Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

The tavern had a number of customers despite the time of day. Early morning before the first rays of the morning sun shone upon the land. A small group was gathered around a table with mead in their hand. "Another quiet night. Good job, everyone!" A female voice cheered, Lady Lunalel Lightsword. "I believe they won't fault us for a round." There was a small cheer from all the others that came with her as they raised their drink high with a nice cheer. "Three cheers for Her Majesty!" Luna cheered, leading to the cheers before everyone took their drink.

Luna was out drinking with the soldiers a lot. Perhaps a little too much, truthfully, though she didn't have much issue with the typical effect of drinking alcohol. As everyone finished their first drink, most decided one was enough, just incase. But not Luna of course. "Another round for me!" She called out to the bartender who had already started preparing a second round for her. A waitress, or, perhaps, the only one that was working at such a time, came around quickly with a second one. She took a little bit longer to drink this second one so she could actually savor the flavor of the mead. The city made a wonderful mead that she could only really hope to get back home by traveling merchants. "Another!" She called out.

One of the soldiers with her looked on in disbelief. "She's going for another?"

"She can hold her drink pretty damn well." Another said with a shrug. "She's also fine after she wakes back up, no hang over or anything."

"I told you, House Lightsword has the blood of Giants. It's what lets me drink as much as I want!" Lunalel smiled as her third drink arrived, "My, do I need to regale you on the story of House Lightsword?" She asked with a wide smile.

"Lady Luna, I think we heard it at least twice through out the night. You can enjoy the drink." Said one of the soldiers that had heard it more than that since the Lady of House Lightsword had come to the city.

Luna sighed, "Fine, fine." She took the new drink in her hand and took a gulp. The conversation went on for a while until they heard a worrying sound. "Bells?"

One of the soldiers hopped up, "Y-yes! Warning bells!" He just confirmed Luna's thoughts as they all looked at each other, nodded, and stood. They gathered their arms and headed out of the pub. The soldier looked at the barkeep and gave a small shout, "Put it on the tab of Lady Luna here!"

The barkeep gave a small smile and nodded. "Hey! You better pay your own!" Luna exclaimed as they all piled out the door and started to head towards the north gate where the noise was coming from.

Soon they were stopped by a familiar face. A Tuatha youth, Lugh, who informed them where to head to. Then Luna. She needed to head to collect the Queen. She nodded and agreed. Of course the Queen would want to be here for this. After telling the soldiers not to get hurt, she turned and headed towards where the Queen should be if no one had seen her this morning, her chambers. It wasn't too difficult to get there as she soon found herself in front of Her Majesty's room and gave a knock. "Your Majesty!" She didn't hear a reply in a quick enough time, that is to say, in the matter of two seconds. She threw open the doors and entered. She didn't mind if the Queen punished her for this action but she was needed at the ramparts. "Queen Sorcha, you're need at the gates. The town is under attack."
Moridax seemed unconcerned about much of anything. She didn't really need to eat or sleep or anything of the sort, though perhaps a rest would hurt. It took a lot to keep this body together as it were and more importantly, keep the smell at bay. Regardless, she might as well take the moment to rest while Sunny was off doing... Whatever he was doing. Scouting? Mostly likely, well, whatever it was, she plopped her butt right against a tree and rested leaning on one.

And everyone seemed to be questioning if the beast was poisonous. Moridax just smirked, "Well, if you're worried about poison, my dear River, I'm sure we just need to wait and see if..." She thought back on what Aureia had said earlier, "'Yana' tasted anything bitter. I would joke and say wait for her to drop dead but I doubt poison would affect her and I'd rather not have paperwork. More of it... At least." That part she said with a sigh. Wondering about how much had pilled up. How long have they been away?

Shaking her head, not wanting to dwell on what may or may not be, she changed the subject. "But do any of you know how to cook? Not to brag, but I'm rather proficient at cooking!" The unsaid part was the why she was proficient at it... She was just hoping people wanted to come to the underworld to have dinner for her. "I mean, you know, I could cook if no one else will."

While she said this, it finally dawned on her that they had very little in terms of cooking utensils or supplies and there would need to be a great improvisation of supplies and other such things. To start, they would need a fire... Maybe some rocks... Hmm, yes....
Well, you know I'm game.
Augusta narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. So the plants were resisting her? "If you're not with me..." She muttered to herself. Now was the time to regroup herself. There was a ball of magical energy, or so she assumed. It seemed like the core of this plant, or another assumption on her part. Fine. If it was going to be stubborn, then she would pushback harder.

First, she'd send out more of the power to engulf the ball of magical energy. From there, she'd attempt invading the energy with her own. She would try to pierce the outer layer so she could allow her own magical energy to act like a syringe and inject her will into the plant's core and perform a hostile takeover of sorts. All to make the plants listen to her.

