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True Name: Gajah Mada
Region: Southeast Asia
Class: Saber
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attribute: Heaven

is this rp dead?

No. We're just on a break until next month

As several thugs charged at them, Ian's attention was, first and foremost drawn to the thug carrying a torch. Even someone like Ian, who had survived an underground fighting ring in the 70s had to repress a shudder at the thought. Fire was a universal bane for kindred, and thus priority number one to be taken down.

Evoking the supernatural discipline of Celerity, Ian ran past the thugs that were going for him, intercepting the one armed with a torch. He then delivered a sharp jab to the thug, before following up with a heavy blow to the side of his head. Drawing upon all the supernatural strength afforded to him by the Potence discipline, Ian brutally drove the thug's head into a wall, cracking his skull.

He then shouted, "Anyone else wants to die!? If not, scram!"
Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia wondered why exactly Vesemir was expecting Varenheim's authorities. The elf did not give further explanation, but it seemed peculiar to Carnatia. The expedition had to have been approved by Varenheim, so why was Vesemir expecting the authorities? It was not as if this was part of Vareheim that was regularly patrolled to her knowledge. Was there something about the library that would warrant concern from the authorities?

Carnatia spent the rest of the march back to camp pondering about the possibilities. Unfortunately, each scenario was as baseless as the next. Concluding she had little else to go on except pure speculation, she gave up and quietly followed the rest back to the camp.

As they got closer to the camp, like the others, Carnatia noticed that things were amiss. Only one person was left, and that one person was approaching them with a woodcutter axe.

Carnatia placed her hand on her rapier, ready to draw it from the sheath. In the end, the man recognized the group and did not attack, but revealed that 'something' had taken the rest of the men left to guard the camp.

As Vesemir attempted to calm the man, Carnatia decided to take a look around the camp. He noticed Gray Flame inspecting their supplies, so she left the masked elf to it and instead looked around the perimeter for anything unusual.

Eventually, as Vesemir managed to calm the man, Carnatia returned to the rest of the group to listen to the man's account of what had happened.

Carnatia was of the opinion that the current situation was quite the conundrum. On one hand, those hired help had been made aware of the dangers in this exhibition and pragmatically speaking, looking for the rest of the men would mean taking a detour with no guaranteed chance of even catching up to their kidnapper. On the other hand, not going after them would mean that their camp would be much less secure when they were not around. It might also lower morale among the group as it gives the impression of all of them being expendable.

She supposed in the end, Vesemir would make the call as their employer. Though Carnatia certainly did not envy being in the elf's position.

"The shrieker! Gods! Spare me! Spare me! Forgive me! Please stop!"

Hearing the sudden shout, Carnatia drew her rapier as she focused her mind on any precognition of incoming dangers.


Responding to several remarks regarding her 'esoteric' comment, Aile replied, "Technically, esoteric does not specifically refer to the occult, but in this case, yes, I could confirm that I am referring to more occult things. I was avoiding the term because usually, people are less receptive to it, but it seemed all of you are more open-minded. That's good."

Probably more open-minded than she was when she found out about it.

She continued, "In any case, if you would follow me, I'm sure the rest would explain it in more detail."

Aile then led them deeper into the cemetery, until they reached the clearing where the rest of the duelists gathered.

The Shop owner was the one to speak up, "Aile, I'm glad to see you made it safely. I was beginning to worry; after the last incident, I was beginning to worry about any of us travelling alone...

"I'll let you take over the explanation from here." Aile said with a nod, as she joined them on the other side.

She then listened as Yugi and the rest started to provide explanations.

As Yugi raised his duel boards to allow the rest to see through the spirit viewer, Aile followed suit.

"As you can see, I also have one. These things are called Duel Boards and the magnifying glasses Spirit Viewers. In case some of you think these magnifying glasses are some sort of optical illusion prop that caused you to see those green glow, I can assure you that those are real. We call them 'Ectoplasm'."
Carnatia de Luson

“Hold on, dear.” said Fia as she placed her hand upon Fia’s torso gently as to urge her to not move closer, “The dagger has an influence over the mind as well. While it would be easier to carry, we don’t have a box for it either. It sounds like it used runes to contain the aura.” Fia sighed, “This would be so much easier if… nevermind. If you really want to bring it along, darling, I can try something. But until then or until Forbann can create a box, we should be careful with it. I don’t want it to harm your pretty face.”

