Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Vammy frowned after she had calmed her disembowlment of the Rimebeast. And then a sigh. "Enjoy it? I dunno. Might be better than that time with the deer. It took forever to get those stains out and I didn't have anything to clean up with easily." The demon elf mentioned as she looked at her hands. Not blood, luckily. It was just kinda annoying really. It got all over her clothes and she liked to have her mostly nice, neat and tidy clothes. Well, what little clothes there were. She turned to Atzi while still looking at her hands and making sure there was no blood on them.

"Oh, right. You took some cold hits didn't you, Muscle Gal?" The demon walked over to the bigger human and looked to the spots that were rather cold. "Let us head out, but first lemme just do this and that." The demon unabashedly touched the spots where she was cold and poured some warmth through her hands. "It's best you don't die before we find that bi--." She cleared her throat and then continued. "That... Bow... Woman... Hunter, right. Anyway, if you die, I'll get blamed by that damned priest and I sure as hell don't care about that chicky out there, where ever she is." After she was confident that there was no chance of frostbite, she allowed herself to be manhandled by the muscular woman again.
After she was tossed aside, she turned back to see his oversized arm meet with Fio's blade. And then a dust cloud. And then the Fomorian gone, off in the distance. He bid himself farewell and Luna had half a mind to chase after him but... No, it would be best she didn't. Instead, she gritted her teeth for a small time before repeating his words aloud. “Do not allow your paths to falter…or the Wings of Dark shall usurp your throne.” She mewled the words over for a second before her Queen bid her to follow. And so she did. "Next time he won't be able to retreat unscathed."

She looked to her two brothers and nodded at them, "Gabe, Leo, we'll have a nice little get together after our discussion." The woman said, almost tiredly after finally letting her shoulders shrink down, finally out of a fully guarded mind set. As her, the Queen and the two others convened, she looked toward the Queen. "Wings of Dark? Everything he said was cryptic. Was he talking about a raven or something of the sort?" She questioned aloud, not directly asking the Queen though it was obvious who her statement was pointed to. "Aside that, he was a rather powerful foe. His attitude was..." A frown. The knight shook her head, "Irritating."
Of course these things sucked up magic. Really, she was surprised that they didn't just melt to her fire. "Gah! Tell me that first next time! And what the shit is 'deliciously physical'?!" She had to exclaim aloud to the voice in her head. "Fine, I'll just rip it apart." The demon sighed as she looked up to see Atzi taking care of her own beast and then there were some ice spine firing at her from a counter top. The demon's hand burned warmly as she snap upward, dodging to the side and slapping the ice spines to the side if they looked like they were heading for Atzi.

Vammy then took a quick step over to the beast and slapped it down to the ground from it's spot on the counter top. Her hands alight, she pounced on it and took many good swipes at the beast, intent on ripping it apart with her bare hands. It didn't really bring her any joy or excitement. She had never interacting with these creatures before, but sometimes one was forced to resort such gross means in order to survive. And now, she needed to finish this thing off so she could walk over to Atzi and warm her up. She took a mighty cold blow to the chest and that could be dangerous for humans. She liked Atzi, for whatever that meant for a demon. It would be a shame to see her perish without being able to feel up her muscles, of course. Such were the thoughts of a demon, after all.
As Luna saw the bladespear aiming for her, she quickly reached for her sword to parry the blow. Luckily, Niall helped cover for her in that respect so she focus more of her energy elsewhere. Particularly? Preventing her head from being lopped off in a single blow. She raised her shield to quickly block the slash of the thin blade heading for her neck, moving it along with the slash to make sure she wasn't knocked back from the creature's monstrous strength. She twisted her side closest to the spear so her body would be perpendicular to where the spear was redirected from Niall to give a wider berth from her abdomen and reduce area for her to be hit.

The knightess slid her front foot forward a half step and the hand on her blade's hilt pulled the weapon free from it's sheath and up towards the Fomorian's hand wielding the spear. The blade of her weapon shined a golden light as she instilled an amount of magic in it, hoping to take the Fomorian's upper arm with the swing. One less appendage was something to be thankful for when this monster had many of them. Worst case, it would help deflect the Fomorian's weapon even more.
"Geez, Atzi has some damn iron lungs..." Vammy said, covering her ears as the woman had suggested. After the yelling was over, the demon removed her hands from her ears and gave a sigh. The place was seeming very odd, that was for sure. That damn huntress hadn't been home for a small bit, she was pretty sure. She was also pretty sure there was something here. Something to make it colder than outside, somehow. Then, the demon spoke to her, calling her... What? A dumbass! "Who's a dumbass, dumbass!" Vammy exclaimed as she turned around to some cat... ghost.. thing... Hissing at her. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" The demon sighed as another leaped right for her face.


