Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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Augusta followed along after she patched herself up. It still hurt in a way. Perhaps it was just a residual feeling... But it didn't feel good at all. Perhaps she was just remembering the pain that, at this point, felt so long ago. He held her side as the troupe pressed onward. She watched as the stone giant and the tendrils struggled with each other. She was glad they didn't have to run from that guardian giant at the moment. For most of the journey, she did her best not to make eye contact with either Donovan or Isidore. She felt awkward that she reacted a bit aggressively towards Donovan trying to help her. That didn't matter too much at the moment at least. They came to a slow at a forest finally.

It was something. A good change of pace from the original place they were. On the travel to where they were, she finally managed to remove her hand from where she was wounded. As the started to look around, they found a rather familiar face. "Nick?" She question, unsure if her eyes were seeing correctly, though, her Goddess' Eyes confirmed it was indeed Nick. "Hello again." She said, though she seemed a small bit colder than she had been before as she was still trying to process everything still. Despite him running from their escapade, it didn't seem like Augusta was upset with him or anything.

"After you left, we went into the depths of the complex. We made a deal with a demon for it's survival and a guaranteed escape for us. Well, it's species' survival?" Augusta questioned herself, since the giant plant they communicated with had ended itself in letting them escape. "Regardless, we escaped with it's seed and a new dog." She added, pointing to Octavia.

Then Isidore spoke up about testing her limits on Nick. She got a new ability didn't she? "Nick, I want you to trust me that you'll feel better. With all the black substance, we just need to be safe. It probably shouldn't hurt." The woman snapped her finger and a flame appeared at her fingers. She infused it with positive energies like she remembered and used it on Nick's wounds and the black substance, just to be safe. "It's a good healing technique, apparently."
Elma put her hand over her heart and tilted her head down towards the old man. A greeting of sorts that her teacher had showed her to use when out and about. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Elmeria, please call me Elma. My friend is Pyra." The elf said, relaxing her stance after introducing the two of them.

"We both came here for separate reasons and I will let Pyra speak for herself. I'm traveling to share my love of dance with the world. For my part, I would greatly appreciate if your town would allow me to put on a show in the center of town. I'm a dancer, of course. Not to brag, but I like to consider myself very good." A small smile crossed her face for a second as she nodded at the man. The elf cleared her throat and looked at her partner. "Why exactly were you wanting to come here again?" She asked. It's not that she forgot but rather she didn't really pay attention in the first place so she was slightly curious since she was just standing there talking to this old man.
As Augusta was finishing off the creature with Octavia, she felt a sharp, burning pain in her side. She cried out in pain, loudly. It was a sensation she had felt once before. The same one she had before she died. The only real difference is was the pain was in her side rather in the middle of her back. "AAAGGHHHH!" She cried out as the pain wracked through her. Soon enough, Donovan crumpled the creature that had wounded her and attempted to help her. She clenched her teeth as her arm was raised over Donovan's shoulder and her body weakly complied.

Thoughts were racing through her head, however. The memory of being stabbed back on Earth was fresh in her mind and it messed with her. It put her in a bad mental spot as she struggled with Donovan and freed herself of his grasp. There was a dislike in her for the feeling of helplessness she felt in a stranger trying to help her in this fashion. "Ugn... Unhand me!" She exclaimed pushing herself off of him and staggering a small bit, painfully groaning as she grasped at her wound. "Damn!" The elven woman complained loudly.

Despite the thoughts in her head, she couldn't help but marvel at the durability of this body. She took a stab wound that would have made her fall to the ground instantly in her previous life and was standing on her own somehow. If this continued, she would not be able to do anything besides be helped so in her head, she planned. She had used magic offensively so far. Firebolts, flamethrowers... Perhaps is could be used to mend her wound. She lightly stumbled again, brushing into the wall. It jostled her ever so slightly so she made a pained groan. This was fine.

From this position, she could place both hands on the wound and focus energies to it. She just had to think about what made wounds heal. She didn't know the technical process and terms behind it... But the body was made of cells that regenerated so if she just imagined that and focused her energies into where she was stabbed, perhaps she could lightly mend it, if not heal it.
The last couple of weeks have been an interesting one for Elmeria. She was in a city, dancing on a stage and enjoying herself as normal. After she finished, she sat at a bench to rest a small bit when she was accosted by some bombastic girl. A mage of sorts and she asked Elma to be a traveling companion. Despite her astonishment, Elma agreed. It didn't matter too much to Elma who she traveled with so long as they weren't overly suspicious people. This Pyra girl was somewhat worrisome but seemed to be the safe type of person to travel with. Narcissistic people were easy enough to read anyhow and she trusted her idea of the girl's personality. Though, for the most part, she liked Pyra.

As they traveled, Pyra had mentioned a small town she wanted to visit for some reason or another. Truthfully, Elmeria didn't pay much attention to the why they were there, just that they were there. It was yet another chance for her to dance for people who have, in all likely-hood, never seen it before. "So, this is the town?" Elma asked as the come to the town proper after traversing the fields of grains and forest. It was much unlike anything she had seen in the desert. There was a small bit of awe on her face as she studied the area.

