Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Another question, as far as sleeping quarters is it by house or are there general dorms?
Would House Bestia be only animals or animalistic creatures too ala Lamia, beastmen etc?
So, coming into the academy, can you have a level higher than Tyro then? Or do they put all new students into Tyro and sort from there?
I'm just clarifying more than anything tbh. That is how I imagine it, but I just want to make sure before I do anything major.


I'm not naming any names, but someone pestered me to make a character with them so here's a second CS for you.

I didn't pester you about it though. *Squinty Eye*

Anyhow, my character idea that's linked to Rune's.

After I have that summoner idea, I'm kind of excite to get to it. Hehe.
As far as my character idea goes so far, I think I'm gonna make a girl who's entire reasoning to be a summoner is to be surrounded by cuties. A valiant reasoning is it not?
Barring my schedule getting really busy for no reason, I'm game. @Rune_AlchemistSwear I'm not just following you.
Jingu retracted her hand and scratched at her head. "Hmm, well, I suppose I should be happy my name is remembered so many years after my death. Still, Hattori Hanzo, please, rise. If you were just a lowly samurai you'd wouldn't be standing amongst these Heroic Spirits today." The Empress motioned out to the other Heroic Spirits about though... Her point was blunted a bit as two spirits were... Wrestling?

"Well, regardless, Hattori Hanzo, we are both Heroic Spirits here to save the Moon Cell. I suppose you could say we are on the same level at this point, are we not? If you wish to follow my lead however, I shall not stop you! Hah hah hah!" She grabbed Hanzo by the arm and pulled her to her feet. "Besides, rather than looking at the top of your head, I think I'd rather look at your face. You're quite pretty and it feels like it's been too long since I've seen someone from my homeland."

She walked up to the samurai (if she moved) and offered her hand for a handshake again. She seemed keen on this western style of greeting for some reason. Perhaps it was because so many of the servants here were from the west. "Shall we get moving? You seemed keen on it before and I agree with you on that."
Empress Jingu

This Daedalus fellow was irritating. "The only thing you could do with that beast after you were done with it is sifting through ash, bone, or meat." Jingu's eyes sharpened at the man, "And I swear on the gods' names if you insult me again a couple of fingers will not be enough to forgive. Stop your squabbling while you're at it." She had even tapped the ground with her katana to make a point.

After that, she turned to Niethhotep. "If you have time to waste wanting to attack that man, you can spend it doting on this Empress instead. She added. So far, it seemed that the team that was assembled around her was going to be rather difficult to work with. Quite so.

One Servant in particular caught her eye however. While they were not around in her time, Throne of Heroes and the Moon Cell gave her knowledge of what this one was suppose to be. "You there. She called out as she approached Hattori Hanzo. "You have the beauty only someone of the Yamato could have. How pleasant to meet one of my kin here. Aside from that Ford fellow, perhaps you can provide a bit of level-headedness around here."

The Empress gave a powerful and confident smile that one could only assume an Emperor or King could exude. Her hands then went to the side and gave the other woman a bow. An albeit shallow one, but a bow nonetheless. "Or in your time are you more partial to the handshakes of those in the west?" She extended her right hand to Hattori to offer a handshake. "Either way, let us work together for our overall success. Oh, perhaps you can share your name. I made a loud enough declaration so I hope you heard mine."
Empress Jingu

Everyone was already getting to know each other it seemed. And by "getting to know each other" that meant "trying to kill each other." Had it been the case of a spar it would, perhaps, have been acceptable. In this case however, a crocodile sent to harm one's ally? For shame. Still... She watched as Daedalus started to take to the sky. "Have we found the enemy already? I think not." A confident, sly, yet cute voice called out as a flash raced across and grabbed the crocodile and proceeded to roll past into safety. It was a heavy thing, but they needed to keep themselves at full strength.

A young girl in armor fit for a samurai stood up and moved forth next to Neithhotep and thudded her crocodile on the ground in front of Nieth. She seemed young yet seemed to carry herself as a mix between a confident military commander and an old woman as she took her katana from her side and thudded it on the ground as if it were a cane.

"It is unacceptable to attack your allies, despite as much of a raving loon as he is. Cease hostilities young man, and keep your pet on a leash if it will attack as such again. The girl commanded so and sounded done with that subject as she moved on to a secondary matter altogether, her wording now sounded of scolding but the tone of voice declared excitement. "And telling our True Names already? Hmph. Very well. It will be difficult to address each other with multiples of the same class about. Be in awe, you are all in the presence of Empress Jingu, 15th in the Imperial Line. Class?" The girl smirked and shook her katana. "I'll leave it to the imagination."
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