Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Akyasha held her breath as the giant creeped around and soon enough groaned and disappeared back the way it came. She relaxed her shoulders a bit. She was positive that, at the moment, she could not fight that if it came to it. Not by herself at least. Then, she felt a cold grasp around her neck ever so slowly. A ghost? How crude. One would not find this Cleric of Ichor easy prey. She raised her hand and encased it with her blood magic to enable her manipulating this ghost. She moved her hand up and grabbed the hand surrounding her neck by the wrist and quickly pried it away. She twisted the ghostly wrist in such a way that it would have broke a human's wrist under the same circumstance.

"How vexing to deal with a ghost at the moment." She'd continue supplying some of her available power to her hands to lessen the burden she would take in making a full blood weapon. She pull the ghost out of the wall and then gave it a good smack to get rid of it. These things were rather annoying at times.

Well, at the least this problem was solved. So took a look outside the building, carefully peaking her head out to make sure the there were no giant skeletal monsters out here ready to devour her. It looked clear at least so she quietly made her way to where she had noticed her compatriots went.
"Huh. I didn't think you had an actual survival sense." Vammy mentioned to her demon roommate on the way back to Lazhira's house. "Well, she kinda scares the stuffing out of me a bit too. Dwarf girl was easy on the eyes though, right?" She questioned before opening the door to Lazhira's place, only to see a not so soothing sight.

"What...? Hope did you manage to get free?" Vammy questioned looking over the woman before it dawned on her. "Ohhh.... Ohoooo? I can see your features now~" Vammy cooed a small bit. "Well, what can I say. You're actually a fair bit sexy aren't you?" The demon shook her head. "No, ogling comes later. Just how did you get out of your binds here..." The demon questioned rubbing her chin a small bit. "If you wanted to dissect me, I'll have to pass though. I rather prefer not having a knife in my guts." Really though, she needed to make this a safe situation before Lazhira got home. She didn't want to introduce the girl to danger.

Vammy pointed behind the escapee and ordered out, "Get her, mutt!" At the non-present there form of the dog. This was a bluff, of course. She just needed a small distraction to hastily get to the captive and trip her without being stabbed. From there, it would be simple enough to hold her down (by sitting on her) and remove her weapons.
Luna frowned when she was asked if she would be upset if Sucaria's answer was yes. "Of course I would be upset if someone mistreated you!" The knightess said with a frown, trying to ignore the maid's hands running over her body. "You're part of our house now, and I won't have any of our own mistreated." In Sucaria's case, Luna was somewhat worried based on the maid's heritage that some few in the house might hold grievances but it seemed to be a non-issue in her absence.

"One could say that Gabriel's actions are the opposite of mistreating in the sense I was originally thinking of... But to hit on a maid as well... It looks like I'll have to teach both of my brothers a lesson tomorrow. After Gabriel returns." Luna then held back her voice as she felt Sucaria getting a little close to certain part of her torso she'd prefer her not. That aside, she couldn't quite tell why there was such a sad tone to her maid's voice. "Hmmm... I believe you've cleaned me up well enough, Sucaria. Would you be so kind as to help me dry off? I should probably sleep soon." Luna asked as she rubbed her temple and realized just how tired she was. As soon as she hit the bed, she'd probably fall right asleep.
Lazhira wanted a competition huh? Well! "Of course I'd accept!" Vammy exclaimed as Lazhira had already figured it would be accepted and ran out. The demon smirked a small bit, confident she could win. Well, an hour was a long time. So she would... Need to kill time a small bit. Well, really, she'd probably just think a bit about what she wanted to do with the little prisoner and head back early. That is, until she spied the dwarf, human and elf group that had entered.

They were talking to Lissa and the moth. Well, she saw exactly what she could do first. So she stepped out for a minute. She snuck into a small building where some food was stored. Some of it was made by her anyway so no one should complain if she just... pilfered a bit... Regardless, she smuggled out a sweet roll and kept it in her hand, heating it to an enjoyable temperature. Not too hot but warm enough to keep a small elf girl warmer. She stepped quietly as she snuck up behind the elf child and made sure the sweet roll was carefully in her hand. She looked precious unlike some of the brats that wandered around town looking for something to do.

