Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 30 days ago

Shigenaga Nomura-lphas
The Waiting Game

Once everything was taken care of, all Malphas had to do was wait. As far as he was concerned, Don could do anything and he didn't care too much, so long as he got what he wanted in the end. Still, he wasn't quite sure why he needed so much gear for. Of course, the idea of Donovan ending up leaving with everything before the agreement was made was a possibility Malphas could not risk. It's good that Ayumi had volunteered to follow him, but...

"I don't think I'll be telling Mie about this little excursion. At least not yet." Nomura squaked, stroking his beak as he spoke to Ayumi. "How good are you with your paws? We'll need some for of insurance if he tries to run. I know him to be a man of his word, but I also believe myself to be the opposite. If you can, see if you can take the shard from him at the first opportunity you have, and only if you're able to do it unnoticed. And if he tries anything that will break our agreement..."

Nomura grabs his sheathed dagger, making sure its poisoned blade is completely covered and usable, before handing it to Ayumi.

"Has a good bit of that flower Mie tasked me to get lathered on it. Perhaps it could be of better use to you? Of course, that is assuming he breaks our agreement, whether if he tries to run with the shard, or if he were to happen to not have the shard on him on the time of his payment." Nomura chuckled at the last bit. "Oh, and you should be getting your fish from him. Feel free to do with him what you will if he doesn't pay you when he's done."

Nomura had a feeling the poison, at least in its current form, wouldn't likely kill those of his kith. They are, after all, blessed. Still, he knew its effects were just potent enough for the fox to take her share and leave. In any case, Nomura would watch the direction Donovan would be headed. He wondered if enhancing his body with magic would also include the scope of enhancing his senses. He would attempt to focus the mystic energies in his body towards his eyes so that he could keep an eye on him from afar.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Novak complied with Nobunaga's request, searching the hunters for anything that could be used to bind and restrain them.

"Think of it this way," he assured them. "With the Kyrinth still out there, surrendering to the custody of the village is your safest option. And my friend here is a very deadly, very ruthless swordswoman." Nobunaga was right, they couldn't trust these hunters to be left to their own devices. Perhaps they believed their actions to be justified, but if so, they could justify their actions to the village upon being tried by whatever process the locals adhered to.

Novak's primary concern at the moment was that depending on how eroded the seal was, his assurance might not be entirely true. If the hunters believed that the seal breaking was imminent, they'd be liable to do anything, no matter how risky, if it meant preventing this entire region from being flooded. There was also the slim possibility that whatever justice system the town had might lead to a fate worse than being cut apart by razor winds, but so far he hadn't seen anything suggesting it. Because of this, he remained on guard, half-expecting the hunters do do something foolish, keeping one hand on the hilt of his sword.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"A Scotsman, A Dwarf, And a Bastelian Walk Into A Bar-"

“I-I don’t know much! Just that we were followin’ orders! Soyala thinks that Lazhira is the one causing all this! I don’t know why, but we’re not gonna question a God if he says to do something, are we?!”

“A-all we really know is that if whatever is sealed in that old shrine breaks free, Dawn is going to be destroyed! We would have moved sooner, but...well, we didn’t want to make Akando our enemy - he could throw a wrench in our plans since well, he and Lazhira sort of grew up together somewhat...”

“I-I think I heard something about a key from the Old Man. Two, actually. One being hidden, and the other just...being in Dawn somewhere. I don’t know more than that.”

...Hell. This was not a very good situation as it was already, but to see the Hunters had been deployed on behalf of the Mad God in all of this twisted nonsense wasn't good at all. Soyala seemed to be an interesting figure from the sounds of it, likely a hunter if the catgirl was understanding the context correctly. At the same time, however, it was all suspicious and equally strange.

So the Old Man, one of the Illuminator's facets, told the Hunters about the keys. That was clear. Soyala was blaming Lazhira for it all, and was perhaps who had sent the Hunters to try for Lazhira then (potentially). That much was partly clear, the latter bit an attempted bit of reasoning out what had happened back there. Then Akando. A childhood friend of Lazhira, likely a Hunter, and not someone who would have gone along with whatever Soyala was spiking the Hunters minds with. But there was an inherent clash in these things and what she herself had been told...not to mention any tidbits the Illuminator was hiding or obscuring somehow still.

What she knew was that what lived underneath Dawn was something heinous, and the hunters knew this as well and were seeming to want to stop it. The Illuminator was too much of a dick, pardon her french, to want to see humanity destroyed or wiped out. Would ruin the dastard's fun. That much she felt could be trusted about the Mad God, as well as his desire to be entertained and his anger at herself and the other off-worlders, if nothing else. Soyala also was putting the Hunters at odds with each other from within with her idea alone, as if Akando wasn't going to be trying to get at Lazhira then it meant the Hunters weren't all going to be so united.

In other words, one thing stood out most. Soyala was thinking it was Lazhira who was causing all of this internal chaos, yet the Illuminator seemed to be just 'fond' (if the word applied) enough of the girl that he didn't seem to want her dead. Dividing the Hunters to slow their response time to things, as well as stirring the village up with stuff like an attempted kidnapping going on, it was the kind of situation a Goddess of Conflict seeking to escape would desire. A situation to prevent people from creating a united front, all to the ends of potentially wiping out humanity in her anger once she was released unless Delphiti or someone was able to get things to work out. The Bastelian had no idea what other factors were coming into this, much less had no chance to talk to so many people, but she had to run with what she knew.

As the goddess had told her...sometimes force was needed. And the root of things needed to be discovered and isolated sooner than later if the village and humanity were to survive.

[color=gold]"Considering were are all mortals here, following what a god says makes enough reasonable sense.

However, while you heard from the Old Man I have spoken to the Faceless One. He also told me of what he seeks, that being to avoid this village being destroyed due to the horror that lies sealed underneath this very village. But he never said any bit of Lazhira being a problem, in contrast to what Soyala has told you. In fact, I got these burns of my own playing a game of his back at that old temple, all just to learn that tidbit. Nearly drowned even.

In fact, Lazhira and others have spoken to the Hag, who seems to be contradicting what the Faceless One and Old Man have said entirely.

Would your god actively try to hamper his own plans and contradict himself 'that' badly? Hmm?

So believe me or not, I don't frankly care at this venture. Got what I brought you here for. I will be untying you, and leaving you to get some healing and care here if possible.[/i]"[/color]

Would any of it work? No, likely not. But it sounded cool. This was a human Hunter who'd tried to kidnap Leannah's current favorite person from the New World, and she was a foreign Bastelian who had martial arts, with both of them worshipping different gods and being at odds from that alone. Much less everything else prior to this moment that had gone on.

After untying the Hunter, Leannah popped her head out of the test to speak to the Oni before-

"Oi Eirhild-- aye need yer help fer sumthin' lass!"
Some Loud Scotsman

Son of a pharaoh's mother's- it was him! And the sounds of someone else. And another someone else? And now a cart rolling along?!

She knew who that voice was from, and it was enough to get her to pop out of the tent in a hurry. The Bastelian's ears twitched in the direction of Donovan's voice, and she turned her head to the Oni. Without more than the needed formalities of speech, the catgirl would ask the Oni just outside the tent to bring a message to Lazhira and the others held up in Mie's tent. Not that she knew if they were all there, at least beyond Lazhira, but if Narkissa had followed at all then it would be beneficial to let her and the others know.

