Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

I'll get working on my fairy sometime soon
Augusta was visibly disappointed that Leuca decided to go with Isidore instead, though she made sure the elf girl didn't see it. She wondered if Isidore caught sight of it though. It was only for a couple of seconds before she turned to go towards the tower but, it was what it was. "Dug my own grave there didn't I?" She mentioned as she turned and headed toward the tower.

She tried to keep her chin up, however. And she didn't let the stares get her down. In fact, she was taking it in stride. Yes. She would allow these subterranean elves the chance to gaze upon her as she walked. Though, the slightly ripped dress she was wearing might have been part of it. Still, she gave a smile to those that quite obviously looked at her. Then, she finally came closer to the tower and it loomed over her. She started to get cold feet about talking to anyone that might have inhabited here. Perhaps they lived in an ivory tower and had little idea of the outside. Well, perhaps. Though if she could share in their knowledge that would be wonderful.

Her expectations, however, were correct at first. As the guard of the place basically told her to scram. Of course, to this provocation, Augusta scowled and was about to say something rather rude right back, but then another voice spoke up. Her scowl faded into a look that clearly said she wasn't entertained with what was going on. A general confusion would do that to an individual.

This other voice belong to a fairly beautiful elven woman with an outfit almost skimpy enough to think she belonged across the street at the brothel. Though, she had to wonder if beauty was a good metric to measure for elves since they all seemed to be so. Perhaps she was biased. Either way, the woman had told the guard to stand down with... A fairly dangerous threat. And she believed her when she said it too. How bizarre this world was.

She looked the guard in the eye before heading in after who she assumed was the master of this tower. She pondered the term "milk-skin" as she entered. Well, she shouldn't be surprised about any slur or things of the sort. The place was quite amazing. An odd cross between what she had thought reading Harry Potter and some warlock's abode in any fantasy material. She couldn't hide her amazement as she looked around. As the woman suggested starting with names and low-key threatening her, Augusta quickly looked at her for her information. Of course, yet another lack of information. Perhaps it was dealing with Sorcha, but she felt a lot more composed. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that her information told her there was something blocking her from getting more information. Might as well start talking with her.

"Yes, well, I didn't feel you were going to harm me or else you would have just nabbed me off the street and done what you would." Of course, the woman saying that meant to imply that she was either just that powerful or that she had a great handle on this place. Either way, it meant not poking the bear. She might as well start.

"Regardless, you are right. My name is Augusta.." She paused for a second. She had never gave this persona of hers a surname. Was it necessary? Railey nor Sorcha had one. Still, it was better to have one than not. "...Aquilonia." She considered using just the word Aquila. Eagle. But that alone with Augusta felt odd to hear. So rather, she went with Aquilonia, based from a battle of the same name during the ending years of the Third Samnite War.

"Augusta Aquilonia, yes. Just Augusta is fine." The Sirithen looking woman mentioned, trying to give a show of being friendly. "My companion here is Octavia." She added, motioning to her demon pup before her. "It is a pleasure to meet you..." She didn't have a name to fill the gap with so her voice trailed off, hoping to be filled in from there.
Erika Frost

Erika looked onward and considered what might be, when she heard someone speak up behind her. She turned to see a rather slender woman with what one would definitely consider a pretty face. To be honest, Erika hadn't expected anyone to follow them this way. With that loud guy and what looked like everyone else heading the other way, she wasn't expecting someone this way. Or, perhaps, she was hoping no one else would. Not that she minded people or anything, but she was wanting to get a good feel on exploration with just her and Tanja.

Still, just because she didn't want anyone else coming this way it didn't mean she should be rude. The girl gave a cheeky smile and her hand moved up to her brow as if to give a lazy salute, but instead of anything of the sort the tip of her fingers met with her palms facing forward before moving away as if bouncing off and making a finger gun pointed toward the side. "It's 'totes nice to meet ya', Aerynne. Name's Erika Frost. If I'm being honest with 'ya I was kinda' hoping we'd be the only ones going down this way, but hey, the more the merrier!" She said before turning around and looking down at the edge. She studied the canteen and wondered if it belonged to the dead one.

"Hmm. Makes you wonder where the one who did that went with this water here. Like, something amphibious maybe?" Putting that aside for now, she looked down at the water and she could swear she made out the shape of Shimmerfish. "Oh! Shimmerfish, huh? Awesome~." She gave a smile and gave a big grin at Aerynne and Tanja. "Those little guys mean it's 'totes safe to continue." She stood up and stretched a little. "Wanna go for a dip with me? My bag is, like, waterproof if you want me to hold on to your notebook." She offered to Aerynne and then turned to Tanja. "The water's, like, 'totes harmless Tanja. Nothing to be scared about!"
Augusta listened to Sorcha, though her interest didn't lie beyond the information on Lord Firebeard for the most part. It didn't stop her from soaking up the information the woman gave them. "It may be good to visit them, though I wonder how much my ears would prove problematic in the situation." She responded to Isidore's thoughts with her own musings. If they were looking for an elf than there may be some more problems than meets the eye.