And then she slapped the dwarf on the shoulder the moth had just finished talking to them it seemed so she spoke up ever so slightly. "And if you want the warmest place in town, that'd be wherever I'm staying~ Ah, but Lazhira might do me in if I invite someone over by myself... Well, if you two ever need to be warmed up well, I'm your gal~" The demon said with a slightly suggestive tone to her voice, giving a nice little wink to the dwarf and trying to not set off the rather extreme looking woman. She looked Nylah in the eyes and gave her a wink too, trying to remind her off that little warning.

"Ah! And, if you want more sweet rolls, just come find me. I know my way around the kitchen. Or, what counts for a kitchen here." The demon seemed to question that thought a small bit before she shrugged and left the religious site, heading elsewhere for a small bit before heading towards home, ready for her competition.
"Perhaps there is even a way to scale the wall in some shape or form." Akyasha mentioned, looking along the street and houses. "The wall may have crumbled in places in our many years of absence with places we might be able to climb over. That said, you two, please feel free to get checking on ahead. I'm going to find a place where I can hide behind a building and get a peak at what pursues us. In the worst case that we can't find a way forward, perhaps if it's something big enough we can trick it into opening the path for us... As much as it would dismay me to destroy things in the cathedral district... I would find it sad but necessary in the worst case... Damage to the Cathedral itself however is unforgiveable." The Vampire Cleric said her thoughts on that matter.

Giselle was on the move already so Akyasha smiled at Aleksiya as she found a nearby building she could peak out towards the approaching monster from. "I'm going to watch from there." The woman said before making her way over. She should be able to get a peak out without grabbing it's attention if she was careful enough. If there was anything to find, she was sure her sisters would find them.
Luna was embarassed and quiet as well. She was somewhat sobering by this point and she had to focus to not be blushing bright red. She really didn't like being seen like this. The knightess was deep in thoughts until Sucaria broke the silence. How long would she be away? "It's hard to say. Could be a year. Years. Who's to say. Maybe when I can no long pick up my sword and fight." Luna gave a small laugh, trying to put her current situation out of her mind. "It's not like I'm the one who'll be heir either way. I have two brothers ahead of me in the line of succession and I don't have the ambition to usurp them or anything of the sort."

"Why do you ask?" Luna said, not having the courage to look back at Sucaria at the moment. "No one's mistreating you, are they?" She had to ask. The woman didn't think anyone would but she couldn't be sure.
"Hasshaku-sama?" Shina asked, looking toward Tomoko. Well, the Tanuki had never heard about it. "Tall?" So, this tall Youkai or ghost would kidnap children to... Do something. If it was a youkai she assumed that it would just eat them. "Entirely fictional?" How interesting. She reached into her clothing in her current diminutive form and pulled out her smartphone. She clicked on her device for a few seconds before looking up Hasshaku-sama. "Tall woman... Po... Alright..." The tanuki gave a small sigh before poofing back into her normal form. "So, we're going to get someone for bait.." She looked between Akari and Hina.

"Hmmm~ You know, I think a randoseru would look really cute on you, Miss Zashiki-Warashi~" Before the Zashiki-Warashi could notice, Shina was right behind her and wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulder. "If we dress you up in that elementary school uniform and randoseru and gauge the spider's reaction, I'm sure we'll know if you're like to be kidnapped~." She then released her and wandered over to the spider and patted her on the shoulder. "Look at that, Miss Spider, we can make good use of your deranged preferences in women... Or, perhaps I could say, lack-thereof." The tanuki giggled a small bit, enjoying being able to make fun of everyone a small bit.