"Where did you want to start? I probably should ask the leader here if it would be fine for me to dance, rather than strangely start in the middle of town." The desert elf mentioned, trying to see if the leader was in sight. She had a mostly one track mind when it came to things like this. The town didn't seem a danger immediately, though the same probably couldn't be said about the surrounding forest and such. She was interested in what her traveling partner might say. Perhaps she had insight that Elma was not privy to.
Augusta was delighted the fireball seemed moderately effective against these creatures. Though she had not expected Octavia to take a slash from a creature. "Octavia!" She screamed as she heard the demon dog yipe, though she was quick to quiet as she saw the beast heal. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight and it dawned on her even more that this was another world from Earth. She clenched her teeth in anger and stepped forward.

She has figured out how to make a bolt of magical energy... And then, a bolt of fire... Now, maybe, she could spew fire out of her hand. She stood over the wretch that Octavia pulled down and pointed her hand out. If a bolt was gathering energy and firing it at once, maybe she could do the same thing but let it freely escape her hand. Just use the same mechanics she had used earlier to make it spew fire and aim it right at the head and shoulders of this wretch that was held down.
I'll toss my interest in. Now to think of a character
Augusta was content with the exchange of promises. Take the seed with them and the Garden would allow them an easy escape. It was nothing but a win for them, and they keep Octavia! Of course, it was her hound after all! She watched as Isidore pocketed the seed and motioned for them to leave. Considering the words of the flower at it not being able to hold the guardian for too long... That likely was not a bad idea. "Octavia, follow me~" She cooed at the demon dog as she followed Isidore out the new opening.

As they escaped back the way they came, she wondered what became of Nick. Since he'd been perfectly fine if he followed them, she wondered what he sensed that was just that bad. Was it, perhaps, that since the gift was from the goddess and she seemed to hate demons... She'd rather give him a terrible warning about the giant flower demon than some wretches? It was peculiar to her, though not surprising, for the most part. The bright side, she hadn't seen the young man's corpse anywhere so far as the whole area was rumbling.

The plant was definitely keeping its part of the deal.

As they ascending from a sickly sweet smelling hell, they ran into something rather familiar. Wretches. Five of the same bastards from earlier. Her first thought was, This is going to be easy, but Isidore's words caught her off guard. He wanted her and Donovan to keep running. She knew his power was strong for taking a hit, but it should be fine to wipe these things out quickly. "Come now Isidore. There's five of them cluttering the hallway." She raised a hand and shot a firebolt from it, blasting one of the creatures. "Unlike you, I don't feel like taking an injury today from trying to run through these guys." She fire another bolt out at the same creature.

"Octavia, would you be a dear and help out? Donovan, think you can handle one?" She was confident in the dog's ability to handle one, since it easily did so earlier. She just knew Donovan only had a shield so it might be a bit difficult to actually end one, though he did use that odd magic earlier that she wanted to bring up later. Regardless, these were fairly weak creatures so it should be fine to dispose of them quickly.
"W-wait! Suzuka! I said I'd prefer if you didn't!" Mana screamed as her servant left her behind! That girl never listened did she!? Regardless of how she felt, she peaked out below to watch the carnage, albeit with a slight wretching in her stomach. She had played games and been surprised by some rather questionable videos online but this was... Something else. Really... She had no idea what was going on. Just that there were gunshots and that bi-- Servant... And her master. Mana took her eyes from the sight below to look at the master that was on the rooftop with her. She was using a paper talisman. "Huh."

During her observation, Nanako seemed surprised for some reason. Slightly confused, Mana looked down to see what it was only to notice a ghost or something of the sort flying at her. She screamed loudly in surprise and pointed a hand out towards it. She had gone over self defense before but this was nothing she was truly ready for. Her magic circuits activated and she tried to propel something, anything, to defend herself. She manifested something and it blasted towards the ghost's direction. She stumbled backwards from the recoil and tripped on her own feet as she tried to catch herself before softly landing on her rear.
Augusta looked at the pin Donovan was asking about. She was more than ready to trudge forward into this dungeon-like thing in front of them, but the question posed seemed fair compensation. "A pin?" Of course, her eyes reacted not to it. It only seemed to work on creatures of some sort or another. Some issue in and of itself though it would definitely help more than hurt. She sighed with no reply from looking at it. "Haa..." When her eyes fail, there was little more she could figure to do but touch it. "Hmm. Obviously it's... What's the word? Enchanted? Yes, enchanted. Weakly magical?" She questioned, looking at the thing. "It's possibly I might be able to tell you more after I've figured out magic more." She stated, removing her hand and giving a nod to the man.

The deeper they went, the more there was that... sickeningly sweet smell. She had done her best to push it to the back of her mind but the more they traveled, the worst it got until finally they reached a rather dark place. The sweet smell was mixed with the all too familiar scent of the sea. "How peculiar." Still, it was rather dark and she couldn't see very well. There was salt water for sure. And those black tar-like plants that came with Octavia. Hmmm. How curious. She sighed and started to walk forward when she heard a rustling behind her. The vines had blocked their path back? Somehow, she expected that much, really. "No going back, it seems."

With a slight shrug, she followed Isidore as he took the initiative. He barked out commands that made her wonder if he had prior experience in such a thing. It wouldn't be farfetched after all. Either way, she continued to follow him and tried to look around but... "I can't see a thing in this darkness. Wish I had magic for that." She mentioned, playing around with the idea in her head and at her fingertips. It'd be great to just collect power to her hands and make a ball of light to just, illuminate around them. A certain game called it Mage Light, she seemed to remember.
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