Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Akyasha had managed to parry it's slams to some extent, though her bones were once again a mess. Still, she had to fight. That said, Julene had thrown one of her bombs down the thing's gullet. Not long after, it exploded from the inside! Chunks of flesh blasted from it's body after it stood fully up and then quickly fell down to it's side again. That was a great chance! It's already butchered neck. "Dear sailor, shall we?" Akyasha asked Argus as they both made for the creature. Moving forward putting her force behind her axe swing and bringing it down on the creature's neck aiming for the spine before it could stand up. If they could deliver more damage to it, hopefully it would not be able to do anything scary. A good slice from her and the sailor would hopefully be able to do enough damage to the creature. And then, hopefully, the gorebats would show up and she could summon up a little help for all the beastmen.
Luna didn't mind much when the giant had to help them move. Still, the city of the giants was quite the interesting place. She had heard the stories but hearing and seeing were quite the different beasts. "This place is interesting." Luna mentioned, waving back and saying hello to those that greeted her as she studied the city. The large buildings were something quite interesting to see. It was funny to learn just how large these buildings would have to be to comfortably fit a giant. The knightess also learned about their giant guide. She seemed to be the type to leave the village and come back with humans in tow.

When they came to the giant's master's place, she warned that he wasn't a fan of humans. Understandable, perhaps. If the representatives of humanity were those familiar sounding bandits... Well, perhaps she'd feel the same in his shoes. Still, she hoped to make this first impression of them a good one. "Greetings, Sir Grettir. My name is Lunalel Lightsword and my companions and I hail from Airedale in service to Queen Sorcha." Luna had hoped that Grettir might at least recognize her name and not think of her as the same as a bandit at least. "I hope we aren't a bother, but we were looking for the services of a giant to work on dragon scale."
Katherine thought the demon got the idea when she started to move... Only to... "H-hey! Dumbass!" She started to yell but quieted it to a loud whisper. Instead of helping the one maid out and getting in rather sneakily, the demon just demanded to be let in. Katherine followed closely behind. They couldn't get too separated so early into the investigation, could they? She gave a sweet smile to the guards as the small group were let in. After the doors were closed behind them, Katherine looked towards Eliz. "We could have done that more sneakily, you know." Her voice critical of the demon's actions.

Still slightly annoyed her plan was ignored, Katherine turned to the hallway. "Well, regardless. We know what we need. Perhaps an office. I'll be able to find something probably if we get the right room. I have many eyes, of course." Katherine stated, whispering to her comrades. "We just need to look busy." She wasn't exactly sure where to look exactly, so that would require a little bit of scouting. Not to mention gathering up information about the people here. Know the right things about the place and you can easily explain away what you're doing.
The creature was trying to grab for the cleric? How crude. As it's hand came toward her, she would swing her weapon down on it's wrist, attempting to sever the muscle in some parts of it and make the claws inoperable. While she was sure she could get a good chop down on it, she wasn't sure how dense the creature's arm was. Unless she wanted to easily become some mangled mess, she couldn't leave the claw alone for long. Her sailor-dressed vampire friend seemed to have right idea, trying to rip the creature's throat out with his sword. "Julene, don't get yourself killed." The cleric said back toward the human, seeing the beak trying to devour her. "Especially not eaten." She would say after slicing her axe out of the wrist she dug into and spinning around, allowing the momentum to carry her axe to deliver a blow to the neck of the creature. From there, she spun once more on her feet, this time quickly raising her axe to once again deliver an blow to the creature's wrist.
As Luna turned in for the night, she seemed slightly perplexed when Sucaria was in her bed but thought that the maid might still be concerned about getting up. "Well, let's not let you get up and walk away for the night." Luna said, as she laid down, trying to give a little room to her maid though, in as tight a spot as it were the two were basically touch somehow or another throughout the night.

In the morning, Luna was up and helping Sucaria with breakfast. As Sucaria offered the drink to Fio, she made some motions asking her to take a sip and pretend to like it. Even if she didn't like it. Regardless, after finishing her prep for breakfast she was ready to leave.

