Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Sir S? What a name. Katherine wondered a small bit about the secrecy and if it was really necessary. She merely shrugged at the thought as her continued to mention he already confirmed about them. She really wondered when he managed that. "Hmm, yes, sorry to hear." Katherine mentioned, giving her condolences in her own way. That said, everything about this man still felt off. The Firbolg wasn't really sure what she should say to the man, really. It was fairly obvious that he was no ordinary man if he could come here with nary a speck of dirt on his person. If they tried to detain him, Katherine wasn't sure exactly what he would do. "Very well then, Sir S. Do try to not get eaten yourself on your escape from this ruin. I would hate for us not have the chance to meet again."

Katherine looked to Leoniya and shrugged. "I doubt if we even managed to take him in somehow that he would tell us anything without being really cryptic anyway. And that is assuming, again, that we even manage it. You can just blame me when we do our report, if you want." The Firbolg said, shrugging towards the rat and shaking her head. "We'll have more pressing matters anyway. Like wondering when our other recruits show up."
That house was filled with barrels that were primed to explode any moment now right? Well, this fleshy mass was the most frustrating part of fighting this creature for the moment. It would be quite easy to break this creature apart once that fleshiness was gone. With this in mind, Akyasha jump up on the mast as the creature swung it at her. From there, she used it as a jumping point to slam her axe into the creature's face, bracing herself on it's shoulder and trying to force it back toward the building that was soon going to explode and seeing what damage she could do to it with one more heft back of her before slamming the sharp end back into its face. Looking over toward the blacksmith girl, Akyasha would notice she was having a bit of trouble with the local undead population despite saying she had things under control earlier.

She gave out a whistle, calling out to the Gorebat that lead her here. It should have still been around as she didn't order it away. "Help the girl out and ensure you both get out of that explosion unscathed, try not to get noticed but so be if so." She ordered the creature. At this point, she had somewhat revealed her hand, or it was going to be revealed regardless. She planned to make this girl a thrall so goodwill never hurt to have.
"We're so 'backwards' that we use magic for such mundane implements." Vammy mentioned, as she stared at the open door wondering if they would close back. They would not. "Besides, what use is attaching such things to giant mushrooms?" Vammy mentioned, derisive of her home as she turned to her servant.

"If it was magical I wouldnt be so surprised but... Well, it's doing well, I guess." Vammy mentioned as she caught a glimpse of their destination. It was oddly made of metal for the most part rather than of stone or out of stone. Well, part of it. The steel beams themselves were an unexpected sight. In the midst of her pondering the continual sight of golems, there was a loud snap. She knew little about how this elevator contraption truly worked, but ahe knew that the snap was related to the now rapidly descending box.

Frowning, Vammy scooped Yuisa into her arms. "Hope you like flying, dont bite your tongue." The demon then jumped out the open doors of the elevator. She used her magical power to levitate in the air and blasted fire from her feet to slow their descent. As planned, it didnt take them too long to reach the ground in a safer manner.
Serrica had examined the surroundings a small bit. Watching the students co-mingle after the speech. It was fairly lively now, with everyone looking forward to the new school year. As she studied all these students, she noticed a small bunch of them being rather rowdy and one of that group smack into some girl she hadn't recognized. A commoner girl perhaps. Well, that didn't matter all too much. What did matter was the girl falling down and scraping her hands as she caught her fall. It was only slightly bloodied but a cute girl didn't deserve such a thing.

Serrica walked her way over with purpose and came to stand in front of the girl. "Let's get you up. Your palms look a small bit bloodied. Let us get you to the nurse station so they can get you healed up, alright?" The girl merely nodded. Perhaps because a stranger was helping her. Perhaps it was because she knew Serrica was a noble. Regardless, the noble lady helped her up and guided her to the nurse's station. It was a short enough trip though there was a slightly annoying sight.

"Hello, Your Highness. A pleasure to greet you." A certain prince was walking down the hallway. Well, she didn't plan on talking to him much, instead, she kept walking with the girl, who was struggling to get out the words to greet the prince as the Duke's daughter pulled her along. Soon enough, they noticed a guy walk into a room which, just so happened, to be where they needed to go. They sauntered up to the door and Serrica pushed it open. "I have a student here that needs her hands healed."

