Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"Yep, mhmm." Came Shina's voice from the back of the room. She was laying out on a couch the clubroom somehow managed to get. "No, I said work on building a relationship with the clothing shop we talked about..." She was silent as she listened to whoever was on the other side of the phone. "Yes, get your sister to get to it. I need you to deliver some packages~" Silence again, "And if you eat that your career is good as done....Yes. Exactly~ Get to work, I don't pay you to eat my food~" With that, she hung up and settled her phone away. "Really, you leave one cheesecake at the office and all the workers think they're entitled..."

Well, her business business was settled for now until those two got back to her. "Now, what do we have here? Tomoko is here? Ahh, and a damn fox." She wasn't exactly shy in saying aloud. Well, of course there was Kaori who was once again harassing Tomoko. Not that she was one to complain, really. She kind of harassed everyone, though they might not know it was her that did it. Well, she'd leave Tomoko and the spider alone for now. She made her way over to the table and sat at it. She just needed to wait until the meeting started mostly, though she sort of wanted to hug the tiny Oni girl. She was adorable and really didn't seem like "human" contact and it would be funny to see her squirm a small bit. Just a small bit.

Still, she looked over at the Fox Boy that seemed to be taking extra snacks. Not that Shina really seemed to care much. After all, she didn't really trust the spider that much when it came to... about anything. A megapervert and she wasn't sure what insane ingredients she would put in her cooking. "Well then, fox. You look like an absolute glutton right now." Commenting on his taking of extras. "I mean, you go ahead. I'll be glad it's not me or Tomoko that suffers from whatever that spider puts in there~ That said, you said something about playing cards? I'm game. Wanna bet on it~?" She had a mischievous smile that could only say that she was up to no good which was a safe bet. She was hardly ever up to anything good.
Humans... Well, she assumed they were humans, were tenacious beings. Undaunted by the fact that they were going to die. The second her eye turned from the archers to the one with and axe, her side was grazed mostly by a slight dodge but that just lead to her getting struck in the leg.

Vammy grimmaced at the arrow piercing her skin but had other things to focus on. For example, the axeman just in front of her. It wasnt like being shot with an arrow would really hinder her so her grimmace curled into a sinister smile. As the axeman brought down the axe at her, she utilized her speed to knock the offending hand away and then grabbing his neck with the other hand. The neck was always so fragile and if one werent careful they could sn-- "Ah. Too rough."

Too bad, but the demon had more company to take care of. She tossed the man aside and cracked her neck before she turned to the archers. "Now which of you actually hit me with this?" Vammy asked, pulling the arrow out with little concern. She made her best possible guess and threw a quick fireball at them. Enough to knock them off their feet and save them for last.

The demon quickly followed behind the shot and headed towards one of the others. It was relatively simple to use her magic to launch herself enough so she could bring her heel down on the cultist's cranium after closing the distance. He was down, though Vammy wasnt too sure if she had just knocked him out temporarily or permenantly. The body could be quite frail and unbelievably sturdy but she was pretty sure she wouldnt have to worry about him for the rest of this fight.

Then was a quick dash for the second to last one. A dodged arrow but this one was quick to end as well... though the end was quite a bit more gruesome and gory than the previous. "The neck is such a fragile spot i swear. People need to start wearing some armor there or any person walking around with some sharp nails are just gonna slit it open."

With a small sogh, as if she also didnt have a fragile neck, Vammy turned to the last one that had been knocked to their feet. "Now, I should give the one who actually hit me a reward." Vammy said, practically skipping over. "Now then, I could skin you or... Hmm? What's this?" Vammy said, getting closer to the robed figure. She sniffed a few times and smiled. "Oooh, a woman. My, im wondering if you might be a better shot than the huntress we're looking for~" Vammy disarmed her if there seemed to have anything like a weapon on her and then grabbed her, tossing the cultist over her shoulder and made her way over to Atzi who also seemed to have taken care of business.

