Avatar of Pumpkinlord


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Waterworld D&D


27 year old Pokémon VGC player from Texas who likes to RP.
I also play guitar and enjoy hiking.
My favorite RP's would be stuff like...
D&D style
Star Wars
End of the world style
Dragonball Z
Super Hero
Others I cant think of now lol

Most Recent Posts

@Divine Darkness
Looks Amazing! !!!! Can't wait until it's finished.
No one has submitted a deadpool so i declare that your the original and holder of the deadpool seat. Accepted
Thanks for your interest! Feel free to fill out a CS and submit for approval.
I thought spider man could only lift cars. .?
I got that from the 90s animated series tho
@Crimson Clover


So 3 in the characters section if you please.
Yes ok cool. We will see who the real original is.
Cool , cool . So what's his weakness? I'm willing to accept if he is beatable in some way.

Also if Galactis was out doing god like stuff why would you be on earth? Is it because you use to be human?
Your spider man is accepted, post his CS in the characters area.
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