Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Luna would reflexively accept the drink. It's not like she couldnt hold her Alcohol. "Looking for someone is she? That can be quite the perilous task in Albion." The knightess mentioned as took a sip of her drink. She'd ask for a second mug for Sucaria but the maid never seemed interested in drink. She took a deep drink, savoring the alcohol before stopping when about half was gone.

The knight would look toward Sarah's fight and admire the elf's fighting style. Perhaps a small bit more than that as she took another drink. "Well, I hope to speak to your Lady Sarah soon then. I don't it would take much more for her to win from here." Luna mused before finishing her mug. "Think I could ask for a bit more?" The knightess asked, holding the mug out hoping the elf would leave long enough to ask Sucaria a question.

She held to Sucaria's hand still, hoping to ease her heavy heart. After her drink if the elf left, she would leaned in toward Sucario to ask a question. "Sucaria, is there anything I can do to help? You know I'd do whatever I could for you."
It was time to seal it. Katherine put her pistol in it's holster as she closed in on Leoniya, her doll and the demon. "Twisted creature from Naraheim, trespasser and destroyer of civilization. For thy foul deeds and wanton destruction..." The firbolg trailed off as she got up and close to the demon. "Of my dolls..." The maid raised the orb high before bringing it back down in an aggressive physical attack, "Just get in the damned orb."
A woman near a river with some undead? Well, the only person from this village that would leave it to fight anything seemed to be that blacksmith girl. And beastmen coming this way? How delightful! Is what she would say, but with how fast her baby came back, they must have been really close. "Alright, you will lead the way towards the woman." Akyasha said to the one that mentioned the woman by the river, "And you stay near and come let me know if things get too terrible here. But first..."

The Cleric approached Giselle and whispered in her ear. "It would seem there are beastmen approaching this location from the forest and I must leave it all to you all. I believe that blacksmith girl is fighting some undead nearby. I want to make sure she doesn't end up useless." Akyasha said with no small amount of curiosity coating her words. With that, she backed away from the talks letting Giselle do the rest. Back away from the villagers, she just nodded at the Gorebat that would lead her to the woman by the river. Hopefully, it was this blacksmith girl and if not, it would help ingratiated the village with them.
Luna grabbed Sucaria's hand, to calm her a small bit through the discomfort she felt. "If you don't mind, we'd be happy to join you." Luna said before taking a seat with Sucaria. "I must say, we don't see many elves either in the Lightsword Domain nor Airedale. Glad to see you lot are at least happy to see me. My recent encounters with strangers have been at the end of a blade." The Knightess mentioned, recalling the recent encounter with bandits recently.

"I wasn't too worried about that after I realized you all were watching." Luna mentioned, before admitted. "Though, at first my initial thought was to jump in to help. It's a dangerous world we live in after all. Besides, we have Rites of Battle back home similar to this. Though, it's usually sparring between recruits and they're nowhere near as skilled as... Lady Sarah, was it?" The human mentioned shaking her head. "Still, what is it that you seek help for? I can't promise help, but I'll do what I can."

After asking her questions, she turned to Sucaria and spoke quietly, "Are you still feeling ill at ease?" She wasn't sure how good elven ears were, but she paid it no real mind. Sucaria tended to have good instincts and she didn't want her childhood friend to feel uncomfortable.
"Tch, damnit. More work to do." Katherine grumbled as she saw about half her troops inoperable. Still, that left half of them useable for now. The Firbolg recalled the broken dolls to their rings as she turned her attention to the rat exiting the hatch of her tank, preparing to deal a blow to the demon's head.

That much would have been fine if one of the maws that the demon made itself a constant annoyqnce with wasn't going to try taking a bite from Senya's mousy body. "Damnit rat!" Katherine exclaimed, recalling her last Halberdier doll to it's ring while channeling a bit of strenghtening magic to it. She ran towards Senya all the while and summoned her doll behind the rat, where it was empowered hopefully enough to break the bone inside the tentacle like appendage.