"Alighty. First thing, Miss Bow and Arrow. I can either make your time very nice and pleasureable or I can make it a living nightmare of my choosing. That's what demons do, after all." They were getting close to Atzi now. "Muscles, look at this. I got a new toy. Hope she doesnt break." Vammy mostly teased. "Now, lets see how cute you look."

The demon could tell she was a woman by body features and instinct, but that didnt give her the slightest clue about what was under. She set the cultist woman on her feet. "Dont run, hide or fight or I'll have to catch you again and tie some rope around you arms and legs." Vammy was ready for resistance of some sort but quickly removed her hood and mask quickly before such a thing could happen.
I got a character idea ill put forward sometime soonish
"Geeeeeh.... It's hard to focus when you don't shut up and get so excited..." Vammy complained, trying to hold back the demon's emotions from influencing her mind so much. "We need to take one alive~ After all, don't you wanna know why some dumbasses are out here, tying up dogs and wearing some really unfashionable robes and masks while loosing arrows at a beautiful lady?" Her tone slowly turned from a fake happy to a more irritated, "I really do want to rip them apart" tone. Well, standing here wasn't going to help her really, not when there were a number of idiots still shooting arrows at her.

"Still, it's nice that they think I'm enough of a threat for five archers... Though they'll need more." She readied another fireball, this time it was armed to explode quite readily, ready to scorch one or two the archers. It seemed the same general size as the last balls at first, though, as it traveled it would slowly grow a couple of sizes before impact. Vammy smiled a sweet, sickly smile towards all the archers as she toss the fireball. It moved at a surprisingly fast velocity and started to increase in size as it moved. It was aimed towards and area near enough one archer towards the middle of the group. The intent of course was chaos.

After loosing the spell, Vammy made a break for the archers using her magic to increase her speed by releasing small explosions under her feet to propel herself forward. She was ready for a bloodbath mixed with a nice roast, though she worried that the roast might be overcooked. "Come here little ratties~ I'll rip you limb from limb~" Obviously, the demon's bloodlust had influenced Vammy as she made her mad dash.
Vammy sighed. Of course there were archers. Well, she was a scary demon. She had to show these people that scary demons shouldn't be triffled with. "We don't have to time for that, idiot." Vammy said to the demon's voice in her head. She say some arrows heading her way and quickly threw up a whirling screen of fire in front of her to deflect the arrows aimed at her. "How annoying these people are, I really just wanted to find that damn huntress and you all had to so damned annoying."

The demon-elf held her hand out and pinpointed the general area where one of the bowmen were and created a fairly big ball of fire in her hand. She started bouncing her head up and down slightly, as if dancing along to a tune. She tossed the fireball up into the air and kept bouncing her head until the ball of fire started to fall back to the earth and she frowned. As it fell to just above her head, she stepped her foot back and braced. Her hand raised and then she powerfully hit the ball much like one would hit a volleyball and it launched in the general direction of one of the bowmen. As it impacted, it would slightly explode into a firey mess. It wouldn't immolate someone to death, but it would definitely singe and cause pain.

She repeated this and aimed in the general direction of another arrow's source. "Gah, I'm really getting frustrated by the turn of events in the past day or so. Makes me want to rip something apart... Or feel someone up. Think Lazhira would let me?" She asked the demon in her head, readying to cast a fire screen should more arrows be heading her way... Or the mutt's. Perhaps she'd protect it just because she was feeling generous. Definitely not to make some other people feel indebted to her.
As everyone made their seperate ways, Luna didn't have much to do. Any exploring of the camp was, well, something she'd do with Her Majesty. Not like it's been far too long since she's been at this fort anyhow. It was the last civilized location she stopped at in Lightsword territory before making her way to the Court of Queen Sorcha. "Let me accompany you, Your Highness." Luna said as she followed the Queen. As the walked, she took a look around to see if there were any changes to the fort or... almost more importantly, any structural damage. At one point, she was the one who took the most patrols and was held responsible with such things. Leo being involved in court matters and Gabe doing some of the many other things that were expected of him.