After sending the Oni with her message, that being that she was having to go grab something beyond the village 'back where we all began' (that bit might get Narkissa's notice, she hoped) and she'd be back by sometime tomorrow most likely. Maybe. Hopefully. Also added was a personal request to Lazhira and the others to 'be safe', and a promise of something cool being brought back if she found anything where she was heading. Lazhira would like that...right? She hoped.

Leannah would then bolt away, verbal message sent and attempting to 'catch up'. She would find herself too late to catch Donovan and the cart anywhere nearby, but with the path the older man had taken it wouldn't be too hard for her to follow the wagon tracks and such either. It would ultimately lead her back down a somewhat familiar path from only a few days ago in the end, tracked all the way back to a place she didn't think she'd be coming back to anytime soon...The Obelisk. The gateway that sealed off the path of the old lab Delphiti had made, which her creations had partly tried to seal her within, and which the Sage and Illuminator had sealed away by their pact.

Yup. Albeit the new context she had for the place wasn't exactly encouraging. But why here?

No matter.

Leannah tried to wave to Donovan and the strange, shorter person that was with him as she approached in the open. Of course she kept the calling out to him bit until she got as close as she felt she could...at least to try to minimize how much volume she needed. She didn't want a massive repeat of earlier...a-at least on purpose.

But who wouldn't get pissed when one's lovely and intelligent scholar of a host was nearly kidnapped in the middle of all the crazy things going on?!

"Donovan! Hey!"

The Bastelian would ultimately arrive at where the man was, hopefully, just as Donovan was done performing his meditation. Was another reason she tried to minimize the volume and get as close as she could to call out to the man. Albeit she would keep a close eye on the man's other companion in case she was intercepted. She was not initially sure if it was a dwarf, this world's version of a gnome, or some kind of strange pygmy to be frank. Likely a dwarf, given her at least basic knowledge of Earthen fantasy stereotype and first impression she got of the individual's equipment.

Or, well, she could be equally wrong. At this point she was not afraid to learn, though if it came with burning the other half of her body in the process she'd have to perhaps decline...

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Warlord and a Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

The group of hunters were silent, frozen with obvious fear as Nobunaga would determine their fate, and soon, their fates were handed down. Novak would move swiftly. They all had ropes on them as some sort of standard gear it seemed, likely for snares, tying living prey to restrain, and nets and the like. The hunters would not resist being restrained, and soon with their hands tied and any dangerous items on them gone, they would be completely at their mercy.

It was just for a moment, but the group could feel the wind slowly shifting, as though it had calmed itself.

“...It seems you two have this handled.” Akando would say, nodding to the two. “As chief, Enli will decide their punishment. I don’t know how it is done where you two are from, but…exile, is likely what he will choose.” The hunter would sigh, shaking his head. “I’ll let you take care of them. Donovan asked to meet me at the old ruin on the cliff just outside the city.” Unless stopped, he would swiftly leave and make his way there.

The rest would merely grumble - and assuming Nobunaga had nothing else to say or do with them, they would quietly follow her back to the village.

A little secret
@Crusader Lord

“T-the hag?” The hunter would frown. “B-but the hag-they-left!” The hunter would say as he would be untied slowly. “W-well vanished! We don’t know…but when the old man came to us again, and he said the hag was dead…” He would get to his feet, wincing a bit in pain as he’d tell Leannah this. “If you’ve been in contact with them - then…why? And where?” That was probably not what she was expecting to hear. Regardless though, she wouldn’t be able to interrogate him for long if she wanted to keep up with Donovan before he was gone.

The Oni would frown at the request, not really wondering why he was being made to be a courier, but ultimately didn’t want to take the chance of upsetting Mie’s apparent guest. He’d walk off to find the recipient not long after she would bolt after Donovan.


As Mie left to do business with Narkissa, Lazhira would seemingly relax a bit, leaning back in and holding her body up with her arms as she’d look to the ceiling. She’d frown, seemingly thinking about a few things. Understandable, really…the girl probably had a lot on her mind all things considered, but soon she’d be grinning and looking over to Misaki.

“Things, huh…Hey, maybe I can help ya finish?” She’d ask the fox girl. “In return…you can let me touch your tail!” Misaki should have probably been expecting her to make an attempt to at some point. Of course, she could probably get her to help even without that condition.

Her Majesty

@Click This

“Well, Misaki…perhaps you we can discuss more of these projects at length once we’re on the road, hm?” Mie would however, turn her attention back to Narkissa. She would motion for the other woman to follow her out of the tent as she’d go over the things she wanted from her. She’d hold a hand to her chin, narrowing her eyes as Narkissa finished.

“Brimstone…Niter. Now why would you…” Mie would cut herself off with a smirk. “Well, first things first. Lets get you those. its none of my business what the customer does. Luckily for you, the one who wrote that knew why to send you to me.” She’d continue moving through the camp, moving to one of the storage tents that seemed to have a bit more security than the others. She’d tell one of the guards to go fetch her a bag of Charcoal before motioning for Narkissa to wait outside for a few seconds while she disappeared within, though wouldn’t keep her waiting for long. Soon she’d come out with a medium sized box of Sulfur.

“I keep some on hand for…reasons.” She’d open it, and Narkissa would be greeted with the smell of rotten eggs. The box was about a foot tall, and about six inches tall. Inside were about a dozen pieces of sulfur wrapped in what seemed to be some sort of plant fibers. “Satisfied?” Assuming Narkissa was, she’d hand her the box and disappear back inside though would soon bring out another box of similar size and hand it to her. Inside, of course, was Saltpeter. “Do be careful with this stuff. It can be…well, If he’s giving you that I’m sure you know.”

By now the Oni would return with a gallon sized bag filled with charcoal. Perhaps not quite the wholesale size Narkissa was used too, but considering the technology and how long this stuff would take to produce otherwise and Mie was on the last leg of her journey, this might be the best she was going to get for now. “And there’s your charcoal. As for the final thing…just after nightfall…actually, no. I’ll come and get you. I’ll send Ayumi to fetch you. Don’t worry, you’ll know her when you see her.”

“I’m not sure what tools you’ll need. I’m fairly certain we’re not using this for the same things.” Mie would continue. “But…you can find the tools over there. Otherwise, ask the Oni. I’ll let them know its paid for.” Seemed simple enough now that she had things going.

“Excuse me, Lady Mie. One of your guests allies wanted me to deliver a message.” A second Oni would walk up to the pair addressing Narkissa. “The Bastelian said something about ‘retrieving something beyond the village where it all began.’ and also wishing you safety.”

A Traveler

The torch would hit the leaping hound in its skull with a resounding thump. The power of the blow would send the hound reeling back, falling into a pile of snow as flames and ash sparked into the air and leaving a burn mark upon the bone where the impact occurred. The second hound would soon give chase, following after Nick…and it would soon become apparent that the hounds were far faster than ordinary flesh and blood dogs.

The red hooded figure in question would turn their head briefly - they were too far away to really get a look at them, but upon seeing Nicholas they would seemingly give a small gasp of surprise and start running away from him, rather than away from the hounds. They didn’t seem to be particularly fast, as they’d dart through the snowy ground - he could easily keep up with them if the hounds were dealt with.

And speaking of the undead mutts…

One had leaped into the path in front of him, before quickly turning on its feet and launching itself at him again. The one he had struck earlier was now pincering him from behind, and the moment Nicholas would make a move to defend or attack the first one, it would make an attempt to latch its jaws onto his ankles and drag him to the ground.

The Roma Mob

“May the Goddess watch over your endeavors, Isidore.” The Queen would say as he’d make to leave, Octavia trotting along behind him. It was relatively easy finding what he wanted to purchase, and would run him no more than a few silver coins in the end. As he’d make a plan and prepare the gear, Octavia would munch happily on the bone - perhaps a little too happily, all things considered. By the time he was ready to leave, she’d have eaten everything. Bone and all.

