Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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The Tanuki ignored what the spider bit back with. "Whaaaattt~?" Shina cooed as Akari mentioned that she couldn't hit ghosts with her fist. "I'm pretty sure your Mama was all about that in the past." She gave a small kiss on the forehead and then put the alcohol in the girl's hand. "None of the urban legends I'm aware of kidnap kids. Most of them just tear them into gruesome messes that I don't want to be around."

Shina swatted away any spider that was in her hair at this point and poofing into a smoke cloud. When the smoke quickly disappeared, she had transformed herself into a pale woman with long hair covering her face (also taking care of any spider web in the process.) "Am I beautiful?" She said, slowly walking up to Hina in an exaggerated fashion. "No? Then die!" Shina said, putting her arm out toward Hina before stopping mid-way. "Or something like that." Another cloud of smoke and she was back to normal.

"Anyway, you all can only think about hitting things. A lot of these urban legend type deals you just have to outsmart them." Shina mused, "That aside, Tomoko-chan mentioned Spirit Invocation~ How exciting~ I mean, I'm just here because Tomoko-chan 'convinced' me to so just about anything is exciting compared to sitting around~ Come on, Akari. Let's finish up the drink~ Or should I help you~" The woman teased, making fun of the small girl a small bit. "I'm all ready when you are Tomoko-chan~"
Its ok, Akyasha's focus is Divine Magic because Blood Magic+....

Also summoning Ichor's Divine Monstrosities or something.
Luna had to stiffle a laugh at the Queen's expense. She probably should have stopped Fio from bonking the Queen on the head, but she couldn't help but feel that the Queen deserved that much. Still, adding some stakes to the challenge? "An interesting proposition, your majesty. Very well, I accept. Though, what do I get if I win? I already eat properly so I don't have anything to gain from the same reward as you." Luna said, putting down the rest of her drink and waving over for another one. "And, if Fio is joining, what does she get if she wins? You not groping her in front of everyone might be a good start." The woman mused as she was notably getting really red around the face.

The other drink came quickly and Luna downed the entire mug, slamming the vessel on the table in front of her. "Perhaps if either of us win, we get to lead your hand in a dance." The woman smiled a small bit as she seemed very confident in what she said. None of the soldiers around looked much too surprised at this shift in tone though. Luna turned to the tiny mage before speaking. "Unless Fio wants me to lead her in a dance instead." The Knightess was definitely drunk, though she hasn't thrown the towel in yet as she waved another drink over for herself.

I'm here
Luna gave a dirty look at Leo at a certain comment he may have made at her expense. The woman sighed before looking at her Queen and the small woman that she was trying to get to join the game. "You say I'm drunk, but you're looking pretty smashed yourself, Your Majesty." Luna snickered. Much like Queen Sorcha, Luna wasn't taking it easy with the Alcohol either. "I think you're looking a little worse off than I am." The Knightess proudly said, chugging some more.

Luna for her part, seemed rather fine except for the quick reddening of her face. "Now, are you going to keep groping poor Miss Fio there or are you going to drink?" Luna smirked again, teasing both Fio and the Queen for the woman's poor hand placement. "Not that it matters much to me I suppose, since I'm not the one Fio is going to get mad at for it." Luna was definitely drunk. Her typical careful word choosing was seemingly gone. Hell, Leo probably knew what would happen if she got too much more drunk. It wouldn't affect many of anyone in the room except the women.
You know I'm here boo
Shina made an evil giggle and smirked at the fox sitting next to her. "Coward~" The Tanuki stood up and stepped away from Shuichirou. She couldn't really blame the boy. She was unnaturally lucky after all! Now, Tomoko was talking about some sort of child disappearance. Normally, she'd probably complain about not getting paid but now that she was getting coerced into this whole "club" thing. Now~ She needed to protect her perfectly favorite little thing in the club. The Zashiki-Warashi girl was cute of course, but nothing held a candle to the adorable little Oni girl sitting in the corner.