Still, she was with Queen Sorcha now... And the soldiers were being complimented. This made Luna puff her chest with some small amount of pride. "Many thanks for the compliment. It does me well to hear such things. After all, many of the men stationed here were trained by me. Gabe also had a hand in things, I suppose. Until I took to your Court, Gabe would set the blade into shape back home and then I would temper it out in the field."

"But, if it's food you're wondering about... Well, it's nothing the city couldn't readily out-do, but we do what we can to make it taste more than edible." The knightess held back a giggle from the Queen's embarrassed look on her face. "Follow me, if you will. I'm sure Leo told the kitchen crew to make food but they're probably not sure what to make for a Queen." The two soon arrived at a building inside the fort, one with more than a few chimneys actively releasing smoke. Once inside, it was obvious that this was the fort's kitchen with a number of chairs and tables acting as a cafeteria. Luna lead the Queen to a fairly nice table, obviously meant more for nobility than the common soldier, and pulled out a chair, "Please, take a seat. I'll be right back."

Luna walked behind a small countertop where the Queen could see a number of soldiers working as cooks. There were a few stoves and some giant pots cooking something, a stew most likely. The woman started to discuss something with them for a few minutes before scooping some stew into a bowl. "Here you go, Your Majesty. For now, just think of this stew as an appetizer. I'm having them cook up something with a bit more of a Lightsword touch. This stew is a pretty common affair, but we were afforded some extra spices and such since Leo came here. It's venison with a touch of locally gathered vegetables... And I would appreciate if you ate the plant life in there as well..." The Knightess said as she half stared into her Queen's soul.
"Yes, thank you for the assistance Niall. You seem to be a strong warrior as well. Glad to have you along." Luna said with a small smile. Still, scouting? That was a good thing of course, but still... "Truthfully, I could use some rest. We've been traveling for a while now and like to get a little shut eye before we did much else." The knight said, stretching a small bit. "But, it's up to you guys. If you want to head out tonight, I'll go with you." Still, she was looking forward to the food, most of all. It was a bit difficult to travel with good food when you were riding with a light load. "Well, it's up to you Fio, I suppose. Unless Niall wants to risk going solo."

The Knightess gave a light shrug. If Queen Sorcha had approved of their skills, than Luna was confident they could likely handle themselves in most situations. "Either way, I'd like to talk to my brothers for a small bit before we do anything. I really need to tell something to Leo..." Luna seemed a bit... Irritated. Somewhat out of character for her. "Just something small to discuss with him. Nothing big. And it'd be nice to catch up with Gabe."

She gave a small sigh. "Well, that aside, when was the last time I've slept in the barracks? It hasn't been that long, but it feels like a lifetime ago." The Knightess thought aloud. It wasn't that difficult really. They were always kept fairly warm with some magical items so no one was going to suffer from frostbite at night or anything. "If any of you need anything, just ask me if you can't get ahold of Leo or Gabe. I'm still a daughter of the house and they all listen to me still, I'd like to think."

Vammy was happy to be carried around. It was a lot easier than Doing anything herself. "Yea, your not gonna die with me around. You're too cu... Ahem, valuable, to let die." Yes, her true intentions hadn't leaked through or anything. Not that it mattered much cause the two of them were heading towards where that wolf was, though the last howl was cut off for some reason. Not that she cared too much, but it's where the two of them where heading. Regardless, when they finally arrived at where the wolf was, it was in terrible shape to say the least. "Would be pretty. Kind of wouldn't want to bother with that though." Vammy said to the demon on her shoulder. She looked around to see if there was any sign of anything nearby but... There was nothing to see at least. No demons in the midst or anything.

Then the muscular woman asked if she sensed anything. Now she had to actually like, do something? "Fine, only because I like you. You owe me~" And so, the demon gave used her enhanced senses to see if there were anyone nearby, or anything to notice, smell, hear. It should be fairly easy for a demon such as her to find something if there was anything after all. The touching scene hadn't really been one that had reached her heart or anything, as that had been closed off a long time ago, but she still decided to help. The quicker they found the huntress the sooner she could plot her own little course of revenge. "Now, what am I going to find~"

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