Time to leave, then.

Finding the gate that led deeper was easy enough. The guards could point him in the right direction, should he choose to ask. Otherwise, it was just a matter of seemingly finding the lowest point in the city, where the crowds had thinned out.The conversation with the guards would be brief - they’d give him a little grief and sass for being human, but they seemed if nothing else willing to do as their queen said, and allow him pass once they’d be shown the ring. He’d be given the timepiece, too.

The gate itself was simple - a large slab of stone, flanked by two large mushroom towers that overlooked the road to it and blocked off the large passage completely. Likely to ensure demonic incursion would readily be intercepted. The stone gate itself was simple of construction, with a simple engraving of a moon and star upon it, and at their owners behest would start opening. The large slab would creak and groan, straining under its weight as massive chains slowly raise it. Isidore would immediately be met with hot, dry air as it would rise fully. He’d be urged to quickly step through, the guards not wanting to leave the gate open for longer than needed.

Beyond was a massive cavern that would slowly slope downwards. The stone was oddly smooth here beyond the gate, almost something like a glassy texture as though the rock had been blasted by intense heat. Further down Isidore would go, the large cavern’s ceiling eventually disappearing overhead as he went further, and further inside the earth…he’d reach his destination.

-Old Naraheim-

-The Deserted First Circle-

Stepping out of the cavern, he’d find himself in a sprawling, impossibly large cavern. In fact, this entire place looked like it couldn’t even exist if traditional physics were applied. He seemed to be standing at the far end of a large, rocky field. The floors and rocks were smooth as the entrance to the place, perhaps a side effect of the lava? Who could say, really. Said Lava seemed to pool in various places, bubbling away intensely hot creating numerous small lakes and puddles, while it seemed a large river of lava was formed nearby from a waterfall of it, snaking along a far wall as it would slowly extend far beyond Isidore’s sight range. What seemed to be metal pipes extended from the ground, belching what seemed to be steam at irregular intervals. They completely littered the ground, and even seemed to come out of nearby metallic structures that the Prince had mentioned. Were these the ‘Metal Roots’ he had spoken of? Speaking of those metal structures…were his eyes deceiving him, or were those simply large almost modern day to earth looking buildings? Or rather, at least, buildings he may have perhaps seen in the 19th century, though scaled up massively. The only difference was it almost looked like somehow they had been completely flipped upside down, right from their foundations and then sunk into the earth as though the earth was merely some sort of jello before it hardened again.

They were scattered and few and far between in the rocky field, but further on he could see a larger concentration of them against what seemed to be a small mountain - wait, no…rather than a mountain, behind the upside down city, seemed to be a gargantuan tree. It was sitting a little higher than the city itself, in a large hollow within the wall behind it. The fact he could see it from here was telling of its size at least. The round trunk would slowly rise above the city into the ‘skies’ of this underground place, until it would seemingly be abruptly cut off - perhaps less a tree, and more a stump then, but a massive stump nonetheless.

How a tree survived down here and wasn’t burned to cinders was anyone's guess.

Following the sight of the tree, he would soon find what remained of the trees roots. They would snake along the ground, intertwining with the overturned buildings. Oddly, more roots seemingly would come down from the ceiling in occasional places, big as the average redwood trunk back on earth, slowly snaking down before abruptly stopping. He couldn’t see any that directly made contact with the earth, but to his east was where a seemingly large concentration of them were coming down from the ceiling where their endpoints would be obscured by a large, cavernous wall.

So, to his North east, an old Demonic City, further a gargantuan tree stump, and to his east likely where he could find the roots where these so called Silk Weavers lived. To the west, the earth seemed to slowly slope upwards, though it remained otherwise featureless beyond what seemed to be a large statue of some sort buried halfway in the ground.

Octavia would sniff the heat laden air, growling lightly as she’d keep her eyes on the city. Was something over there?

The Builder
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

“...Honestly Don, I don’t got a clue to what ya talkin’ about.” The dwarf would respond with a neutral expression. “...though, come to think of it…the Obelisk looks like one we got back in the hall of records…the Scholars there really don’t like people gettin’ near it.” She’d look up at the Obelisk curiously, but ultimately would go back to minding her business and checking on the animals as Donovan would sit and start to Meditate.

It was easy, in theory to do this. He’d inhale, then exhale, then in and out. In and out. Eventually he’d work into a steady breathing rhythm. A bit like a slow, ticking clock himself. As his breathing steadied and began to turn his senses inwards, he’d become aware of the energy as he had intended and began attempting to observe this energy.

At first, he’d have trouble really seeing it, this being the first time he did such a thing. Soon though he could ‘feel it’. It was an odd feeling, feeling something flowing through him, but not unpleasant. As he would observe and feel this flow of energy he was labeling ‘magic’ he would slowly find that it would eventually all flow through his chest near his sternum. However, the energy didn’t linger nor settle. It would flow through, seemingly replacing the energy that was already there with new while the old would eventually be circulated out with each exhalation he’d make. It was small amounts, but it seemed that simply breathing normally would slowly replenish ones energy.

Once he began attempting to store this energy though, he would notice something a bit odd. Channeling his own through the emblem would indeed change this magical energy into something divine…however, it did not seem to want to go back into Donovan. It was easy to guide his own it seemed, but this Divine energy seemed to actively resist his attempts to store it within himself. Every time he’d attempt to guide it into him, it would ‘slip’ from his control and seemed to find the fastest exit it could from his body as though it was actively resisting him. In fact, the more he tried this, the more his own magical energy seemed to diminish, tiring Donovan himself out.

Though his efforts were not completely in vain.

It was hard to tell how long he’d have sat there, in quiet meditation while Eirhild went over and inspected everything, but eventually he would manage some small success. It took a great deal of his own magical ability, but he managed to store just a little bit of Suthainn’s divine energy within his core.

“Donovan!” Akandos voice would bring him out of his meditation, as the hunter would run up. “The Kyrnith has been pacified, I think. The other two are taking the hunters to the village…” Nearly immediately afterwards, Donovan would hear the familiar voice of Leannah soon following Akando’s, and he’d easily see the cat girl waving at him in a friendly manner.

“...oi whose the cat?” Eirhild would ask Donovan. “Didn’t fancy you for a cat lover.” There was some minor bit of hostility in the dwarfs voice, but she didn’t make any overly hostile moves.


After finishing her training session with Sorcha, Augusta was understandably bruised. Both in ego and body. Understandably so, really. Still, unless she wanted to be late with Rullphana, she couldn’t take too long. Just enough to clean herself off a bit and get the sweat off and adjust her clothes. She’d hurry along to Rullphana’s tower, where she’d be let in though not without a small harrumph from the guard present.

“Well, look who decided to join us.” Rullphana would say as Augusta would walk in. “I assume the Storm Bearer ran you ragged, hm? Certainly looks like it.” Raelzel was currently muttering something to herself while she was currently poised over a few herbs and what seemed to be alchemical devices. Leuca was currently hold her hands in front of her as she’d focus on a small mound of earth.

“Steady Leuca. As a Sirithen, you have a connection to the Fey and Nature. Making a plant grow should be easy for you.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“No? Well don’t blame me if she bites your beak off.” Ayumi would say with mildly mocking tone as she’d watch Donovan leave, her vixen eyes keenly watching as he’d make his way out of the village. It was easy enough to spot him and where his destination would end up taking him. He’d follow the path south out of the village, back to where they’d all have arrived in this world from.

