Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Erika Frost stands flustered.


"Haaaaaaaaa....." Erika sighed aloud as her partner jumped off. She knew that Tanja wasn't normal, but she might have forgot to pound into her head that she should at least try to act it and not jump off of high places. Then that one boorish guy who was trying to act tough by shoving through everyone jumped off to try and save her. She opened her mouth to say something but he was gone before she really had a chance to mention anything. Erika just sighed and shrugged. Realistically, she could probably make her way down to Tanja if she really tried but it was a bit dangerous to do so she opted not to. "Tanjaaaaaaaa....." She groaned mostly to herself as she tried to make herself comfortable on the elevator.

They'd reach the bottom soon enough. She just started listening in on the other's conversation and it surprised her that everyone was surprised that they were child artifact hunters. When the small girl was finished speaking her piece, Erika spoke up so the rest could hear her. "What? Didn't grow up in a town like this? You don't have too many choices as an orphan in a town like this. Not if you want to go somewhere in this world." Her tone sounded friendly, if a little dismissive of the worries. "It's kind of normal in a lot of places a bit more..." Erika seemed to judge her word choices and didn't seem quite happy with her choice when she made it. "'Uncivilized.'"

She had been to the bigger cities before, of course. They were a bit more on the civilized side than where she lived, here as well. "It's not the best word for the situation, but I think it's the best way to put it." She shook her head a few times and put her smile back on. "Oh, and, no need to worry about Tanja. She's just a bit of an eccentric." Despite saying that, the tapping of her foot betrayed her worry regardless.

A somewhat short time later, they reached the bottom of the elevator shaft and Erika saw her partner. She jumped off the elevator a little before it reached the bottom. She landed gracefully and paced herself over to Tanja quickly before standing before her. The woman's hands reached out and gently pinched the robot girl's cheeks. "What do you think you're doing." She tried whispering to her, though, it was a bit loud. Enough so for the others to hear. "Don't try something like that again or I'm going to have to just hold your hand the entire time so you don't disappear somewhere." After she said her piece she gave a sigh and switched from pinching cheeks to patting Tanja on the head. "Just don't do things that'll make me worry, alright?"

She looked over to the red headed guy who jumped after her. She didn't really like his attitude and truthfully, she didn't want anything to do with him at the moment. She just gave him a small, noncommittal nod before looking around the area. She had gone ruin delving more than a few times and this really wasn't too different from what she explored for the first time when she was little. She didn't think too much of the luminescent growths since she had seen plenty in her time. "Looks like we're going to have a fun time exploring."

Scylla seemed to be in a rather good mood today. Which was good for basically anyone around her. She was mostly content to the chaos that following Thalia around the city seemed to bring about. While her jam sessions where questionable at times, it was always funny getting a first person view of Thalia escaping. Today though, that master of hers was extremely tired. "Anything I want, hmm?" Scylla said with a rather wide smile. "Well, you do have many mouths to feed here and it's hard to judge, but'll eat everything I order, dear master~." The monster mentioned with a gleeful smile crossing her pale white face.

She stumbled up to the counter top and took the responsibility of ordering for the both of them. The person taking orders was taken aback at Scylla's appearance first of all. Her tattered outfit and disheveled look was slightly offputting. Still, he stood tall. "Hello, may I take your order?"

Scylla smiled as she scanned over the menu quickly to refresh her brain on what she wanted. "You may. It's a big one." The servant took a breath in and out. "I want a cheeseburger combo, large. A triple cheeseburger combo. Five additional triple cheeseburgers. Four of the larger sized nuggies. Three large fries and that salad thing since I was told I should go on a 'diet'. Pfft." Outside of the one cheeseburger combo, she planned to eat everything else and there was no saying no at this point. After all, she was told anything she wanted. After that, the worker looked in awe and read back the order to confirm correctness. With her confirmation, she left the payment to Thalia and went to sit in one of the available booths. "Woooo, food~"
Erika Frost and a Robot Catgirl leave for work

Erika smirked at Tanja's purring. She found this robot somewhat adorable. Still, with her partner admitting her lack of knowledge of where they were going, "Well, it's a good thing I took a quick peak earlier." Erika mentioned with a slight giggle. She released the catgirl from her grasp and opened the door. "Come then, follow me." Erika was quick to pick up on the tradition of this town, the so called unspoken rule of never saying goodbye. As the two left, she saw the Innkeeper and gave her a quick wave to catch the woman's attention. "We'll be back today or tomorrow." With that, the woman smiled and return the phrase.

