Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

The days passed fairly quickly since their departure from Airedale. Traveling, trading stories, more traveling. She was on the road patrolling much of the time, but now she was traveling back home with a Queen and a witch. It was an interesting situation she never thought she'd encounter when she was younger. Leading the way, as she recognized the area quite well, Luna marched with joy thinking about how they would soon be home. There was little doubt in her mind that her father would throw a feast to celebrate the Queen and his daughter's arrival.

Still, that was for days to come. For now, it was time to rest. The night prior the Queen had shared with her and Fio about a certain rabbit and king's duel, though she had to wonder how much of that was real. No, as they sat around the fire, Queen Sorcha asked her to tell of her family and the Elder Beast that they were blessed by. "My, my. Curious are you, Your Highness?" Luna asked, taking a drink. "Where to start, well. My father is the Lord, of course. He's a good man, though he can be a little overbearing when it comes to mother or one of us children. My eldest brother is a fairly dignified individual, though... When I see him, forgive me if I pull him aside a moment." Luna gave a small, nervous laugh before taking a sip of her drink and continuing. "My second eldest brother, well, he can be a bit rough and he's focused solely on his skill with a blade but he's a good guy, if not a bit of a... Womanizer? Or he likes to think he is. Just... Keep an eye on him if you meet him."

She took a breath and sighed a bit, worried about him meeting the Queen and Fio. "Then there are my two younger siblings. My little brother is fairly intelligent, though before I left it seemed like he was focused on learning the blade. And then my sister. She's quite the dear. Much more girly than me, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to hone our family's Light Magic." Luna smiled as she took another drink. "Of course, there are a few people outside my immediate family. A couple of my aunts and uncles and cousins but it wouldn't be too likely to meet them I don't think." She then looked to Sorcha after that, "And like you suggested, we charge ourselves with clearing a large area of bandits. Eliminating camps and making sure there isn't a chance for them to reassemble. We only have so many hands of course, so we are limited in some capacity, but we do attempt to clear from the castle and along the river as well as some of the more frequented roads and the villages we know of."

She cleared her throat. "But enough of that. You're interested about our heritage now, are you?" She asked, a bright smile crossing her face. "I'm not sure how much you know, but this is the story of the beginning of the House of Lightsword." The Knightess took a breath before continuing. "The story goes that, Long ago we were but a tribe of warriors not far from here. One of the many tribes that were struggling against each other at the time. Our clan, at the time, was fighting a losing war. We lost much ground until we were pushed to our final hold, north of Giant's Rest. It was then, a being of bright light appeared and drove the invaders back. She gifted us with her power and we countered, forcing the enemy to surrender as we brought our troops to surround their hold. We integrated them and they too fought with us after that."

"This being that helped us came to be known as Lucilia. She lead us in battle until, finally, she fell in battle. On her deathbed, she granted her powers to the chief of the tribe and his descendants. The Lightswords. According to the tale, it's where we get our affinity for Light Magic and our strength as well. Though, we seem to also be slightly better at braving the cold than most and that seems to be our giant blood." Luna said, informing the two women with her. She took a breath, happy to tell the tale yet again. "Many of the details have been lost to time though, it would seem. So it's hard to say what's true and not, but I for one believe that we were gifted with something by Lucilia."
As Luna and Lugh got to the room with the rest, Vyrell seemed to have his hands full with Od. Well a disciplinarian by nature so she didn't really say much in that regard. Od was never really in a good headspace, realistically. Soon after, however, the Queen entered with Fio. Luna gave the Mage a smile, wanting to thank her for the help earlier but, that was something for later. For now, it was time to listen. It was a lot to take in, but there was a Fomorian threat in the west, one that not even Elnith seems to have taken care of, that Od, Reinhardt and Ethelred would be in charge of. Then, there was her and Fio accompanying the Queen in the east.

"I can see why you would have me join you in the east." Luna commented with a small amount of a giggle. "I know all the patrol paths that are typically used. In fact..." On the map, she points to a spot along the river. "There's a small wooden fort around here. Usually there's a patrol or two based here for rest. I've spent many nights there myself, I'm sure they could accomodate use a night or two on our way." Luna added, figuring a safe place for rest would be helpful. "Not that there haven't been attacks on it, but it tends to be fairly well manned."

