Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

It had been an eventful few days for the demon elf. Well, not as eventful as it had been for everyone else, probably. She did her best of making herself useful. By useful, one would of course mean staying out of everyone else's way. She mostly did stuff Lazhira in taking care of their two new pets. One was a lot more cooperative than the other of course, but that one was an injured dog so there wasn't much surprise there. The uncooperative one was starting to wear on her. Really. Why wouldn't she just fess up information? Or anything, really. She was like a stone. Vammy was fully ready to notch the torture up a few degrees but Lazhira wasn't letting her. A shame, really.

Still, that was fine for now. No odd force had come to the village and assaulted her or kidnapped the chick yet. She had talked with Atzi and Maira... And it was kinda gross. That woman? Thanking her for saving the dog? Yuck. It felt gross. Well, like, felt like she won some non-existent war, but still. She'd feel almost better if the woman had shot a half dozen arrows at her.

Now? Lazhira went ahead of her to the town meeting for the day. She was gonna show up at the last minute again. No need to stand around and let all the villagers stare at her and wonder if she was gonna eat their hearts or something. Instead, she'd make herself a bit productive. She scratched the dog behind the ears a small bit before standing up. "Damn fuzzy mutt." She mentioned before opening the door to where the prisoner was. She was about relatively in the same spot as before, laying there in some sort. "So, you need food? Water?" Nothing. "Guess not."

Vammy used her leg to roll the cultist over before kneeling down to pat the woman's butt a bit. Perhaps a little more, but that was besides the point, really. "Now, if only you'd lighten up a bit, be less dedicated to this illuminaughty thing and talked a bit... I wouldn't have to do this." So, she grabbed one of the cultist's feet, took off any footwear... And started to tickle her with her rather long nails. There was really nothing of note. No noise, though she seemed to be holding back her facial expressions. That was a good sign at least. But... She needed to get going. "Welp, that's that." She dropped the woman's foot and left the room, closing the door behind her. "Alright, dog. If she leaves that room somehow... Just knock her down and sit on her or something. I think you can handle her." Unsure if the dog even understood, she left for the town meeting.

The demon made it there swiftly just as it began and took her spot standing next to Lazhira. "I'm here, Lazhie~" She cooed in her friend's ear. As the conversation went on, she slowly slipped her hand around Lazhira's waist and listened. Occasionally, she would lower her hand trying to get a grab at her friend's butt. Every time she went, her hand was slapped away or moved away until the very end of the meeting when she quickly moved to give her a little smack. "Hehe~ Gotcha." She teased, moving away a small bit. "Haaa... Lots of crazy things happening and the thing I still can't believe is Muscles over there only missing an arm. I for one am shocked." She seemed unnecessarily happy despite everything said being anything but. "So, what's on your mind, Lazhie? You've seemed rather distracted. And not by me."
Shina gave a small pout when Akari brushed off her playing idea. "Kids these days, I swear." She said before walking off to the playground. Well, if they were gonna spend all this time talking to that ghost, perhaps she'd walk around a bit and investigate. It wouldn't even look weird since she looked like a child after all. There probably wasn't anything about. Hell, maybe, she'd find the culprit. No one was going to pay attention to her when they were talking to that ghost girl anyhow and the last victim did disappear from behind his parent's backs. The Tanuki walked over to the point furthest from where everyone else was. Maybe she'd find something. Maybe not. She just started humming to herself as she played on some of the equipment. It also helped relieve some of her boredom anyhow.
Ahh, Fio was running. A shame, truly. Perhaps she didn't desire anything at all and it was merely the victory that mattered? How curious. Still, the girl ran into someone rather familiar. "Do my eyes deceive me? Sucaria?" A wide smile spread from Luna's lips as her glazed over eyes studied the girl some as she walked closer. "I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you'd be back home." The Knightess mentioned as she threw her arms around the maid. "Not that I'm upset that you're here. I'm quite glad to see you."

The knightess grabbed the servant's hand and gave her a kiss on the back of it. "Have you been..." Luna stumbled before finishing her sentence grabbing onto Sucaria to brace herself a small bit. "Well... Perhaps you are right. I might be a small bit drunk." With a small laugh to herself, Luna gave a small sigh. "I should probably lay down. Would you mind showing me an open bed? I can take one in the barracks of course if any are available." Luna always tended to act like this so it was of no surprise to anyone around.
Akyasha took a few steps back from the seemingly irritated Aleksiya and Giselle. "My, such thorny roses." She complained a small bit. Perhaps time had made her forget this rather thorny side of her fellow Children of Ichor. Then, there was that awful screaching. How vexing was that noise? Really now, whatever made that noise could be nothing good. The only good screech was from something she had summoned at one time.