"Then I'll see you then." With that, Erika and Tanja were out the door heading to where they would be hunting relics. Luckily, it wasn't a far walk. From where they were, they walked through a makeshift market and towards the also makeshift lift down to the hunting site. A guard stood there, always was one. Making sure people were authorized in the guild. Before he had a chance to ask her, she pulled out her pass from somewhere and showed it to him. "I sure am authorized my good man." She said with a smile on her face. "And this here is my partner, authorized as well." She added, patting the cat earred girl on her head. The guard was slightly taken aback, but noted that Erika seemed pretty eager to get down to work with her smile and let her pass. With her continued smile, she grabbed Tanja by the hand and took her to the lift. "We'll be back." She mentioned before the two disappeared down into the sinkhole.

At the bottom, after departing, Erika let go of Tanja's hand and took a look around. "Tanja my girl, these are the first steps of our first, possibly last... Forey into some ruins together. We'll have to work hard together, today." She nodded before looking over and seeing a couple of hunters surrounding a lone girl. She was perhaps nine or ten. It really wasn't that different from the age when she started diving into ruins. She was nine when she went to search for her dad and Fuuka picked her up. She sighed. "Well, hope that girl gets lucky as I did." She muttered to herself and Tanja. "What do you think, Tanja? Talk to them?" She asked her cat-eared partner before patting her on the head.
Erika Frost and a Robot Catgirl Ready Up

Erika had took the early morning to gather her supplies. One could never know how long they would be stuck searching for Artifacts. Or, perhaps, if they would ever come back from searching at all. She scratched the back of her head and sighed as she stuffed a small amount of supplies into a backpack. Should be enough for the day, perhaps she could push it to tomorrow easily. Worst case, had to come back for a resupply. This would be easy enough. Well, it would be normally.

The tanned girl looked over to the other inhabitant of the room. An odd... creature? No, what she was told was... Magitech Robot? Something of the sort. Omega... Something, something. Tanja was what she was sure this girl was called. Her teacher had mentioned an agreement with Alhein. One of her disciples would watch over the catgirl, the disciple in question being Erika herself. What Fuuka got out of it? Well, that was a good question. She was rather vague about it. Though, Erika might have been distracted by other things when she was told about it. There was likely something good for her master to agree to it.

Well, either way, it was just her normal job with an extra person along. She fastened a couple of items to her belt. A light source that one could attach to their head, a small portable laser cutter and a flashbang device. Then, one of the more important items, her magitech sword. She attached the sheath to her side and pulled the blade out to check on it quickly enough. Yes, it seemed to be in fine condition. With a smile, she put it back in it's home and double checked. Yep, that was everything. After that she looked at the Artifact on her wrist, Medusa, and rubbed it with a small smile. Her partner for ten years or so now was one of the few constants in her life. She hoped it would stay that way.

Either was, now wasn't the time to think on the past. She walked over to Tanja, hoping she'd be ready to head down into their new brand of hell. "You cute little thing." Erika said, rubbing the catgirl's head a small bit. The cat had seemed friendly enough so far and that was fine with Erika. "Hope you're ready to head down. It's the start of Tanja and Erika's big Artifact hunt. Our goal is at the very least ten." The girl said with a confident smile. Of course, it was most likely an unobtainable goal of course. One was lucky if they would find even one artifact, let alone ten. "Something tells me that we're up to a very good partnership!" Her arm wrapped around Tanja's head and pulled her close. "You know how to get to the site right?"

Name: Erika Frost
Age: 19
Gender Female
Appearance: It’s easy to pick out Erika in a crowd for the most part. She has rather impressively tanned skin and bleach blonde hair. While a bit on the taller side, the woman definitely isn’t anything impressive in that department. She’s rather well endowed in a few select areas and tends to wear outfits that emphasize that aspect.

Personality: There’s an old, archaic term used to describe one aspect of her. Gyaru. Her speech mannerisms, for the most part, tend to be odd and likely to garner her a few looks of curiosity. Outside that, however, she’s a rather out-going and friendly girl though with a small competitive streak. She likes to make friends with most people she sees unless they give her bad “vibes”.

When it comes to her job however, she’s more than happy to make it a competition if it comes to it and she can be a bit on the aggressive side with trash talking, though she seems to calm down when she wins or loses.

Skills In her heart, Erika is an engineer before anything else. That said, there’s a part of her that just loves delving into ruins and other places to find Artifacts. It’s even better if she can mix both of these passions into one thing. She’s honed herself as an engineer, fighter and searcher. Almost comically, she’s also quite skilled at parkour, starting training in this after she was taken in by Fuuka. She’s very good at keeping up or keeping away from people.

Abilities: Erika has pretty good reflexes and dexterity. What she lacks in fortitude and strength she more than makes up for with her control over her body.

Equipment: Erika has one artifact that she just so happened to come across in her journeys. Her teacher, Fuuka, called it “Medusa” and it’s a marvelous piece of machinery and magic. By first look, it’s a rather fine looking bracelet. But once you put it on and funnel some magic into it, it produces an outfit around the wearer.

