Avatar of rabidbacon


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16 hrs ago
Current I find it interesting that caffeine supposedly helps peeps with ADHD become more calm / focused.
3 days ago
A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
3 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
6 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
10 days ago
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Reminds of a book series that I did finish and enjoyed.

Curious about what series this is, specifically.

I have troubles writing posts sometimes, do you have an open door policy where your players can go to you for help?

Sure, I'd like for everything to go as smoothly as possible. What kind of help in particular? At the moment, there are two other people who have indicated interest in this RP, and I'm hoping to get at least 4 players. But 3 isn't bad.

I'll update the thread in Advanced Interest checks in a week or so for CS sheets and miscellaneous stuff. Would appreciate it if you indicated your questions and such there.
Reposting from Advanced Interest Checks, maybe it'll get more eyes here?

General Summary:
For centuries, there have always been people who changed the course of history forever. These are the people who make it into history books, who change the fate of the world, whose names and faces are placed on statues and coins. They are the Instruments.

For centuries, too, there have always been people who could sense the onset of these changes. They have many names: prophets, kingmakers, occultists, but those who recognize themselves call themselves Maestro.

About 20-30 years in the future. Imagine today, but more technologically advanced (iPhone version 56 or whatever) but with increasing environmental and political instability.

Rozenbach State -famously known as The Golden Rose- is the center of the modern world. But it wasn't always that way. In the past few decades, it has experienced tremendous economic growth and technological developments. This is most unprecedented in a state whose only quality export was decorative flowers.

The emergence of recent events have turned everything in the Rozenbach's favor - natural disasters in other states as well as the unprecedented death of important leaders in rival cities have put Rozenbach at an advantage. It is home to a huge percentage of remarkable persons from all professions, legal and illegal, and they have all moved to Rozenbach due to the stability it offers.

However, there are people who grow wary of Rozenbach, as things have gone too well for the state. There are rumors of a conspiracy, and the rest of the world is divided on whether to side with Rozenbach or to go against it. Some say that The Golden Flower is home to people who can change fates, but only time will tell if it can save its own. War looms on the horizon.

Maestro and Instruments can work together to change the fate of the world, whether it be for good or for evil.

Not all Instruments know that they are Instruments, but after a certain age or personal event, Maestro knows his or her own ability and can always detect Instruments. Whether or not he chooses to reveal this knowledge to the Instrument is his choice. Maestro can sense the points where a universe divides from its parallel, but only an Instrument has the power to choose which universe to actualize. The sensations can take the form of any of the five senses, and usually has some sentimental or symbolic value to the Maestro. Every time a Maestro "listens" to the Song, there is a greater chance for the sensations to become negative. Some Maestros have turned insane as a result.

Maestros can work in concert with each other or fight to satisfy their own interests through influencing the Instruments.

Players will be Maestros. Note that this doesn't mean they're literally musicians (though that is possible).
Maestros come from all ages and walks of life. Yes, even a raggedy hobo can be one. Surprise me.
I'll put up a dummy CS soon.

Instruments will be NPCs. You can have relationships with some of them, depending on who your character is and what their background is like.
And of course, Maestros can also have relationships with each other.

This RP will probably be good for 5-6 players.

Supernatural stuff:
Probably some very low-level superhuman abilities, mostly in the psychic skill set or reality bending during the endgame, through helping the Instrument/steering them towards choices. This is going to be rare though. This RP's going to be more psychological than supernatural.

Post length:
About 3000 words max per post, but if you feel like writing more, then go ahead - just make sure they're all essential to your character and the action of your purpose. Keep it short and sweet; one paragraph of awesome is worth ten of needless detail.

RP length:
I want to finish this RP from start to finish, so I'm going to set a post number limit which ends the story. Still deciding on the number, as it will depend on plot and initial player inputs.

Trigger warnings:
Character death is possible. Gore and violence will be a possibility. Cuss all you want.
If you want to make posts that involve explicit sex, I request that you put it in a spoiler though.
Let's keep it SFW.

Will update to edit details and aesthetics soon, just wanted to get the idea into words. Interested?
I'm interested.

