Dyna Soleil
Interacting with:
Katherine Sorrowind (@SpicyMeatball) || Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel) || Eris Hightower (@The Muse)
Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
Dyna's gaze locked nearly immediately upon the Priestess of Seluna, Katherine, a she introduced herself to the blonde man that seemed to be earning so much attention from the women of Dawnhaven. Certainly, with her sister hiding behind her, a bit of Dyna's more protective side showed out as she inspected Katherine with a critical look. One... less friendly than Katherine's might've been, but certainly not bearing any hostile intent for the moment. The Champion of Aelios didn't portray much emotion as her expression went more neutral in the presence of one of Seluna's own chosen. The... presence radiating from the Priestess admittedly made her a little uncomfortable, but she did her best not to show even the slightest of hints. Yet, as the Priestess spoke, Dyna felt her blood run cold for half a second. The words seemed to nearly be a direct slap to her face, mocking the two for the lack of obvious presence from their Goddess. It was enough of a shock that Dyna's gaze grew hard and she seemed about to lash put with an equally vicious remark... only to hear Ranni softly whispering for Dyna to be polite. That the Priestess' tone betrayed she hadn't intended the comment to be an insult.
Dyna's own shaky breath matched that of Katherine's as she nodded. The ghost of a smile on her lips as her gaze softened ever-so-slightly. "Aye. She saw to it that my sister and I were reunited when I thought such a thing impossible. We both hope that Seluna cares for her own, as well, and that perhaps this could be... beneficial for both our faiths. This town." Dyna said, hoping she hadn't overdone it. Nerves drove her to ramble at times, and betray some of her inner thoughts. Still, it was not as if Dyna was given much time to think on the subject, as another woman suddenly yelped and collided with the Priestess of Seluna, and a second later Ranni let out a pained cry that caused Dyna to whirl around at seemingly impossible speeds to check what was wrong.
She saw Ranni, clutching her tail to herself and with tears welling up in her eyes. While the thought of Ranni clutching her own tail seemed strange, it was quickly overridden by concern for her sister... seeing those tears only causing Dyna to be more concerned. Her gaze snapped over towards the woman who'd caused the issue just as she was getting to her feet, panicking further, then rushing inside. The interaction leaving the Champion merely stunned for a few moments as she watched Eris' disappearing form. Moments later, her gaze was back on Ranni as she gave her sister a concerned look. A look that was quickly answered with one of Ranni's own that seemed to reassure Dyna that Ranni would be alright. A few more moments passed between them as they seemed to have some kind of silent communication, the type that only two so close as the twins could have, before Dyna seemed to finally accept that her sister was truly alright.
Then, Dyna turned back towards the conversation just as Sya began to speak up...
“Room 4 is free, no onesss in right now” Sya said with an agreement and gestured her tail to point to the stairs. “I can bring you all Sssomthing. People leave things behind, and I…have sssome things I cannot wear that they can use.”she sighed and nodded, he made sense and seemed to be helping now. “Also, eat, you need energy boost. Get clossse to the warm fire.” Sya handed out a rack of fresh cookies, the sugar providing a short term energy boost for the cold women. Sya voice gave away her concern as she knew cold could make people ill and healing magic was a luxury.
“Thankyou kindly, welcome to the Inn, If you need accommodations , please ask ask, we have single, double rooms free, and enjoy the feassst” The best room she gave to the Coswain couple, Becky had a better room to make up for Helping with bakery, and she had spread others out now they had the space. “Welcome to Dawn Haven, life is never boring.” She said and thought this was another day in town.
Dyna nodded her thanks, turning towards Ranni as her sister shook her head gently. "I'll be fine, sister. Just give me the bag... I-I think I need to do this on my own." Ranni said softly, yet with a look that told Dyna she wouldn't back down. The Champion simply nodded, passing off the pack to Ranni and watching as she disappeared into the Inn.
With a hint of a sigh, Dyna looked over towards Sya next and shook her head. "I think, Ranni will want to check in at the temple here after she's changed. So I doubt we will be needing accommodations for the moment." She said simply, looking around for a long few moments as the girl seemed to finally soak in the details of her surrounding after such an... emotional start to her day. "If I might ask, what is the purpose of the feast? I've... been a bit occupied so far and pray I'm not making you explain it a second time." She asked, admittedly a bit more sheepishly than the confidence she'd been exuding until now, and a slight blush of embarrassment worn on her cheeks.