It gives a feeling of having multiple forms, but there only seems to be one. A picture in an old book seems to describe the look as a “Ninja Outfit”. As for what makes the outfit special, it increases physical strength through mechanical means and has a grappling hook in one gauntlet that can pull the user to the location the hook is as well as giving the user a rather cool look. In her free time, Erika likes to pick at the bracelet to discover its secrets.

Outside of her single artifact, she has a more mundane magitech sword to defend herself with.

Faction: “Totes, Fuuka!”

Name: Erika Frost
Age: 19
Gender Female
Appearance: It’s easy to pick out Erika in a crowd for the most part. She has rather impressively tanned skin and bleach blonde hair. While a bit on the taller side, the woman definitely isn’t anything impressive in that department. She’s rather well endowed in a few select areas and tends to wear outfits that emphasize that aspect.

Personality: There’s an old, archaic term used to describe one aspect of her. Gyaru. Her speech mannerisms, for the most part, tend to be odd and likely to garner her a few looks of curiosity. Outside that, however, she’s a rather out-going and friendly girl though with a small competitive streak. She likes to make friends with most people she sees unless they give her bad “vibes”.

When it comes to her job however, she’s more than happy to make it a competition if it comes to it and she can be a bit on the aggressive side with trash talking, though she seems to calm down when she wins or loses.

Skills In her heart, Erika is an engineer before anything else. That said, there’s a part of her that just loves delving into ruins and other places to find Artifacts. It’s even better if she can mix both of these passions into one thing. She’s honed herself as an engineer, fighter and searcher. Almost comically, she’s also quite skilled at parkour, starting training in this after she was taken in by Fuuka. She’s very good at keeping up or keeping away from people.

Abilities: Erika has pretty good reflexes and dexterity. What she lacks in fortitude and strength she more than makes up for with her control over her body.

Equipment: Erika has one artifact that she just so happened to come across in her journeys. Her teacher, Fuuka, called it “Medusa” and it’s a marvelous piece of machinery and magic. By first look, it’s a rather fine looking bracelet. But once you put it on and funnel some magic into it, it produces an outfit around the wearer.

It gives a feeling of having multiple forms, but there only seems to be one. A picture in an old book seems to describe the look as a “Ninja Outfit”. As for what makes the outfit special, it increases physical strength through mechanical means and has a grappling hook in one gauntlet that can pull the user to the location the hook is as well as giving the user a rather cool look. In her free time, Erika likes to pick at the bracelet to discover its secrets.

Outside of her single artifact, she has a more mundane magitech sword to defend herself with.

Faction: “Totes, Fuuka!”
Augusta had decided to stay silent through the meeting, keeping a false smile on through out, even when the acting leader was scrutinizing her. She really didn't want to start a scene here. That would be very bad. And she had doubts that they could take on a whole group of twenty people. When she and Isidore returned to Leuca and the faithful hound Octavia, she let her shoulders droop some. She could relax now, right? "Sorcha? No, but they mentioned a Stieneter."

Augusta kneeled down to let Octavia jump into her arms since the hound seemed to want up so much. She snuggled the dog a small bit before answer Leuca again. "Well, if Sorcha is a multilegged serpent monster then they did mention something about her, I suppose." She didn't know quite what Sorcha looked like, so it was a kind of funny joke she could make before rubbing her face against Octavia's to lighten her mood a bit. "What do you guys think we should do? Head into the maw of the beast and find that dwarven stronghold? I'm sure there are others there that might be a bit more receptive to us than that Firebeard bastard. Though, I'm sure the Elves out here would be a bit more receptive to us. Otherwise, your... Big Sis? Sorcha? We could try to find her." She mentioned all of that, but she was sure they didn't have much of a lead on how to get to any of those places.

Alright, here's a servant.

  • Class: Berserker
  • True Name: Scylla
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Appearance: Scylla with her usual look is a fairly standard size, though perhaps on the thin side in tattered clothes, bandages and chains around her. Her white shoulder length hair always seems to be an unkempt mess even when proper care is given to it.
  • Bio: Scylla was, at one time, a Naiad. A Nymph. As the stories go, she caught the eye of Poseidon and was poisoned by the Nereid Amphitrite, his wife, out of jealousy. The poison did not kill her, but instead, turned her into a mad and terrible monster of the sea.

    Thus, from then on, in her rage, she attacked nearby ships, seizing sailors and eating them. In his flight home, Odysseus encountered her and passed her with only some of his men being taken. Even later, she was killed by Heracles. Despite that, she was said to have been brought back to life by her father, Phorcys, but appling flaming torches to her body.

