for their own meals separately, but he did help her out a lot tonight so perhaps it’d square them off a bit.

Silently, she got into the front seat and waited for him to join in before putting the keys in the ignition. She seemed to willingly ignore her seatbelt’s existence. There wasn’t much in the backseat of the car beside a blanket and pillow in the back, and a couple of bottles of vodka almost discreetly hidden under the blanket. It was relatively clean inside. Her jeep was an older model so she could not quite use an aux cord. There was a small collection of CDs in between the seats. What was in the glove box was another story.

“Taco Bell?”

Niko chuckled at her comment regarding the dog and bandana combination. He decided not to comment however in case he offended her in any way. He examined her car as he climbed inside. He briefly pulled the sun visor down to examine the back of her car. He pretended to wipe the blood from his face off and some dirt that had accumulated on it. Niko noticed the bottles of vodka but didn't comment on it. Niko understood she’d become more defensive and wanted to enjoy his time with her. He knew she was wild, and hoped one day she’d relax her habits. Niko didn’t blame her though; from what he had heard, her past sounded horrible. Her solemn tone reminded him of how he dreaded to return to the base as well. The only thing that brought him back was Missy and Shay.

When she suggested Taco Bell, he grinned from ear to ear. ”That would be great. Live más, Angel.” He tried again to joke and hoped it didn’t fall flat. He looked away from her self consciously, though he remained discreet. Niko set the sun visor back up and sighed. As he sat, he couldn’t help but worry about his sisters again. They would love to have Taco Bell; he’d make sure to order it for them. Niko knew it was late but he’d do anything to see them smile again.

Angel laughed at Niko’s words. More so because she thought Niko was truly an enigma. He was so quiet and cold normally. There had been times he’d go hours without speaking and his brutal nature often scared others off. Even when they were training, he’d always been so serious. Now here he was, quoting the Taco Bell slogan.

She started the car and intense rock music started playing immediately. After lowering the volume, she drove to Taco Bell and through the drive-through. She ordered a party-pack of tacos without hesitation, giving time for Niko to make an order too.

Once at the pay window, the girl looked at her as she went to hand her the bags, “Party tonight?”

“Nope. Just me.”She replied, taking the bags and moving to pay for both hers and Niko’s food.

Nikolaus grinned shyly at her laugh and turned away so she wouldn’t see it. She had enjoyed his joke - yes! He didn’t mind the music, though this late at night, it was bothersome for him. He flinched at the noise, despite her lowering the music at the drive-thru. Once she had ordered, he also ordered a party pack and then two dorito-locos tacos. He also ordered two bottles of water. Niko grinned when the woman asked if they were having a party and shook his head. ” No, we just want to live más,” Niko stared at the women’s confused expression and started laughing.

When it came time to pay, Niko moved his arm in front of Angel’s to block her with super-strength from being able to pay. He grinned at her cheekily and took the change. ” Here’s your change, you filthy animal,” He told her with a smirk as he finished paying and moved his arm out of the window so she could roll it back up. After paying, she drove off into the parking lot. She chose an inconspicuous area and they began eating their tacos. He kept his sisters’ order off to the side, so it was not mistakenly eaten.

Angel had never seen him smile so much. Taco Bell really got the guy in a mood. She inhaled when he had put his arm in front of her, and folded her arms. Now she owed him. Great. Muttering her thanks, she took out her tacos once they were at the parking lot. “So… Who are you and what’d you do with the quiet dude that’s too cool to talk to anyone?”She inquired.

”He’s on a break right now,” Niko told her as he ate. He changed the subject as he glanced at her and tilted his head to one side. ”How’s your neck?” Briefly, his eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth gently so he didn't harm himself. The loud rock music, albeit being soft, was still bothering him but he was trying not to show it. He kept grimacing and glancing at the radio occasionally. He hated the burdens that the experiments had brought upon him.

Due to the nature of his sharp teeth, he was wolfing his taco down and shredding it. Niko was trying to eat properly, but the teeth made his life slightly more difficult. ”Fucking teeth,” he muttered to himself as he drank his water. ”So, Angel, what other food places are you interested in?” He didn’t know what else to say and didn’t want to make it awkwardly silent. He hoped he was being good company; he was trying his hardest.

He kept glancing at his phone as well to check the time. There were a few messages which he read in the meantime while she gathered her thoughts. He texted Shay back, ”I bought you both Doritos Locos tacos. R u OK? Is Missy with you?” He then set his phone down and ituated the taco bag up against his legs so it wouldn’t tip over. Niko would not let his sister’s food go to waste.

Angel side-eyed him, noticing his eyes twitch. She followed his gaze to the radio and finally turned it off, catching on to it bothering him. “Gino’s Pizza is pretty amazing. You?” She replied to him. It had been a long time since she had sat down with someone and had a genuine conversation. Usually it had been vampires or random guys she had hooked up with for the hell of it. None of that really counted as genuine connecting. It was kind of fun to have someone take interest in what she liked.