The Firbolg also held the metal sphere that the rat threw at her earlier, waiting for the perfect moment to use it. If her doll managed to cleave the maw from the rest of it's body, she was sure that would be aboit it for the demon and her rampage.
The atmosphere at Nid's End was somewhat oppressive. When Sucaria mentioned feeling uneasy, well, Luna felt it as well. "It's not just you, Sucaria. I find it odd that elves would be here on that note." Why would they be? It was beyond expectations to be sure. This place was a craggy, dreary coastal mess and her limited knowledge on elves was that they liked forests and had some sort of ancestor worship. Perhaps there was something related to that here?

Truthfully, despite thelack of road they had to take, Lunalel was surprised to find the place so easily. She'd have thought that they would run into a Fomorian or Unseelie of some sort as the two of them found themselves here but there were none. She coulent tell if that was a fortuitous sign or not. That said, she had lilely foumd her answer soon enough.

The elves seemed to have some sort of party on the shores. Their two ships beached with a symbol that might mean more to here if she knew anytging more about elves. The majority of the forest-folk seemed to be dressed in red and green armor while there was one girl fighting some fomorian cyclops. While her first instinct was to jump in to help, it seemed to be a non-issue. Otherwise, the rest of the elves would do more than laugh, play and bet.

Perhaps a rite of passage of some sorts. The knightess couldnt say she hadnt been throughbone at some point. She watched the fight a small bit before catching a look at the elf's face. Something about her ruby eyes transfixed Luna for some short time before her senses came back to her. Blushing a small bit from that, she looked towards the rest of the elves on shore. "Shall we greet our new friends, my dearest maid?"

Hopefully they would not take offence to her joining as she moved closer to the elves not fighting and raised a hand. "Hail, friends from across the sea. My name is Lunalel Lightsword and this is my Maid Sucaria. How fare you all?" She asked, hoping that no one would be one the defensive here.
It was a somewhat long journey, though it was hard to tell sometimes. Perhaps it was the curiosity of the situation they were in that made her anticipate going and once they got there, she was slightly amused by the sight of the odd deer-wolf hybrids. "If most people here dont fight, then it must have been that blacksmith girl that slew these creatures, no?" The cleric mused, looking around. "She would make a fine addition to our depleted forces."

Akyasha thought on the situation forbsome small seconds before turning to her bats. "Stay hidden but I want you two to find try and find the blacksmith or where that girl might be. Additionally, tell me the general layout of this place and any other bits of interest." There was quite a bit the Vampire wished to know, but it shouldnt be too difficult for her two Gorebats. She gave them both a small nuzzle nefore she sent them off.
Vammy questioned the silence of the demon that usually chimed in to be a nuisance but... nothing. How odd. Truly odd. Vammy thought about it as she listened to the creature's breathing and Yuisa's footsteps. Turning to the human as she spoke, only to see her being attacked by the demonic creature. Swiftly, she conjurered a blast of fire and attacked the creature with it, blasting it away from her human pet.

Then casting a dangerously hot stream of fire at the creature, Vammy walked over to Yuisa, checking the woman's injury. "The wound looks bad. It'll heal I think. I'm more worried about that black goop." She didnt look too worried, however. "Too bad I dont have healing powers or anything like that." She commented as she let up on the fire. It was probably char or ash by now.
"Please do, Sir Vyrell. If you could figure out anything, I would be most appreciative. I... This thing makes me curious and for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps it makes me more concerned than it should." Lunalel said, looking to the side wondering if she's was being a bit too worried. "Hmm, yes, that issue aside you mentioned something about Elves at Nid's End? I've not seen many elves in my lifetime. Plenty of giants, but I can really count the number I've seen on one hand I think." Figuring out why there were any amount of elves nearby would be a pleasant escapade compare to what she had just observed. "I wouldn't mind going and see what that's all about. Know anything about them?" She asked hoping that they at least seemed friendly.
"Gah!" Katherine cried out as she was splashed by some of the acid. "Bitch!" She exclaimed as she reloaded her pistol. Her dolls dodged the demon's attack rather that get pulled back into the firbolg's rings. They dropped to the ground and, if they had a good angle, would aim at the demon before opening fire once more. Katherine, for her part, imbued the bullets in her gun with magical power. She then fired off multiple rounds and each looked as if a bolt of fire shot from her gun, soaring towards their target to tear into flesh and sear it from the inside out.
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