[i]“Pushing your responsibilities onto someone else? Heh, alright whatever. And I don’t need such a tool to kill.”[i] The small fox would respond, a grin forming on its muzzle. “Poison is good for discretion…but a knife to the liver, heart, lung, or skull tends to work just fine. See ya, beak-face!” She’d say, before scurrying off and following after Donovna, the prospect of apparently getting food enough to get her to move sooner rather than later.

So Nomura would soon end up watching Donovan as well, focusing his magic to his eyes. It seemed at least, this was indeed possible. As he’d focus he’d initially strain his eyes a bit, a sound of crackling energy as he’d be able to just see a bit sharper, and a bit clearer and he could certainly make out images further away than he could have before. Like the bird mask he wore - he had a keen eye that could see much further than normal and even pickout Eirhilds compass from afar.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Journey Begins

~ Forest Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

The red-hooded figure ran as Nick warned them, but they seem to be running away from Nick himself rather than from the undead dogs onto him. Something Nick would have noticed had he not been worrying about said hounds chasing him.

The undead canines were far quicker than Nick, one outpacing him and blocking his path. Nick was forced to halt in his tracks, his mind quickly scrambling for anything he could do. Running was clearly out of the question now and so, like a cornered rat, decided to bite back. Nick didn't want a fight, especially with such unfavorable circumstances, but there was no choice. This would be his first fight in his life.

Nick pulled out his hunting knife and barely avoided the hound lunging at him by stepping to the side. However, he was never aware of the canine behind him which then helped itself to a biteful of Nick's ankle. "Argh!" He yelled in pain as he fell down into the snow. The pain was immense, but adrenaline dulled some of it. He still held the torch and the knife, needing the torch to be lit for his plan to fight back. He had doubts about successfully pulling it off, but it was his best bet right now.

From the snowy ground, Nick slammed his hunting knife into the canine's head. Hopefully killing it but at least, driving it away for the moment. He left the knife there as he pulled out the oil flask and quickly popped it open. Okay Nick, remember the procedure. Follow the steps and maybe he could walk out of this without being dog food.

Nick took a sip and looked for an undead hound coming at him. He brought his burning torch to the fore and spat out the oil, blasting the hound with a small jet of flame. Hopefully, undead were weak to fire like in the movies. Okay, wipe mouth and take a sip again for the next hound. Nick was adamantly careful about sipping oil, always making sure the liquid never came close to the throat lest the hounds become the least of his worries.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

She carefully cleansed her wounds and used a small amount of magic to close the wounds ever so slightly so they stopped the bleeding at the least. She was tired and exhausted as she finished up and made herself look appropriate. Then, went to Rullphana's tower. It felt like a longer walk than it actually was. Much longer. When she got to Rullphana's place however, she made sure to kill the guard with kindness. "Hello there, how are you?" She asked before heading inside.

"Very." The woman would say as she entered the magical place and responded to her would be teacher. "But, it won't impede my learning today, teacher." Almost as a joke. "Speaking of, where should I start?" She asked, genuinely curious.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 30 days ago

Shigenaga Nomura
The Watching Game

Interested in how potent this visual empowerment was, Nomura would spend a good amount of time watching Donovan intently, mostly out of interest of his ability to see things from afar clearly. It seems that the rambunctious catgirl also seemed to find herself in Donovan's mischiefs, alongside the dwarf and a hunter. It seems he really was interested in meddling with that gods-forsaken place after all. Whatever foul magics they wished to unearth from that prison was of no real interest to Nomura, his main concern being if he plans to abscond from what he owes Nomura or not. And seeing that he's going deeper into that place is enough of a guarantee that Donovan isn't going anywhere for the time being. While he didn't trust Donovan particularly, he trusted the sort of person he was. More importantly, he knew that fox would watch Donovan for him, or at the very least inform Nomura if he truly planned to run once the dust has settled.

In other words, Donovan was no longer Nomura's immediate concern.

Having enough of his show, Nomura allowed his vision to return to normal before making his way back into the village. He wasn't keen on reporting to Mie right away as the current going-ons would only bring his patron unneeded stress. It's better for both their sakes if she believed Nomura was still hunting for that heirloom of hers. As far as the village itself was concerned, Nomura was unaware nor did he care for its current state. All he was truly concerned about was finding something interesting to do. Perhaps he'll find that fish for Ayumi, after all.
Nomura sat by the shoreline, watching the tides move ever so slightly as his rod was cast into the ocean. Obtaining it was rather easy, needing only a few choice words for a particularly hospitable fisherman to borrow his fishing implement for a time. Of course, he could have probably charmed that same fisherman into giving him a fish for himself, but he didn't want to cheat out a poor man's livelihood for his own self-benefit. After all, he had all the time in the world to figure out the art for himself. Might as well make the most of it.

All this watching, this waiting... it gave Nomura ample time to think about his situation. Namely, his place in this new world and his own capabilities. He began to wonder if ascension, if perfection was truly within his grasp. Sure, his place in this world might have been dictated by the wills of gods and goddesses, but it wasn't his faith in those beings that allowed Nomura to reach where he was now. Rather, it was Nomura's faith in himself that allowed him to thrive in this world. He was given a body sculpted by the divine, capable of accomplishing its own miracles. Wings that allow one to move with grace, a boundless spirit that empowers his every movement, eyes that can reach the farthest of distances... In the world where Nomura was once from, these would be considered miracles in their own right. And with the potential to accomplish feats far grander filled Nomura with a new sense of purpose.

Perhaps he can craft his own miracles. Perhaps he can truly form his wishes, his desires into a truly actualized form. Perhaps he was already a god, perhaps something more, and he just needed to look deeper within himself in order to truly tap into his potential.

Nomura chuckled at his musings, the ridiculousness of his own claims setting in. After all, if he could truly shape miracles, he wouldn't need to go through such great lengths to catch a fish. He was, in the end, a mere human. Like the fisherman he had borrowed the rod from. Like the craftsman concerned for his village's elder. Like the hunters who gathered in secret. Nomura's acts, as miraculous as they are, were brought forth not from him creating his own miracles, but instead from believing in himself. He believed he could run faster, so he did. He believed he could jump higher, so he did. He believed he could see farther, so he did. He did not break any perceived limits to accomplish what he had done. He did not perform the impossible. He simply believed in what he could do and did it.

A fisherman believes that he will eventually catch fish. A craftsman believes that they will craft something worthy of praise from others. A hunter believes that their hunt will be fruitful. To proceed and to progress is to believe that one could accomplish anything. It is this belief that allowed humankind to flourish, to reach heights once believed unimaginable. This is what made Nomura a human, in the end. Even with an otherworldly body, even with the magical energy that encompassed his soul, he would not act on his own whims or accomplish what he has if he weren't a human. A drive to accomplish the impossible was far greater than simply performing the impossible. After all, the latter implies that even the impossible is limited to what one believes to be impossible.

Accomplishing the impossible, however, was not at the top of Nomura's priorities for the time being. After all, all his current goals are in the realm of possibility. Instead of worrying about such things, he fished, believing that he will catch something to his liking.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Narkissa Langdon


“Seems so,”
Narkissa replied, with a bit of a smirk of her own as she followed Mie deeper into the camp. She would have some very fun chemistry to do later… or was it alchemy here? Soon enough though, she was collecting the ingredients she needed at a rapid pace. It wasn’t the wholesale amounts that she ideally needed, but it couldn’t be helped if what Mie offered was all that a traveling caravan could offer. She wrinkled her nose as she inspected the more odorous of the materials that she needed, quickly inspecting the box of sulfur before closing the lid. The saltpeter was… was it was, and she piled it on top of the other box. Hopefully, with the tools and processes she was going to use, Narkissa wasn’t going to blow herself up accidentally, but she was confident in her skills.