Luna put her hand to her chin in thought, thinking if there was much more to add. Nothing that couldn't be said on the road. Though, she still needed to thank their precious sword conjuring witch. So she walked over to the woman and gave her a firm slap on that back. Nothing so much it'd hurt but maybe move her upper body a small bit. "Thanks for the help back there at the walls. Your blades were a great help against all those bandits. I look forward to traveling with you and Her Majesty. With us two, Her Majesty has nothing to worry about, right?" Luna told the smaller girl, puffing up her chest a small bit. She was obviously very confident in her own skills.
Vamessa made her rounds around town, or what was left of it at this point. The town got destroyed, in the best possible way of saying it. It was a little sad, but really, the people still treated her like a bit of an outsider so she wasn't amazingly close with most of them. They didn't actively treat her badly or call her names but they gave her some distance, likely related to her demonic presence. Whatever. They gave her a job to make sure there was enough heat going around the village, fair enough. That was definitely the one thing she was really good at and it helped reduce her destructive tendencies. Well, that and cooking, though people tended to avoid her cooking for some reason.

For the most part, she had stayed in the parts of the town that weren't just absolutely destroyed and made sure that there was enough of a fire going on in the places that were still occupied so the townsfolk didn't freeze to death during these unruly times. Such a thankless job. Still, someone told her there was a town meeting at the temple and she should make time for it. So she did. She walked through the doors of temple about the time the chief had started his speech. She took a seat near the back, far away from most of the townspeople. They'd probably get a little fidgety if she got in the crowd and, well, she didn't want to cause a scene at the moment. The chief's speech was about as one would expect. Inspirational to the townsfolk, maybe her a little more if she felt like she was one of them, but well, she wasn't a human either, even if she wasn't tainted by a demon's presence.

She listened in on the problems of the town at present. 15 hunters may or may not be enough for town right now, not that her hunting record was that good anyway. Not in any capacity to help. And that Maira girl... She sounded familiar... Oh! That was the girl that she met in the forest, back when that was her home, on multiple occasions. A bit of a bitch. She shot arrows at poor Vammy every time they met. She was missing? Well, that wouldn't do. Vammy would need her alive to take revenge on her for all those arrows.

Other than that... Frozen wood? Iron to purchase? Fish stealing? The wood she could handle later fairly easy. Iron... well, if it was dealings with dwarves she'd have nothing to do, though she'd enjoy a "meeting" with Mie. And the fish... Someone else could handle that. A cold, frozen sea? No thank you. Oh, and the healing herbs... She'd not want to risk accidently turning them to ash.

Content with her choice of option, the elf headed over to where the chief was, to offer her services in finding Maira. On her way, however, she heard Atzi saying something aloud about finding the huntress. Vammy licked her lips a small bit as she ran her fingers up the muscular woman's back. "My, I was going to offer to look for her too. I lived in those woods for some time, so I know them like the back of my hand. Hell, I've had some special encounters in there that you don't want to know the details of..." She didn't specify but they were actually a bit more dangerous than she was letting on. "You know you need me, but, if you need to feed that spider first, fine. Come find me, Atzi, when you're ready."

With that, Vammy slipped behind the woman and disappeared into the crowd. Fine, she had some time to kill and what did she see? Her best little friend! She slinked over and snuck up on Lazhira. Her hand flew down and deliver a nice, firm but gentle slap to the girl's rear end before slipping to her side and wrapping an arm around Lazhira's waist. "Hey cutie, doing alright?" She asked, pulling the girl in close and giving her a little bit of warmth. "Warm enough?" She asked with a small teasing smile.
Luna was taken aback by the uproar she has seemingly caused. "Am I single!? Umm, yes!? I've no fiance..." The knightess muttered, slightly embarrassed by the train of questions coming at her. "Pretty? I'm rather skilled with the blade since I've been training since I was young... Why would I kill a giant?" She seemed a little confused by these chains of questioned until Lugh spoke up, reminding her about the meeting. That was right, she needed to get going. How was she going to get out of the crowd? The knightess took a deep breath and then spoke in a sharp, commanding voice. Nothing rude sounding, but enough to catch the attention of everyone around her. "Ladies." The majority of the people in her view were, after all, women... For some reason. "I appreciate your questions, but I must be moving on. I need to attend to our queen. Perhaps we could discuss more later, but let me say this before we leave."