Still, she couldn't help but feel the other two vampires were looking down on her a small bit. Perhaps she was just a small bit irritable from just having woke up. Perhaps it from the hunger instead but the feeling irked on her a little. Really, such thoughts made her not feel quite like herself and she prayed in her heart to Ichor that this was just a temporary negativity inside her. Really, just because she was happy to see the both of them and gave them a hug it didn't mean that they had to be so negative about it.

With a small sigh, she looked on to the horde of skeletons shambling at them. She really didn't feel like using Blood Magic to create a weapon since that would just make her hungry so she just looked around for an improvised weapon. As she turned around, she saw the perfect weapon. She smiled to herself and mouthed a word of thanks to Ichor.

Behind her was the lid of the sarcophagus that had, at one point, imprisoned her. She dragged the heavy stone over her behind her, as one might expect from the woman that sent it sky-high in the first place. "My apologies, but I'll have to ask you all to go back to rest." The woman said to the group of skeletons as she made her way over towards the mob.

When she got close, she took a swing at the closest few and bisected them fairly cleanly before the stone quickly dropped and smashed back into the ground. While this was fairly effective against these skeletons, she could tell it was going to tire her out quickly so she might as well use it to clear as much as she could. She swung it again and spun around once before releasing the slab and tossing it toward the horde of skeletons. Might as well take out as many as she could with that before she had to resort to slamming them all with her fists or something of the like. "Those stones can get really heavy when you're feeling under the weather." She commented, more to herself though loud enough for the others to hear.
"Gah! That stupid fucking muscle head!" Vammy complained as she held onto the hostage and the dog. It wasn't really too much a struggle for her, thought the hostage bitch wasn't helping much in that regard. "And you calm the hell down!" She said to the woman as they started to near Dawn. Perhaps it was because she knew the area quite well, but it took her no time to make it back to town as she slid into town. "Ummm... Where to... I wonder if Lazhira's home... It'll be really hard for me to explain to anyone else why I have this woman, a dog and not the muscle brained dumbass I left with."

With that, she rushed right back home, hoping that her landlady would be home. As she arrived, she didn't exactly see the cutie, but she set the mutt carefully. "Oiii~ Lazhira! I'm home. Got us company." As she exclaimed that, she looked around for some rope and found it. Nice, sturdy and more than enough to bind a stupid cult lady. She tossed the woman on her back and hopped on top of her, pinning down the hostage's legs with her butt. Quickly, she tied up the woman's hands so she couldn't use them and then took some more and tied up her feet so she couldn't run. Nothing too difficult for such a powerful demon, after all. "Lazhira!? You home?"
The Garden. Akyasha's little public place to show off her collected Blood Lilies. It was saddening to see such a wonderful place being used as a gallery of fire. The battle that was currently taking place mattered little. The summoned creatures of Ichor battling Paladins weighed only slightly on her mind as Akyasha watched all of her precious Blood Lilies burn. She frowned as she turned to see a small swarm of Gore Bats harrassing one of the Paladins. Thirsting Sisters and Savage Priests savaging a corpse... The fighting was intense but the end result is what mattered and without said Blood Lilies, the result was clear in the vampire's mind. Akyasha was impaled, battered and broken. And still, the Cleric of Ichor had the will to spit in the face of her murderers, cursing them in the goddess' name.

It didn't take much longer for the fire to engulf her. Her existence had come to an end. Or, so it should have been.

Now... The Cleric had found herself inside... A box? Rather... She felt fairly weak as if she had slept for many years too many but more importantly something familiar had awakened her. A voice. A wonderful, beautiful voice. One that she had dedicated the near entirety of her undeath to. "Goddess!" Akyasha exclaimed from her confines. "Goddess! To the Cathedral!?" With a good hard kick, Akyasha launched the lid of the sarcophagus off of on top of her and it sailed through the air for a few seconds before loudly and rudely hitting the ground with clatter. The Blood Lily Cleric hopped out of the sarcophagus and looked around to catch her bearings. "A... Garden... Or was." No, this wasn't hers.

The frantic look on her face changed to hope when she turned and saw the cathedral. It was probably her favorite place on this world, after all, though, she wondered what had happened. This place didn't seem to be in the shape she would expect it to be, though, perhaps that would be expected. If she had fallen, what of everyone else? If there was no one to take care of things, of course they would fall apart in disrepair and lose the beauty they once had. Regardless, the Goddess' voice echoed in her ear. The Cathedral. She took a breath and paid attention to the things at a more grounded level. Specifically, the two other vampires that had also been in the vicinity.