Together with the charcoal, it was an impressively cumbersome amount of material to carry. “Ayumi… right. Well, I think you know where I’ll be staying,” she replied, curious about the manner of messenger she was going to send.

“No, definitely not,” Narkissa agreed, drifting over to the cornucopia of tools that Mie had indicated. “Thanks for the help, especially on this short of a notice, by the way. I really appreciate it.”

Although she raised an eyebrow at the mention of Leannah, the tools took her attention away and she let the fox attend to the other matter. She didn’t know some of the names for the instruments she needed in this world, but she definitely needed a proper bag for everything at this point, so she made a beeline for picking a good one out first. Then… the tools. She probably was going to have to get some more wood again, because Narkissa was sure she’d have to remake a few things herself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As she was about to respond to Narkissa's question as to where the caravan was headed, Misaki found that both she and Mie had already left to discuss their own plans, leaving both her and Lazirha behind. She was not in any particular rush to leave, given what had transpired earlier—and neither was her companion, or so she assumed. Hopefully, the others could resolve the issue and come to collect them afterwards, but until then...

Well, the best they could do was get comfortable for a long stay.

With a deep breath, the foxgirl leaned over, resting her head on one hand as she pondered what to do with regards to her papermaking plans. The troubles ahead on that front were a bit more current compared to the undertaking she was going to tackle come their arrival in Chagawa, but even so felt necessary to see to fruition. Proof that she could at least create something of value, to allow her to have something to leverage for herself...

Not doing so would be foolish at best.

It was Lazirha's sudden enthusiasm to aid her, though, that caused Misaki to perk up a bit, her back straightening out slightly as she turned to face the young girl. Compared to the deer (which she could only hope remained out of harm's way, given that it didn't appear to have followed her here), Lazirha would likely be a bit more helpful, at least with regards to preparing everything...

And given the loss of boiling water and possibly the torn not-bamboo, the setback to even reach the starting point meant that any extra aid would be appreciated.

...Even if it meant giving up a bit of her dignity in the process.

"Ah... Well, fine, I suppose that's a fair trade," Misaki shrugged before nodding towards Lazirha. "There's a lot of work ahead, though, so it's not like it'll be anything simple. It's quite likely that we will fail. A lot. We're also on a time limit. But if that's okay with you, then who am I to complain?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


With the hunters dealt with, Novak would accompany Nobunaga in escorting their captives to the village. Their captives seemed adequately restrained. If not, Nobunaga would easily deal with them, and even if they escaped, there wasn't anywhere for them to go. The village would know of their misdeeds by the time they got there, and the woods certainly weren't safe for them.

The hunter's words continued to worry him. Novak didn't want to accidentally doom the village with their meddling. He certainly didn't want to doom the world, either. On the other hand, he didn't want to see someone like Enli get killed for some convoluted plan. All they knew for sure is that according to the hunters, the Illuminator claimed that if Enli were to die, the culprit would become known. Perhaps one of the outsiders could come up with some way or have a power that'd enable them to root out whoever was degrading the seal.

Once we get back, I should speak to the others, see if anything happened here while we were gone, he thought. He was unsure if anything had transpired in the village. Ideally, Enli would have alerted them to the hunters' treachery, so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings from the locals when he and Nobunaga enter the town with two captives.

Once they reached the village, Novak would turn to Nobunaga.

"You think we should take the hunters to Enli?" he asked. "He's the one who Akando said will be judging them." In any case, Novak would head to Enli's place, to check up on the village's chief and share what he learned.

@Rune_Alchemist @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Warlord and a Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

The trek back would be simple and easy, the forest not impeding their steps as they’d travel. The hunters would obediently follow their captors, not wanting to risk their lives any more than they’d have too. If nothing else, they did indeed seem entirely pacified. That just left what to do with them, and if Akando was right…that meant exile.

The only interruption they’d hear, is the sound of some commotion and the bright flash of some light descending somewhere to their south west towards the obelisk where the majority of them had found themselves first in this world at.


“Heheh, if there’s something I’m good at, its doing things under pressure. Probably. Never actually been under any sorta time constraint before.” Lazhira responded with a grin. “So, what are we doing?” Lazhira would ask Misaki, before quickly grabbing the fox girls hand and dragging her out of the tent seemingly forgetting that her life had just been likely in danger not too long ago. At least she was in eternal high spirits it seemed.

Soon they had come back to Lazhiras cabin. The loss of the water was, well, annoying but could easily be gotten again. Many of the plant had been rendered unusable, but there was maybe enough for at least, a single sheet left to show off.

“I think…you were boiling water?” Lazhira would question, though Misaki wouldn’t get many seconds to answer before a familiar fawn would nearly tackle her when it came out of hiding from the other side of the house. She could sense a faint hint of worry and relief with it, and also a bit of perhaps regret at not being able to help her itself.

Of course, this might have been briefly halted by the light show clearly going on at the Obelisk. Understandably, Lazhira’s eyes seemed fixed on it, and Misaki could clearly see the girl had an obvious desire to see what was going on over there.

Her Majesty

@Click This

“No problem, at all.” Mie would grin. “Its my job to make sure my customer is taken care of.” Which would leave Narkissa with the tools to do work with. So she’d get to work getting the rest of the tools together. A large cloth bag was easy enough to find, one that could hold a large quantity of blackpowder. There was also a mortar and pestle among the tools that could likely be used to grind everything up.

Wood was similarly likely easy enough to find again, either back at the lumberjacks place or cutting it down herself. Anything else, though, seemed like she was going to need a few custom tools, though she could likely find some applicable at the craftsmans place.

There was also some sort of odd lightshow going on at the Obelisk. Wasn’t that where Leannah was heading?

A Traveler

The knife would sink into the skeletal hounds head, cracking bone as the knife was driven into it…though, what exactly the knife was meant to do to a skeletal being, remained to be seen. It would at least, however, give a whine of mild annoyance and release his leg long enough for Nicholas to scramble for his next action. A makeshift flamethrower.

A sip of oil…and a stream of fire would launch itself from the torch. Firebreathing in such a way was fairly easy to do by trained professionals back on earth…but Nicholas was neither trained or a professional. As the stream of fire sailed through the air, landing right on the hound that had bit him it would give a hiss of pain before clearly backing off. The second that had missed the lunge from earlier would turn, only to be met with another jet of flame from Nicholas.

They were certainly burned, and it seemed their canine instincts had taken over a bit, cautiously now looking at Nicholas like he might not be worth it…and thankfully for him, it seemed like they wouldn’t be pursuing further for the moment. Raising their heads towards the village and towards the snow field, they’d quickly lose interest in their current quarry before barking and heading off.

It was now that Nicholas might realize it felt like the edges of his mouth and cheeks had been burned slightly - the gout of fire backfiring a little, quite literally. It really was lucky he didn’t get hurt more than that.

It would be easy enough to follow the red hooded figure. They had left a rather obvious trail leading into the forest.

Back to Roots
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord


“Well, since I already have a decent grasp of what you can do,” Rullphana would say with a nod. “We’ll start by pushing those talents of yours to the limits - creatively, at least. Magic, if used creatively, can overcome any obstacle. Don’t worry, you won’t be in danger.”

