Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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25 days ago
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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



Most Recent Posts

My post'll be up by the end of tomorrow, sorry for the delay
Renar Hagen

And here was the kicker. Gerard would be disappointed at this turn of events, at least. Renar took the precious few seconds the demon spent on Fanilly to analyze it as best he could before he made a move. Constantly shifting weapons. That would be irritating. The principles of armed combat still applied in this case, though: watch the foe's wrists, not their weapon. The shifting was just a distraction to unbalance people.

The demon shifted to him next, and Renar savagely grinned beneath his helm. Perfect. Better him than the crossbowman, at least. He had one move before she managed to close the distance against him, and he spent it on pulling out a vial of pocket sand and hurling the crushed contents towards the demoness's eyes. As the sand flew high, Renar went low, bringing his poleaxe around to try to hook the axe head behind one of his foe's ankles and trip her off her feet.

He didn't have to win. He only needed to keep her distracted long enough for someone to reach the summit. And besides, if this worked, it'd be extremely gratifying to see one of his favored tactics work against a demon of all things.

Ranbu no Izayoi

"No, damn you! NO!" Izayoi struggled against Ciradyl and Esben's combined efforts to little avail as she was forcibly dragged away from the battle. "That is not for you to decide!" She hissed savagely in response to Ciradyl's words, her glare not leaving Reisa's form even as the Valheimr captain was pelted with bombs, explosive rounds, and flame.

She could see Reisa's outline through the smoke and flame as the last of the explosions went off. The bitch was still alive. Even as Rudolf and Robin carved a path towards freedom, even as Galahad's words barely registered through the haze of fury in her head, even as she was dragged towards escape, Izayoi didn't stop strugging until they'd made it into the sewers, whereupon she went limp, her grip on her sword finally slackening as she realized there wasn't any chance that she'd reach her goal this night.

Ciradyl finally released her, and Izayoi simply trudged onwards, following silently as the Kirins were led into the sewers, through a hidden wall, and into the far side of a tunnel before emerging into a well-appointed home similar to the one the bard had first met the rest of the team in. Hien sighed in relief as they reached safety at last, slumping slightly before straightening right back up and turning to face the party.

"Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I truly thought I wasn't going to live to see the next night." He bowed in gratitude before rising, his expression unreadable as his gaze flickered to Izayoi.

"Before I get anything else done, we need to have a talk. If you'd follow me?" As Izayoi nodded and headed off into a side room with Hien, Renzo entered the room, bowing deeply to Ciradyl before offering a curt nod towards everyone else.

"Your quarters are all prepared. For the moment, it may be best to keep your heads down for some days. Judging by the chaos that happened tonight, the occupiers likely know your faces by now, save for Lady Ciradyl and the...Dragoon." The last word took effort to be simply said and not spit. "If you must go out over the next day or two, conceal yourselves and do try not to do anything obvious, yes?"

Minutes passed, and anyone still in the common area could hear raised voices and heated tones coming from the room where Izayoi and Hien went off to go converse. Eventually, it got loud enough that they could be heard.

"-can't believe it, you think we just get to walk away? It doesn't work like that, Auntie. When you ran off to go play housewife for five years, you left me to pick up your pieces!" Hien's yell was punctuated by the sound of a punch slamming against flesh, to which no response was given aside from a snarl. "I spent YEARS rebuilding the loyalty among what was left of my family's men that you could command in an instant were you to just reveal yourself. If you were anywhere close to the sheer strength you had when you rode off to war with my father, we wouldn't be in this position!"

A blade clattered against the tatami mat.

"Here's your short blade back. If you want to kill yourself so badly, do it the proper way."

The door opened, and Izayoi and Hien exited, walking off in separate directions as both seethed.
Zhao Jinhai

So everything got wrapped up nicely. Samurai spirit was neutralized no matter how it was done, and it wasn't like he gave a shit about the civilian casualties in the first place. Most importantly, Jinhai got to enjoy himself just a tad. Of course, that meant it was back to his little grey hole they called on-site housing.

Jinhai stood leaning against the railing on top of the facility's roof, puffing away at a cigarette. Wasn't like there was anywhere else he could smoke it, all things considered. No designated smoking area outside of this, and he'd probably get bitched out if he tried to smoke indoors. Quartermaster had given him enough of a tongue lashing for returning with a broken sword, and he wasn't even able to procure a replacement, considering the samurai's odachi had been confiscated as evidence. Fuckers.

He sighed, his cigarette still stuck in his mouth as he leafed through his personal copy of the Dao De Jing. If Jinhai had learned anything over the years, it was that Laozi wasn't full of shit: just that those who followed his philosophy tended to be. Damn shame, that.

"Motherfucker," He groaned to himself as his cigarette burned down to the stub. A quick palming of his jacket revealed he was out too: that'd been his last Marlboro. Fine, he'd find some other method to occupy himself. Reluctantly, Jinhai pushed himself off the railing and tucked his book back into his jacket, making his way down to do something else. Probably food, really.
Renar Hagen

"I hear and obey, Captain." Renar nodded, already eyeing up the eastern ascent. In truth, he would have taken the risk on the northern approach had he been giving the orders. The difficulty of the climb was outweighed by the massive blind spot it left in the mage's defenses, and they were knights. The majority of them should be physically fit enough to handle such a climb. Ah, well. He could still see where Fanilly was coming from with this decision either way.