The cleric's face warmly converted to a friendly smile. "The Goddess is quite merciful, is she not? Aleksiya? Giselle?" Everyone else in the past had been somewhat evasive of her for some reason or another but how could she not remember her fellow vampires? Akyasha moved in closer to the two an put an arm around each, bringing the two in for a hug. "How glad I am to see some of my sisters after reawakening." She brought the two in close to her with a tight squeeze before releasing the two. "You two have heard the Goddess' voice as well, I hope?" The cleric said, doing her best to remove a somewhat melancholic look from her face. "Shall we away to her command? I for one would wish to check on the state of it... What with those lights... Are they friend? Foe? Or, perhaps, feast?" Akyasha mentioned, licking her lips, her hunger speaking of it's own accord on what it had emphasized more than the other options.
As the drinking cmae to an end, Luna's eyes seemed a small bit hazy. Her eyelids drooped down as it seemed she was at her limit on drink. Between her and the Queen... They drank a lot. As the Queen "let" Fio claim her "prize" Luna stood and followed behind. Just as the Queen stumbled, the Blonde Knightess reached for, and retrieved Fio from the Queen's hands. "Your highness, it is not appropriate to carry a lady over you shoulders as such." There was some different tone to her voice from normal. Normally, she spoke with an air of confidence of course, but there was something a bit more to it.

"My Lady Fio, I apologize on behalf of our Queen." She dusted the small girl off as if the Queen had some dirt or something of the sort on her shoulder before looking over Fio with a nod. "You have won this challenge, Lady Fio, though I am unsure through which means." The Knightess' eyes seemed intent, though other than her looking at Fio, it was hard to tell what that meant. "That ponderance aside..." Luna knelt in front of Fio and took the girl's right hand. "Lady Fio, admittedly, I do not remember the stakes..." She brought the smaller girl's hand up to her lips and pressed a kiss, as Knight might give a Princess in an old story, onto the back of Fio's hand.

As Luna brought her lips up from Fio's hand, her eyes would do their best to look into Fio's. "But, if the stakes were the losers following orders from the winner... Then I must oblige... With Our Majesty taking you off your feet as she did... Was the prize you desired... That?" The implication was concerning but as Fio looked closely, she'd notice Luna making some uncontrollable swaying so she could definitely tell the woman was quite drunk despite her fairly collected although different behavior.

Shina pulled her small Oni up out of the chair. "Come on, grab whatever you need." The Tanuki reached out towards the wall and an umbrella poofed into existence in her hand. Likely enough, she probably hid it so no one stole it. "You can walk under the umbrella with me, Akari-chan~" She'd wait for Akari to grab whatever she needed and urged her out so they didn't fall behind. Soon enough they reached the playground and the rain was dying. Shina just smiled as Tomoko summoned the spirit of the ghost. "Ohhh, she's a cute ghost. The ones I know tend to look a bit more spooky. Good people but if you didn't know better they'd scare your socks off."

She then turned to Homura who had asked them all a question. "What do I think? I think cute girls tend to hang around after a certain type of spider is done with them, but I don't think that's what you mean." She looked over toward the resident spider. "But... Other than that, I'm sure there are a small number of Youkai that frequent the city much as some of us present do but a playground? Hmm. Is there anything that would want to try bothering children at a playground in the middle of the day?" She shrugged. "I'm not too familiar with any of the really recent Urban Legends. Hanako-tan, Kuchisake-Onna... Any of those ones I know." Shina shrugged. She looked out to the playground and smiled as the rain was just about gone.

She poofed into smoke and her appearance changed again. Now, she looked like a younger child version of herself about Akari's size. "Hey, hey. Akari-tan~ Wanna play at playground?" She teased the girl, always enjoying teasing the girl.
"Do you want to die and not know more you stupid...." Vammy complained at the woman struggling in her arms. "Listen, you get the chance to study a demon up close so stop struggling." The demon continued running as she looked back and saw the tendril heading straight for her. This was going absolutely swimmingly. She wondered if she should have just followed her good friend into the woods back then but it was too late for that now as she started running down the mountain as fast as she could. One thing she was sure of was that she needed to get out of this anti-magic zone. She could comfortable escape if she managed that.

One thing she noticed however... That idiot muscle woman was just standing there, ready to fight! "Gah! You dumbass, get running!" If she was going to let some damn cult member's tendril kill her or the brainwashed chick she was trying to take as a hostage to interrogate. Well, if muscles was going to get herself killed, then she wasn't about to let her do it in vain. She definitely was going to escape. She kept trying to cause her feet to burst fire from them to propel herself forward. And she kept at it and kept at it until soon she managed it! She twisted her self around and fired off four or so flame lances at the tendrils since she wasn't sure if it was following her or not. After, she kept going.

"Gah! I'll grab the mutt to vouch for me too." She kept her grip on the cultist woman, just about ready to spank her like some unruly child to make her stop acting up... But that would only make Vammy happy and not help the actual problem. As she closed on the dog, she scooped the malnourished thing up and continued on, trying to escape the area... She just hoped Muscles would be following close behind somewhere.
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