Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Yet another Alvadian research lab it would seem. This would not be the first one she had ransacked and certainly not the last one either. Freyja had been sitting ready with her weapon resting on the floor in front of her and pondering her current situation in more depth. She had mixed feelings. There was a part of her that hoped that the facility they were headed to was the one that she made her great escape from... But... Well, that didn't seem likely. Which also made her glad. She wasn't sure if she had it in her to visit again. Not yet, at least.

She wanted to stop thinking on that. Rather, her attention turned to her comrades. Other members of Wild Rose. First, there was Derrick. He seemed level-headed enough and a magic user of sorts. Well, if she had to guess. He didn't have the feel of a warrior about him. Of course, she had yet to talk to him in depth yet but she had to trust her gut.

Then there was Cadenza. By the limited interaction, Freyja came to assume her a hot-headed individual. Cocky even. If she understands her own limits at least, that much is fine. Really, she worried about the woman's reliability because of her attitude. Well, she had found that she worried about anyone's reliability since the war ended so that didn't speak much of Cadenza in Freyja's mind.

Rather, the one that she was more... concerned might be too strong a word. Regardless, it was Cassidy. He was a bit of a smooth talker. She was somewhat skeptical of him in general. Perhaps it was jut her but he was a small bit shady to her. Something seemed off, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Still, one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Something that the Alvadian Freyja understood far too well. For now, she would put any preconceptions about these people to the back until she had more knowledge about them. She figured most of them probably didn't trust her either. She wouldn't blame them if they knew she was an Alvadian or even if they knew she fights like an old Alvadian Dark Knight.

As the woman put her thoughts behind her, she grabbed the handle of her weapon and stood. She allowed the compacted weapon to release to its full size to inspect it once before they had to head out. It was like a ritual for her, looking it over for scratches, fractures and other things that might be faulty to a weapon. Well, that was part of the good thing about Alvadian Magitek, even years later it was in near perfect shape. At least, the ones designed to be good. That was when the pilot announced that they would be touching down at the zone soon. "I suppose it's time then. We dance again, Alvad." She mentioned to herself before placing her compacted weapon in a specially crafted sheath on her back. With a sigh, Freyja turned and headed for the disembark ramp.

Once there, Cadenza mentioned something about shit hitting the fan and pounding shots down. Well. She certainly was cocky in the way she said it. Freyja eyed her for a couple of seconds and shaking her head lightly. "So long as you keep the drinks relegated to when we're not on a mission." She just assumed that Cadenza was more than happy to take care of herself. As was she, for that part. Perhaps she would need to keep an eye on Derrick or Cassidy, or perhaps not. That was to tell at the moment. "I, for one, don't plan to join you on that, Cadenza." Freyja added, ready to get to work. Perhaps searching the lab would give her some time to not think about the things that haunted her.
Trina was listen quietly as everyone else introduced themselves. Well, quiet as this fairy got. She got very offended when Nuri mentioned she could fly through a keyhole and unlock it from the other side. "How rude!" She remarked. "I am quite the amazing lockpick damn you!" She yelled but was likely ignored.

Nuria just kept talking though. Trina felt a small bit like a hypocrite, not that she knew what that word meant, when she felt that Nuri talked a whole hell of a lot. Then she couldn't remember such an important fairy's name! The nerve! "Damn right it's Trina! And you better not forget it!" She seemed irritated, even through Nuri's small bit of encouragement.

"Grrrr..." She grumbled before noticing the newest member to join them. The rather well endowed companion... No... "Wife?" The fairy asked as she started flying and drew closer to the two of them. She knew what a wife was! Something, something married. And married people did... Married people stuff? How was she suppose to know? She wasn't married. What she did know was the boing was strong this one. Her gaze was rather obvious on its direction at the larger one of the two. "Did you marry her because she's got nice boing?" The fairy slyly asked as she drew close to Liliane's ear, half expecting to be slapped away since that's what most people did. She was ready.

I'll post my interest! Just gotta think about what I want to make
"H-hey!" Trina complained back at the Guild Girl. "She loves to put up with me!" She continued, breaking her obnoxious pose and stomping her foot a small bit. "And you do too! Don't deny it!" She mentioned before someone appeared behind her and made her give a soft scream as her guard was wholly down. Oh, it was that one hooded girl that couldn't shut her mouth. Upon thinking this, Trina actually realized it made her a sort of hypocrite, but at the same time this girl could probably stand holding it shut for five seconds so she doesn't blurt anything dumb out.

