Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"Ooooh, scary. The Knight Lady is telling me to destroy Chatters." Trina mentioned off-handedly. Obviously, the fairy didn't care much for the cultural norms of other peoples. "There's one big damn difference between Chatters and me. He's been dead, and I'm not. Hmph." She threw Chatters away. "Now I'm bored of this. Damnit. Let's go pilfer some shit, Neffy." The little fairy mentioned, intentionally trying to piss off her very religious counter parts. "Not sure if a place like this even has anything good in it." With or without Neffy, she'd fly off and start looking around for things to pilfer and things to avoid. Like skeletons.
Augusta smiled at Rullphana before she left. "It's not that I don't wish to know more, but a well sharpened knife cuts meat easier than rusty one, wouldn't you agree?" From there she turned and left with the guard woman huffing behind her. The woman smirked and looked at the guard. She used her power to glance a name from her.

"Yes, it's sad I must leave. But worry not Vallanur, I shall return tomorrow. It should only be a fleeting moment until I return. I just know how dearly you'll miss me~" The above ground elf said before walking off, waving goodbye.

But it wasn't much longer before Octavia started to act weird. Even without her eye she could tell something was really weird. Rampage, huh? Well, that could prove to be a problem. "Now then... How to rectify this problem..." The woman spoke to herself. Of course, she had no money. Another problem to compound on it. She pondered on it for a bit. She went through options in her head. People? Obviously not. In fact, she was slightly worried that thought popped in her head. The mushrooms around this place? Potential problems with that on multiple levels. A favor from the Queen? Perhaps she could ask the Queen. That prospect was possibly the most frightening yet... realistic option. As far as preparing a lot of food.

She ushered Octavia along and approached the Throne Room again. She mustered her courage before showing her face to the guards. They probably disliked her for her attitude earlier and that was all thr more reason not to back down. She didn't want the to look down on her for a weak personality that stepped back from a hostile glance.

"Greetings, I wish to have an audience with Her Majesty." She told the guard at the front of the door leading into the room. He let her in, though he hid his emotions well. She couldn't exactly tell what he thought of her.

As she entered the room, she took to walking towards the throne and at a certain distance, she stopped and gave the Queen a curtsy. "Greetings, Your Majesty. It pleases me to see you once again." The woman held her curtsy as she said that and returned to a normal stance with one hand cupped over the other in front of her after. She looked the Queen in the eyes though refused to use her power. Whenever she used it on these powerful beings, she would get this body-wracking headache and Augusta did not wish to feel that again.

"I came to request a favor, or perhaps a trade of something, though I have little to offer but my limited skills and an able body." Augusta said, giving the Queen a small wink for emphasis. Assistance to feed a seemingly ever hungry dog. She wondered what price she would have to pay for such a thing. "Of course, I assume you already know what favor I would ask?" She couldn't help but be a little cheeky in the situation."
Augusta was intrigued in what she was learning from what she would basically call an operation. Somehow, she was unsurprised that the elf was unable to learn much about Octavia. Her eyes were being rather evasive about certain bits of information about Octavia so she was hoping that she'd be able to learn more from Rullphana but... Well... She'd need to find out in other ways. "As much as I'd love to learn more about her, I think it'd be a bad idea to keep her here with you overnight. Mostly because I can just tell how irritable she is now being poked and prodded. I believe it's in everyone's best interest to reprieve from this for the moment." She went over to the pup and stroked her head. "I'm going to have to feed her some good food tonight so she isn't too angry with me now." The woman said with a slight giggle.

She hoped that Rullphana would come up with some more information with the blood sample. In all likelihood, Octavia was still probably connected to the seed which Augusta assumed was just a part of that demon and if it grew, everyone would have a bad time. If there was a way "Though, I forget. In terms of money, I have no money. Isidore bought this rapier for me so he has some, I should have asked him for some." She gave a slight sigh before she picked up Octavia. "That said, I look forward to working with you and learning from you in the near future, Miss Rullphana. Until tomorrow then, dear Teacher." Augusta said, turning to the exit. Unless the elven mage stopped her, she would take Octavia and leave, heading elsewhere.
When the combat was over, Trina popped out of Neffy's pocket and her feet pittered against the floor. "Good job everyone. I knew you all could take care of these weaklings! It wasn't even worth me doing anything, of course!" With the, the little fairy walked over to something nearby, though she held her nose a little bit to remove the stench of charred flesh from it. Soon, she arrived at the skull that still seemed to be animated by some foul magic. Despite everything though, the fairy calmly picked the skull up and held it by the top so it's still rattling teeth wouldn't take a bite out of her.

"To the victors go the spoils. You're gonna' be called Chatters." Trina seemed rather proud of her naming sense as she flew up into the air with the skull in her hands. After she was in the air, she turned to Leon. "I'm fine and I don't think we want to put Chatters together again." After that though, she started to threaten the skull. "Alright you! Where's your treasure! Where are you hiding it!" She started. It might be halfway intimidating if she were about 6 times her size. "Come on you! Spill the beans! Tell me or I'll burn your fing..." Well, there were no fingers to burn or break.... The fairy squinted her eyes... "Or I'll force you to eat a centipede. You wouldn't like that... It's not the first time I've done it damnit!"
Ahh, she seems to have hit a nerve. Or something of the sort. Perhaps she should tread very lightly. For the most part, she'd probably definitely want to let the powerful mage do what she needed with Octavia. "Now Octavia, if you do well, we'll get you some good food, alright." She encouraged the pup before turning to Isidore before he left. "Yes, it will be an enlightening experience. We'll have much to discuss later Isidore." They've spent much time apart since coming to this village. Perhaps it was a good move to cover more ground, perhaps it was bad... Regardless, they were going to learn something significant today, probably.