While Niko texted on his phone, Angel turned her attention to her food to work on eating it. She managed to eat eight tacos before leaning back in her seat to wipe her hands with a napkin. She watched him for a moment, the corners of her lips tugging upward without her realizing.
Were they friends now? Angel wasn’t sure. She had such an elementary understanding of everything. How long did it take?

Becoming friends could be a bad thing. It had taken her so long to be able to stop thinking about the loss of her family so constantly… If she befriended Niko and lost him, then she’d have to start all over again and she’d be worthless at giving her family justice. Though they might be stronger together, what she wanted to achieve was not something he could or would just tag along with. Angel had to stop this in its tracks before it got too far; she could not forget her goal. She gripped her knees, stiffening. “Where do you live? I can drop you off when you’re done eating. ” Her tone became less relaxed and more rigid, as it usually did after a few moments of conversation with her.

Nikolaus finished eating six of his tacos before setting it down. His blood pressure monitor and apple watch were at home, since he forgot to put them on since he’d been in a rush. He had been about to ask her more questions regarding Gino’s pizza when she stiffened up. He frowned, wondering if he’d done something to offend her. He blinked in surprise, turning to face her. Embarrassment filled him and he wondered if he was being a total dud. He hadn’t been able to keep most friends as a kid, due to his father’s nature. His mother had not been the friendliest either. As a result, Niko grew up protecting his sisters and taking care of them. They had been his life, and remained to be the same now as well. He frowned to himself, unsure of what had transpired.

”Oh.. I uh, I live on base. We have a house, but I’m staying on base for now.” Missy and Shay were being held for the week at Op. Humanity’s base to monitor their health and to run more tests. Holly was going to look them over as well to see if she could do anything. Nikolaus sighed as he turned to glance at the window instead so his disappointment didn’t show on his face. ” Thanks for the ride and everything. Please take care of your neck. I’ll see you tomorrow for training.” He told her and fell silent for the remainder of the trip.

Once at the base, Niko climbed out and went inside with the tacos in his hand. He delivered the tacos to his sisters, much to their delight and surprise. He then settled down in their room and remained awake so he could watch over them.

Angel hadn’t expected his facial expression to sting as much as it did. He tried to turn away to hide it but she had seen the initial frown. She had hurt his feelings. She wished she could apologize, but it was probably better off the less he liked her. He was silent for the rest of the car ride and so was she. She nodded to his words, gripping the wheel tightly and keeping her focus ahead of her as he spoke.

She had done this so many times that she thought maybe she would have gotten used to it by this point. So many thought so lowly of her. There was no doubt in her mind Niko had heard the rumors of how much she gave everyone the cold shoulder. They called her selfish, heartless, a bitch, and any other name in the book. However, Niko had not treated her like she was any of that, despite probably hearing all those things, and she still did it again.

Angel took a moment to wipe her eyes before driving home.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Kyran's Home

Risa had smiled faintly at Elsea as she joined her. She set the tea down and gave her a hug before anything. As she listened to Elsea talk, she was brushing hair from Dionaea's face and stroking her hair. She knew this wasn't safe anymore for Dionaea. It was clear this was no cold or hangover, the girl was seriously ill. Elsea's words made her realize it'd be too dangerous to seek help from the hospital here, especially with her name so sought after. "I know you're right, Elsea. I just feel wrong not being with her through this whole thing. It sometimes feels like it's all my fault. I should have told her not to come with me to see the elves. I let her risk everything."

Truth be told, she had seen cases like this in the healing center. Fairies were often prone to a deadly illness when faced with heartbreak and too much stress. Care from fellow fairies was Dionaea's best hope. Tears spilled from her eyes as she managed softly, her voice choked up, "I don't want to lose her." Dionaea and she had been through everything together throughout their whole lives. If Risa lost her now, she didn't know what she'd do.

When did you get so negative?She thought to herself and shook her head. There was no reason to think like this; there was always hope and Dionaea was still with her, right here and now. Risa inched herself closer and took her dear friend's hand in hers, rubbing it gently, "Dionaea. I love you so much and you're going to be okay. I know it's hard now but don't give up, okay? A better world is around the corner and I want to explore all of it with you. "Risa paused, glancing at Elsea. She had to let Dionaea go. "Hades is going to take you to my parents, who will take good care of you. You'll be safe there."

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: The Inn

Kenia was right. The drinks had been definitely spiked. They were both acting out of turn and irresponsible with humans. He glanced at Kenia as they moved down the road as she started to speak. She was telling them about how they were her family but felt she should be afraid due to the loss she suffered. Children being taken to Aklenroth as the sacrifice was one horrible thing he had not heard before in all his years. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His heart ached for her and he wanted to hold her, but as the alcohol wore off, his old ways seemed to be setting in and telling him that was a bad idea. Aklenroth and all the pain he had caused made his blood boil like nothing else. Sure, the dark elves did a lot of the evil-doing but it was Aklenroth who gave them the power to do so and cared little for anyone and took away any hope of having a say.