General Summary:
For centuries, there have always been people who changed the course of history forever. These are the people who make it into history books, who change the fate of the world, whose names and faces are placed on statues and coins. They are the Instruments.

For centuries, too, there have always been people who could sense the onset of these changes. They have many names: prophets, kingmakers, occultists, but those who recognize themselves call themselves Maestro.

About 20-30 years in the future. Imagine today, but more technologically advanced (iPhone version 56 or whatever) but with increasing environmental and political instability.

Rozenbach State -famously known as The Golden Rose- is the center of the modern world. But it wasn't always that way. In the past few decades, it has experienced tremendous economic growth and technological developments. This is most unprecedented in a state whose only quality export was decorative flowers.

The emergence of recent events have turned everything in the Rozenbach's favor - natural disasters in other states as well as the unprecedented death of important leaders in rival cities have put Rozenbach at an advantage. It is home to a huge percentage of remarkable persons from all professions, legal and illegal, and they have all moved to Rozenbach due to the stability it offers.

However, there are people who grow wary of Rozenbach, as things have gone too well for the state. There are rumors of a conspiracy, and the rest of the world is divided on whether to side with Rozenbach or to go against it. Some say that The Golden Flower is home to people who can change fates, but only time will tell if it can save its own. War looms on the horizon.

Maestro and Instruments can work together to change the fate of the world, whether it be for good or for evil.

Not all Instruments know that they are Instruments, but after a certain age or personal event, Maestro knows his or her own ability and can always detect Instruments. Whether or not he chooses to reveal this knowledge to the Instrument is his choice. Maestro can sense the points where a universe divides from its parallel, but only an Instrument has the power to choose which universe to actualize. The sensations can take the form of any of the five senses, and usually has some sentimental or symbolic value to the Maestro. Every time a Maestro "listens" to the Song, there is a greater chance for the sensations to become negative. Some Maestros have turned insane as a result.

Maestros can work in concert with each other or fight to satisfy their own interests through influencing the Instruments.

Players will be Maestros. Note that this doesn't mean they're literally musicians (though that is possible).
Maestros come from all ages and walks of life. Yes, even a raggedy hobo can be one. Surprise me.
I'll put up a dummy CS soon.

Instruments will be NPCs. You can have relationships with some of them, depending on who your character is and what their background is like.
And of course, Maestros can also have relationships with each other.

This RP will probably be good for 5-6 players.

Supernatural stuff:
Probably some very low-level superhuman abilities, mostly in the psychic skill set or reality bending during the endgame, through helping the Instrument/steering them towards choices. This is going to be rare though. This RP's going to be more psychological than supernatural.

Post length:
About 3000 words max per post, but if you feel like writing more, then go ahead - just make sure they're all essential to your character and the action of your purpose. Keep it short and sweet; one paragraph of awesome is worth ten of needless detail.

RP length:
I want to finish this RP from start to finish, so I'm going to set a post number limit which ends the story. Still deciding on the number, as it will depend on plot and initial player inputs.

Trigger warnings:
Character death is possible. Gore and violence will be a possibility. Cuss all you want.
If you want to make posts that involve explicit sex, I request that you put it in a spoiler though.
Let's keep it SFW.

Will update to edit details and aesthetics soon, just wanted to get the idea into words. Interested?
@Hellion Thanks. Sure, I'll make a non-RL IG first. I like your style!
This looks like a good one.
Is it too late to join?

I'm interested in making a bartender character who is also a friend and under the table benefactor for the candidate. Light physical augmentations (less combat focused, more on getting away and retaining/spreading/containing information).

Maybe a relationship with the reporter character? Probably as a source. Or as someone to spread misleading information among the clientele. Services of that sort.
Crouching Bacon here. Or just Bacon, that rolls off the tongue a little easier.

Used to be a regular on some forum roleplay (remember Batoto, anyone?) but life happened and the site disappeared.
Kinda miss writing stories with other people, and I saw some promising threads, so here we go again.

I also want to try getting better at digital art / art in general, so if you'd like me to draw your OC's feel free to drop me a message.
Disclaimer, I'm not the best artist, but I think I'm getting better. Check my stuff out here.

Anyways, pleased to meet you. o>
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