Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

"My, too many of you don't recognize the wonderful me!" Moridax said with a shaking of her head. She first looked to Alasayana and Trineon, "Do you think something that could shape corpses to look so magnificent could be anything other than moi?" She asked trying to look like a magnificent specimen of God. "Jeez, guess your huntress ass ain't getting invited to any more dinner parties."

She overlooked O'Menus since he didn't say anything particular to her, though she tossed him a small wave. Then she looked over to Aurelia. At first she squinted as if she recognized someone but couldn't put a finger on it. "Hmmm, you look so familiar... Is that Aureia I spy? You look different... Decide to lose a few inches?" She teased before turning to Ashte, the last God that addressed her.

"Hey, I had an image to keep, Ashte~. This is sorta my natural form. Closer to natural than that other one at least." She said to the Goddess of Beauty and War. Besides, love could be rather suffocating at times and she could handle that and all her work.

As if to answer any remaining questions, or ease any minds and perhaps, answer the question of one pathetic mortal girl, she announced herself. "Yes, dear friends! It is I! Lord of the Dead, Master of the Soulium Mines, Unappreciated Paper Pusher of the Underworld! Lord!... No... Lady Moridax!" She was waiting for the applause that would never come.

"Fine, no applause but keep an eye on your pets." She clapped her gauntleted hands together in a commanding way and a couple of corpses near the man trying to crawl his way to the tube would grab him and keep him from moving. Considering how fresh the bodies were it would be difficult to rip them off. "How are my lovely above ground gods doing?" She asked in as cute a manner as she could considering the armor she wore.
Well, the exasperated reaction was about what Augusta was expecting truthfully. "Truthfully, it's a little complicated and I have a lot to learn... But..." With that, Augusta regaled Leuca with her tale of the night, ignoring some of her teasings of the Prince of course, though leaving the dress part in of course. "And so, we'll be... cousins? If all goes to plan of course." The older woman mentioned. "As I mentioned, I have plenty to learn. I hope you'd be willing to work with me to that end. Geez... I'm keeping myself busy. Multiple histories, etiquette, magic and I plan on asking Sorcha to teach me the blade..." Augusta mentioned before going into thought and shaking a small bit. "Despite my small fear of that woman." Sorcha didn't seem to be evil in the slightest but... She couldn't forget that situation. She should be glad. If the Queen had be the first person that she had some really weird situation with, perhaps she wouldn't have reacted so well.
She mostly used that skeletal monstrosity form in the past mostly and with a bit more masculine voice. Gotta show off the whole dread lord thing hehehe. The cute girl thing is pretty new
If anyone would have went to one of her dinner invites, feel free to have your character know her lol. Probably wouldn't know her much unless they visited the underworld.
Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

Screaming. Agony. Oh, well, that might have been the last thing she heard as she worked on paperwork in the Underworld and then... Nothing. Silence... And then, a long time later... Talking? Where? No, she couldn't touch anything. Rather, she felt rather... Disembodied. She wondered to herself, why? Her vision felt... Hazy. Eyes weren't something she was use to having for a long while. When was the last time she took a form that had eyes? Hundreds of years? Thousands? Still, she must force her vision to come. The voices that was near her spoke many things but she had difficulty discerning what they were actually saying. A small bit of her vision was coming to her now. In fact, it seemed her sense were coming more to her. Then, there was bashing on a door and.... Then fighting. Soon, she could move her body. Or, perhaps... A Spiritual Body? As her vision came to, she noticed that her body wasn't the most corporeal thing.

Moridax examined what she was. Her hands, or what would constitute as hands were skeletal looking... Rather pretty Phalanges at least. "I need a body." She confirmed to herself. If there was fighting going on, than perhaps there was a body she could use. "That way then." The spirit goddess said to herself as she floated towards the exit. The skeletal ghost was mostly transparent with a light cloudy haze around the outlines. Exiting the building, she took a look around. There were a number of people, living people at least. There was a greater number of corpses just laying around. One of these seemed to be in rather good condition. Well, not that the condition of the body mattered, but she'd rather her inherited clothing be in good condition. Or, perhaps, inherited armor.

Regarless, the ghostly form of Moridax floated forward towards the corpse and inhabited it. Everyone nearby would notice as the body started to violently shake a few times and start to stand up on it's own. It made some minor, unworldly movements as it seemed a wave of struggle wracked the the body going out from the center of the body and the head to the limbs until it ended up standing on it's own. A small ooze started to leak from the bottom half of the armor and, somehow, left no mark on the armor as it fled away from the body a small bit. "Haaa. Stuff armor isn't my first choice of outfit." It was a voice that definitely didn't suit the figure that probably once inhabited the armor. "Helmets are stuffy. Can't have this." The figure got a grip on the helmet with both hands and removed it. Beneath was the head of a cute blonde hair girl with elfen ears and golden eyes. "Fwah! Much better."

The armor was a little too big for her figure now... If the body had fit the armor previously than the thought of what that ooze might be was... "So many people died here. The paperwork for this must be obnoxious. Those poor skeletons in the administration..." She muttered to herself before paying attention to the others there now. There were a couple of faces she actually recognized. Gods. One particular goddess that liked to hang around the Underworld with her every now and then, "Oh! Is that Alasayana?" She questioned, looking at her and then look at the other gods and goddesses to see who she recognized. Truthfully, her look at the moment was completely different from what she had looked like in the past so it wouldn't be too surprising if no one recognized her.
Woohoo! Sorry if I kinda appeared out of nowhere, everyone. Vita mentioned there was an open slot now and I jumped on the chance.

Vita, here's my tribute.

Augusta kept a smile with the girl. Knowing what she knows at this point, it wouldn't surprise her that Leuca would feel that way. "Hmm. Why do I keep her? She's been a good guard dog so far. Beyond that, she makes a good object of study. She's cute, mostly reasonable all things considered and she's a great study target. If they're as unruly as everyone says, perhaps I could find a way for them not to be. Not to brag, but I'm a pretty good judge of character so I think I'll probably be able to figure it out." To be fair, it was the Goddess rather than her, but alas.

"All this demon talk aside, I have something a bit more... Upbeat?" The woman questioned before she shook her head slightly, paying the thought little mind. "It looks like I'm getting married." She sounded proud of that, rather than happy or anything of the like. "I'll be the Princess here, it would seem." She was interested in what Leuca wanted to say about Octavia but that could wait for later.
Augusta was pleased to see her small elf companion again. "Well, I was half hoping to catch you both together but I'm more than happy to talk to my favorite little Sirithen~." The woman mentioned with a smile. Talking to the girl felt like it took a nice load off her shoulders. She walked into the room a small bit and noticed, "She's a tough teacher? My, am I going to regret asking her to teach me some swordsmanship?" The older elf mentioned aloud. She sat on the bed next to the girl, curious to the look on her face. "I don't know about you, but Octavia and I have been all over this place today and I have something I want to tell you, Isidore and Sorcha together later..."

Augusta paused, thinking about how to exactly ask it but found that being straightforward might be the best way to go about it. "But enough about me. "Something seems to be wrong. Are you alright? I might not be Sorcha but you can talk to me if something is wrong." She wasn't exactly sure how the girl felt about her or if she trusted her enough to speak... But... She had a bit of hope that the young elf would talk to her. Especially with that nervous glance toward Octavia.
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