A smile crossed her face as she continued to speak, "I'm pleased to see all of you hale and hearty after that attack, so please continue to be so. Now, pardon me and our squire here." She patted Lugh on the back and walked towards the castle, asking to ladies surrounding her to move aside, politely of course. As they clear the crowd, she gave a sigh. "Gods, that was embarrassing..." Luna said, loud enough for Lugh to hear. "Lugh, you know I didn't fight a hundred of them." She looked slightly frustrated with the youth, "I'd tell the queen... If I thought she'd punish you for those loose lips of yours." In lieu of the Queen's punishment, she gave him a slight poke in the temple. "Jeez."

Luna wouldn't admit to it, but she was rather people with the people here. At home, everyone was just very friendly and got along but... Here, well, it felt somewhat different. The people that crowded her felt a little more obssessed in a way. It wasn't bad, per se... But still. "Ladies, ladies. I'm doing just fine! See?" She flexed a small bit to show she wasn't hurting. Well, she was, but she didn't show it. But then, someone spoke up about her fighting a hundred bandits. "L-lugh! That's not quite right. It was more like twenty at the upper end..." Twenty was still a lot but she didn't want people to think she fought one hundred at once! It was impressive but Reinhardt and Od had fought the beast and it's rider, not to mention Ethelred who rode to meet the bowmen in the forest. All she did was distract the weak ones with a bit of support from Fio.

"It wasn't just me, however. The other knights fought valiantly as well. You could say I had the easy part, fighting the rabble that would dare attack our beloved city. I didn't have to fight the large beast that was to assail our gates, nor the archers that rained down upon our walls. Not to mention the support I did receive from our very own Sword Witch." Luna said, singing the praise of her comrades. Truly, she had no intention to hog glory for her lonesome. "If you see any of the other knights, please give them the same praise you all have shown me, I'm sure it would brighten their day as much as it did mine." Luna gave all the people that surrounded her. Now, she should make it for the castle... but...

First, she took the hand from the first girl that had offered her medical treatment and gave her a small kiss on the back of the hand. "Thank you for the first offer of medical aid, miss." After that, she gave her a smile before looking around to everyone. "Now, I need to go to the castle soon, but I might as well ask how things are. Any concerns from anyone that the queen might desire to hear?" It was good to know the thoughts of the people and... with all these people gathered up... Now would be a good time.

Mori seemed slightly miffed that no one seemed to appreciate her efforts. "Fine. I'm going just... Handle this meat more elegantly..." She started to say when Aureia had already started cooking with her... umbrella... part and some sticks. Well, that was fine and dandy. Good for a quick cook. The Underworld Goddess, handled the deer-like creature's carcass, skinned it when she needed to get to the meat, cutting into it to make some bits. She used where she had hide to handle the meat, since the human body... especially those that were young, could get sick easily from dirt. She then fetched a few nearby sticks and used the dagger to cut at them and make them into thin, sharp sticks. She tested them over the fire to see if they would burn but luck would have it that they were wet enough to not just catch on fire in contact, so it'd be safe enough over it.

Now, she didn't have anything as super fancy as Aureia to hold up her sticks, but her hands would suffice. It's not like her body really got tired. She'd stab the meat onto the sticks and hold them over the fire to let them cook. She wasn't sure how much a human child would need to eat, so the more they cooked the better, right? "If those birds prove a problem, just kill them. We can use them for food or maybe I can use them to scout the area some... if I have enough power to do that right now.... Not that you should doubt the Chief of Underworld Matters!" She seemed to carry some pride in that statement, though any seriousness she might have had was cut short by the sight of her, a cute girl in armor, holding two sticks with meat over a fire.

"Yes, a pleasure to see you too Reinhardt." Luna had mentioned as the man swiftly made his exit with little regard to her presence. Well, whatever. Just because they worked together as such didn't mean she needed to make fast friends with them, she supposed. And then Od just kind of... absentmindedly left. Well, whatever. Her queen had gotten together quite the... personable people. Well, that would be rude to at least Ethelred. Fio was someone you could talk to... but... Well, those dolls were a little on the creepy side. Oh well.

For now, she was considerable healed at least. Everything was mended at least. She could focus on recovering the rest of her injuries while at the meeting later. For now, perhaps she'd check on the state of the town. Make sure no one had drank a little too much and started causing mayhem during the fighting. Not that she thought such a thing had happened, of course. The people of this town tended to act decently at least. Better than anything you could find out in the wilderness by a far margin. It made her want to check on the good people of this town. They deserved it. With that in mind, she kept her usual, confident demeanor and walked around town with a smile, greeting the people on the street that she saw. She had... A little time before she needed to be at the meeting, right?

Yoohoo. Work time
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