Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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She had the basics down? How odd. It felt like she knew next to nothing about magic. Really, it felt more like an applied science to her. She want to protest but perhaps that was good. Rullphana said it took time and research to come up with new things. As for a goal... Did she have anything planned for? No, not really. She had just wanted to survive. "What do I want to learn? I suppose everything might be too much to ask." Augusta mentioned, thinking on it a few seconds more. "Perhaps I want to be unrivaled in power. A lofty goal, though probably common amongst magic users.

The woman stopped and wondered. "If you wanted something more immediate perhaps I want to figure out how to shoot a lightning bolt."
She carefully cleansed her wounds and used a small amount of magic to close the wounds ever so slightly so they stopped the bleeding at the least. She was tired and exhausted as she finished up and made herself look appropriate. Then, went to Rullphana's tower. It felt like a longer walk than it actually was. Much longer. When she got to Rullphana's place however, she made sure to kill the guard with kindness. "Hello there, how are you?" She asked before heading inside.

"Very." The woman would say as she entered the magical place and responded to her would be teacher. "But, it won't impede my learning today, teacher." Almost as a joke. "Speaking of, where should I start?" She asked, genuinely curious.
Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

Haaa, of course humans were like this. Moridax found them only really good after they died. Well, most of them. Some of them were just pure evil and forced to work the Soulium mines. Heretics this and that. Mori really found the Merchant's story to be somewhat obnoxious. Not on her end of course, but on the end of the humans here. Then when Klois was mentioned, Mori just said, "Sounds familiar, not that I particularly care much. Maybe another god or something? I don't make a habit of remembering human names too much, considering how many I see, of course."

After that, she was ready to make herself scarce here and find some actually cute clothing. As she started to turn around to think about a nice design, she noticed a certain goddess of Lust Love and War looking at her with some pleading eyes. Then, asking for a favor for the priestess. "What? Me? A favor for this human? Hah." Mori said as she turned from the corpse of that man that fought for her. She took a couple of steps. "Why need the Lord of the Underworld do a favor for a human like this?" She said, taking a couple of more steps before seeming instantly irritated. "Now you're disappointed, thinking I can't do such a simple thing, are you not?"

The Lord of the Underworld turned on her heel and crossed her arms. "It's a simple task for me." She said, clapping her hands together to the left and then to the right before trying to point toward the corpse of the dead guardian before getting a small bit frustrated and ripping the gauntlets off her hands, throwing them on the ground. "Haaa...." She then repeated her clapping than pointed at the body. A small green fog appeared from her finger and made it's way over to the body. Entering the dead man's nostrils but otherwise doing nothing else. "Simple. Never doubt me!" The goddess said, turning on her heels again and taking some steps.
"Good morning, Leuca. Sorcha. A pleasant morning, isn't it?" She greeted them. "A busy day requires a early enough morning." She replied to Sorcha's question about starting. "And no. Octavia is not here today."

At Sorcha's behest, she took a seat next to Leuca and listened intently to their lecture on the Leargas. Combined experience of all elves? Asking ancestor spirits to guide and help? Augusta was starting to wonder if she could even dip her fingers into this power, considering her ancestors were from an entirely different world. Hell, this wasn't even her own body. And the attempt to use it could result in death? Well. Perhaps it was because of her certainty in herself, but Augusta didn't seem to have any qualms with the point. "I won't say the idea of death doesn't frighten me but I were to let this stop me here, I might as well not even think about doing more." Augusta stated, looking into Sorcha's eyes with fairly confident eyes.
"Stock up!? Aureia, surely you jest!" Moridax exclaimed, thinking about the trouble she'd have afterward. "Ha! I should force each god come and fill out their own paperwork after they murder twenty people for not agreeing that she's the most loving Goddess!" Truly, the Goddess of the Dead could not remember if such a thing would happen, but it seemed about right. "How many administrator skeletons will I have to raise? Will they be allowed breaks? Even the risen dead have feelings and exhaust themselves!"

She drew close to Aureia and grasped her hands together and gave a pleading look. "My dear, dear Aureia. Is it bad that I have this inkling of not wanting to fix this world, knowing that I have that to look forward to? Work! More work! How many years has it been? Is Mister Bonesington still working? Is Overseer Eyeball still watching the Soulium mines!? Things I need to learn, yet, I don't want to! Knowing means I would be back in the underworld and working again!" This production was quite obviously overly dramatic but realistically was her true thoughts on the matter. She released Aureia's hands and looked to the distance. "And yet, I need to. Why was I gone? Who took me from my domain? Who threw the world into a chaos with no one ruling the underworld or the overworld, for that matter?"

