Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

After Akyasha had ended the spider-like bone abberation, she at first felt a small bit of relief... That is, until she had noticed that one of their number were missing. As it would seem, she had been pierced by the silver sword and... The cleric looked down as she dismissed her weapon and walked to where the woman had once stood. Without a word, she gave a small prayer for her. It was a somber moment but... They must be on the move though she stopped to listen to what Fra had to say about defenses. There was a lot they didn't know about this current world. How different was it? Akyasha shook her head and called her Gorebats to her. "Welcome back. Good work you guys." The Cleric said, petting the both of them. She wondered to herself if it was time to take the blood from these and summon more. Maybe in a bit.

"Ahh!" Vammy exclaimed as she almost ran face first into some weird plant thing. "Uhh..." It looked at her. It didn't attack, it didn't do much other than what she assumed was stare at her curiously. "Ummm.... He-hey there?" Vammy said, confused about why a plant thing would be in a workshop of all places. "H-hey! Yuisa! Come check this thing out. Just like, be careful? It's a weird demon plant thing." Thinking about that a little more, she just thought of the best person to ask.

"Hey, asshole in my head. What the heck is this thing? Do you know it?" Vammy asked the demon, curious for an answer as she took a couple steps back from the plant thing. Luckily, if she needed to, she could probably delete it from existence pretty fast. Plants were quite flameable after all.
This demon was irritating. First it eats her doll, then it tries to eat her and now it's spewing some corrosive substance everywhere! Hah... "How tiring." Katherine grumbled to herself as she once again recalled her dolls to her rings and making sure of each step she made to not step a single toe into any of the acid the made it's way toward her. As the rat girl threw the ball at her, Katherine caught it. And Myrilla said... Catnip? "She's the one that snuck the catnip in my room!?" Damn that woman.

Still, if she remembered right, this demon was still not sealable yet. "Fine." She summoned her dolls out to safe places so they could open fire on the almost defenseless demon. The ones with melee weapons she summoned closer toward said demon to try and cut the tentacles off after all, what use were they if they couldn't project corrosion near as far as she wanted. "Volley!" The firbolg commanded right as her dolls pulled the triggers on their rifles. She mouthed the words for the seal's chant, making sure she were ready for when she could do so.
Luna grabbed Elnith's hand and offered a smile back at her. "No, no. Please, I insist." The knightess said as she started to apply her healing magics to the woman. "Are we not comrades serving the queen together? I feel a kinship with all those with a similar cause, so feel no need to shy from assistance." Luna slowly moved her hand over the worst regions, barely touching them where she could to not cause much pain to Elnith. "Of course, healing isn't my strong suit so I can do what I can."

As she was working on Elnith's burns, Vyrell came over and asked her about the bandits. "Hear more about the bandits? Hmm, I don't know how much more there is to say. They were stronger than the usual rabble you find holed up in abandoned places. Oh, yes, they did seem to be eating something like it was a fey or perhaps a fomorian. I had considered that as a connection of course, but... A soldier found a symbol while we were there." Luna reached into her pocket and pulled it out for Vyrell while still giving Elnith a bit of treatment. "Perhaps you recognize this for more than an abominable parody of my house's sigil."
Vammy raised her brow at her branded servant. "What? It doesn't smell so bad that you need to throw up is it?" The demon said, sniffing at the air. It was... Well, probably not pleasant but it didn't smell offensive did it? The demon shrugged to herself for a second before looking at the human with her, "What do you like, need to wait outside or something?" She asked. "I don't need you to puke your guts all over the floor accidently. I do not want to step in that." The demon mentioned so matter-of-factly.

Whether Yuisa stayed or went, Vammy would curiously look around the place. From how the God of Knowledge and the... Pretty Lady that let them in talked, Vammy assumed that there were plenty of things here that would be interesting to look at and wonder about but... Really, there were just a lot of plants and vines and studies. It was a small bit disappointing. Then, there was something scurrying down the hall. "There!" The demon exclaimed, taking off after the scurrying thing without second thought. Whatever it was, it had to lead them to something, right?
Luna was concerned with what her brother had mentioned and, perhaps, she'd ask Her Majesty when they have some time if she knew anything about the emblem. Well, for now, they had started to leave before Sucaria intruded and invited herself along. Not that Luna was sad or upset about that. Having a childhood friend nearby would be reassuring for some point.

When they got back to Airedale, however, they had a small get together between their group and Ethelred's and Reinhardt. Queen Sorcha had asked both groups to share what they had and, truthfully, she wondered if Ethelred and Reinhardt didn't pull the short straw in this situation. And Od disappering.... Was odd. What's done is done. What woefully could have been only Ethelred surviving was both him and Reinhardt so, that much was good.