    Now, however, she has two different forms. A more humanoid form and her true, monstrous form. In her humanoid form, she has more control over her thoughts and actions though she tends to be easy to anger, even against her master. Though, she tends to at least play nice with her master despite the outward threats she gives at times. She tends to seek out things that interest her to keep her mind busy.

    Her true form, however, is a hell of a lot more destructive and almost mindless, much like she is from her myths. While in this state, there’s some part of her humanoid vestige that tries to reign the beast in, but mostly she turns into a beast that enjoys destroying everything around her and just about anything that seems possibly edible will look like food to her.
  • Parameters:
    STR: C | AGI: C | END: B | MGI: D | LCK: E | NP: A+
  • Class Skills:
    Madness Enhancement EX: Rather than having a pure state of insanity, it would be more correct to describe it as having the actual mentality of a monster. For the most part, she runs off her instincts, guts and desires while also having destructive tendencies. This only becomes more obvious the closer she gets to her true monstrous form.
  • Personal Skills:
    -Monstrous Strength A:: As a giant monster, Scylla of course has the strength befitting one. The more she taps into this, the closer she gets to using her Noble Phantasm without her intention of even doing so.
    -Divinity B: As she was once a Naiad, she is a form of divinity.
    -Battle Continuation A: Scylla will keep fighting until the apparent end, though, as a monstrous being it might be a bit more difficult to truly kill her than it might seem. Once left for dead by a famous hero, she was awakened when the light of a torch was shown over her body.
  • Noble Phantasms:
    Abominable Devourer of Man: Scylla Scylla unleashes her true, monstrous form. She turns into a 30-foot tall monstrosity with many tentacles, dog heads and a cat tail. Her true power is unleashed and her sentience is limited, especially when battle is concerned. She can bring it out of her own free will, but it can come out on her own when she gets frustrated or angry to a certain extent. One thing that can be certain, is the destruction that will follow.

  • Extra Info:
    -Scylla tries to keep herself entertained so she can keep her destructive impulses under control. She tries just about anything that seems interesting.
    -She is also very hungry.

Unsure of how long they would be stuck in this small area with only the four of them for company, Augusta settled herself as quick as she could, taking special care to keep this young elf girl warm. Perhaps it was just the shared ears they both had, but she felt a need to protect her. She also listened to all the stories the girl told. Making note of everything she mentioned, the woman smiled and nodded at the girl. When that was all said and done though, and it was time to sleep... Augusta found sleep hard to come by. A good portion of it was spent keeping an eye out in case the Apostles or those dwarves found them. Eventually, she fell into the clutches of the night and her eyes closed.

She found herself wake up to Isidore making noise and forced herself to wake up. She'd love to have just went back to sleep at that moment and pull the covers over her shoulders, but that seemed an impossibility at this point. As they went about their morning, Augusta thought some on the previous night and encounters. Firebeard. He was a threat to them on this mountain as were the Apostles apparently. She really should work on some magic aside fire. Perhaps thunder as she had previously considered. If someone were wearing metal armor, it only helped the magic. Perhaps she'd ponder that for the day as they traveled to keep her mind off the snow.

She made sure Leuca woke up and had her rations, as well as Octavia. She felt responsible for them, though it was Isidore that secured the provisions from the dead Apostles. Perhaps they would make it to Gloomhallow and the "Shadow Elves" would assist them. Perhaps... Nothing seemed right on this mountain at this point so she had her doubts. After eating her rations, she stepped outside the small shelter and took a look around with Isidore. The clouds in the sky were not the best looking and seemed to threaten them just by existing. With a frown she agreed with him. "Yes, we should move." She caught the cloak and was thankful for it. The cold was getting to her ears. "Octavia, how are you feeling? Still cold?" She asked, petting the demon dog.
If this had been yesterday when she was still in Italy... The sight of these two corpses might have left her a little queasy. Now, though, well... Perhaps it was the gift of the goddess, or perhaps her experience in the dungeon. She didn't feel much about seeing these bodies. Pity, perhaps, that they were killed by a small girl. Hmm. She needed this girl to rest. "Octavia, dear, go rest in warmth, I'd rather you not get frost-bitten." She told her demon dog companion.

With her pup otherwise distracted, she started to walk closer to the small elf girl in front of her. "Now, Isidore here is right. You're injured and I can help care for you." The woman said, bringing her healing fire to her hand again. To show that she wouldn't catch fire, she put it up to her face and noticeably didn't catch on fire or burn to a crisp.

"See, it's safe. Please, let me heal you. It'll be slow but it will only get worse if you don't let me patch you up. I can see many things about you and one thing is your injuries. Your wrist and rib is especially bad." Augusta mentioned, taking a step closer to the girl wit her hands up as if she were being held at knife-point, though it likely occured to everyone present that the girl wouldn't be able to win a fight here.
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