Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Luna's wounds were closing and Healing at a steady rate with her own healing power. She stood in thought for a minute, wondering if she'll be punished later for her small outburst. Likely not. She shook her head in attempt to rid her mind of such things before she caught Od out of the corner of her eye. Luna didn't see what had happened after she started her multi-man brawl, but she did remember Od had herself catapulted towards the mammoth at one point.

The Knightess started to speak and ask Od about how her fight had gone, but before she had the chance, Od had cut her hand to release some of her sap-like body fluid with highly regenerative properties. She winced at the sight of it. Did she feel no pain? Luna had scarce talked to the girl and the thought had never crossed her mind.

Lunalel looked between Od's face and sappy wound before giving a small frown. The girl was offering to heal her own wounds by wounding herself. The thought didn't sit too well with Lunalel as her vision landed back on the thick blood that came from Od's palm. "Thank you Od but, I'll be fine. You're not the only one here that can heal you know." Luna said, taking a step toward her companion to show her basically healed wound on her neck, the only real indicator was the remnant blood.

That wasn't the same story for her back. It was a bit more damaged but that would heal with her constant attention. "I'm just thinking while I fix myself up." Luna giggled to herself as she smiled at Od.

Luna fought like a woman possessed. As the fighting continued, she seemed to care less and less for her personal safety as she retaliated from where she was cut and bruised, ending with a lopped off head and sheathing her sword. After the men were all dead, she sheathed her sword. "... Good. Now, come this way, you four." Her concentration on her spell faltered, and the barrier dissipated. That's about what one would expect from her wounds. The stab on her shoulder stung the more she came to realize she had be stabbed at all. A glow appeared at her hand as she went to infuse some healing energies to it... Before the bandits started to run. "Bastards." She muttered as the bandits turned tail and ran. "This wasn't the deal." So the energy in her hand turned into a javelin that she aimed at the nearest bandit that ran.

That is, before the Queen told her to leave them be. A small frown crossed Lady Lightsword's face as she comprehended the order and the javelin disappeared. She turned to her Queen with no attempted to conceal her dissatisfaction with the order, though she made no attempt to show she would disobey. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, if we let them go as such, they'll target small villages or lonesome travelers an--" Luna cut herself off and bit her tongue. She grabbed the unconscious bandit by the collar and drug him behind her. She gave a slight bow to the Queen before she spoke, more politely this time. "Understood, My Queen. I shall report in an hour." With that, she dragged the man to some of the guards that were by the gate before leaning against the wall and healing her wounds a bit. "I always get too riled up in situations like that..."
Luna grinned, "So, most of you choose death." A golden light edged the blade of her weapon. "You can only blame yourselves for your fate." The knightess said as she met the charge of the men. She dove into the fray and knocked away a spear jab with her shield and deflected another thrust with her sword before thrusting it into on of the bandit's stomach. Quickly, she shoved the man as she removed her weapon and spun around, slicing another's neck and blocking another blow with her shield. One approached her with an axe and went to bring it down on her head. Not missing a beat, she rolled towards his side and launched a slash upwards as she jumped to her feet. It was a bit strenuous fighting so many people at once but it was getting a bit exciting. If anyone had paid attention to her fighting at all, they'd notice that there was a look of exhilaration on the lady's face the longer and longer the fight went on. Perhaps it was cockiness? Overconfidence? It was hard to say.

"Understood, My Queen!" Luna exclaimed as she watched the bandits attempt to flee for their lives. She raised her hand and created a half dome barrier at the front of them. "Alright. You have one. Final. Chance. You choose your punishment. Either surrender yourselves to my custody and live to see another day. Hell, you might see your family again if you have one." There was only one real way out asides bashing their way through the barrier. "If you resist, I will kill you where you stand." She gave them a rather sinister looking smile. "If you do surrender yourself, you'll be treated humanely. In fact, I will give you a chance at a better life than banditry. Our Queen is just that kind."