Regardless, she was highly intrigued by the layout of this elven city called Gloomhaven. Everything seemed so alien to her with these giant mushrooms growing everywhere. Sure the zombie-like wretches and her ever-faithful demon dog were fantastical in their own right, but this mushroom filled cave inhabited by elves was beyond what she could have expected.

She felt comfortable moving about here with her hood down since there likely wouldn't be members of the Apostles around and while these elves were allowing them here at the moment, it felt more like they had a neutral opinion of them than a friendly one if the gaze of the guards were anything to go by.

After Sorcha spoke of leaving Leuca in their ever so capable hands while she went and spoke with "her majesty" Augusta watched her walk off before grabbing the small elf girl's hand and looking around at the nearby buildings of interest. There was an odd tower that reminded Augusta of something in a game once. There was also what she assumed was a blacksmith or something of the sorts. Then, there was this overly ornate and quite possibly gaudy building with lanterns and other goods that made it look interesting to look at. At first, started to walk that way until she noticed that there were some rather skimpily clad women moving about. "A broth-" She cut herself off, not really wanting to give this child holding hands with her a thought about it.

Instead, she turned to Isidore who had mentioned selling the chunk of silver to the smithy. "Ahh, yes. A good idea. While you do that, I'm going to go check out the odd tower over there. Leuca, would you like to join me?" She was curious if the girl would rather join her to the tower or Isidore to the smithy, though she was hoping the girl would join her.
"Now, now. Octavia. We've fought many things in the day or so together. Despite.... Well, how she is..." Augusta started off. Octavia was scared from a mere glance. She would question it more if she didn't have some insider knowledge. "She's very strong but she doesn't mean us any harm." She knelt down and scratched the pup behind the ears before standing back up to listen to Sorcha.

After the woman was done talking about an intended path, Augusta opened her mouth. "I'm not very knowledgeable of the dwarves of the mountains here, but that might not be so wise. A certain Lord Firebeard seems to have a want for an elven girl and sent some goons out. A hostage, maybe? Regardless, we refused to hand Leuca to them and they attacked. Though, you can guess the result."

The elven woman gave a sigh. "Those dwarves weren't exactly what I'd call friendly. It might be dangerous getting near the Dwarven gate unless he's just leading a small faction of Dwarves. Things might be different then. Or perhaps, there's another way to get there? I don't know these mountains or the people that inhabit them well, so it's hard for me to say." The woman was obviously fishing for information and hoping that Sorcha could give her some answers.

"Oh, but the children of the Stieneter and the Apostles have been a bit of a nuisance." She added, considering that aloud. Truthfully, she wasn't too concerned about them with Sorcha around but she wanted Sorcha's reaction to the Stieneter being mentioned.
Erika Frost investigates

This wasn't the first time Erika had seen a gruesome sight like this. Didn't mean she liked it any more. She winced at first seeing the sight of the mushrooms growing from the creature. She got a closer look at it. "It's missing quite a bit of, well, everything. Either something ate it or gutted it for later. There was a saddle here so... Hmmm. Maybe it did get killed by some killer mushroom monsters down here." She teased as her eyes flow over the scene a last time before standing up. "Who knows. Perhaps there are some underground wolves. Maybe a wolfman or something of the sort."

She looked at Tanja and shrugged at her last words. "If there's anything I've learned from my travels, there's not really any normal. You'll get eyes on you as long as you're not someone people know." She took her weapon out of its sheath and kept moving down the path. "Regardless, we should keep moving. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you notice anything, let me know."
Augusta had to look away from Sorcha. She couldn't help but curiously use her eye on the woman and for some reason, it was giving her some great headache the more she looked. She considered what Leuca had said about her being Fey-Blessed but, well, that seemed weird. That seemed like it'd belong in that Special Attribute area with "Holder of a Dying Wish" and "Human Sympathy" which she could see both. These were her assumptions so far... This Sorcha... She either had an ability that she could not see that prevented her status from being read or she was just too strong for the elven woman or her eye to currently comprehend. Either way, it left her wary. She was sure that, if she so desired, Sorcha could eradicate them from existence.

There were many things she wanted to say. "Who are you?" "What are you?" "Are you really a human?" But, well, she couldn't find the guts to say that aloud. She opened her mouth to say something else but... The words didn't leave her mouth. She couldn't manage to breath the words at first. She made sure she didn't use her eye to look at Sorcha again. She wasn't getting that headache now and she got a real look at the woman in front of the group again. She was beautiful, Augusta supposed. She studied the woman's features for a short time. She was strong enough to hold her own to that man, Railey, but was she strong enough to cancel the effect of her eye? What is she joking about? Augusta knew she was a stranger to this land. It shouldn't surprise her that there were people and creatures stronger than her... But this one was?

