Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

After making sure Lazhira was ok and also making sure that the deer god didn't execute her on sight the next time they met, Vammy went back home. She didn't figure any one in town would join her on this adventure. Hah, if only they knew the sweet irony that a demon was going to do her part in saving this town! Well, possibly do her part saving this town. It was possible that she was going to fail. She opened the door to her and Lazhira's house. Collect a couple of things maybe and Yuisa, her new branded servant. "Oi, you've not managed to run off somehow, have you Yuisa. Your cute butt, me and a workshop have a date." The demon said, "We can go make out and stuff on the way there too." The demon teased only half joking. "Need anything before we leave? Food? I can make you something before we leave if you're hungry."

I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring since I have a working character idea now. If you'll accept a second feminine guy character (since someone won't stop pestering me to do so) at least.
It hurt. Where she had blocked the swing of the hammer had broken her arm someplace, but she didn't let it show on her face to the others. She winced every now and then when Niall, Fio and the prisoner weren't looking, but she let her shield arm sit at her side as she sheathed her sword and held that hand on the arm where it felt like there was a broken bone and poured some small amount of healing magic she could muster. "Glad to see you alive, Niall. That said, this all went a lot more horridly than I had anticipated, truthfully. I didn't think someone would turn into that monstrosity." The Knightess frowned a small bit. "Much more loss of life on our side than anticipated. These bandits shouldn't have been half as strong as they were." She grimaced for a second before a flush of anger crossed her face. It was obvious what caused the look on her face. It didn't take long before she closed her eyes and taking a deep breath. "There's three of them left. My men, that is."

The Knightess shook her head. "I told them to clear the walls of archers if they could. And not to die." A small wry smile crossed her face. "If they did, I'll bring them back to life just to kill them myself." With that, Luna started back towards where she left the soldiers. "Still, I wonder if there's a feasible way to bring all their bodies back. I'd like their families to have a last chance to say goodbye." With her and Niall wounded and only three soldiers left aside, she wondered if they just needed to hide the soldiers bodies and then come back for them with some extra hands. "Maybe there's a cart around here I could push."

Katherine was fairly smug about her situation until Myrilla put a hand on her waist... and then both. "Hey... You're being awfully forward now aren't..." Then she was picked up. "W-wha..." The spun twice and liberally tossed over board after being insulted by being called a cat yet again. Anyone that rushed to the side to watch Katherine potentially fall to her doom would hear one last bit of her words as she fell. "I'm not a damn cat you bi--" But she fell too far to hear to make out the last word.

The cat plummeted with her back to the ground for some seconds as she thought about the situation. "She didn't have to get so upset at that. She could have at least gave me a parachute. I'm an important enough maid not to immediately dispose of after all." With a small sigh, the Firbolg spun around so she was free falling towards the ground looking at it. "Well, I was told I should prepare for anything if I'm leaving home like this. Guess the old Hag was right."

After a bit of free falling, she used magic to control the winds around her causing an updraft on herself, slowly increasing it's strength so she wouldn't just squash herself like a pancake. Slowly, her descending speed was lessened and as she neared the ground she was slowed enough to touch down safely at the fountain like the other of the maids had done. One thing she had noted on the way down was that this entire place was an absolute hellhole. Unsurprising, given the current situation. "Hah... Demons making a mess of such a nice city. What a pity." She held her hands out and summoned her small doll squad to her. The appeared in a flash of light in front of her as she started to look around. "Now then, where to? That bitch of a drill instructor didn't answer my question about where they were at." The Firbolg grumbled.
The Knightess stumbled backwards a small bit from the trembling earth. As he had addressed her, it was only right that she answer his thoughts. "You are correct, beast." Luna said, bothered by the man's transformation into what she could only assume was a type of Fomorian. "I am the Eldest Daughter of House Lightsword." She continued, using what footing she could recover to slap away Annagan's reaching hand. In the worst case, she and Niall would have to widdle down his strength, which seemed to be not much either of them had at the moment. One good thing for the both of them was that they had the man flanked. It was hard to pay attention to both sides. While it may have been only a superficial wound, the damage towards the beasts ankle could always compound to more later. Especially like this moment when she moved to attack as Niall made him block a stab to the face with his weapon!