It was her turn now, "Well, let me tell a small bit of what happened on our end. As you know, we headed towards my family's territory and we met Niall on our way to what's effectively a patrol center of operations." Luna said, trying to remember every little detail as she could be neglecting to mention some of the more scandalous things such as her chasing the Queen to eat her veggies or her drunken flirting. "As we arrived, there was open conflict between the forces my elder brothers led and many bandits. We contended with a strong fomorian before he decided he just didn't want to fight and left."

"We spent the night in the fort while Niall and the younger of my brothers scouted out the enemy base. From what he described at the time it seemed horrific and it was in a Wasteland. I didn't want to believe it until the three of us and some of my men assaulted the base. The majority of the men I took died and the bandits... Did not seem normal. They were stronger than they should have been." Luna seemed remorseful of the men that died once again before she cleared it from her system. "This was only mad worse when their leader turned into a monster, a Fomorian? In front of our very eyes. It took me and mostly Niall become a battered mess, by we dispatched him once Fio had subdued her own enemy. After investigating the camp, it looked like they were eating a Fomorian or... Fey. I think, if we didn't assault the base when we did, all those bandits were going to turn into Fomorians." Luna mentioned, making a guess based on the leader turning into one and their unnatural strength.

She seemed done with her part at least. "If you have anything to add Niall, feel free." With that, she walked over to Elnith to inspect her burns a small bit. "And Lady Elnith, if you wouldn't mind, I can assist your in healing in some small ways. While not as powerful as what Od could do... I can at least hasten the healing process a small bit."
Katherine watched as the tank dropped from the sky and expertly landed on the demon... Apparently unintendedly as the rat seemsd to havr clue where the demon even was! "Rat! The demons under your tank!" Katherine barked as her gun dolls aimed at the barely visible demon and opened fire. If they missed, it shouldny even put a dent in the tank. On the demon? Every shot mattered. "She's barely keeping you from squadhing her like a crepe!" Her own gun went up and fired as well, hopeful that there might be enough bullets to be effective.
It was speedy, that was for sure, but it was just a pile of bones. If it wanted to charge at her, she'd let it. The Cleric spun her weapon above her head, and as the bone spider was about to reach her the cleric, she struck with it. The spinning's momentum transformed into a horizontal strike that would cleave through leg and smash the "creature" across its "face". Continuing through with the movement, she spun with the swing, hefting it up above her mid-spin and then swiftly swinging it down on the hopefully staggered spider. She probably didn't need too many hits on the thing to dispose of it, if the vampire had to make a guess about it at all.

AS the came to the pit, Vammy just examined everything and marveled. "Well, never expected to see a tree growing from a golem like that. See new things every day I suppose." The demon said to herself as she pondered what to do. There was this inkling desire from the demon to just catch all the plants on the golem on fire but.. Well, she figured that might be a bad idea. For all she knew, the thing might be disabled from it and she really didn't want to have to fight a giant stone construct.

Instead, she decided to make way for the buildings that seemed to be made from the same material as the obelisk did. "Let's hope for no chance encounter with a strong golem today." Vammy commented aloud before she started to walk toward the buildings. "Come now, Yuisa. Maybe you can find some nice toys related to your beloved God of Knowledge. Then you can thank me later by helping keep my bed warm for the chance to come here." She kept glancing at the golem to make sure it didn't activate. Worst case she could grab her human servant and make a run for it.
Luna frowned at all the information she was given. Whatever the bandits objective here was... Well, it was disgusting. She respected Fio's capture of the fomorian but it didn't stop the Knightess from forcing an answer out. And then, there was the emblem she held in her hands. It was too similar to the one her house used. Well, perhaps, too opposite? If it was a coincidence, than it was one of poor taste for sure. She pocketed it for the moment. She'd have to ask Leo when she got back if he knew anything. She'd have to inform Niall and Fio as well, hell, perhaps one of them have seen it before. With that, however, Luna followed the last of her men back to where her fellow knights were.

"Well. I'm thoroughly disgusted with this place. Odd fey or fomorians on the fire. Messy basements..." She almost mentioned the horrific loss of life on their side of the conflict but felt that might bring morale down. However related, the next part must be said and done. "Alright, boys. You guys look well enough. Help me load our fellows on the cart we found. I want their families to get one last goodbye at the least. After that, we need to start back. I want to let my Brother and my Queen about the oddities here. It makes me somewhat worried." With that, she nodded and started with gathering the bodies of who she could. And then? Back to the fort of course.
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