Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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25 days ago
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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



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@Psyker Landshark don't yell at me pls

Iraleth Kyrios

"I'm so very sorry for thinking to help you!" Iraleth snapped back at her newfound partner, her sword cleaving through two mannequins in one swing before she slammed her shield into another, sending it crashing into a nearby wall. The sudden appearance of a dozen more mannequins almost covered up the only important one: the mage. She cursed under her breath as the fireball shot out too quickly for her to intervene, the explosion masking what had actually happened to the other girl.

Almost as bad was the sudden announcement that half their alloted time had elapsed. Already? Damnation. Iraleth's Ethos was draining her stamina slowly but surely. At the rate she was going, she'd likely be able to keep it manifested for the second half hour, but no more for the rest of the day. If she and the other students were fortunate, there would be no further trials from here on for the rest of the day. If they weren't...well, she'd power through. Ethos or no Ethos.

First things first. That one had to go, no matter what.

"If you're still able to fight, I'm advancing." Iraleth called out behind her. "Do as you will, if you so disdain my aid."

With a mighty roar, Iraleth shrugged off the remaining mannequins mobbing her, shoving them aside to and fro before spreading her wings of light and dashing straight towards the caster. Her charge didn't stop as she ran it through on the Inheritor's oversized blade, continuing to glide through the plaza and beyond it even as she lifted her shield in her other hand to bash the magic mannequin off of her blade and to the side like roadkill.


Power: C; Endurance: B; Agility: D; Intellect: E; Honkai: E; Burst: C
Health: 5/5
Honkai Corruption: 0/5
Burst Charge: 0/4
Time Fracture: 1/1

She hadn't been tapped to lead the squad. That was fine. She hadn't expected to be. Not with her disciplinary record, anyway. Still, Fire Moth couldn't have found a better squad lead than this Richter girl? The little bitch didn't even look like she wanted to be here. Richter hadn't even done anything in the last few days, spewing some nonsense about letting them get settled in.

Still, Liliana set all that aside for the moment. The fact that they were deploying in France, of all places, was already raising her ire. Her mother and father had died uselessly not too far from the combat zone they were headed to. Liliana unconsciously clenched her fists into a death grip on her seat's grab rail, trying to not let her emotions show on her face. In a rare moment of empathy, she decided to go a little easier on Richter for failing to conceal her expression, if only because she was no hypocrite.

The rest of the squad started to pipe up, and Liliana's ire immediately shifted to the Chinese cripple. A fact about Rouen? God help her, she actually considered saying it: her parents died not two hours from the city by car. The ever-shrinking part of her brain that wasn't screaming to throw herself straight at the first Honkai Beast she saw forced sense back into her thought process. It wouldn't do to utterly shatter morale right before they dropped into a hot zone, no matter how much of a bitch she wanted to be at the moment.

"Liliana Lehtinen, of Schicksal." She introduced herself, folding her arms together under her chest. "Anything we actually needed to know about the city was already covered in the mission briefing. Save the rest for trivia night, there's Honkai to crush." Never mind the fact that they should have done this sort of thing the first day the team was gathered. Liliana hadn't resolved to be nicer to Richter for her leadership skills, only her poker face.

The Japanese girl turned to her, babbling some nonsense or other about magic. Liliana forced herself to sit through it and actually listen, resisting the urge to sigh in annoyance. All the other girl wanted was a partner, it seemed.

"Do what you want, unless the squad leader countermands it." Liliana replied flatly to Hinode, closing her eyes as she resisted the urge to add anything especially cutting onto the end of her sentence. God forbid that Richter actually do anything related to her role yet.
Renar Hagen

Renar didn't have the chance to put his tactic of divide and conquer into motion, as the Cazt girl proceeded to utterly annihilate one of the remaining curse abominations with a display of magical might. He let loose a low whistle, impressed at the demonstration of her ability. Would that they had someone of her arcane strength on the Roses' active duty roster. Still, there was one last task at hand in the immediate area. Hefting up his poleaxe, Renar started crossing the field towards the last remaining cursed beast, cutting down a couple of errant Boars on the way over.

He reached the final abomination just in time to be able to witness Lein's shot and its aftermath, the creature lurching forward in one last attempt to deliver a killing blow. Renar scowled beneath his helmet before surging forward to take action, breaking out into a dead sprint to close the distance.

Even at a full charge, Renar already could calculate that he wouldn't make it in time to interfere. Not without more drastic action, at least. With that in mind, he drew his arm back and hurled his poleaxe spear tip first at the curse abomination's raised limb, aiming to distract and disrupt it enough for Lein to have a window of opportunity.

"Finish the job, or I will!" Renar bellowed over towards Lein as he threw, not interrupting his sprint as he drew his arming sword to close the rest of the distance between himself and the writhing mass of flesh.


Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth's disappointment only grew as Chloe fell to her first assault. That was all it took? Truly? The fact that so many prospective students hadn't gotten past her was a poor sign. She could have defeated Chloe without resorting to invoking her Ethos. Her bolts of light had deliberately not been enhanced with the Inheritor's power, and even on foot, Iraleth wouldn't have allowed Chloe to get into grappling range given what she knew of the prissy bitch's Ethos.

The knight spared a glance over to Chloe's seeming companion, but decided against engaging him for the moment. While he was almost certainly complicit in the girl's deeds, the fact remained that he hadn't inflicted too much harm on everyone around him. The problem itself was taken care of for the moment. She still had to get back to finding the auditorium. Iraleth turned, and flew back from whence she came.

With the benefit of flight, Iraleth arrived back at the plaza just in time to see a horde of mannequins bearing kitchen implements, of all things, charging at a lone girl. Time to even the odds, then. She descended at full speed, her shield braced in front of her. The Inheritor's armor divebombed into the midst of the horde, knocking several mannequins flat before Iraleth rose from her crouch, her sword and shield a flash of steel as she started to tear through the wave of animated dolls.

"Provide support, or find us the route to the auditorium!" Iraleth barked behind her towards Hildegunde, several rays of light crashing down from the sky to try to thin the crowd out further. "Either or, I care not!"

@Psyker Landshark Same picture indeed.

Also, just to save us a potential extra round of posts, Iraleth has no plans for Hildegunde, does she? Hildegunde gets a free pass into the Plaza?

Nah she's not going to do anything. Probably start helping clear out the mannequins before moving in.
<Snipped quote>

Y'know, this is totally the place where she gets stampeded to death by everyone running over her to get down the bridge.

Or just curbstomped by some people looking to get payback.
Considering taking a crack at creating a character sheet. Aside from Gundam and AC, are there other inspirations? I'd like to find a mech design that fits in the universe.

I think the tl;dr in terms of design inspiration is real robots, but not to the extent of, say, Battletech. As long as it isn't close to a super robot or a brick on legs it should be fine. Of course, Vita could also say a brick on legs is fine, who knows?
I really debated whether or not I should have Iraleth try to shield bash Chloe clean off the bridge and probably kill her. It would've been the big funni.
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