Luna moved her shield carrying shoulder forward as she brought her shield in front of her body. Her right arm brought her sword up to her shoulders, poised and ready to pierce through her enemy's back. She just hoped he was distracted enough by Niall to let her get an easy strike in. She noticed whatever energy was coursing through the hammer. "You're right! It won't be just him. Fio!" The Knightess yelled, hoping that, if Fio was able, she would be able to help as Luna stabbed forward, aiming to pierce her foe's neck with her blade. Hopefully, should she not be able to stop his charging energy, it'd distract him from Niall who has already taken much punishment.
Katherine's doll that Polina handily handed a pouch of fresh baked goods gratefully accepted the gift and returned a salute towards the woman. Katherine herself seemed quite intent with not stepping down as the harsh drill instructor of a maid stood and stared her down, obviously in part to the earlier slight. "Now, now, Miss Chef. It's never good to leave without asking questions of your superiors. You can't be the only one constantly on your toes after all." The doll commanding maid held her right hand on her hip whilst her left hung at her side whilst still staring back into Myrilla's eyes. "And Miss... Lu? Lulu? Yes, Lulu. I agree with your spirit in the line of questioning, but I think it's safe to hazard a guess at what our opposition is. Blood demons, the only creatures in the family uncouth enough to destroy so much."

The Doll-Maker smirked a small bit. "But yes, you are right on those other questions Lulu, though I would add one of my own. Where were our coworkers last located? Or where they were suppose to be. I feel right as rain going to find them but I rather have a location to look out for as we volley fire down the streets." Katherine then put her hands down to her sides, but slightly away with her digits outstretched as to show off the eight magical catalysts that bejeweled each finger but her thumbs. An eerie light began to glow from the ring as the glow traveled from her rings to each of the dolls through the magic thread that connected them. The dolls then seemed to poof into nothing as the glow returned to the rings. "After those are answered, I don't think I have many questions."

"Hmmm, Humans leaving and Armored creature, silver sword, possessed, coming this way." The Cleric had to ponder for a small time. She quickly made her way closer to her companions. "Fellows, I bring word from the skies above the city." Akyasha then delivered the message verbatim, though as well as one could do such a thing with a translated sentence.

“Two. Humans. Leaving. Small caverns in the slums lead outside.”

“Armored creature. Silver sword. Possessed. Coming this way.”

Smiling after delivering the statement, the Cleric pet her adorable little Gorebats. They would definitely need to be fed here soon. "I ponder then, perhaps, where might the silver sword be? This behemoth hiding it? Another one approaching? Or is it perhaps our human friends have stolen it and made escape through caverns in the slums?" Akyasha couldn't help a small, giddy laugh. "I relish the the truth of the matter." She added, smiling.

Her next words were quite obviously directed towards Giselle and her slightly ponderous look in the Clerics direction. "Had we more strength, we'd not need let them come in force against these gates. Alas, I've yet the ability to bring forth the Matriarchs again. A pity, but we must make due with what we have. So long as we drive them back, I'm quite sure the Goddess blesses our actions. Though, I'd prefer not to have anything damaged in the first place if possible." A small plea, if anything, carried in her voice.
Katherine had been sitting in one of the rooms, carefully looking over all of the dolls that she had brought with her. "One through 4 check. Five through seven in good shape. Number eight... How did you stain your apron like that?" The Firbolg woman clicked her tongue, slightly irritated. "I swear, the next time show me before we get on the ship to come out gods know where. Welp, no harm to it. Hard to even see." The woman patted at the doll's apron to see if it was something that'd just come off but to no avail. "Hmm. Well, we're looking fine now. Now, go lets go ahead and get you all your weapons. We need to be ready for the battle ahead."

Katherine stood and clapped her hands, and the dolls marched to the back of the room grabbing their weapons. Four of them grabbed some nicely crafted halberds, just about the right size for the three foot tall dolls. The other four grabbed four rifles and beltpouches to facilitate using rifles. "Hmm, hmm. Looking in good shape except a stained apron." And it was, perhaps by fortune, just then that a certain heavily accented Krysa came over the intercom.