So she dropped down, one knee hitting the ground as her muscly ally swung her club at the creature. If she didn't know better, she'd almost think the woman was trying to get her! But, it was fine. She was a nice, kind and friendly demon. She wouldn't hold any grudges that would require her to seek retribution. Definitely not. But, that wasn't all. There was the other one that had aimed a blast of cold air at her. "Haa.." She returned her own blast of fire at the creature's attack, intercepting it. She wouldn't cause the place to go on fire since she could put out anything she started. Well, hopefully. Then, another blast at the creature that fired the shot. One she could shift direct minorly toward the creature if it dodged. "What the hell are these things?" Vammy asked, unconcerned about actually being attack. She seemed far to use to this, if Atzi would notice.
He parried her attack so powerfully. Luna had to wonder if he was making a show of force or if it didn't really control it's strength, not to mention the sword he was using. "What an odd blade." The Knightess commented as she quickly sheathed her sword and held her arm out to the side, quickly forming two small daggers of light in her hand. If he was going to throw small blades at her, it was only right she returned the favor. She took some small steps back to toss the two blades towards the Fomorian's face. Her hope was that he would either take the hits or deflect them with his sword. "I don't allow myself to be deterred when so rudely challenged."

As her heel hit the ground on her final step back, she dug in and roughly pushed off back towards the creature. In her hand, there was a now a spear of light, aimed towards the Fomorian. It looked like Fio had some sort of plan on how to subdue the beast, so Luna took her best guess as she was tried to aim his movements in a direction, or at least one that looked like the giant blades overhead would bear down upon him. As her feet moved forward, she aimed her spear up towards the Fomorian's abdomen. She hoped that, between her onslaught and what Niall might do, it would drive him into the corner that Fio was planning.
As the bandits dispersed, Luna gave a small sigh. This wasn't the first nor the last time this happened, though... In these numbers? Not so. She dismounted her horse and was about to disagree with Leo about the queen not liking that comment when she heard her name being yelled and Leo jumping in front of her, blocking something. A thrown blade hit the ground and Luna looked at where it had come from. An odd looking Fomorian came from the crowd that was retreating. He had a menacing look with multiple arms that all looked rather inhuman. "Not your typical fomorian running the wastes I gather..." Luna said as she readied some of her magic, coating her sword and shield with a magical light. She looked to Leo and smiled, "Regardless, whenever I'm around you guys I let my guard down and need you two to protect me like that, don't I? Guess it's Gabe's turn next." She looked back to her other brother with a teasing smile, "Take my horse Leo. I have a feeling that he won't be too helpful against this guy."

Luna turned back to the Fomorian in front of them and gave him a hard, studying gaze after he brandished the large blade and a gust of wind blast past them all. If even her queen was worried about him, than perhaps this was a fight she was going to have trouble with. How fun. "Very well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." She was mostly sure her sword and shield would have zero problems with taking hits from this monster so she wanted to make sure he didn't go after Fio. "Niall was it? I'm counting on you, even if we've not met. Our Queen has pretty good decision making so if she trusts you well." With that, she charged at the monster, shield up with a defensive posture, testing the waters so to speak. As she closed in, she'd give a swing of her sword towards the Fomorian and what looked like a blade of light shot towards it. Behind it, Luna followed, swinging to connect with the Fomorian with her shield at the ready in case he countered with an attack with his weapon.

After being carried there in either her preferred or... perhaps, non-preferred fashion, Vammy was looking forward to finding this huntress girl alive. Or something of the sort. She definitely needed to make sure she could give her payback for all the arrows fired at her. So she was prepared to be shot at when her and Atzi arrived but the place was dead looking. A lot more dead than Vammy had actually expected. It looked like someone had dug a little path through the snow at the door, perhaps to get in and out. That wasn't surprising. "I guess she made it so she could get in and out? Door being ajar is weird." The demon said before using her magic to melt the snow around the door so they could open and close the door easily as well as easy access to the house.