"Kaori kidnapping little girls you say~? My dear spider, I thought you were over that phase." Shina teased, her tail would swish back and forth if it were out at the moment but she was, of course, in her perfect school disguise. She fell to her knees next to Akari and swung her arms around the poor girl's neck. "Don't worry my cute little Oni~ I'll make sure the pervert old spider doesn't touch a hair on your pretty little head." She teased, smirking towards where the spider was holding the mujina whilst pulling the Oni into her chest as if to protect her before relaxing a small bit.

"That said, I don't think it was Kaori. Less so because I trust her to be a safe person but moreso because I don't think Tomoko would allow her to do such a thing. Though it doesn't stop me from worrying about what you'd do to everyone in the room." She seemed convinced that, if left alone, she would do a number of travesties to the girls in the room.

"The issues of Kaori being a perverted old lady aside, did you have an idea of what this kidnapper may be, Tomo-tan? An old creep? Youkai? Urban Legend? Chupacabra? Debt Collector!?" The last seemed to be the most worrisome to the Tanuki as the mere mention made her pull Akari even more into her chest. "Ahh, sorry Akari." She seemed at the least a small bit apologetic that time.
VAmmy was pretty sure she removed the robed figure's weapons but she was a little too excited earlier so she might have missed it. "A dagger in the hand of a human hardly scares m--" That was when an arrow grazed Atzi's face and the demon was slightly distracted by up the hill some. A large group of, what Vammy definitely was sure were cultists. "Great. This one calls for a retreat for sure." Her head quickly twisted towards her armed captive. The demon's hand came up swiftly and hit the woman's hand, knocking the weapon away with a sharp slap. After, she shifted her posture a bit lower and twisted her hips as she brought her foot up to hit the woman's stomach to incapacitate her for a small time by knocking the wind out of her. She wasn't too worried without an easily reachable weapon in the woman's hands but it was still better to carry a sack of potatoes than a struggling boar while escaping.

Quickly, the demon tossed the captive over her shoulders and quickly made her way to Atzi. "Hey, don't be a dumbass, dumbass. These people are obviously brainwashed or mind controlled, magicked or something. That or they're super zealous and it's to knowledge or something and not a sexy goddess, probably. Doesn't bother me killing humans, but there are too many and we need to escape." Vammy was fairly confident in her skills, but she was quite concerned with trying to fight off that many people at once. She hasn't mastered her demon powers or she might consider it. "This is a bad position to try fighting them either way. Come with me if you want, or don't. Your funeral."

The demon laughed, giggled and snapped her finger at the human. A small fire that would be hardly visible to the cultists snapped to existence from the demon's fingers and slowly lowered to an area close to Atzi and between her and the culists. The demon started to make her way down the hill in a hurry, making sure to watch if any more arrows would be coming. If some were heading toward Atzi like the demon expected, she would will the fire to life to create a small flamewall to protect the body-building woman much like she protected herself earlier. If they were heading toward her, well, it's hard to hit something if it was moving.
"Come now, your majesty. I'm still perfectly sober." Luna said, a small, perhaps slightly uncharacteristic bluff, as a small bit of red started to show across her face as she started to down another mug with one hand and the other motioning for someone to bring her another drink. The woman looked over as the Queen retrieved a nearby Fio and brought her to the table. "A third player?" Luna said, looking over at the small girl currently nestled in Queen Sorcha's chest. "I don't know if that's a good idea. I don't think Fio's body could handle that much alcohol. She'd probably get drunk off of half a mug and I don't think she has much blood in her that helps her tolerate it." Luna said, meaning well by the statement, though her slightly buzzed state didn't really allow her much mental processing on how Fio might react to such blatant statements.

"I think it best if she just watch, if she even so desires to do so." Luna looked over at the small girl as a good number of drinks arrived to their table at the same time. "Let her join if she wants, but I'd say don't force her into this..." Luna said, looking between her Queen and Fio. Sliding two drinks over towards the both of them. If Fio wanted to join... Well, Luna wasn't going to turn her down. As far as the Knightess understood, Fio was an adult and could make her own choices, despite her delightfully adorable appearance. "And your Majesty... Can you please stop breaking the glasses. It's hard to get them out here. Think of the poor sods that have to replace them." Luna's lips seemed to loosen a small bit as she reached for another drink and started to drink again.
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