She swallowed the thought. She had plenty of time to ponder the subject. She didn't want to make Sorcha concerned by studying her too much so she spoke after making sure that Railey man was gone. "I've found myself rather fond of Leuca in the last couple of days." She took off her hood to reveal her face and, more importantly, her ears. "I'd like to follow her to her journey's conclusion at this point. I also have an interest in reaching the Urutha. Would you guide us as well, Miss Sorcha?" She tried to be cautious with her words but she was starting to hope for a truely warm place to rest.
Erika Frost dresses up

Erika just sighed as she watched that hoverboard guy spew foulness from her mouth. It's not that she never said anything uncouth, but geez, he must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She didn't really want to go down the same way he went and, if she gauged the conversation earlier, looked to another way into this ruin. Welp, now was as good a time as any. She reached into her pocket and grabbed an elastic band and used it to tie her hair back into a pony tail.

After that, she clicked on her bracelet a few times and held that hand out. A light spread from the device and spread over her body. It fully covered her body at some point and an odd, skin-tight suit seemingly materialized into existence. It was fairly form fitting in certain areas and at least looked slightly armored in some other areas. The woman rubbed the back of her neck, though she didn't feel it much because of her outfit. She checked to make sure her other equipment was where it was suppose to be. Supplies, check. She strapped them closer to her body to make sure it didn't flop around as much. Weapon, check. "Alright, Tanja. We're going this way." She said, leading the small robotic girl by the hand to where the Hoverboard boy didn't go. She was mostly confident they could take care of themselves.
Augusta had found no real tracks and considered they were probably covered by the snowfall. Isidore had already beat her to telling Octavia to try sniffing for any signs of people. The elf merely followed along, eventually letting Leuca down when she was sure she wouldn't collapse, though the two both had the same thoughts in following close to each other just in case. Soon enough, they came to a spot to set up camp and Augusta started to look around for some supplies to set up... Then they all heard clanging steel against steel. "What?" She questioned as they all made haste to the location.

What they came upon was a rather beautiful woman, only slightly ill-dressed for where they were. Not that she was one to talk, but having the upper thighs exposed in weather like this was odd. Then there was the man. He seemed a bit older by hair color and some facial details, though he didn't seem to lack for it otherwise. "Who do we have here?" Railey. That was the captain that was missing from the camp right? It would seem they've found him fighting another person. Leuca's word's identified her as Sorcha, so... This was the that THEY had been searching for? She made a quick note in her head of Railey's skills and abilities. "What a power house. Don't even need the eye to see that."

Then she turned to Sorcha. Augusta knew that... Either of these two would probably turn her to mincemeat if they fought... She needed to learn more about Sorcha then. Perhaps there was something to complime... "What!?" Augusta exclaimed as she looked at the woman's status. "Bu- What!?" She stared at the oddest thing since they had come here. So much missing information! It was like the missing demon clan name back in the prison but... This? This was something absolutely different!

She took a step back. From what? Fear? She had spent twenty and some years living without seeing specifics about people but she felt a small amount of fear just looking at this woman. Sorcha, a human. Holder of a Dying Wish and.... Human... Sympathy? How peculiar to have "Human Sympathy" as a human. Leuca didn't have a "Elven Sympathy" nor did any of those cult members, nor Railey for that matter, have a "Human Sympathy" Attribute...

She was shaking a small bit, though she wasn't sure if this was from the cold or the fear that was slowly creeping through her system at the moment. She muttered, "Why can't I read hers..." Loud enough for her small party to hear, though not the other two if they were even listening. Her head started to hurt as she continued to try to decipher the nonsense before she lowered herself closer to Leuca's height, "Sorcha... Is a human, right?" If she was a human, perhaps she was blessed by a goddess like she, Isidore, Nick and Donovan had been? Or was she... Something else? She stopped using her eyes power and instead glared at Sorcha more to keep an eye on her movements. Something was incredibly wrong.

Scylla glared at her master as she was smacked. A small growling noise could be heard in the back of her throat though she didn't do anything. Then, a grin creepily grow across her face. "Hehe. Well, that's fine. I already ordered for you, so now I have extra food to eat." The grin rested on her face rather steadily, "You're right. You shouldn't have told me I can order whatever I want... Though, I'd do it anyway." She mentioned with a shrug before looking around the restaurant. There seemed to be a number of what she would assume to be servants. They tended to stand out amongst a normal crowd of humans after all.

"Say, Master. Which of these servants do you think would be the most tasty?" The sea monster asked, licking her lips as if she was looking at some fancy buffet. "The blondie sitting down would probably be pretty good... The tall one?" She seemed slightly less interested in her, though. "Ahh, but then there's that delectable tiny looking one there." Scylla added, pointing to a certain bird standing in line and licking her lips again. She was quite obviously hungry. "Which one is more to your taste, master?"

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