Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Isidore coming with her wasn't too surprising really. Augusta wasn't the only one curious about the demons after all. Still, it was somewhat insulting having someone call her an Old Hag when she as much as entered the room. Somehow, she seemed a bit visibly irritated with this. "My, my. Madame Rullphana, your apprentice has as loose a mouth as she is cute. Perhaps she should learn to watch it carefully before she speaks the wrong thing to the wrong person." There was a rather intense glare from Augusta toward the apprentice that dissipated rather quickly as she turned her attention back to Rullphana.

The elf quickly cleared her throat before she spoke again. "But yes. I've come to deliver on a part of our deal. This man is Isidore. I believe I mentioned my human partner prior..." She's had a busy day so she can't quite remember if she mentioned it. "Regardless, I figured you'd love the chance for an extended study while we're in town. Isidore, would you be a dear and hand the seed to Madame Rullphana?" She asked the man with a smile. "She's going to have a fun time studying it for a bit." Of course, there was nothing in the deal that said Rullphana got to keep the seed. "In return, she's going to teach me magic and give a rundown of demons. I figured you'd be interested in that as well."

Augusta seemed confident in her choice at least. She was rather excited to learn more about magic, even if she didn't start that lesson today. She wondered if she need to take care of some other things first or not. Well, Rullphana might be excited to study it, guess she'll see.

Augusta thought Sorcha's words. "If we ignore any possible reason I'd want to bring about the ruin of Firebeard via the attempt of his subordinates to kill me... I can't forgive what ever possible reason he would want Leuca." For some reason, she felt the need to add. "And, of course, I don't appreciate his men trying to kill me." She went to stroke her chin for a few seconds. "Well, regardless. We have things to do today, do we not? Isidore, I will need to talk to you later about something but for now, I that thing we got underground. You know what I mean. We might get some answers." Obviously, she was talking about the demon seed that was currently in his possession. "I have a meeting with a certain Lady Rullphana with Octavia to do a little research study on it... Oh! And, if you all hear anything about the Earth Weaver situation, let me know. I may be in debt to a certain tailor who seems to have a problem securing a certain type of silk."

Augusta stood and thought if there was anything else to discuss. She seemed to be in a rush perhaps, though she was wanting to get as much information as she could. Hopefully, she could ask Rullphana about who she should investigate if it seemed there were those inside Gloomhaven in league with Firebeard. She took a breath and walked over to Leuca before giving her a small hug. "There's no need to worry. Between the all of us, this Firebeard fool doesn't stand a chance." After that, she'd collect the seed... If Isidore would hand it over... and be on her way.

All the stupid shit going on around her was starting to give her a headache. "This place is just becoming a dump." Scylla commented as she cast a slightly annoyed gaze at the carnage around her. While it was a terrible situation overall... Well, not her problem. She grabbed Thalia's wrist and led her over some rubble nearby. She wasn't rough with her direction, but she wasn't exactly gentle.

"There is something I wanted to do." Scylla mentioned with a sharp cadence to her words. "I want to get ice cream from that stand on the way home. And those little frozen dot ones." She seemed more excited at the second than the first. "Then I can continue playing that one game when we get back. Speaking of, you seem to be getting better at that one song. It's not making me want to rip my ear drums out as much." She couldn't help but tease this master of hers. Realistically, she could have had a more annoying one but she hardly a better. This girl has managed to not let herself die yet, so that was something in her favor.
Freyja immediately turned to the other scout mechs as her blade cut through the first. Cadenza was going to have a whole heap of trouble soon if nothing happened. She stretched her right arm and shot a bolt of Dark magic out at the furthest of the two undamaged mechs while she barked out orders, "Adjust barrier recipient!" She hoped that even as small the impact of that attack might have, it might throw off the machine's aim.

She wasn't sure if Derrick could do such a thing, but she had hope. The ex-Alvadian gripped her weapon and charged the nearest scout mech, intending to tear through that one as cleanly as she had the last one. As Freyja neared the third machine, her blade one again gained the coating of darkness it had before as she swung her weapon with the goal of bisecting the scout. Hopefully, Cadenza or Cassidy would be able to take care of the other two while she managed this one.

Augusta had managed to do two things simultaneously. First, she angered the Royal Guard. Second, she managed to amuse the queen. Still, as they were guided through the halls her vision curiously stayed on the prince. He was a bit more effeminate than she would expect a prince though perhaps his mother's physical appearance as an almost fae like being had some effect on that.

The woman wanted to ask him some questions but... well, that could wait for now. Sorcha was to talk to them. She settle what small amount of this she had in her room save her recently obtained rapier that she kept at her side. She stood amazed in front of her bed and wanted to fall into it but kept that desire in check. If she did that, there was no real guarantee that she would get back up.

Rather, she walked with Octavia and went to the rendezvous with Isidore, Leuca and Sorcha. She listened to Sorcha speak, followed by Isidore though she found need to interject. "Lord could also mean a noble below the king on the hierarchy somewhere. Well, not that I know Dwarven culture." She made the assumption that there was indeed a king or queen perhaps but who knew. "Alternatively, there could be other types of factions. Religion, an unruly group wanting change... People wanting to further a specific cause."

Augusta held a pose in obvious thought. "Sorcha, do you perhaps know the factions in the Dwarven stronghold? And in Gloomhaven?" She asked, turning to the human woman. "I like to battle with words, personally. And I like to know with who I wage war before I commit to it." In obvious reference to the incident she caused in the throne room. "They can make you friends and enemies in the same breath." She obviously didn't take well to someone targeting Leuca.
Scylla continued on her almost unhinging of the jaw to eat whole hamburgers. As Thalia turned away from her to survey the situation, Scylla continued. When the master finally turned around, the entire hamburger selection was almost completely devoured. "Why would I eat the table? That doesn't taste very good." The monstrous servant said, seemingly from experience.