Her smile faded, however, as she then looked over them. "However, if you refuse... I will show you no mercy." The Knightess took some steps forward, as she glared at the men in front of her. If these were the last of the bandits, she'd be able to handle them easily enough. "If you will surrender, throw down your arms and move over there. Sit and put your head down to the ground. Or lay down. It doesn't matter much to me." Lunalel would keep an eye the bandits, ready to rush the ones not surrendering the second they would move toward her. If their morale was bad enough to break, they would be easy to finish off.
As Luna was surrounded, she gave a cheeky smile. "Surrounding me like I'm some kind of beast on the run?" This much might be somewhat challenging. Might. Her smile disappeared as the Knightess held her sword far out to the side and she closed her eyes, focusing her mana. Soon, there was a noticeable light that started to glow around her blade. If any of the bandits paid close attention to that, they wouldn't notice Fio's rain of blades as they would pierce bandit and ground alike. That was all Luna needed. The first bandit she saw that wasn't paying attention to her was her first target. She made a quick dash towards the man and cut him down quite easily. She then turned to the next and plunged her sword in him before quickly removing it and spinning around to parry a blow coming from behind. She knocked her opponent's weapon high, gripped her weapon with both hands and slashed his chest. She seemed very focused on fighting at the moment.

Three down. The others were closing in on her again, though she made sure not to let them encircle her again. Instead, she charged forward towards the left side of their number. The man's guard was high, she aimed low with a kick to the shins. The kick was more than enough to knock him off balance and make him fall forward, where Luna delivered a coup de grâce. "So, do you all want to surrender yet? I swear you'll be treated humanely unlike these men." She would motion to the ones on the ground. "Are you more scared of your boss or my allies and I?" She gave off one fairly threatening aura.

Well, while Aureia asked about the fire, Mori went about her way finding things to set up a small fire pit. Some small stones to make the outline.... Some good sticks to start the kindling, dry wood and some other small things. They didn't need to much to get food cooking. It's not like she needed to eat much herself. Considering her borrowed body, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take in a little food too.

Still, getting these resources to cook was a bit of a pain. The best she could do was gather stuff off the forest floor. It'd be much easier with tools of some sort. "Gah, I wish I had an axe or something of the sort." A dagger would make most of the work from here much easier. She could cut sticks into poles to cook meat or cutting the meat itself. Then a thought dawned on her. She took the body of a soldier... So maybe she had a dagger on her! Hah! Blessed was her day!

A quick look would tell her that... Yes! Indeed she had a dagger on her! It looked rather clean too, despite all the gooze and ooze from the transformation. "Aha! Behold, I have a dagger!" The Chief of the Underworld exclaimed as she held the dagger high for all to see, before calmly putting it back in place and gathering the rest of the lumber and stones she needed and taking them back to where they would set up camp. She set the circles up in a ring and expertly put the kindling inside, waiting for fire. She took the next bit of time to take some rather long sticks she found and started to use the dagger to cut them into spears to cook the meat with so one didn't need to hold their arms dangerously over the fire. After all, her flesh was rather weak to a fire like such. "You all can praise me now~"

She seemed like she... rather than want... Needed the praise. Perhaps she was a slight bit coddled by her servants in the underworld that priased her for all her judgement calls and successes... Probably even her failures.
Now that she was on the ground, Luna noticed that the enemy was already in rough shape all things considered. Half of their visible numbers were already wiped out by her allies which bode well for their cause... Though the thudding footsteps of some, then unseen, beast set her unease on end. As it came into view, she watched on in awe.

The beast was massive. It was taller than Luna and was heavy enough to tremble the earth with each step. She'd love to take on the beast, but it might get difficult with the other twenty or so bandits still milling about the field. Od seemed to have some plan with Reinhardt and Fio would definitely be able to do some damage to the beast, so the Lady of Lightsword set her sight on the brigand infantry.

Lunalel drew her sword and charged at the group of bandits. Luckily, their retreating helped put the lot closer together so it was easier to remove them. Soon enough, she reached the first of her targets. Or, rather first two of her targets. They watched as she closed. One attempted a swing of his sword and the other tried to thrust at her as she closed in. She swung her shield up hard enough repel the blow and throw the swinging bandit off balance before quickly sidestepping to dodge the thrust. Her sword arm swung, delivering a deep wound across the off balanced one's chest.

As his friend fell from his wound a few seconds after receiving it, the thrusting bandit tried to take advantage Luna not looking directly at him by going on the offensive. He swung at the female knight and found his sword parried and the knight's own sticking through his chest soon after.

