Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Katherine winced as she was bitten into. "Gah!" This demon was annoying to try and fight like this. Well, at the least she could save her dolls from danger. She recalled them all to her rings as she pulled out her finely sharpened rapier. "Fine. Be an annoying brat, you'll pay for it later." She took a step toward the High Demon and took a stab at her. Grabbing the Demon's attention with her own physical attack, Katherine then summoned her Halberdier dolls (the three left) to one side of the demon that all swung down as soon as they fully manifested. Despite all this, the cat expected the demon to dodge once again, which was fine. Behind her, she summoned her rifledolls to once again fire at the demon if she did. "Stand still so we can seal you easily enough." Katherine complained, frustration filling her voice as she recalled her halberdier dolls so they couldn't get so easily scooped up by the demon.
Akyasha smiled as the Gorebats returned. "Go support the ones fighting that monster." The Cleric said, tilting her head. "I have quite the rude one to deal with here." She said hefting her axe onto her shoulder. She looked over this... Creature. It paid no due respect to Ichor by assisting in defending the Cathedral. Well, if it was to get in her way, then so be it. She gripped her axe with both hands.

"Surrender to the Goddess, is what I would say but really, you'll just be yet another that doesn't care for my words today." With that, Akyasha launched herself at the monster. She just needed to distract it at the least until they had finished the other monster. Starting with dismemberment was good. After all, if it couldn't move because it's legs were gone, that made it easier on her. Her axe swung from her shoulders, hands guiding it to strike at one of the thing's "legs" if they could be called that. Meaning to cleave through leg and crush bone to prevent it from possibly reforming.
"Uwawawawawa!" Vammy cried out as she just barely stopped herself from running into this rather beautiful specimen of a woman. Was she a goddess? Or something of the sort. Regardless, she was fairly stunning. And so was that blue lightning she hit the obelisk with! Watching the device hum to life was, something else. The magic student in her was intrigued, though the demon part of her was a bit more intrigued with the portal that opened.

"Ah, so you're here to let us in. Come on, Yuisa." Vammy said, waving the woman over as the woman told them to hurry and gave them a quick mention that it was fine if they broke something. "Well, pretty lady... Goddess? Pretty Goddess. If you're still here when I get back, can I hit on you? Don't wanna get on your bad side if not." Normally, Vammy would just do it anyway but... Well, she worried that it might be about as scary as with Lazhy's dad. As got closer, she grabbed the woman's hand and pulled her through the portal rather swiftly which was, hopefully, after an answer from the divine being opening the portal for them.

"So, you wanna dance in this snow or go to the building?" Vammy teased as she started the two bodies and three minds made their way to the hut? Building? Prison? Whatever it was. During their small trek the demon elf opened her mouth. "Hey, demon, who was that pretty lady? Am I right that she's a divine of some sort or what?" She gave a pause for the demon to start responding but quickly said something else. "And would you stop calling me a dumbass, asshole! Gah! If I could rip your arm off every time you call me that..."

"Alright, well, I've healed myself up enough. After I've recovered my magic some, Niall, I'll come and get you patched up a small bit. Well, I'll do a little now I suppose." Luna said walking up to the man and grabbing his shoulders. He could feel an odd warmth as some of his body's aches disappeared. Not most of them or the worst, but some of the lesser ones were relieved. "Take a rest alright. I'm gonna catch up with the men and double check on this place. Make sure all the bandits are cleared out. And uhh, Fomorians, I suppose." The Knightess said, looking at the Fomorian woman that Fio had captured.

The Knightess shook her head as she headed inside the fort. It seemed pretty much cleared out, from a cursory glance at least. Still, there were plenty of nooks and crannies to look into so she took a peak in most places. Looking for some supplies as well. Not that they needed a lot but it was still good to find some. "Hey, where are you guys at?" She asked aloud, looking for her soldiers. It'd be good to see if they found anything in the meantime. Or, rather, it'd be good if they didn't find anything at all.
Katherine watched as the... The THING had ate one of her dolls. A frown instantly crossed her face and her eyebrows furrowed. "How dare you, eating one of my precious little girls." If it was just broken, Katherine had the capacity to fix them, but to eat them!? How despicable. Was the Firbolg scared? Yes. Absolutely. More than that however... She was pissed off! She returned the melee dolls to her ring, and raised her pistol to aim at the High Demon. Damnit it all if she wasn't sure if she could do much to this thing on her own. She and her rifle-totting dolls fired on the Demon. No matter how cute she was, she was still a demon and, therefore, an enemy.

"There's a high demon!" Katherine yelled, wondering if any of them would even pay attention. Really, she wondered if she had enough bullets to seal this one. It was small and hard to hit in comparison to that hulking monstrosity the others had been dealing with. She prepared herself, though. If the demon had grabbed any more of her dolls, she'd recall them to her ring. It was much too late for the other one, but she could save the others before they were devoured. She and her dolls executed a retreating barrage taking steps backwards while keeping up the shots. Rather than a full volley, they had all started staggering their shots, keeping the demon on her toes. "Why is she here..." Katherine asked herself.
Akyasha had finished cleaning up the skeletons on the stairway up to where they were on the gate. Good. Still, there were plenty of the buggers left to clean up. The others seemed to have the big enemy under control. She couldn't expect Dragan to keep absolute authority on the battlefield with his command over the lesser undead, especially not whilst their powers were diminished and doubly so while fighting that monstrosity at the moment. Instead, she would just clear the field of hostiles. This was what she had always done, though she doesn't have her divine creatures of Ichor to assist at the moment.