Leuca was currently concentrating hard on her own task, frowning. Augusta could tell she was channeling magic towards the pile of earth, but it was weak. She definitely wasn’t used to using it, but still…a few seconds later a small sprout would rise from the earthen mound.

“Ah…I did it!”

“Indeed…now do it again. Faster this time.” Rullphana would say to Leuca. “I want a different plant in each of those pots by the time I return. The seeds I have are highly reactive to magic, and will change depending on what sort of mana they're exposed to. Get to it.”

“E-eh!? O-okay I think…I can do that…”

“Augusta, if you’ll follow me…” Rullphana would lead Augusta to the back wall of the tower, where a door would quite literally, just open in front as the wall of the giant mushroom would pull back, leading to a set of stairs that headed upwards. “You’ve managed to successfully, somehow, blend both healing magic and fire magic. Some would consider this contradictory, but those who understand the nature of both of these elements will see that they are not quite as incompatible. While I don’t think you showed me what you are fully capable of…you clearly have both the basics and control down, and at least understand the fundamental ability that magic can shift depending on the will of the one casting it.” She would fix Augusta with a quizzical, expectant gaze. “But before I go on, what do you expect to get out of learning magic? And is there anything specifically you wish to learn? I will offer guidance where I am able, but ultimately if you’re at this point discovery will rely on your own intuition or sharing what I know.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

And fish he did.

He’d sit there, edge of the water, contemplating his situation. Whatever went on in there? Well, only he knew in the end, and perhaps, even the divine beings of this realm since they seemed the curious and invasive sort. The gentle breeze would chill his skin with a wintry, sea air as he’d think of these things.

What really did it mean to be human? Love life? Indulge in ones pleasures, as they saw fit? Simply believing in oneself above all else? If so, then, what of his previous cult. He made people believe in him above all else. Would he let their faith go to waste so easily? Or was this him furthering such things, believing that he was indeed, a human of peak perfection?

Only time would tell, in the end.

Suddenly something would snag on his fishing rod. Something strong enough to cause him to temporarily struggle as the line was pulled. But soon, he would indeed, pull it up, landing his catch.

A fish.

An absolutely massive fish, from the look of it. It was about as long as his arm-span and about a foot from its belly to the top of its spines. Heavy too. Perhaps it was a sign of success…but that would mean he’d even think such things exist. No, this gargantuan fish would be all thanks to his expertise and human ability, of course.

“Gods…that’s one of the rarest fish in these parts!” A nearby fisherman would shout. “Normally they’re only found on the long days…” Before Malphas had a chance to consider his victory though, an Oni would make his way over.

“Fishing, huh…respectable pastime.” It’d comment. “Nomura, Lady Mie wishes to see you.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

She had the basics down? How odd. It felt like she knew next to nothing about magic. Really, it felt more like an applied science to her. She want to protest but perhaps that was good. Rullphana said it took time and research to come up with new things. As for a goal... Did she have anything planned for? No, not really. She had just wanted to survive. "What do I want to learn? I suppose everything might be too much to ask." Augusta mentioned, thinking on it a few seconds more. "Perhaps I want to be unrivaled in power. A lofty goal, though probably common amongst magic users.

The woman stopped and wondered. "If you wanted something more immediate perhaps I want to figure out how to shoot a lightning bolt."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Eh? Wait, isn't it still—?!"

Wholly taken off guard by how casually Lazirha dragged her out of Mie's tent, Misaki stumbled a bit as she attempted to not trip over herself. Given what she had done to help the young woman escape from her would-be captors, the foxgirl was not particularly looking forward to possibly facing off against them again...

And without the element of surprise, it wasn't likely she would get off scot-free like she had the last time. Her hands still stung even now, even if the pain was fading a bit faster than she would have expected.

Luckily enough, it seemed that the worst of the trouble had passed them by. Whether that was related to the commotion outside the tent during her negotiations or something else entirely was something to consider, of course, but when she arrived back at Lazirha's home...

Well, the sight she found was not all too surprising. If anything, the fact that there was even anything left slightly untouched was a miracle unto itself.

"...Well, I was—" she began to say, only to be promptly knocked to the ground by the fawn she had left behind. Though slightly rattled by the impact as she was thrown to the ground, Misaki managed to gather herself and pet the animal on the head as it rested on top of her... Despite the pain from the impact, at least.

"It's good to see you're all right," she said back, smiling as she slowly guided the fawn off of her and shakily rose to her feet. One would have usually expected 40 kilos of animal rushing at a person to not leave them unscathed, but it seemed that she had come out with little more than a pain that was quickly fading.

Food for thought.

As she brushed herself off, though, the sight of the nearby obelisk grabbing her attention. As much as she would have liked to stay out of harm's way, though, something about the situation seemed to suspicious for her to simply ignore. Lazirha seemed to want to check whatever it was out too, given the look on her face, but...

"...I don't think it'd be any safer here left in the dark about whatever insanity's going on, given how close we are," Misaki sighed, scratching the back of her head before looking between the deer, Lazirha, and the array of flashing lights and whatnot off in the distance. "So I suppose that the recovery here can wait a bit longer. Is there anywhere we could get a better look? Ideally, safety would be included in that, but..."

It wasn't as if she could offer much in the grander scheme of things—at least, not as she was now—which meant that if the others were involved and nearby, being dead weight (or just dead) in the middle of combat or something like that would not end well for anyone involved.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Journey Begins

~ Forest Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

The jets of flame Nick spat out were more pitiful than he thought. He was no pro at this, he admitted, but that was just bad. The undead hounds didn't even caught fire, just singed from what Nick witnessed. He'd bet they didn't even feel it. Oh, he was so dead.

Or so he thought, the sudden bursts of fire from Nick seemed to have put the dogs on edge. They had stopped their attack, now wary of their seemingly-firebreathing prey. The belligerents kept their eyes on each other for a short while. Nick still held his torch and flask firmly, his mouth and lips burning from the slight backdraft, expecting the fight to resume any moment. But to Nick's surprise, it never did. The undead canines turned their heads towards the village and went off, deciding that Nick wasn't worth it.

As soon as they were out of his sight, Nick dropped to his knees. He quickly jabbed his torch standing in the frost and put away his oil flask and began scooping up snow from the ground and stuffing them into his mouth before spitting them out. He soon scooped smaller amounts and let them melt in his mouth before spitting out, trying his best to wash off the residue oil. He repeated this crude procedure several times until his mouth could no longer stand the cold and he was forced to stop. He would need to wash properly later.

Inspecting the ache on his ankle, Nick found that the hound's bite had torn through his denim pants but fortunately, the wound was not at all deep. Still, the pain stung and he had to sit on the snow to cool off, maybe literally, from the fight. Placing his face unto his hands, Nick suppressed sobs and stopped tears from forming. How long was he going to stay here? How long would he last? Will he even make it back home? Did he ever stand a chance? His heart was still beating fast from the encounter, exacerbating his despair. Oh, how Nick wanted to scream and how angry he was for knowing it would probably invite more danger.

Wiping his watery eyes from the self-pity, Nick forced himself to stand up. He still had a job to do, a job he didn't even know how to accomplish. Taking his torch, Nick saw the trail the hooded figure left that lead into another part of the forest. It was good a lead as any so Nick decided to follow.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Narkissa Langdon


Narkissa gave Mie a thumbs-up before rummaging through the tools. A cheap cloth bag did well for keeping the basic ingredients all together, but together with that and all the various knickknacks she’d procured over the past few days, she needed a proper bag for the rest of her stuff as well, so Narkissa picked out a leather knapsack looking bag where she promptly shoved her books and the godly blueprint thing (that she still wasn’t entirely too confident on.)