Despite the fact that they had traveled for quite a while now, their destination was effectively in sight and Gunnrun offered to carry them the rest of the way. It might be a small bit dangerous and a small slight to one's pride if one took pride in not getting carried around, but it was definitely the easiest way to get there. Giants were generally honest folk, so Luna highly doubted Gunnrun was going to just run off with them either.

The biggest issue would be their horses though. She wasn't sure if the horses would stay safe with the giant and might have to get left behind which was not a good thing. Well, Fio was put in charge so, yet again, Luna waited for the answer she expected from the petite mage.
Katherine and Eliz didn't have much to work with. It was late in the morning so there was no real sneaking in the stealthy way. "I want to be the one wear a dress and going into that ball like some noble lady." But it didnt work oit that way. "It's such a disappointment being passed up by the early shooting maid."

It was then that Bernadette spoke on the comms. "Yes, I hear you. Loud and clear." Kqtherine had let her annoyance be known quite obviously before this moment and in her voice. To her other infiltration allies, she motioned to the maid cleaning linens. "We'll say you two are new at being maids and need the experience with linens. What do you two say?"
"My, that thing isn't the looker is it?" Akyasha mentioned after the ten new Gorebats she just summoned sprang forth. "Go, gather and rreturn. Leave the living humans be." Akyasha said, giving vague commands the bats would understand pointing at the odd monster in front of them. The cleric scooped the human blacksmith up and moved her away quickly. "Julene, how useful do you think you'll be fighting this thing? I think it might be a bit beyond the current you." The vampire asked as she gripped her axe. Akyasha then continued with a shrug. "But if you try to fight it, I won't stop you."

The Cleric then jumped forward to meet the beast with this other vampire dressed as a sailor. Akyasha swung her axe at the creature's arm, hoping to drive a wound into it. "Greetings brother. A pleasure. To meet you, not fight this thing." The cleric mentioned, wondering what Julene was going to do. If she were to be wounded in battle, it might be easier to turn her into a thrall. She was strong and smart. For a human. She would make a good servant for Ichor. "When the batties have collected their fill, I plan on bringing forward a bit more help." Akyasha shared the little plan she did have at this point.
As Luna and Sucaria finished up the tent, Luna gave a happy little nod. "Alright. We'll use the tent together. I'll have to stay close to make sure you don't wander off again." The knightess joked remembering the fright she had about waking up to a missing Sucaria the last time. Luna looked over to Elnith, checking on her companions progress. "You're doing fine for your tent? Need help?"

All the while, Luna kept her ears open to what Fio was talking to their giant friend about. "What's this? Helping hunt down an old heirloom from some bandits? We could manage this, easy." The knightess added. Giving her thoughts on the matter. She would ask some questions but she let Fio handle that as leader. After that, the knightess looked toward Elnith and Sucaria. "Guess we're going to be busy."
Katherine's face went from amazement and glee to shock and disappointment. She took a step back as if she had been directly hit with sharp words in a physical sense. "Suited toward.... another endeavour? But I wanted a pretty dress....." The Firbolg uttered, taken aback by being put on the other team. The team where she continued her existence as a maid. She clung to one of her teammates, Lyssa as she were the closest and put on a show. "Lyssaaaaaa... I wanted to wear a pretty dress..." She cried, though it seemed a small bit fake. There weren't many questions to ask from the Firbolg. She was much too busy pitying herself for not being able to wear the dress she had already planned in her head. "Woe is me...." She complained again as she hugged Lyssa.
Akyasha made a mental note of the new vampire on the scene. One that she had no memory of prior to this day at the least. She whistled, calling back many of the already full Gorebats. There were many enemies and for the most part, more numbers helped counteract other numbers. Outside the case of her and her kin, the was most cases. So, the more numbers they had against these beasts, the better. As soon as the Gorebats would return, she would use them as fuel to summon even more to suck the blood from more beasts. Weaken the enemy and strengthen oneself. "Julene, shall I call upon more of these poor batties? We could use more numbers after all. I might even get to show you a special treat a small time from now should the need arise. I just need more." Akyasha asked her human companion, defending herself from the beasts at hand as necessary until the bats arrived. A swipe here, a parry here.
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