“Vnimaniye! All maids report to the deck at once! Povtoreniye! All Maids report to the deck at once for mission briefing!”

"Hmmm, hmm. Yes, yes. I figured it was about time, didn't I?" Katherine pondered as she gave a sigh. "Two Halberdiers in front, Rifledolls in the middle and 2 Halberdiers as rear guard." And with that, Katherine lead the small troop. It didn't take too long before the sounds of small, in-step marching dolls making their way to the top of the deck. As Katherine reached the deck, the dolls assumed a single file line and set themselves to the side of the airship deck. "Greetings, one and all. Apologies if I've not shown my face topside much, I wanted to make sure my team was in top shape." The Firbolg said as her tail swished back and forth a bit, obviously a small bit excited to get to fight. She waved at her dolls as thin magical looking threads of magic lightly flashed. "They are, of course. And I'll have them patrol around a small bit."

With that, the dolls broke formation and started to patrol the deck, looking over the side and making sure nothing was sneaking up on then.

"After all, it shall not be long 'til we start our own end of fighting." The Puppeteer Maid checked her own personal weaponry. While her rapier itself wasn't good at fighting bigger monster, she should be fine on that end with the dolls she had backing her up. Her rapier was at it's position on the left side and her pistol on her right. "So, how is our exquisite combat instructor? Doing well, I assume?" The cat smugly smiled at the woman. "As well to you, Bernadetta? And, ummm, Leoniya?" The woman asked. As she introduced herself, one of the dolls patrolling behind the combat instructor gave a soft slap to the butt. The cat had a death wish.

A wave of disgust crossed Luna's face as she watched the man's flesh contort and mutate into what she could only describe as an abomination. A cursed being... A... No. It didn't matter what he had most obviously turned into now. A frown covered the knightess' face as he started to assault Niall again. This was not going to be an easy fight. If she hadn't used up all of her energy using her magic on the thugs... No, that mattered little. Luna gripped her sword with both hands. She might be pushing herself a small bit, but she needed to make sure her blade could cut this abomination's body. She mustered any of her magical energy available just to give her blade a small coating of light to make cutting easier.

If he was going to focus on Niall like this, Luna was happy to take a swing at him with his back turned. Especially the tendons in his legs! No matter the creature, it was difficult to move easily once those were cut, even if he could regenerate it could help ease the battle some. She dashed forward and delivered a low swipe at one leg's tendon, bringing the sword back around to cut the other before swinging a departing attack toward his back before stepping back a small bit to give some distance between her and the opponent. Even if he could regenerate the wound, it should give Niall and her a small opening to deliver some real damage to other parts of his body while he recovers. Besides, no matter what he was, nothing regenerated indefinitely.
"Hello there little cuties." Akyasha said, nuzzling back to the one that started it. These little creatures were both adorable and useful. Back a long time ago, Akyasha had an entire fleet of these adorable bundles of bloodsucking. She could gather information and blood from just about anywhere she needed. It was a small bit saddening that all of those had fallen when she did, but nonetheless she would desire to reconstitute her fleet. "Can I have you two scout around the city a small bit? Find where this giant skeletal paladin is particularly at the moment. Otherwise, take a look around and most importantly, stay safe."

The most important thing right now was no having to replace the two Gorebats she had summoned. "Please keep me informed you two if there's anything interesting." With that, she sent the two off with a smile. She wasn't sure if they'd find anything else in this city. Hell, she half expected to find Est again though it'd probably be better if she didn't.

And now, she was thirstier. Unsurprising of course, as she had used blood to summon those cuties. The Blood Lily Cleric stretched her arms a small bit before sniffing at the air. Perhaps that smell was what she thought it was? It carried her to the edge of the balcony where she looked down. She noticed a nice little something where Luna was with the Thrall earlier. The Cleric licked at her lips as she quickly made her way down and took up a vial of blood that she had not noticed earlier and quickly downed the substance. Now she was ready to explore the city and find the best path through it to the outside of it's walls. "Dragan mentioned the west gate? Not that I have much else to prepare for anyway." With that, the Cleric head in the direction, ready to head out again to heed the Goddess' words.
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