A nice pestle and mortar was a given, together with a few miscellaneous tools, she also needed a flat press of some sort for the corning process—she found a tool used for another purpose as a stop-gap for the time being, but she’d probably have to fashion her own later on if she wanted to be more efficient about it. It was probably better if she fashioned some of her own specialized tools, anyway… She didn’t want others deducing her own formulation and methods from the ingredients and tools she picked out.

Thinking about it further, she’d nearly forgotten a minor ingredient, and ended up asking the Oni for a bottle of distilled alcohol –not a required ingredient, but one that would make creating corned powder far easier than just using random impure water.

Finally equipped with the basics for recreating boom boom powder, she thanked the Oni and Mie if she was around once more, before glancing curiously at the odd display over at the Obelisk. Well, fixing up the powder could probably wait just a bit… she still needed to get an idea of what was going on, after all.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


As the two adventurers escorted their captives to the village, Novak decided to try and see if he could get some information out of them. It was doubtful that they would have any motivation to share any further information, but Novak had nothing to lose by asking.

"Yesterday, at the temple in the fog...there was an ambush waiting for outside us, with arrows and poison. Was that you, seeking to keep the seal from further degradation?"

After having heard their story, Novak was doubtful that they'd be the ones behind the operation of the old temple. The dark deeds that must have gone on in there appeared far too technical to be the work of a few nightmare-addled hunters. He shuddered as he recalled those dreadful gremlin-like things that he had seen staring at him from behind the corner.

Because he had been focused on his line of questioning with the hunters, Novak was taken off-guard by the sudden and unexpected flash of light, coming from the direction of the obelisk just as they arrived at the village.

"What was that? That came from the obelisk, right? What is going on over there?" he asked. He didn't expect to get a decent answer, not from his current company. Something strange was going on, and he wanted to know what. Just as it seemed like they were successfully able to solve the existing problems of the Kyrinth's aggression and the hunters' treachery, and suddenly it looked like they could be facing a new problem. Fortunately, it didn't look like the flash was bringing imminent disaster like fire raining from above, but it'd be a good idea to figure out what was going on as quickly as possible.

"I'm going to meet with Enli to update him on the situation, tell him everything we learned, and speak to him about...that." Novak said to Nobunaga. "And I will tell Enli what you said," he addressed the captured hunters. "About being assailed with nightmares of what'll happen if you fail, about why you targeted Enli. It probably won't do much good, but at least they'll know why you did it."

The skill-seeker headed for the chief's place of residence. From the sound of it, he would probably be on his way soon, and he needed to learn everything he could about the Illuminator from both the locals and from the other adventurers, and he needed to do it before departing with Lady Mie's caravan.

"Enli?" Novak asked as he stepped into the chief's longhouse. "I'm not sure if Akando has gotten the chance to update you, but we captured a few of the Illuminator worshiping hunters alive. We were able to persuade them to talk, and what they've told us is pretty alarming."

@Rune_Alchemist @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 30 days ago

Shigenaga Nomura
The Fishing Hour

Nomura gazed at his catch in awe, going so far as to look into the fish's gaping mouth. The other fisherman's comment had earned his curiosity as well as his attention. A rare catch? He had a few questions, but it seemed most of his questioning would have to wait.

"Ah, very well. I'll see to her in a bit. Just need to return something." Nomura nodded to the Oni, before standing up. He would look for the fisherman who had lent him the rod, seeking them out.

"Hello, friend! Thank you for lending me your fishing rod. It truly is blessed!" Nomura had stated to the fisherman, showing him the lucky catch he had managed himself, before a silly idea came to his head.

"This rod holds a sort of hidden magic in it... It should bring you and yours prosperity. I'm an expert in seeking out, ah, hidden blessings and power in the mundane. The spirits in this rod truly are fortuitous! Just believe in me."

Nomura chuckled to himself at his previous statement, curious to see if he could use that ability for a different purpose. It's not like he's talking completely out of his ass, or at least he believes he isn't. It seems the Chagawans hold similar beliefs to those of the East in his lands. If Nomura's assumption was correct, it's likely the belief of spirits residing in items was one they may also share. He wondered if his dabblings into the occult theories of his world could be transferred to this as well.

In any case, Nomura returned the rod to the fisherman and made his leave. He wondered what Mie wished to speak to him about. To his understanding, the situation with Donovan was already dealt with. He'll just retrieve the shard from his corpse after he is finished meddling with powers beyond his control. Ayumi should be there to keep careful watch of him as well, and she'll now get paid handsomely for it.

"Hello, hello! You called for me?" Nomura squawked as he entered the tent. He felt a rather dull presence in the tent with him, but elected to ignore it for the time being.

"Ah yes, regarding the shard... You shall have it by tomorrow at the latest! Ayumi's ensuring that the other party keeps their end of the bargain, and I trust them enough based on character alone. I, on the other hand, hold no such honor. If you wish for me to bring his head, I can accomplish that as well, attached to his body or not." Nomura boasted, confidently. Not confident in his ability to win a fight against Donovan, but in Donovan dying in his quest back into that hellhole.

"Ah, I also have Ayumi's payment for her help right here. Amazing, right? The fishermen here say its one of the most elusive catches in these shores, normally only caught on long days, whatever those are... Is there anywhere I can store it to keep fresh?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

While Nobunaga would have liked to address Enli herself, she decided that she would allow Novak to do so as she instead kept an eye on the prisoners. She could easily speak to the village elder afterwards, at the moment someone had to keep an eye on the hunters to avoid them attempting to break away.

Glancing between several curious townsfolk and the bound hunters, something occurred to the petite black-haired girl.

They did not feel any shame or regret, that much was plain to her. As far as Nobunaga was concerned that was hardly enough when they were traitors. She had no intention of killing them(unless such a sentence was given, she would do it gladly then), but they still needed to truly feel their guilt.

And the townsfolk offered an opportunity for just that.

Stepping forward, though keeping on eye on the prisoners, Nobunaga spread her arms.

"Are you perhaps curious why these hunters are bound?" she began, "It is for their betrayal of all of you. They attempted to conspire against the village elder, to assassinate him. No matter what they believed their goal was, there is nothing worth such traitorous actions, is there?"

Glancing back towards the hunters, she placed one hand to her chest.

"They have surrendered, but that does not mean they should not bear the guilt of their actions. They await sentencing, but no matter what fate they face, should they not feel the guilt of their treachery? I think it is only suitable that they understand the depths of their unlawful deeds."

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


It was true, that they perhaps, felt no shame or guilt. They thought that were in the right still, after all. And that would remain true for their journey back to the city. The three would keep their heads down, though for fear of being reprimanded or otherwise punished and follow along quietly to what was the village center.

Needless to say, the villagers were definitely curious as to what was happening. Word had already spread that some outsiders, specifically a dark haired girl had been asked by Enli to resolve some incidents in the city so it wasn’t hard for them to believe some similar looking outsider would be involved something like this.

And then came the words.

Traitors. Murder. Attempting to kill Enli.

“...They…attempted to kill Enli?”

“But he’s our elder…”

“Really? Can we…believe this?”

“Didn’t you hear? One of those outsiders were looking into something for Enli!”


“Then its true!?”

Voices from the village would start ringing out, certainly and quickly earning the ire of the village in general. Some insults were tossed their way, after all, even if they didn’t particularly consider Enli to be some paragon of chiefly values - they definitely considered him mostly a good guy, doing his best to lead the village. Not only that, murdering would only cause chaos, wouldn’t it? What would they do without him?