Well, there were already a number of people in there already. The nurse and her assistant, an unconscious person and a rather cute girl. "Oh my, are we interrupting?" She had to ask, looking between everyone, though her eyes stayed on the girl. Did they deceive her? Was that the Heroine? "Rather cute, aren't you." She absent-mindedly stated, looking Anne in the eyes now with curiosity.
Leoniya took the words out of the Firbolg's mouth. She didn't have much to add on the fronts the rat had mentioned. A well dressed old man in this town? How odd. "If you don't mind a few questions, sir? My name is Katherine, would you share yours as well as your wife and daughter's?" Katherine asked. Perhaps if she had some names, if the ones that went ahead hadn't found the missing squad yet, she could keep her ears open. If the family lived here, well, there was already a good chance that they were... She pushed that though aside and continued with another question. "And how exactly did you arrive here?" She looked at his flawless outfit and then the hellscape around them. Her estimations.... He just appeared here. It didn't hurt to ask. "Like the Rat said, it's a bit odd at how you look so... Spotless."
Luna recovered from having her blade deflected in time to notice Sarah attempting to flank her. The Knightess would have difficulty keeping up with the speed of a well trained elf and at this point, she wasn't highly confident in her strength against this woman. Well, if the elf was going to try getting around her, Luna didn't mind too much. She kept her shield high and defended the back of her head as she hunkered down and spun on her heal to her right, swinging her blade low attempting to slice at the elf's thigh and following up with an additional slam from her shield into Sarah. Keeping the elf on the defensive was the best thing Luna could do at the moment.
"There are plenty of things to be devout to, even in the darkest of days." Akyasha mentioned, though she didn't figure that the blacksmith girl had heard. She stood by and watched as the girl had ran into the house and had all of the undead follow her. Akyasha stood back and watched, curious when this entire incident would cease she stared on feeling almost tired. That is, until some creature caught her eye. A behemoth of a half-skeletal fish man of some sort. It looked almost like some weird flesh construct that amused the cleric a small bit. "Haa... And I was just starting to enjoy the thought of almost idle chit-chat me and this girl were going to have."

It was heading toward the house that was set to go off in some short time. More specifically, it seemed intent on the blacksmith girl and Akyasha couldn't have that. Oh no. This blacksmith lady was hers. At her fingertip formed an axe from blood magic. "Fine, she didn't tell me to handle this one." With that, the vampire cleric dashed off towards the odd creature, slamming the sharp head of the axe into the thing's leg closest to her. She just needed to break the bone enough so the thing toppled in on itself and if need be, she'd pull the axe out and chop again. That would give her free reign to hack at it as she needed from that point, notably? Remove the cannon from it's hands.
Vammy was starting to feel the key wasn't going to work.... And then it did! It said something about a "Director LaChanc-" and then the door opened to the grinding of metal and stone. "Woohoo! It worked!" Vammy exclaimed until the door opened to reveal... "Huh? This is less that I expected...."

It was just a box. A metal box with some weird buttons lighting up. "A metal box?" She scratched the back of her head until a certain someone showed up in her head and told her to push the button on the bottom and that this was called an elevator. "Elevator. Never heard of that before." The demon elf commented, looking between the elevator and Yuisa. "Well then, my lovely and deliciously pretty partner, shall we continue on?" She asked before grabbing the human's hand and guiding her into this "elevator" and pushing the bottom button like her own personal demon told her. "I've never seen anything like this before. I take it this metal box will take us somewhere? That what a certain bitch told me before she made herself go super quiet again."
The wind knocked out of her, Luna threw her shield up to parry away the blow going for her neck. Her voice couldn't even crack a note to say, "So I can see" in response to the elf's claim about her teacher. Luna was many thing, and stubborn was one. It ached her, but Luna fought back with all she had. Something in the overwhelming strength from the elf awoke a desire in her to want to win. So strive for it she did, though she doubted she would at this rate. Whatever Sarah would do next would likely end the duel, but Lunalel Lightsword would not sit down and just let it happen if she could help it.

Glaring toward Sarah, blocking the blade aimed for her neck Luna dropped the sword from her hand and grabbed Sarah's wrist before she could fully retract the hand and pulled her in close before rearing her head back, gritting her teeth putting a foot toward her and ramming her head forward to meet her opponent's. As their head' connected, it hurt a small bit for Luna, but really, it was no worse than having the air knocked out of her. She followed up by slamming her shield into the elf's chest to stun her enough to be able to pick her weapon back up and swing up at Sarah.
Katherine was taken speechless at the sight of the rat turning... well... Crazy? She didn't find a reason to speak anymore on that subject, lest she worry a bit about Leoniya's psyche. Well, she got a breather for now regardless. Her dolls patrol was going fine, cleaning up a few demons that found themselves heading this way but it was nothing difficult. That is, until one alerted her of a presence that wasn't quite a demon... Well, at least, one of the normal demons. Or, perhaps it was something else altogether. As she approached, she looked on to an older looking man pat one of her dolls, gun half raised towards the man. It didn't fire at him immediately since he was much of a threat. "They are adorable by design, sir and I would appreciate if you wouldn't interrupt their patrol. Though, you sound like you can take care of yourself by your words."

The Firbolg wasn't sure how to take this encounter. She didn't recognize this man at all and pondered what a well dressed older man might be doing in this ruined city... Specifically, still rather well dressed. "That said, any fighting around this area is down to putting down stray animals at best. Some of my compatriots are out in this ruin still, though. We're just holding down the fort here, now." Katherine studied the man a bit, still trying to figure him out a bit and she wasn't shy of making any suspicions known.
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