Vammy peaked inside the house, wondering if a couple of arrows would fly out to meet her face but it didn't seem to be so. "Looks abandoned. And it's... Cold? Colder than outside." She said as she made herself inside and made a flame appear in her hand so the two of them could see well in the darker places. Noticing the fireplace, Vammy tossed a little bit of fire there to brighten the place up a bit. The next thing to catch her attention was the dim kitchen. Particularly, the broken window. It seemed to have been broken from the inside to the outside so Vammy wondered if that's how the huntress got out from the house. "Huh. I wonder what her food stores are looking like." The demon said, looking around the kitchen from such a thing. "I wonder if she left when the attack happened and never came back. Wouldn't explain the door being ajar. My, my. I wonder if we have a little squatter here~" The demon teased in a slightly threatening tone.

Vammy was happy to get a little cute noise out of Lazhira, even with that threat of throwing her out of the house that she didn't really expect her to fulfill. After all, she was like a furnace that kept the house warm at night... Even if she tossed and turned in bed the nights where she managed to make herself actually fall asleep. Then, came the hit to the head! A wonderful blow that made her arms go straight to the back of her head to try and dull the pain a bit. "Oooooucccch!" She groaned, looking towards the moth after she recovered. "Damn moth, I'll get your butt for this." Vammy said, though knowing her, one couldn't tell just how literal she was being with that statement.

She quickly moved over to where the Mothraki was standing and threw her arms around her shoulders, opened her mouth wide.... And started to lightly nibble on Nylah's ear, as if to show off her "impish attitude". After a few seconds of this, "Yes, yes. Demon this and that. Just call me Vammy. I'm a really nice girl if you get to know me~" She said before lightly nibbling on Nylah's ear again and then releasing her fully. "I won't be joining you though, I have another job to go do. Maybe some other time though, new girl~"

That was when Lazhira walked off, saying she had something to go do. "Oi, Lazhira!" Vammy said just as the girl was out of earshot. "Geh, that girl. She always disappears. From right in front of me..." Grumbling about following her fully one of these days, she rubbed her head again, feeling the pain from it a bit still. That was when Atzi showed up behind her, asking if she could run. So of course, Vammy had the perfect answer to that. "Oh... I could probably run, but I'm worried I might fall over because a certain moth smacked me square in the back of the head. I would hope very much that a strong, muscular woman would be able to carry me in her arms as we go~"
"Who can say why an elder beast from so long ago acted? Her help was a boon to my ancestors, and like as to me as well." Luna mentioned, trying to smile through her Queen's obvious displeasure. Then it was Fio's turn to ask a question, how the Queen knew she was a reincarnation of the King. It was a question Luna had never thought about. There were qualities that she had shown that had convinced Luna. Perhaps she was a small bit a romantic, but the Queen had the qualities that Luna looked for in a Queen. Just, fair, strong. Kind as well.

Still, Queen Sorcha merely mentioned something about memories. There was little evidence of such a thing of course, so it was something one would need to take at her words. Still, as the conversation came to a stop and the Queen's horse came to a stop... The sounds of battle raged.

It wasn't an uncommon sound in those land. Small skirmishes between soldiers and bandits, but it was different. It was a large battle, by the sounds, than a small skirmish as was the norm. "What madness. There are more bandits here than I've seen in years!" Luna exclaimed as the queen spurred her mount into action as Luna did hers. She had yet to draw her sword as she shot thin, harmful light beams into the crowd of bandits. As they drew closer, Luna drew her sword from it's sheath and created a glow on the blade. An obvious sign to anyone that knew her along with the warcry she let out as she and her large horse trampled bandits and cut them down as she went.

The knightess made sure to avoid spears and clear the way to the Frontline of Lightsword's forces. Once close enough to her brothers, she felt the need to shout at them. "I'm gone for some short time and look what vermin you allow on our land!" Luna shouted at her brothers in jest. "Perhaps I should teach you how to patrol for such large forces?" Despite all she said, she seemed perfectly content to be in the midst of combat, perhaps excited at the family reunion on the field of battle whilst her sword arm swung at bandit's heads and parrying blows.

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