With the tight space behind her as she stepped down to the ground level, she changed the shape of her Blood Weapon from the two heavy maces into one great-axe as she charged into the fray where Dragan's forces were fighting. She made a powerful leap into the obvious group of enemies, landing the axehead down on some poor skeleton. After recovering from the recoil of slamming into the ground, she hefted the axe up above her before swiping it across a number of enemies to give herself some room. She hummed some prayer to herself as she swung left and right, having little problems taking care of skeletons, or, really fragile enemies in general. She had no problem keeping up her pace at the moment, she just hoped the others would be fine taking care of the Paladin.
Vammy stood there for a minute in silence, wondering if anything was suppose to happen. She was a little intimidated at the time, but she didn't really remember the god say much more than "go there at this time". It was the right time wasn't it? The demon just scratched her head a small bit before looking over at Yuisa. "You know, that robe doesn't really show off how nice your body is. We should get you a new outfit that has a sexier look to it."

That was the best way to start a conversation. Attempting to get a small rise out of your conversational partner? Well, regardless, she walked closer to the obelisk looking it up and down. "Hmmm. Do we just wait or do we touch this thing? He didn't say not to touch it." So her hand reached out to the object to see what it felt like. "Oh yea, if I disappear after touching it, you'll join me right?" She said as her hand reached forward to touch.
They had no steed, aside herself or one of the others. Which may end up being their option. "Glad to see you three alive. Looks like you cleaned up the rest no problem." Luna gave a small smile to them as they secured the area. As the left vision, she couldn't help but let a frown cross her face. She could hardly help the fallen now with her arm as it was. A bit more healing and at the least she could load them to the cart, as much an indignity as it really was. Still, Niall was doing much worse than she was. "Niall, how are you holding up? Not going to die on us are you?" Luna asked, waiting for her men to clear the place. "Fio, having fun with our new friend?" She then asked the witch, curious about that issue.
"I would have appreciated a warning before you draw a giant beast to us like this." Katherine muttered, annoyed. Rather than that even, she was sad that she didn't have anything fun or explosive to blow this monstrosity up. That small matter aside, there was the problem of the hounds that Lucretia currently engaged. Well, it would be no really issue soon enough regardless. Wordlessly, Katherine's dolls took up firing posture. Halberdiers in front with weapons in hand, ready to strike down any foe that dared get close while the Rifledolls kneeled to steady their rifles and took aim between the other dolls towards whatever was left of the demonic hounds which wasn't much.

Katherine pulled out her own pistol and took aim. All at once, the five shot their respective guns. The dolls their rifles and Katherine her pistol. Altogether, they peppered one of the hounds full of holes in the first volley. Shots penetrating it's skull and body and putting it down. The others seemed to have taken care of the other ones. Lucretia taking the fairest share followed by Senya liberally blasting one's jaw from it's body and Eleanor firing in what could be described as a random pattern seeming to not hit much.

Still, between her shots and Senya's spray fire, the last one was simple to put down. Katherine aimed her pistol and pop. It was the kill shot, stealing most of the glory if one were to be honest. That aside, whilst the big hulking monstrosity was worry enough, there was that eeriely annoying laughter that was getting closer. Using her ears, she directed her dolls to where she had heard the laughter, curious to what it could be. If it was hostile? Fill it full of holes. If it wasn't? Why would it be here?
Akyasha stood as her allies charged the smaller undead in full armor. "Hmm, I wonder if that's not. Much has changed since our death, has it not? Take caution, or don't. I suppose." The Cleric said, wondering if they could even hear her. As she looked out, she hadn't noticed anything more coming toward them, so if what her bats had said were true, and why would it not be, the sword was very likely here. Then, she turned her attention to the skeletons that had managed their way up to the top of the gate where she was. Well, not everyone needed to fight the big one. Someone needed to handle these smaller ones. Using blood magic, she formed two rather heavy looking maces in her hands. "Alright little ones. Go find a small meal of some wild ghouls or something while we clean up here." She said to her Gorebats before waving them off.

She just needed to clean up some skeletons. It shouldn't be a problem. They were only shambling toward them, not charging, but she didn't want them getting into the Cathedral proper at this moment. "I won't have you go much further than this." The Cleric hummed a small bit before leaping forward and bringing one mace down on a skeleton, bashing it to pieces, before bringing her other arm around to cleanly smashing the skull off of another then keeping up her assault on them since it needed to be taken care of anyway. It just meant her allies could focus on the bigger one if she focused down these smaller ones. Twelve shouldn't be much a problem for her, even in this weakened state. After all, she took care of much more when she didn't have as much blood as she did now.
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