Still.... She did mention... Experienced adventurers... She didn't know much about this quest but she was definitely an experienced adventurer! She swiped the paper from Nuri to look at herself. "Hmm, hmm. Yes, yes. Monas-try... Pay handsomely... Arty-facts..." She made some more noises as she comprehended what she read. "I see! Yes! You do need experienced explorers for this!" That was when she noticed that a big Ingvarr man and two Hundi girls. She didn't really expect so many people to appear around them! When did everyone show up!? Wait, they were here for the quest as well? Her eyes darted between everyone that had gathered around this guild counter. The Ingvarr man was a Five of Swords and that's all she needed to glean before she chose her next words. She held the paper off to the side for dear Neffy to read before she spoke.

"Well, my fellow travelers! I'll have you know, I happen to be quite an experienced adventurer with my good friend Nefrena here! You should be glad to meet the-" Lightly under her breath she added, "self" before continuing again, "Acclaimed Seven of Coins, Trina the Nimble!" All throughout, she was rather self theatrical about it. "We would be more than happy to plun-- I mean, search the depths of this monastry!" She seemed rather proud of herself though if they knew of her antics they'd probably see right through her boastings.
"Me? Hmm, I suppose. You're suppose to be looking at fresh blood though." Scylla mentioned, slightly frustrated. She sighed, pushing it off to the side. She tried to not let every little thing her master said affect her since that would just turn her into that again.

There food had arrived in the meantime though! Hurrah! Her five or so meals were sitting right in front of her. There was a loud noise and rumbling all around them but she didn't really care too much about that. Food! She unwrapped the first burger and practically inhaled it. She had to chew a few times but it quickly disappeared into her stomach. She then shoveled a mouthful of fries into her mouth and those too followed after the burger. Then she started to wrap the second when her master spoke up.

"Stage? What are you talking about?" Scylla asked with a raised eyebrow. It was at this time she finally raised her head and looked around. When was this play destroyed like this? Oh, right. There was an explosion-like sound and rumbling and loud noises around. "You want to do something about this?" The servant questioned, taking a more relaxed bite into the hamburger, a bit of ketchup smearing on the corner of her mouth. "Seems boring." She stated before shoving the rest of the hamburger in her mouth, making her look like a chipmunk with its mouth full.
Such a busy day! Boy, was Trina sure she heard that phrase plenty before. Well, it's what your heard in the Guild Hall when you frequented it every day. The fairy was more than happy to have something to do. "Neffy! Come on, hurry slowass!" She mentioned to her partner in crime as she bursted ahead to the Adventurer's guild. As she came to the door, she saw a familiar sight. The High Elf adventurer! If memory served, she had a boing behind. So, as a matter of fairy principle, she needed to mess with the girl. A quick little fairy slap would do. And so she did it. Quickly. Decisively. She caught the elf's eye and stuck her tongue out at her as she ducked inside before the door closed in on her after a large Ingvarr man opened the door for himself.

Now, this was a place! Drunkards! Adventurers! Drunkard Adventurers! What wasn't there to enjoy? In fact, there was one drunkard adventurer that stood out more than the others. She proudly declared something about others taking the easy jobs and that leaving her with the worthwhile ones. "Yeesh." Trina muttered to herself. "Talk about self involved..." She mentioned as she hovered for a bit, considering what to do. She smirked as a bright idea came to mind. She flew over to the Drunkard Adventurer woman who had just pushed past the Ingvarr that Trina had followed in. Quickly, quietly as she could, she attempted to swipe the woman's hood down with one good pull before fleeing towards the Guild Counter with a small giggle.

As she approached the counter, she found the guild girl she liked to flirt work with the most who just so happened to be free at the moment. As she got close, she slowed her speed and eventually stopped, sliding in with what she thought was a eye catching pose but really just seemed obnoxious. "Hey there, Diane. How's your day been? Got anything for me and Neffy today?" She asked as if they were hand-picked for quests quite often.

Now, if one were to ask why Diane was Trina's target of flirtation rather than any of the other girls, the fairy would answer, "Well, it's cause she's the most... Like... Boing! You know?" Plus, the fairy just tended to like pretty things in general like other fairies. Regardless, she sat there, expecting an affirmative answer despite knowing that they never really got handpicked for anything from the pretty lady in front of her.

Alright, got the fairy done I think.

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