Carnatia nodded, "I see. In that case, please do, then. I do not use dagger myself, but I would like to bring it along to have it studied in one of the arcane universities if nothing else.

For a finder's fee, of course. But even aside from that, while the enchantment on the dagger was rather morbid, to Carnatia it was a tool as any other. She could see some of the applications for it. For one in terms of pure warfare, the demoralizing effect of such magic would be devastating as people see their dead comrades rising against them. It also meant that for every single one of their comrades slain, their enemy would gain a soldier.

And while that was most definitely quite the morbid application, Carnatia did not see it as any different than any tool of war. In the best-case scenario, such horrific magic might even act as a deterrence to war.

The skull was one thing, but pragmatically speaking, there really was no reason to not take the dagger along if it could be brought safely.
Carnatia de Luson

Listening to further explanation regarding the skull, Carnatia concluded that it was probably not worth carrying it with her. While it would no doubt fetch a nice price from inquisitive mages, there was no sense bringing it if it could affect the group with its effect, which could be hazardous in a battle.

The only way to carry it safely appeared to be the metal box, which wouldn't be practical. Therefore, it was best to leave it here. The dagger, however, was another matter. It would not work without the skull, but it was still a unique artefact with peculiar enchantment. She could get into some arrangement with one of the arcane universities for a finder's fee. And then she would sell the map to the vault so they could do their own expedition to recover the skull.

That sounded like the best compromise.

"Thank you, Lady Fia, Sir Gray. I think it's best we leave the skull here. I'll be taking the dagger along, however."

"Well, worth a try," Ian said to Enzo, as the boy reported his findings, or lack thereof. They only found this place because of Enzo, so Ian didn't think it would be fair to begrudge him for his failure.

He then turned to Elizabeth, who was lamenting their lack of weapons. Ian replied, "Well, as far as I'm concerned these fists of mine are my weapons. So we're not entirely defenceless. Regardless though, we should still proceed carefully,

A Brujah being the one to warn for caution made for an odd sight, but Ian supposed someone had to. Elizabeth was a bit too reckless because this concerned Ludwig while Steele was too nonchalant. Enzo was cautious, but the Giovanni was not one to say his thoughts out loud.

Bonsoir, my brothers. Sister. I have to say, I expected a much better venue for our little reunion.”

It was then, that another 'sibling' of theirs joined them, his loyal ghoul dog by his side.

"Would have appreciated you showing up earlier, but at least you're here now. Considering we're up against people who could kidnap Ludwig, we'd need all the help we could get, Ian said, greeting Ralph. He then glanced at the massive Sheperd dog by his side. Having her wouldn't hurt either.

As the group gathered around the backdoor, Ian turned to Ralph, "You mind going in first? Use your discipline just in case. I'll go in after and engage our opposition if any,

Out of the five of them gathered there, Ralph had always been the most resilient. Should there be an ambush, Ralph had the best chance to survive unscathed. After that, Ian, as the most combat-oriented would go in and hopefully quickly take them down while they were focusing on Ralph.
By the way, how are we bringing Adamastor's character in?
Carnatia de Luson

"I am not judging," replied Gray. "I am just finding it strange. In any case, the question remains as to whether we should bring it along or not. It's definitely not just a paperweight, and according to Theriadore both the dagger and the skull are technically inseparable. I shall not act like a morality police here and implore you to not take them, but keep in mind that they belong to the Demons, and there is always blood spilled for every unholy artifact they make."

"I'd still take it if you ask me." Vesemir stated, "To me, there are no evil artifacts, only evil hands that wield them. All things created lack inherent will."

"That's...not answering my question of whether they can be transported, Sir Gray. On another note, apologies if my manner of speaking comes across as too formal, it is simply how I've spoken for most of my life."

Carnatia did try to speak less formally to be more approachable by clients and fellow adventurers, but she gave up on that front as it simply made her speech awkward and stilted, causing her to appear less professional.

She continued, "I agree, Sir Vesemir. However the issue is, as that skull could demoralize people near it, the skull could jeopardize our expedition if we do not have a reliable way of transporting it safely."

Finally, she turned to Fia, "What do you think, Lady Fia? Is it possible for us to transport it reliably?"

If it was not possible, Carnatia would leave them be, as much as she wanted to bring them along. She might be fond of valuables, but recklessly stupid she was not. Furthermore, it would be unbecoming of her to endanger the expedition and the rest of the party.
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