Should that fail, the woman would instead focus her Mana through the plant again and start an internal combustion through out the plant before using her magic to snuff out the fires. If she could perform her blade spell and her flame lances as such, it should be a piece of cake to set the plant afire and the put it out after she was done.
Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

Mori was smiling along with Alasayana but as soon as those creatures showed their faces, she knew how this Goddess of the Hunt would react. Did stop her from wishing she's stay with her. "Well, my dear Alasa, I was saying that you'd protec--" As she said those words, her Huntress friend, one of the few she had, ran off to hunt some mystery creature. The goddess of the dead sighed as she just watched. "That was about as expected." With a small frown she just kept walking. O'Menus was right, she'd catch up. Still... "Now, now, Sunny. Take it easy or you're going to burn this forest down." She teased the god of the sun. She noticed the steam that was coming off of him. "I for one do not wish to find another host body anytime soon. I can make this one last so long as the God of the Sun doesn't set it ablaze."

She wondered what the best course of action for her was from here. Likely, it was following the other gods, though she wondered about the use of the human that Ashte and Trineon kept with them like a pet. Really, she wanted to know the state of her underworld. Of all her servants, the state of the soulium mines. And the best way of figuring that out, was following the gods and by extension this human girl. How vexing. Well, if the girl could get her back into her beloved underworld, perhaps she could give her a little bit of extra special treatment when she did inevitably die.
Augusta was taken aback. She didn't exactly expect a giant mess of plants after coming back down. "Clean it up? I suppose I can do so." The elf said as she looked towards the mess that her cousin-to-be had created. "Where to start." First thing first, she needed to free Leuca from her leafy prison. She used her magic to form a small line of flame at her hand, shaped like a short blade imagining it being usable as a blade. A blade that could slice and burn yet not hurt it's wielder. She focused from her eye, much as she had earlier. She then grabbed at it where the grip was, wrapping her fingers around it. "Pardon me." Augusta said as she walked over and cut off some fairly precise parts of a plants that were entrapping Leuca. "Come now, Leuca. Keep at it." As Leuca attempted her escape, Augusta would cut at strands of plant that had still stayed attached.

As soon as Leuca were away, Augusta paid her focus to the rest of plant in the room, as it had taken over half of it. "So, is this place fireproof?" She asked as she turned her hands toward the foliage. A controlled burn would be better and there was no need to overkill it. Then she hesitated a small bit. But that would create a lot of unnecessary smoke, even if the place were fire proof. Instead, moved close to the plant and put a hand to it. She focused her energy and put it into the foliage. Rullphana had told her to set her mind to it imaginatively. With the energy she sent into the plants, she thought of what she wanted. For all greenery to bundle itself into a ball on the ground. If she could redirect mana inside her body, it wouldn't be unimaginable to direct her own through something else. So she allowed her mana to flow through the plant and she directed at least a small thread to permeate all parts so that she could will it to bundle itself up with her mana flowing through it.

She thought of the entirety of the plant. Vines, flowers, leaves and other things that were there that she could see. Focus her mana from her eye and through her body and the plant. Then she closed her eyes and focused on her mana in the plant. She ran through imagery of what she thought of plants. Beautiful flowers, green leaves... All while she used her mana in the plant to remove it from the walls and trying to make the end result in a nice, pretty bundle of plant with the flowers showing on the outside.
Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

Mori just kept walking with the others in her clanging armor. She was begrudgingly going along with the others. The idea of a living forest all around her was antithetical to her being. Well, in her mind it was. It definitely unsettled her on some spiritual level and there was some small desire to escape the quickest she could. "Human city or disgustingly lush forest makes little difference to me... though perhaps the forest is better since it's citizens watch to be wary instead of watching from an abject interest. Both are disgusting creatures." Said the God that inhabited what is basically a mutilated corpse.

"Looks like we disagree on something which company we'd prefer, Lord of Rivers." Mori mentioned with a smirk, having experience 0 interaction with real humans or animals. After all, she was stuck in the underworld for most of her existence. Still, his words rang slightly true in a sense. There were likely dangerous creatures out here and she wondered just how fragile her body may be. She wasn't nearly as strong as she had been and fighting had never been a strong suit of hers.

She walked up to Alasayana and grabbed her arm. "If something pops out to try and eat us, you'll protect me, right?" She asked with a smile. A perfectly demanding smile.
Trina had hidden up high, far out of eye level of a bunch of goblins. Now they were all being rather focused on her teammates and being mowed down... Sort of. The ones that should have died from that electricity just now were starting to twitch. "Damnit, who fu--" Trina started to question before looking over at the group of goblins and noticing a certain one with a staff. "Fine, if no one else will, I damn well do it my damn self." The little flying fairy said she hugged the ceiling. She quickly zipped along the corner, above Goblin eye level and away from goblin focus. Quiet as a mouse, she made it to the back of the goblin troop and looked at the one with the staff and a deer skull with sickly green glowing eyes. From a position basically above this magic user, she descended quickly and put her hand to the creature's neck, delivering a rather obnoxious shock to it's neck.

At least, that was the plan. As she got closer, she noticed a certain partner of hers was using her amazing attack powers to fog the area. None of those other bozos would have the brains to do something like this after all! Still... she was just about at the Goblin's neck when the blades of water hit the goblin. Well, this was actually a pretty good thing. Water just made the electricity hurt more. There was that one time.... Uhh... What's her name. The Lightning Fairy girl from forever ago.... She accidently hit that pond with electricity and all the fish went glugglugglug.... It was kinda funny. As soon as the Goblin staggered from getting hit, the fairy quickly went to his neck and delivered as strong an electric shock as she could muster before backing off... And picking his spooky deer skull hat off his head with her super special lifting magic!

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