Shina then wandered over to Homura rather quickly, "So, Homu-tan, don't you agree with me on that? Hina could completely be bait, right? What do you think~?" The Tanuki was lightly nudging the human girl in the side a small bit. "Too bad you and me are too big to be bait~" Shina teased, handily ignoring the fact that she could transform to look like a school girl.
"Geh!" Vammy exclaimed as she was bonked over the head. She gritted her teeth and gave the moth a dirty look. AS she walked away after saying her piece, the demon snapped her fingers and a small wisp of flame slowly followed her. Eventually, it would end up in front of her face and give a small pop noise with some text for a small few seconds hovering in air. "Watch your ass, mothie." And Nylah would most definitely be able to question how literal that this warning was.

That aside, Vammy turned her attention back to Lazhira. The girl scooted in closer to speak quieter and so Vammy did the same. "I'm about as much a menace as anyone else~" The demon said, before continuing. "But I don't want you to have to ask favors from people you don't want to ask them from. Besides, I had some rather nice ideas to try and get her to talk. I had a small bit of success so far, actually. After you left, I might have tried tickling her to see if I could get any reaction. I think I can. You, me and our hands are all we need to make her giggle until she can't breath any more. 'Course, I could maybe physically torture her but honestly, there's no fun in that." Vammy seemed to have considered the option before, that much was for sure.

The demon shrugged a small bit, unsure fully. "Anyhow, we can head back home and try some real stuff to get her to talk. I for one think we should both work at tickling her. Well, there's other things too but this is the most fun idea for me. You have any other fun ideas?" Vammy seemed ready to head back home as she slightly moved herself closer to the door.

"Father let you come?" Luna said, questioning it a small bit. Soon enough, however, it was followed by a small smile. "Hah. That dear Father of mine. I am rather glad to see you as well, Sucaria." Luna said, leaning on her maid a small bit. "But yes, I would appreciate if you could guide my way." The Knightess said, as she went along with the maid.

She was mostly silent on the way there, aside a sneeze and a small cough. After they arrived, it finally dawned on Luna that they were definitely not in the barracks, though how it didn't dawn on her prior confused her a small bit. Perhaps she was more than a little tipsy after all. Still, she didn't say no. With no doubt would she not find a way to get to the barracks on her own so this much was fine for now. It was fine though. She was content to fall asleep here... At least, that's how it was suppose to be.

Instead, she found that she was being undressed by her maid. If she wasn't already a slight bit red from the drink, it would be showing now as Sucaria began to remove parts of her armor. "Ah.. Ah! S-sucaria..." She grabbed her maid's hand. "There's no need to assist me for a bath. I can handle it fine." Luna mentioned as she brought the back of the maid's hand to her lips again, kissed it and lowered it whilst still holding it. As she lowered Sucaria's hand though, she made a small stumble with her foot but caught herself. Realistically, she probably couldn't handle herself very well.
Akyasha internally cheered herself on as perfectly as she executed the throw. That took down more of these shambling bones than she could have hoped to otherwise with such an oversized weapon. Perhaps she could have used it for a longer period of time had she more blood in her system, but she didn't. She was to reply to Gisella as she noticed three skeletons closing in to her. One was a small bit further out than the others, but moved at a slightly faster pace. One intended to skewer her with a pitchfork while the other attempted to cave her skull in.

She couldn't let either of such things happen, of course. She moved towards and to the side of the pitchfork. She got a hold of the shaft of the improvised weapon and used her strength to easily reposition the skeleton as it held on. She held on to the pitchfork and spun around, forcing her victim to take the clubbing blow of it's fellow. The third was almost upon her in the few seconds it took to do so. As the original owner of the pitchfork crumpled to the ground from it's blow to the cranium, Akyasha spun around again and used the forks to grab the third around where it's neck had been at one point. With her foot she kicked the forks, and skeleton, up into the air soon making them land heavily on the second one with the club shatter the two skeletons apart.

Letting go a sigh of relief, Akyasha picked up the club the second skeleton had and walked toward the on-coming horde. "Whatever that beast is, I fear we'd be hard pressed to hold our own at present." Akyasha said with a small sad note toward the end. "With that in mind, yes, let us move forward." She would press forward, using the pitchfork to swat at the heads of skeletons from a small bit of distance and the club to clobber them when she got close enough. All the while, Aleksiya and Giselle could hear her making small prayers to Ichor as they moved.
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