Rullphana grabbed Octavia and took the creature into a portion of the tower. Augusta followed of course. Then Rullphana gave her instructions. "Don't be an idiot and disturb me during this delicate process." Is what it translated to in Augusta's head. Or, perhaps her contempt was just being kept in check. That was to be seen, perhaps. "Understood, Miss Rullphana. I'm just interested in watching a master work." The woman mentioned as Rullphana grabbed a syringe. Well, she knew what to expect so she had braced herself. She use to be squeamish with this sort of thing but... Since coming to this world, she had seem enough bloodshed and those odd zombie-like things, she wonder if she'd wince.
Augusta sighed. Somehow she expected Rullphana would say as much. "I suppose I haven't be able to practice as much as I would like." Augusta continued with a shrug. "I only started practicing less than a week ago though, so I hope you don't expect as much out of me as your apprentice. I've had to figure most of this out on my own." The elfen woman added. "I like to think I've had some steady improvement... Though, I suppose that attempt casting Lightning was a failure." She looked at her hand for a second, clutching at the air with her fingers before giving a small sigh and looking towards Rullphana.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to witness your studying of Octavia." Augusta mentioned, "I think you'll find her more cooperative anyhow. Also, I'm curious as to how you'll study her." The woman moved a little closer, "Besides, you can never know too much in this world."
Augusta had to sigh a bit. Isidore and Rullphana were rather intense at times. Well, whatever, Isidore would probably want to talk to her later about it. For now, however, Rullphana wanted her to show the most powerful thing she could. Well, it was probably that fire arrow she had performed yesterday. She took a small breath and formulated the arrow above her. She also attempt to summon a second to go along with it so that the both of them hung in the air about two or so feet above her head. She hadn't attempted setting up two at once before but the concept wasn't that hard was it?

Regardless of whether she made the second or not, she held them up and looked to the tower dwelling elf mage. "Hmm, this is about where I'm at I suppose." She wasn't really sure if it were good or not. "I've not really been able to practice too much since I've started using magic." She really did wish she had more time but it feels like it's only been a couple of since they've started... Or, really... It has only been, hasn't it.
Scylla was just happy to go about getting her ice cream. "I'm never full enough, idiot. Most of this stuff is new for me anyway." As the two walked along, Scylla heard some noise like... Oh! Was that like a gunshot from one of those games she played? Interesting, but not as interesting as her ice cream. Then, Thalia insisted they go inside that club. She'd been there before... Probably. If she had been there it didn't interest her so she probably just forgot about it.

"But my ice cream is waiting!" The servant complained before her master rushed inside. The monster rolled her eyes and angrily followed after. When her master ordered her to smash the guards she gave a deep sigh. "You sure as hell better give me more than enough." That was certain death for the master's wallet though. "And you guys better be entertaining!" She mentioned, cracked almost every bone in her body that she could before charging at the closest gunman as quitely as her shoeless feet would take her all while caring little for her own well being. When she reached close enough, she grabbed the first armed figure and grabbed him by the throat before spinning around with him a bit and just throwing him into some of the others, aiming for one with a gun. There was a feral and dangerous look on her face now as she continued to move towards others to beat them, with each other if necessary.
Freyja gave a small sigh of relief as the last of the scouts went down. They hadn't seemed to have sustained any real injuries today so, that could count for something. Derrick really pulled through for them with his protections. "Alright, that's taken care of." She hefted her sword over her shoulder and started to walk towards the inside of the complex. "We just need to keep moving carefully. We have no idea if there are any other leftovers from the empire here. Or... Other undesirables." She took a look back to her companions. "I'll take point. I've taken my fair share of bullet wounds before, I'm sure it won't be the last." The Dark Knight mentioned with a rather unconcerned look on her face before she headed off, keeping an eye out for her surroundings and her teammates.
For the most part, Trina stayed in Neffy's pocket. Against these types of undead, no, rather, undead in general... She was kind of useless. Well. She was somewhat terrible for combat. There was some things she was really useful for but that was mostly traversing places and finding things. She peaked her little head out from her partner's pocket and was more than willing to hide during a fight. Who knows, maybe she would be able to point something out for the people that were actually fighting! For now, she had a show to watch! She reached down into the place she made into a small home and found a small, fairy sized pouch. Cautiously, she reached into the bag and pulled out what seemed to be some fairy size dried snacks or something of the sort.

As she brought the snack to her lips, she cheered her partner on. "Yea, get these undead shits, Neffy!" Then she popped the snack in her mouth and started to munch on it. If she were much bigger if would have been an obnoxious sound that tended to get on the nerves of others. "Show them the damn good power of Coins!" She added, somewhat muffled from the food she had in her mouth.
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