Avatar of rabidbacon


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1 day ago
Current A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
2 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
4 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
9 days ago
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10 days ago
Curious to finally know what Krabby Patties taste like.


Welcome, stranger.

Most Recent Posts

In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Aku the Samurai I like how Aethalos and Usui feel like polar opposites of a sort if it makes sense. Their functional roles in their respective nations (well, ex-nation in Aethalos' case) are similar but inversely so.
In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Love everyone's images - each one as a unique vibe that's in line with the character.
It almost feels like the photographer's distance implies what sort of person took the picture (professional studio, selfie, friend, stranger, fan, stalker, etc - in no particular order lmao)

Thanks @Mirandae! You captured how I imagined Aethalos' gaze.
i was going to say i've seen you around what the hell

I quietly root for you every time you bump that 1x1
Is... six years too late?

Anyway. Came here years ago as a refugee from Batoto after it shut down (if anyone remembers that site). That was my first forum RP experience, then I drifted to Tumblr RPs (all those pretty themes with text smaller than an ant, but oh so a e s t h e t i c). I've done play-by-post for quite some time now, and I'm here to destress and unwind by punishing and traumatizing my characters (and yours, with consent).

My biases in a random list of mentions are low fantasy, medieval-ish vibes, knights, swordfights (the steel kind, tsk tsk we may also discuss the non-steel kind in DMs, provided it's not the focus, but rather the seasoning, so to speak), anything sapphic, pirates, romantic tension, bromance or friendship bonds forged through conflict, facing insurmountable odds... there's probably more but that's all I can think of for now.

In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"We cannot take you two anywhere with us!"

Aethalos comes with her very own Rain of Sadness as she is perpetually benched
In Regalia 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

She was telling him what he already knew, while spouting words of treachery out loud for even him to hear. Mercy's tongue slithered out, as if to taste her hatred of the Wilds, a putrid, sulfurous substance dripping down onto the ground as he licked his teeth in thought. Did they truly think his kin so easily manipulated? Perhaps he should play along, for now. Humans were born with the insatiable need to slay each other after all, before they even knew of entities like himself.

"Var mor," said the Devourer to them all, a low rumble thundering through his chest, reverberating onto the ground. Pieces of dirt rattled from the resonant sound; he turned his gaze to the one called VV. "Var hal, Coronal ik ar!" The sound rose from the fanged maw, ending in a cry that sounded like gnashing metal and rusted hinges, piercing the desolate air. They would die, they were weak, the King was strong! His words were no warning, but a mere statement of the truth. "Sal linta val mor. Deshu... sal wenta." He would watch them perish, then he would eat them, too. "Teshuel arael." The hearts they had taken, he would take back as vengeance.

His eyes went to the one full of care, savoring how her goodness twisted into fear and anguish. Yes, this lot would do very nicely. She and her companion -the one who knew the words of his kin- seemed to look to his prize with hope. The whiff of it disgusted him. He had to suck that poisonous hope out, like the tender marrow from their fragile, puerile bones. But how?

The answer came in an outstretched hand, the one who offered ignorant in the suffering he was about to receive. Mercy peered into his mind, that great crown of pain that poured darkness into his heart. Each piece of the human's thoughts, all that he had ever felt, it wafted up into Mercy's own senses, like incense for a forbidden, malevolent god.

"Val... No. Izaac," he whispered, the voice quite tender. It was the croon a slavering beast gave in thanks, as its jaws closed upon a throttled neck. "You worthless, wretched child. You let them hurt you, because you want it to hurt." As the Devourer leeched into Val's thoughts, the human would feel a force akin to tendrils closing in around his chest. You seek kindness in murderers, and place trust in traitors. Foolish being. Give thanks, for today, our paths have crossed. I will grant you that which you seek. But be under no illusions that your fortunes have changed. You will never find peace, Izaac Valentino."

The pressure around the man's heart would rise, escalating into blinding pain, the agony of a thousand barbed needles piercing into the cavity of his chest, flooding it with an ancient, forlorn hatred. His ears would ring with the sound of all the anguished cries of those he had loved and slaughtered.

"I am Mercy, the Great Devourer! I forgive you for your weakness... and I grant you a second chance to seek your vengeance."

Only Val would hear his venomous offer, and there was no way he could turn back. Not when it was he whose hand reached out first, to seek the beast. In the passing of a breath, the colossal wild would disappear like the ether, choosing instead to reside within his host, fertile with fresh hurts and future fears.
Words forthcoming, thank you for your patience!
In Regalia 20 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Here's my character, version 2!
Edit: Whoops broke the code for a moment there lmao

@BunniesOfDoom Yes! Sorry for the wait.
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