Fade-To-Black Counter - 0
Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
This day only seemed to get more and more dreadful. After the initial high of seeing Dyna again, Ranni kept feeling more and more... strange. Like something was wrong with her, and at times as if she was feeling weak. Yet it wasn't hunger, not truly, that she felt. She couldn't explain it beyond the fact that she needed something and that staring at all the others gathered outside the inn only fed into that burning need. She needed to... she needed to get away from it all. To sort out what she was feeling. Add into that strange mixture in her stomach the weird certainty she felt that Tia was in Dawnhaven, and the embarrassment from stepping on her own tail. Truly, Aelios had to be testing her on this day, or laying curses upon the beast she'd become after that meeting with the Blight. It was almost enough to bring tears to her eyes, yet she knew she couldn't show them. Dyna would worry, and these strangers might try to comfort her as well. Something she very much didn't want at the moment, not until she had time to control her racing thoughts. To claim herself and regain some aspect of control. Yet... even getting to that stage seemed to be something far out of her reach this morning as...
A sudden flash of pure pain tore through Ranni's body, starting from the very tip of her tail. A feeling like something was crushing it for half a second, yet enough to cause Ranni to cry out in pain. Almost immediately, the crushing relented and Ranni's tail snapped up in a blind reaction. Being caught in Ranni's grip nearly immediately as she tried to rub and ease the pain in the section that'd been assualted mere moments before. She felt tears of pain welling up, combining with the myriad of fear and anxiety coursing through her mind to threaten the dam she'd built thus far. Through her blurred vision, she could see Dyna's concerned expression and gave her a firm look to say that she'd be okay.
A lie, but a convincing one.
As she was struggling to hold back her tears, Sya explained that room four was available for use. Which Dyna quickly accepted, but Ranni stopped her before her sister could head inside. Demanding that she go alone, both out of embarrassment for how she looked and a desire to be alone for a little bit. To sort her thoughts out, so she could be a little bit more composed for her sister. A few moments of silent back-and-forth between the sisters ended in Dyna yielding to Ranni's request, and passing her the pack that had all their belongings from their previous trip contained within. With a grateful smile, Ranni accepted the pack and wordlessly made her way past the assembled group to head inside. Not long after, Ranni was closing herself into the aforementioned available room, quickly moving to remove the tattered and dirty rags. She took a moment to look over herself, stomach tightening as she saw the features given to her by the blight, and let out a long sigh of frustration.
A sigh that faded into the soft sounds of sobbing as everything finally came rushing into the girl's mind. The horror and fear of the past week. The pain of her own death, and waking up afterwards. The strange need she felt at her core. Everything. It was too much. Ranni collapsed to her knees in the middle of that Inn Room, sobbing heavily into her hands and just letting all of her emotions run free. Letting everything out, in the desperate hope that it might stop the flood within her own mind. She cursed, she cried, she even screamed once as her entire facade shattered to pieces within that room. Damn it all! Damn the blight! Damn this cursed existence! It hurt. It all hurt. I don't even know what's happening to me anymore... I'm scared." She thought amidst the cacophony of fears and anxieties sprinting through her mind. Would those she once knew ever be able to look at her the same? She knew Dyna was trying, but she felt the slight awkwardness whenever her sister saw her tail or horns. What would the priests in the Capital think. What would Tia think? Worry sat heavy in her stomach as these thoughts joined into the cacophony of her mind.
The cycle went on, viciously, for the next several minutes before the built-up horror that was her existence finally subsided in her mind. Before Ranni finally felt herself to calm down, and restoring a relative calm to telepathic broadcast racing forth from her mind. One that she'd unknowingly just poured that entire myriad of fear and anguish out into, across the entire town for those who could feel her touch. With a firm nod, Ranni pushed herself to her feet and took a few more minutes to wash up just a bit before dressing once more. "This is your life now, Ranni. You have to face it, Dyna wouldn't just give up and cry now would she?" Ranni said to herself, using her sister as a beacon of strength to goad herself into getting back on her feet. A measure she knew to be temporary, so she could cope for the moment, but hopefully that would be all she needed to find her new place in life.
With that, Ranni checked over her newly adorned outfit. A pair of Dyna's trousers and tunic, with the top being a deep red and the trousers being black. A pair of boots and a thick black coat to help keep herself warm. Not her usual colors, but it was better than a tattered and ruined outfit.
Then a sudden sound of fabric tearing could be heart, as Ranni looked back to notice that the pointed tip of her tail had managed to poke through the trousers. Likely when she'd been dressing, Ranni thought, but the end result was the same. A small hole now existed where her tail stuck out. "Aelios. Dyna is going to kill me..." She whispered softly, even as she swept out of the room.
Once she emerged outside, several minutes later, Ranni seemed to have found some level of her composure. Though tracts from tears and hints of red eyes betrayed the fact she had been crying, she carried herself with much more confidence than before. The girl quickly took a place next to her sister, passing the pack back to Dyna, before looking towards Sya and speaking up.
"T-thank you. I... I was wondering if you knew if there was another Priestess of Aelios in Dawnhaven?" She asked, having decided to start answering some of the questions that were weighing on her already broken mind...