A little blonde child with a cheeky smile flashed in his mind's eye. His eyes watered slightly but he made sure to not call attention to himself. He had lost everything. His family. His friends. Most people he had come in contact with over the last few years. Did he really want to go through all this again? No. He wouldn't let any more people die on his watch, but if it came to it, he would die for them. And in that case, he did not want them to love him, to feel pain from the loss of his life. He couldn't do what he did tonight again.

They soon came up to the Inn and Malachi led them inside. He moved up to his bed and sat on it. "I'm sorry I failed you all tonight. It won't happen again." He held eye contact with Kenia as he spoke.

Time: Night
Location: Trance
Interactions: Monica @baraquiel Rose @Tae Felix @jetipster

Violet was relieved as Rose answered the phone and told her she was okay. From her emotions, it seemed like things had deescalated, so she believed her. "It's okay. I'll see you inside."She replied on the phone and then turned to Monica. Truthfully, she wanted an explanation and to tell her it was not okay to run off, but Violet preferred to do it in a private setting later on.

Monica's voice stirred her from her thoughts and she turned to her, shaking her head. "No, everything's okay I think, but thank you, hun. " She then took out her phone to exchange numbers with her, returning her attention to the girl, "I am taking off from school right now so I probably should get myself a job as well, but right now I have too much free time."

Once that was taken care of, she took a quick scope of the club. Things seemed to have calmed down. Maybe they'd be fine here after-all, had Felix left already? That question was answered as she spotted him and Rose coming back into the club. "Ah, that's my sister and cousin. Hard to tell we're twins with the way we present ourselves, but I think the resemblance is there."

Violet found herself pondering Mo's behavior. She had been on and off looking around but never fixating on one thing, so nothing, in particular, was distracting her. She was not fixating on any one thing. The girl seemed to be ... watching something or maybe even watching out for something that Violet could not see. There could be any number of reasons to explain why she did this, but Violet had learned quite quickly in life that the truth eventually comes out, so there was no need to go searching for it.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: The Nest

Corvina's voice shattered one layer of Malachi's daze and he slowly broke away from Kenia as she said something about a ship. "No... I get seasick." It had been a while since he had been on a ship. Last time he had gone on a ship they had been trying to explore further from Avalia maybe a hundred and ten years ago, but the same problem had remained as it always been: once they spent a day's worth of travel on the ship, it would seem to stop moving and not be able to proceed further. One elf had thrown his shoe to reveal that there was indeed some sort of magical barrier that not many had known about. Malachi started to chuckle to himself as he recalled the shoe had hit the dumb boy in the head.

He blinked rapidly as he heard Kenia's voice and he looked to her and nodded, "Yeah we could go back there, but the children would be in the room so I think that'd be distasteful." He drunkenly referred to Corvina and Rei as the children. His pleasant state was finally cracked through as he saw Kenia start to fall and he practically stumbled over to catch her in his arms, his heart racing. Once he had caught her, he began to help upright her. Meeting her gaze and seeing her clarity start to return to her, made the same begin to happen to Malachi a little. "Oh, we gotta go." He said, looking to the other two as well as he spoke. He moved toward the door and tried to hold the door open for all of them only to almost fall himself, stumbling face-first into the door. Holding on to the handle to keep himself upright, he groaned.

Time: Night
Location: Trance
Interactions: Monica @baraquiel Rose @Tae

Violet smiled warmly and took her hand to gently shake it. "It's nice to meet you, Mo. My name is Violet." She introduced herself. "Rarely go out, hmm. I haven't been going out as much either for some time. I was born here but spent many years away. I just came back more recently in my life and all my old friends are strangers." The girl seemed sweet but a bit strange. Her friend had invited her to come out but did not seem to be present. Then there was also the fact she seemed to be quite very easily distracted by her surroundings. Violet supposed after being in her house for so long, a club was a lot to take in. Besides, she was far from normal herself. She decided against questioning anything. It was easy to tell this girl was a good person regardless.

"If you want, I could help show you around town. Ember Grove is filled with great places."Violet offered. Being in a new town was a lot of fun. The poor girl had maybe not even got to explore it yet. Exploring Paris was something she wished she could erase from her memories so she could do it all again. There were so many treasures to uncover. "Have you been to the beach here yet? I like to collect seashells so it's the one place I've been going all the time."

She wondered if it was pathetic she actually felt kind of excited to make a friend. It was a nostalgic feeling she had not felt in a long time. Unfortunately, those feelings of excitement gradually began to grow into darker feelings: shock, anger... These were not her feelings. Was Damien trying to screw around with Rose again? Violet's heart began to race and she glanced over to the spot she had seen her with the other guy. They were both gone and Felix had taken his leave too. She took out her phone and began to quickly dart to Rose's name with her finger to call her. "I'm so sorry Mo, please excuse me a moment." Getting on her tippy-toes, she craned her neck to look around the club, but everyone was taller than her. It was hard to place where the feelings were coming from; it seemed like Rose had made some distance from the area. Violet anxiously tapped her phone as the phone rang in her ear. The anger seemed to get stronger the closer she got to and Rose's feelings got rather complex and hard to put into words. A feeling a wave of worry crashed over her that was more familiar than anything else. This was beginning to feel like Paris all over again.

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