The hunters were looking visibly uncomfortable, keeping their heads towards the ground. It would take some time for the public ridicule to have some noticeable effect, but eventually, one of the hunters would speak up quietly.

“...were we…the bad guys…?”

“And what, leave the village to rot?”

The three, at least, seemed to have some form of understanding then, at least, that maybe their actions could have been handled better.

“Excuse me, miss.” One of the villagers, would walk over, interrupting Nobunaga and whatever she was doing now. “Erm, I saw some hunters rush over to the old ruin on the cliff…Soyala was with them. I don’t know what they’re doing, but if these three were plotting against the village…”

A skill Seeker
@Crimson Paladin

“...you were meddling. The seal was under it…” The hunter would respond with a grunt. “Soyala and that one outsider said we should.” One of the hunters would comment, but aside from that they didn’t seem to have much more information. If pressed for the name of the outsider specifically, they didn’t seem to have one. As Novak left, they would respond no further, merely looking at Novak with a mildly tired gaze as they’d wait to have their punishment soon.

As Novak headed through the village, the place was understandably a bit spooked by the obelisk. No doubt it had never done whatever it had before. A number of hunters were quickly making their way over to the Obelisk, though it was difficult to tell what they were doing. At least no one was going to impede his progress to Enli, and soon he’d find himself standing inside the chief’s longhouse.

“Ah, Novak!” Enli would excitedly greet the younger man with a friendly smile. “Glad to see you are alright. I haven’t seen Akando, but I believe he might have been with that Donovan fellow, though I can’t be certain. Either way, I must thank you again for helping.” He would soon take a more serious expression though, as he’d motion for Novak to take a seat by the fire and warm himself. “What exactly have they mentioned, though? I was going to address the people soon, so I’d like to have some idea of what you’ve heard.”

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Better look?” Lazhira would echo uncertainly. “Hmm…maybe…well, we could look from the edge of the forest! Sneak up on ‘em.” Lazhira would say. “But uh, you sure? I mean, its probably attracting a lot of attention and well…”

If Misaki was certain she’d want to go after that, Lazhira would give her a wide grin and start making her way towards the southern exit of the village, pulling Misaki along with her followed closely by the Deer.

Lazhira and Misaki would arrive at the edge of the forest, far enough away from the cliff and Obelisk to not easily be seen, but close enough to see what exactly was going on. It seemed the hunters were up to something, being directed by a black haired huntress who seemed a bit…well, pissed off to put mildly. She was pushing the other hunters around and barking orders to set up traps, it seemed. It looked like they were setting up to Ambush something or someone from the look of things, but what exactly they were looking to Ambush was mystery. By the time they had arrived, the light show was over and whatever the Obelisk had done was finished.

This would also be the scene Narkissa would see from a distance as she’d make an approach. She however, was definitely more out in the open than the other two. Upon seeing her, Lazhira would start waving, coming just a bit out of the treeline.

“Psst, hey!” She’d shout, just loud enough for her to hear. “Narkissa! Over here!”

A Traveler

Alone, cold, and slightly injured.

Maybe he was out of his depth here.

The cold snow would at least help with the burns and getting himself clean - but it would also only make him colder, losing more precious body heat…it was a good thing the cold no longer seemed to really matter to him all that much. He’d stand, legs shaking. The young man would find his only company to currently be snowfall, and silence.

Thankfully it seemed the forest was well, at least marginally safer than the snowfield, or at least the dead weren’t as common here. As he’d follow the trail left by the unknown human, Nicholas would soon come across a perhaps welcome sight.

A log cabin, smoke slowly rolling up from the chimney. The sloped roof carried on its top the weight of massive snow drifts, some which had even fallen to the point of completely burying the back of the cabin around the chimney. The sole window was near the pointed roof, where the roof met wood. The front of the yard was surprisingly tidy. Snow had been pushed to the side. A few carefully tended fruit bearing bushes clung to the front, already ripe with fruit it seemed. A few skins were also hung on a rack, presumably for drying and tanning.

It seemed like a homely little place. Perhaps too much so.

He would just make out a flash of red cloak disappearing into the door of the place.

If he wished too, Knocking on the door or calling would give no answer, and he would find it was unlocked. He had definitely just seen someone go in, but they didn’t seem intent on talking…perhaps that would be for the best, and he should leave and wait for Elisette.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

The Oni would give Nomura a friendly nod, waiting for him to finish his errand. The fisherman he had borrowed the rod from would look at Nomura, then the fish, then the rod. He would repeat that a few times, seeming in mild disbelief as he’d gaze at the large catch, a loss for words as Nomura spoke about spirits and blessings.

“A-are you now?” He’d respond with a blink. He seemed uncertain, but he couldn’t quite not believe what he was seeing. “A spirit…in the fishing rod…?” Soon, he’d start laughing, though not out of any sort of disbelief. “A spirit of some sort, eh? That’d explain it. Alright, i’ll believe you, sure. Now I’ll go and see if I can catch something with this, ahah!” No sense in not believing Nomura, really. Who knows - maybe this spirit rod would catch him enough fish to feed the entire village and his family twice over.

Heading back to Mie’s tent he’d find the fox herself having just settled back in, seemingly having finished just some business.

“Well,” Mie would laugh, seeing the fish he was carrying. “Didn’t take you for a fisherman. I’m sure Ayumi would love eating that in a single night.” The fox would respond. “Hm, yes, sit it on the table for now. I’ll have a Oni put it in one of the ice boxes after skinning and taking any valuable parts from it.” Business minded as ever, it seemed. Once Nomura had done so, Mie would motion for him to leave the tent and follow her.

“Thank you for solving that. I’m assuming that’s why one of the Oni told me someone was leaving with some of my things. No need to get violent. Violence is the last option, in my line of work.” Mie responded with a rather laissez faire attitude. “If he doesn’t…Ayumi will take care of him. Now as for why I called you here.” Mie would say, bringing Nomura to a small arena looking place. A few logs of wood had been driven into the ground, ropes tied between them. A few weapons and scattered bits of protective armor were laying near by. Some shirtless Oni were taking a break nearby while two seemingly had just finished sparring. “I know I said I’d be employing you, Nomura - and while I’m not going to make guarding anything your job…I do expect you to be able to protect my goods. That is to say, I would like you to have some ability to defend yourself and my things with some measure of ability. You can have any weapon you wish - I see you favor a bow, and there are plenty of arrows, alternatively I have many swords or other melee weapons.”

The Roma Mob

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Given how curious she had seemed, Misaki found herself slightly confused at Lazirha's hesitance at going to check the situation out. Risk-averse as she tended to be, though, the foxgirl could not willingly leave herself in the dark—not in this situation, at least.

Of course, when that reticence disappeared after she gave her confirmation, her earlier worries seemed to not matter; with the younger girl dragging her out in full force now, the young woman could do little but to keep up. Of course, the sight that they came across was none too comforting—an ambush in the works seldom was—but who that was meant for... Well, who could tell?

It was at this point, though, that Narkissa seemed to pop up, and just as Lazirha began to call her over, Misaki waved for the other girl to come to their side before promptly gesturing at Lazirha to lower her voice. A quick glance towards the nearby hunters to confirm that they hadn't caught wind of their arrival would come before hushed whispers, the foxgirl peeking out from behind cover in an attempt to piece together what exactly they were trying to do.

"Suppose we both ended up curious... What do you suppose they're trying to catch—or kill, maybe?" she asked, hoping that she didn't stand out too much against the underbrush. The snow helped her blend in, at least, but...

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
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