Scylla took scope of the situation and decided something. "This place got messy quick." She stood from her chair and looked towards the place they entered. 'I don't know what's going on here but I don't want to get involved." She added before covering her mouth with her hand and yawning. "All that food makes me want to take a nap now."

Augusta appreciated the looks her companions had gave her as she arrived. Truthfully, this dress was a lot better looking than she thought she was going to get. The tailor definitely had great taste in outfits. "I didn't really pay much but lip service for this. And a future promise I suppose. Regardless, I left my other dress with the tailor in hopes it'll be repaired some time." The elf mentioned as she looked over the dress. This one would also be somewhat better for the cold weather outside. Then Isidore handed over a rapier to her, telling her it would "finish" the outfit. She smiled as she took the weapon. "My, a weapon for me? Well, I won't say no to this in this dangerous world."

Then, they headed to the Uruthra Palace. Augusta thought she was ready for anything at this point, but boy was she wrong. The place was like it was straight out of an old fantasy movie. A mushroom throne, waterfall behind it... Truly it was difficult to imagine this prior had she not seen it. And the queen herself! She was as a being that appeared in one's dream. Even in this fantasy setting that Augusta found herself in, the queen was still a standout. Curious, Augusta used the power of her eye but was only met with a message that resounded in her head. It wasn't the same enigmatic message the goddess liked to give her. No. this was the queen herself interfering with her gift. She was glad to have met Sorcha first, as the woman's status gave her the composure to deal with this situations more.

The queen knew her name. Her ability even it would seem. She swallowed back but the queen seemed intrigued? No, rather, amused by something. That something was her, wasn't it? Augusta thought to use her eye again but... Well, that seemed a poor decision at the moment. Rather, she thought about how to introduce herself. Isidore beat her to the punch and introduced himself. Well, if the queen already knew... When Isidore was finished with his introduction, Augusta gracefully took some steps forward. She gave a small curtsy to the queen and then met her amused gaze. "Greetings, Your Majesty. We are pleased to finally make your acquaintance." She mentioned giving her a smile. "And, while I feel it is only polite to introduce myself to Your Majesty, I have very recently come to ponder if you in your grand wisdom have need for an introduction from us. If in your magnanimous mercy you would forgive these words, I would appreciate it." Her words had a sense of elegance to them, despite basically calling out the queen.

"However, for those that have yet to know, I shall enlighten them." Her look turned to the guards but, more particularly to the rather effeminate male standing near to the Queen. "This one is known as Augusta Aquilonia." The next part was directed towards the Queen. "Please feel at ease to refer to me merely as 'Augusta'." If the Queen knew enough, it was not unlikely she knew the elf's name from her previous life. It's not that she'd have disliked being called Bella, but it complicated things, did it not?
For the most part since they left, Trina was a rare sight when she wasn't out and about pestering people. Instead, she took naps in various locations in and on Neffy's outfit. Sometimes, it was her pocket, other times it was inside her hood. This time in particular, it was the former. The fairy's messy head peaked out from inside Neffy's pocket about the time Leon started to explain the background of the place. Her little face looked absolutely tired still as if she overslept by an hour or two.

Really, she didn't know at all what he said other than that it was dangerous, or maybe not so much. Really, she didn't pay much to the stories from these types of people. Was it good for her? Probably not. But it sure was easier in the short term rather than listening to the long and boring story. Still, Cups were to be respected for the most part so she wouldn't say anything aloud. Well, about him to him. Rather, she looked to Nuri as she said she'd lead the way. "Yes, she's right Neffy. Let the person wearing the suit of armor go ahead of us so she can take the first shot for us. With any luck, it'll just bounce right off."

After that though, she looked at the other party members. She looked the big guy over and he seemed to be... Dependable. Probably good at fighting right? That was the hope at least. Then, there was the two lovers. Corinne and Liliane. Well, she looked at both of them from Neffy's pocket but it was pretty obviously she was studying one more than the other. If Corinne happened to look at her, the little fairy would give her a happy smile and a thumbs up. What the thumbs up meant though... Well, Liliane would be able to figure it out pretty quick.
Finally, something reared it's ugly head. A robotic scout. She had seen plenty of them in her time fighting. That said, these things were rather cheap. She wondered if they were old units that never saw action back in the day or reprogrammed for use later. Well, these things were rather fragile as far as a Dark Knight was concerned. Their weapons could be a bit on the dangerous side but, well, she's fought worse.

Derrick had made the suggestion to clear these and move on. That seemed a good idea to her and she had thought the same of course. His barrier around her was helpful against the firepower of these robots. Before they started opening fire, she charged at them. Her sword moved from on her shoulder to down towards the ground. She carried the lower stance of her sword as she closed the distance until she was just about on top of the first one. She then jumped up and a small film of darkness covered the outside of her sword as she raised it high up, using just her left hand the bring it towards the robot. One good hit would be more than enough to destroy one of these things. At least, for the type of weapon she had.
"Back at yet another Alvadian lab." Freyja mentioned to herself as she ignored Cassidy and disembarked from the ship. She couldn't count the number of Alvadian facilities she had visited in her time both as a sword for hire and soldier. There was always dangers lurking in these places. Rogue experiments, bandits, monsters... It was never a question of if there was danger but more a question of what it was.

As she touched the earth and let the dirt, debris and rubble crunch beneath her boot, the woman grabbed the handle of her weapon and unsheathed it, allowing the mechanisms to put the sword to full length. It was only a few seconds that the mechanisms took, but sometimes those few seconds were the most precious. She didn't really pay much heed to those behind her as she scanned her surroundings for anything suspicious.
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