Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Katherine was glad that her lie worked. It would have been annoying to have to resort to something else to continue what they were doing. "Something off about him? Well, plenty seemed off. According to that woman, he might be the first kid I've seen that's going to be turned into a coat." The firbolg mentioned, smirking at her own joke. Though, upstairs, she was surprised when she saw the small boy kick in a large, sturdy door casually. "Secondly, he seems to be quite a bit stronger than appearances would suggest." She continued after witnessing the sight.

It was then that Elizstrazia would dash forward to catch the boy in the act. Well, Katherine wouldn't say anything about that one. After all, she too was curious with the boy. "Hmm. How curious. We just witnessed the young lord destroying the house while he's suppose to be under house arrest. Lissa, don't you think this calls for an immediate intervention?" She had to ask, smirking as if things were going much better than expected. "I suppose we'll have to send him back there, will we not?" She continued, following behind Eliz's trail. She wondered if her dolls would have to be used.
"I think you might just need to eat the honey instead of dousing her in it." Lunalel mentioned, shaking her head a small bit. "As for those bandits, well, I think they should be easy enough to take care of. So long as they have no giant beast to help them. "Luna mentioned, remembering back to the bandit attack on her new home. "The lindwurm does strike some concern into me, however. It would help if we had a tried dragonslayer with us, perhaps." Luna giggled, thinking of why they even came this way in the first place.

"It might be good to find a place to rest up for now though. We'll need our rest if we wish to challenge something so dangerous." Luna said, turning to Gunnrun. "Would you be able to point us in the direction of some place to rest? An inn or anything of the sort?" She asked, curious for an answer. She looked out to her companions. "A good rest somewhere safe sounds go to me right now, doesn't it, Sucaria?" She asked her maid, though the question was most obviously aimed at the whole party.
Akyasha nodded along to all the human's complaints about going to Alavaris and then listened to what Gilles and Argus. "I as well will accept your hospitality. I'm not sure how long my fellows will be." The cleric said, "I think they may assist with insight to the situation. Or, perhaps, the resolution to what they had encountered." Akyasha smiled looking to her bats. "You all, keep an eye around town. Make sure nothing hostile comes about." She considered what to do with the bats. She might use them to summon something a bit more combat effective. Not now. Not while there were humans in front of her at least.

The cleric then thought about the girl that had walked off. "Well, I'll go check on Julene first and make sure she's fine after that... Encounter." Akyasha mentioned, "I'll be back in a bit." The cleric said, turning and heading off toward where she saw Julene go.
That boy was quick at escaping. Quick enough that another maid had accosted them before they had a chance to escape. Help outside? That was the opposite of where they would want to be. "Apologies. We had just talked with the young master and he had already told us to clean up a mess upstairs." The firbolg maid gave a face of mild irritation and as if catching herself making such a face, hid it. "We'll clean it up as fast as we can and get out there." The firbolg lied, though, convincingly so. At least in her eyes.
"Slay Dragonkin up in the mountains?" Luna asked after, poking at her temple. "This was not how I imagined this trip going." The knightess mentioned to those around her. "Doesn't sound to me like we have much a choice, however. Lest there be another who can work with the material in question." She frowned a small bit. "I suppose this is your call Fio." The knightess said to the smaller mage before looking at Gunnrun, specifically her prosthetic for a second before quickly diverting her eyes back to the giant's own. She wanted to ask the giant about the encounter, but considered whether or not she should ask her what she knew. "Umm. That said..." She hesitated for a few seconds, not wanting to bring up any harsh memories. "Would you be comfortable enough to tell us what you know about this dragon-kin?" The knightess asked, seeming unsure.
It was a bad situation truly. Half a village gone was half a renewable blood source. Julene seemed very angry at this Giles fellow. The vampire had little thoughts about that though, however. Humans were allowed their grievances with each other. And then Argus, her fellow, asked her opinion on the matter of what the humans should do. The vampire watched Julene walk off before looking at the human. "Hmm. What do I think, indeed. If they stay here, I believe they'll likely be fine for a small time. But, you never know when danger will come back. You would probably have to militarize if you wanted to survive, if you could. On the other hand, the city. Well... It's quite dangerous still though some of the scariest things are disposed of. If one could make it to the cathedral there I believe there would be no need to worry. But, as I said, the challenge is getting there. I guess it would depend on how brave you are. Either way, you'd need your own will to live."