"So for that I must ask... Who is this girl? And what is this Holy Emperor? I have no idea what's going on right now." She asked, looking over towards where the other gods were, trying to comfort the girl for the loss of her bodyguard or something before turning her gaze to Aureia again, this time she seemed somewhat cold, perhaps calculating. Something one might expect from the Lord of the Underworld. "Is there anything we are truly sure about right now besides a continued existence?"
Augusta had a busy day ahead of her and with a good night's sleep, she was ready to do so. "Good morning, Octavian." She told her pup as she rose from bed and used her eye. "Growing and Satiated..." She made sure the girl was fed before they went to sleep, but should she really still be "satiated" this long after eating? Hmmm... The queen seems to be uncannily good at know things going on in the castle... She roused the dog and got ready for the rest of the morning. Perhaps today she'd try to have Isidore watch Octavia. Really, she wanted to see if it was Octavia being around that bothered Leuca. She was ready rather quickly and she asked her pet-like companion, "Would you mind hanging around with Isidore for a bit today until after I'm done with my early morning studies?" If the demon dog didn't seem to opposed, she'd go to Isidore's room to ask.

Unexpectedly, she saw the Prince outside his room. "Oh, good morning to you. And I was just fine last night, Isidore. Thank you for asking. Octavia and I slept on a very comfortable bed. In fact, would you mind watching her for this bit in the morning? I'd rather her not be around Rullphana for now, if you understand." She asked him, "I need to get going though so I'll leave her here with my future husband." She teased the Prince before heading off towards Leuca's room so they could get a start to their lesson with the magical Shadow Elf Rullphana.
Moridax, Lord of the Underworld

Moridax cared little for the priestess the other gods were fawning over like some lovestruck adolescent. No, instead, of course the merchant was the bright one who spoke to her instead. "A good question my well traveled friend! I'm afraid I have a not so good answer." The goddess of the underworld said with a sigh. "Sadly, keeping this form is taking a good deal of energy. Even with all the materials, I wouldn't be able to even make my last form, let alone use it." She added shaking her head a small bit at the frustration of it all. Truly these were dark times... Well... She didn't have to do paper work... She jumped over to Aureia, grabbed her hands with her own and danced around for a small bit, "I may not have much power but it's like a vacation to me~!" The formed corpse woman said happily. She spun the commerce goddess around for a second before noticing that Ashte had beheaded the man and stopped.

"Ahhh..." The underworld goddess sighed as she let go and grabbed on to Ashte's arm. "Please... Don't make as much paperwork for me after we get our positions back!" She whined, really hoping that the Goddess would listen to her pleas. She had no hope as such but... "I know it's your job but still..."
The first thing Augusta replied to was Isidore while giving Octavia some pets on the head. "Of course, Isidore. You're practically my brother at this point. If my gift can assist you, then of course I'm willing." Augusta said with a smile before looking to Sorcha. "Of course, Lady Sorcha. I have many things to learn, as I mentioned, but I'm a good learner." She said with a smile. "I'm a complete novice but I'm absolutely looking forward to it."

Then, was Leuca. "And same to you, Leuca. I'm willing to learn as best I can. If it is possible to learn the Leargas, then you and me can make that a definite thing to learn." She cleared her throat. "And that aside, I shall be joining you on this lesson with Rullphana so we'll be together for a good portion of the day then." She mentioned with a smile. Perhaps she'd try to have the Queen watch over Octavia for a while so she could go to these lessons and not have to worry about Octavia going into hungry mode. She needed to find a cure for that.
Augusta was still a little sad that Leuca was off put by... Something. Octavia by the looks of it. How sad, truly. Not that she could blame the poor girl, really. Still, Octavia was a precious resource. As much as she would desire to say friend, that was far from the truth of it. Still, Leuca agreed to help as much as she could. Perhaps she'd pawn Octavia on Isidore during those times. She didn't want to give her to that greedy mage, Rullphana after all. Perhaps she would see.

That aside, Sorcha and Isidore entered the room. Well, this was the perfect time. "Hello friends. Glad to see you all. What Leuca wants to say is... It appears I'm getting married soon." Augusta said before she told Sorcha and Isidore all about what happened. How the Queen asked her to marry the Prince and the small details and what she needed to learn. "That's it generally."

"So, that said..." She hesitated a small bit. Was she about to ask this monstrous human for help? Truly, she should be terrified of the Queen by power alone, but there was something about this woman's status that left her uneasy. "I have many things to learn in the days to come, I suppose, but Sorcha... Would you be willing to teach me how to use a weapon?" There was no one better than her for sure. She knew after that fight, no matter how frightened she was this was the woman to ask. "I know little, but I hope you'd be willing to teach me."
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