"Two down..." Luna mentioned to herself as she retracted her weapon from the bandit's chest. She gave a small sigh to herself and looked at the rest of the bandits. She shook her sword clean and sheathed it. Then, in her hand, she created another javelin. She was a lot closer to the bandits than from the wall to the forest... and hopefully no interference from whatever ate her magi. Up last time... So she was confident she would hit. She lined up her shot and lobbed it. The missile flew and hit one of her enemies. It pierced through his back and out through his chest. The man fell to his knees and slumped to the ground with the javelin dissipating before he finally made it to the ground.

With a loud voice, Luna exclaimed, "Face me, brigands! If you want to live, you'll need to truly win this day. Fight me like men, or die like animals!" There was some small amount of menace in Luna's voice as she taunted the bandits. Either they'd attack her or ran and either was a win for Luna today.
Trina for her part took to the air, making sure to stay out of the way of any of the retreating goblins. She watched as the goblin necromancer's headdress was left on the ground and she was interested in it. After the goblins retreated and her party gathered back, she flew down and picked up the headdress. She struggled a small bit at first until she got the center of gravity right and was able to float around with it over her head.

First she floated over to Neffy and bragged. "What do you think? Stylish, huh?"

Then she saw that one paladin run off, getting into some sort of trouble. Then the one cleric said something after her. "Ahh, she ran off like an idiot." The fairy floated over to the cleric and spoke, "If the idiot wants to get skewered by a ton of arrows on our behalf, I ain't saying no to that kinda' shit!" She didn't seem all too bothered about it. Or worried. Really, nothing seemed to worry her too much so far. "We just follow behind her and if we find a paladin with all sorts of wooden shafts poking out, we know where to be careful." From there, she floated back over to Neffy with a tiny cackle.
Luna was shocked about how fast she was kicked out of the room, really. That was a rather frightening threat the queen had given her. Well, she suppose she should keep her mouth shut then. She scratched the back of her head before shrugging and making for the North Gate. As she ran, she made sure no one was standing around the streets, though it looked like it was mostly fine. Soon enough, she made it to the gate where the fighting was going on and made her way up onto the wall. She managed to catch the tail end of whatever slaughter was going on to Vyrell's announcement of archers.

Luna narrowed her eyes as she looked on at the volleys of arrows. She wouldn't be able to help everyone, especially poor Od who, according to what she had heard, would probably recover just fine. She held her hands out and focused. While some of her knightly allies would be able to protect themselves easily, a few would find a bit more difficulty in such a feat. Notable Od that had just taken a few hits and likely Ethelred who didn't have a good defense for his horse. A golden barrier appeared in front of Ethelred and his horse and Elias Reinhardt to block any of the arrows aimed at them for a short period. She had a feeling that Fio could handle herself just fine.

After she blocked the volley, she released the spells and switched to casting a new one, creating a golden spear of light in her hand. The proud knightess aimed towards the forest line where she saw the arrows coming from. She didn't need to hit any of the archers, she just needed to hit close to them. Using a bit of magic to power up how far the javelin would go and she launched it. It soared through the air and landed inside the forest... Before causing a blast of light! Hopefully, it would catch the archers off guard and give her allies a bit of cover to make it to them. After, Luna created some platforms with her magic, that disappeared after she stepped to the next, to safely reach ground level to assist her fellow knights with honorable combat.
Luna looked on at the Queen's incredibly Unqueenly posture with a small sigh. "Come now, your majesty. I'm quite sure I don't even look like a Vyrell. Even less the person himself." The Knightess mentioned as she moved closer to her liege. "And there is no time for more rest or mead, we..." The woman was cut off as she caught the sight of bare skin on such a beautiful woman such as Queen Sorcha and her words were stuck in her throat. It took some seconds for her to avert her gaze from embarrassment. Perhaps it was her lack of female company but she felt much too happy to look at... No. No, no. This was to be thought about later.

She averted her gaze to the armor strewn across the floor. "Queen Sorcha, please wake up. You are needed on the ramparts. The town is under attack." She mentioned as she picked up the garments. "We can be off after you are dressed. She added, happy to not look directly at the sun that she shared a room with at present.
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