The cleric gave a smile. If they made it to Alavaris alive it would give them an easy food source. Perhaps they wouldn't even mind being controlled by a bunch of vampires as food if it meant that they could live and have a decent life. That's what she had done once a long time ago. "I think the safest option overall is the cathedral, though getting there safely I have no guarantees. Perhaps one of the others will have a better suggestion than I."
"A private place with a nice big lock is probably one of the best places what are you on--" It was then that Eliz walked over to confront the boy that seemed to be sneaking around. "H-hey. Eliz, easy girl." The firbolg said walking behind Lyssa to stop Eliz from doing something else stupid.. The boy seemed to be someone important with the way he was talking. A commoner kid wouldn't bother trying something like that ever. Well, a commoner kid that wasn't her smartass when she was little. Her guardian was never a good role model as a child and would often leave her alone in a spooky forest a lot. Well, the results of her upbringing were at the least worth something. After all, she survived being tossed out a ship using the magic she was taught.

That aside, she had a good idea who this kid would be. "Well, if I didn't know you were the son of the lord, I would be concerned with you being a rat. You have to admit the way you're sneaking about is a bit suspicious. Are you sure there's nowhere you're suppose to be right now?" The maid smiled, if he was sneaking around, he wasn't suppose to be here. She thought he might have to be at the event or locked in his room. "Would the lord be fine learning you're sneaking about here?" She asked, smiling.
The beast was beaten at last. The nun likely messed up her bones again which meant that she had to let herself regenerate once more. It was frustrating, but what can one do but go with the flow of things? It was then that Julene stumbled, complaining about feeling worse than ingesting poison. The vampire's eyes narrowed at this. Now why would she feel this way? That was... odd. Perhaps... That was when the girl mentioned the other villagers and wanted to check on them. Only to be interrupted by that Giles man Julene had mentioned and all of her Gorebats!

"Ahhh, my pretties." Akyasha greeted the Gorebats as they returned from their feast, "Good work out there." She said, seeing all the fat bats fluttering about. After letting a few land on her, she turned to look at the humans that arrived with them. So this is how many survived? She wasn't sure how many of them there were in the first place. After all, she went to go find Julene when she first got here. Then the sailor fellow, a fellow vampire as well, mentioned her summons were what saved all these people. "Now, now. These little guys just got a little hungry is all. Also, pleasure to meet you and glad to have your assistance here, Argus. My name is Akyasha, well, further greetings can wait a small bit, I suppose. I agree. We might want to move. Specifically, away from that thing. Not a thing for pleasant conversation." The nun said, pointing at the giant monster that she, Argus and Julene had just ended.

The vampire looked at Julene and moved a little closer. "You feel worse than eating poison mushrooms? Is it fatigue or did you get poisoned by something?" The vampire asked, seeming a serious question from the woman.
"Are you sure? If it's an office he works in all day, that would be the safest place to store anything." The Firbolg mentioned with a small shrug. "But fine. Maybe we'll check out this art gallery we heard about." The maid mentioned, looking around the place, noticing an somewhat out of place boy in this busy bustling place. "Though, that boy looks a little suspicious. Perhaps we should track him down for our "employer" to make sure he's not stealing anything." Katherine suggested. She might be able to search out the Art Gallery fairly easily with her dolls. Well, so long as there weren't many guards.
"Gallivanting as knights? Perhaps. Still, Queen Sorcha is quite the powerful woman. Still, I'm the only one doing so of my family so the graves should be in quite the safe state." Luna mentioned looking between the master and apprentice. "Now, perhaps we could track that heirloom down for you? I'm assuming that you're talking of the bandits and heirloom that you mentioned earlier, Miss Gunnrun?" Luna asked looking between them. "We could track it down and perhaps we could talk again after you don't need to worry about it. A Lightsword is good for their word." Lunalel mentioned, smiling as she looked toward the master smith.
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