They started the climb, and Renar gave a small smirk of approval beneath his helm at Sir Rolan's opening gambit. Smoke. Good call. As he climbed, Renar calculated the angles: everyone taking cover wasn't viable. It'd just leave the mage to target all of it. No, best to keep her attention occupied and constantly shifting angles.

One hand came off the rock and palmed his belt, drawing a throwing knife that Renar hurled straight upwards at the summit of the climb before he shifted sideways, immediately leaving the angle from which he'd lobbed the blade. Through the smoke, the mage wouldn't be able to see his sudden side swap, and had a better than not chance of wasting her time by retaliating where he'd been, and not where he was.

From here on, it was an endurance test: how deep into his and Sir Rolan's bag of tricks could they go before the mage wised up and managed to take them out?

Heads up, job is kinda fucking me over (apparently I am too good at sales for my talent to be 'wasted' in the quiet area I'm living in so they want me to bus to the city, which is 4 hours of transit, to work in a bigger store) and I'm going to be spending most of the next two days away from keyboard. I'll try to type a post on mobile but no promises. Feel free to skip me if nothing is up by tomorrow.

>four hours

what the fuck
Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth prodded the imp onwards in silence, keeping a watchful vigil on it. One wrong move, and it'd see purification. She knew it, Ciara knew it, everyone involved knew it. The imp's suggestion to Ciara led the half-elf to give it an annoyed prod with the flat of her sword, shoving the little bastard forward just a little.

They walked ever onward until the quartet made it back to campus. Just in time for the ceremony to begin, it seemed. At this point, their tardiness didn't particularly matter to Iraleth. Not in the face of something more important like this. Still, that left the matter of who to go to.

"What now, then? Ought we take our chances interrupting the ceremony? We'd have to head that way at some point, anyway.

@Sifr @Estylwen
In SPIRITUM 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

"Yes, I said prisoner." Kalina confirmed for the princess's benefit as she continued driving, her foot not leaving the gas pedal. "What did you think was going to happen when a Vangar royal showed up with a dead escort?"

A glance up in the rearview mirror showed no further pursuit, and there was a rest stop ahead. She pulled in, and any option of continuing on was cut off as Valerie lurched out to throw up. Kalina blinked, but left that matter up to Morden and Silje to deal with. No point in her crowding Valerie when the other two had it handled.

Instead, she turned around in her seat back in Gerard and Justice's direction.

"Orders, boss? We've got one of Vangar's princesses and a bunch of robots after us. Should we call it in? Either way, looks like the road trip's cancelled."
Ranbu no Izayoi

The Dragon King's fascimile roared, and the sky came ablaze as the Proudclad was ripped asunder. Hien forced himself to watch as the wreckage of the ship tore through its crash site, half of it falling atop what he knew to be an inn while the other half impacted into the street. Gods, how he could only hope the inn's inhabitants had fled once the battle had started.

"Etro, Dhinas, Imir, forgive me for mine decisions." He murmured a prayer under his breath, attention turning to Miina as she healed him.

"Aaaagh. Much better..." He sighed in relief, offering the red mage a brief, pained grin. "Thank you. Truly. I might make it out of here under my own power at this rate."

Meanwhile, between Esben's words and Eliane's gunfire, Izayoi charged, intent on dispatching Reisa while she was injured and distracted deflecting the Household Guard's rifle shots. She leapt up and came down on Reisa in a two-handed cleave which the latter somehow managed to parry. One round of blows. Two. Three. They disengaged from each other, both women panting for breath.

"What's wrong, Limbtaker?" Reisa mocked, brandishing her sword. "I thought you had the valor to face me on your lonesome."

Their fight was interrupted by the sound of boots against stone all growing ever closer. Valheimr reinforcements could be seen dashing towards the scene from two angles: the west and south. From the sound Fortunately, it didn't impact their escape plan: the sewer leading towards the hidden exit that ended in their next safehouse was just to the north. There were still a few Valheim soldiers left in that direction, but the majority of Kirin could clear the path without issue at this point.

Unfortunately, Izayoi didn't seem to be following the plan any longer. She sheathed her blade, hunching down into an iai stance.

"Honor is for the deserving. All that you deserve is death, by any means possible. No matter how it happens, all I want is for you to be scourged from this star." The Mystrel had already ran the odds: this was the best opportunity she had to finish things, right here. Reisa was half dead as it was, and she hadn't seen Izayoi's more advanced skills. The strain of performing her greatest would likely kill her, out of shape as she was, and even if it didn't, the Valheimr reinforcements certainly would. But what was her life when vengeance was before her?

"The rest of you, leave. Before this night ends, I will have vengeance. My life is immaterial afterward."

"Are you mad?!" Hien bellowed, his expression thunderous. "I can't- we can't lose you here, not for her!" His gaze swept around, trying to catch the eyes of any member of Kirin it met. "Help me get her out of here! We need to leave, now!"

"I am the storm." She chanted, the glow of materia beginning to surround her. "I am the swell. I am the sword-" Hien dashed forward, holding her up in a full nelson as he tried to drag her back. Even with Miina's healing, however, he was still too injured to exert too much force, and it was obvious that without further aid, he would fail and Izayoi would launch her suicide attack.

All the while, more Valheimr continued to close in...
Will update here in a day or three, I think. Churning through my backlog and I just started work this week
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