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Aile saw Tobias groaning the moment he saw her, before approaching the gate reluctantly, all the while groaning. She couldn't quite make out what he was grumbling about, but she was reasonably certain it wasn't anything flattering.

She sighed, "Trust me, it was not as if I was jumping at the fact that you have been chosen either. So the feeling's mutual. You would most likely have questions, but I will address them later once everyone is here."

After a while, more people showed up, those who had received the invitation and chose to show up, at least.

Aile then spoke up, "Good Evening, everyone. Thank you for coming. We've seen each other in the tournament, but allow me to once more introduce myself, my name is Aile Schulze. I am supposed to be your guide this evening, so to speak. You are here because the organisation I am representing would like to extend an invitation for all of you to join us. To put it in simple terms we are a group consisting of skilled duelists who are involved in the more...'esoteric' aspects of the Duel Monster Trading Card Game. It is not something that I can explain easily, but I believe that it will become clearer in the course of this evening's activity. Further instruction, as Miss Turner had pointed out, is on the gate, you may peruse it at your leisure. Meanwhile, I will address questions you may have, though keep in mind, I am not privy to everything or have permission to answer certain matters."
Carnatia de Luson

Feeling more at ease after receiving an explanation regarding the skull, Carnatia turned her attention back to the skull and dagger. The dagger was undoubtedly useful, morbid, but useful...And she was quite the pragmatic woman. Besides, if nothing else, she was quite sure she could sell it to some prominent mage for them to study in exchange for a decent bit of money. The problem was that it could only work with the skull, and the skull was...problematic to say the least, with the biggest issue being if she could even transport it without coming under its effect.

She was under no illusion that she was skilled enough in the arcane to fully understand what would be feasible or not, therefore, the correct course of action was to seek the expertise of another.

Within the group, Gray Flame appeared to be the most knowledgeable regarding matters in this land, but considering he hadn't been very forthcoming, Carnatia thought it wise to also have a second opinion.

She turned to the rest of the group, as she approached Gray Flame and Fia.

"Pardon me, Sir Gray, Lady Fia? I'd like your opinions on that skull over there if it's not too much trouble. Would it be feasible for us to transport it safely?

@Randomness@Mas Bagus
Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia watched as Vesemir denied that he had a clear idea of what the hologram was talking about, and instead turned to Gray Flame. While Carnatia still had some doubts, she also realized that questioning Vesemir further would not yield any results, even if he were hiding something. So instead, Carnatia turned to Gray Flame instead, as he started to elaborate.

Gray's masked visage shifted at the tubular container, and he tilted his head. "We have prepared enough. But fine. One of the legends says Luithiel is still alive, and that legends spurred many speculations and twisted tales, that she was cursed; that she was awakened as... our primordial form, and the craziest of it, she denied the recall.

As usual, Gray Flame's vague way of speaking was vexing, but Carnatia had an inkling of what they were talking about. As a former daughter to a very prominent noble house, like her siblings, she received the best education possible in Westernant, and perhaps due to her sense of duty, Carnatia had always been an overachiever, delving into the more esoteric academic subjects such as theology and philosophy than what was mandated. It was not that she was particularly interested, it was merely that the fact she had received the chance, she felt it was only proper she learn all she could. 'If a job's worth doing, it worth doing well' so to speak.

And thus, she had learned at one point that one of the purported origins of the elves was angels. As such, this primordial form Gray Flame spoke of, must have been angel. Probably even more concerning, however, was the fact that the rumour would fit with what the holographic elf and Vesemir said. Vesemir had said that the purpose of the scroll was to weaken Luithiel, and the holographic elf said that he hoped we would put 'her' to rest. Something that Vesemir appeared to have also picked up.

Carnatia was not particularly enthused at the prospect of possibly facing this spirit Gray Flame spoke of, but...

"My opinion is irrelevant. You are the boss. You point the place and I bring you there, anything that stands between us and your goal is a roadblock. You can either turn back or push through, and I'll support you either way."

"Quite right. Our contract does not have any stipulations that we would not face spirits...or a 'primordial elf'. Therefore, if as our employer you would continue our expedition, it is only right for us to follow. We signed up for it, after all."

Yes, Carnatia was not particularly enthused. But a job was a job, and she had agreed to escort Vesemir in this expedition, so she would do it.

She then continued, "In any case, thank you for clearing that up, Sir Vesemir, Sir Gray. Now then, if you would excuse me, I think I will continue to look around a bit more."

There were some things that caught her attention earlier, two of them, the polearm and the bow were being inspected by Tillius and Roxas, which left a couple more items.

She walked over to the workshop desk, pocketing the red gemstones, before turning to the peculiar curio of the eerie skull and a dagger.

Carnatia unsheathed her rapier, as she reached out with her mana, like what she did to the Ent earlier, attempting to see if she could find out what magics exist within the skull and dagger, if any.
@RickyG85Kero and VariousNW confirm they’re dropping out on the discord server.
All right. So just in case if anyone stumbled over this, we're at spacebattle. Feel free to hop in if you're interested
Carnatia de Luson

"Thank you," Carnatia said to Roxas as she finished healing her and moved on to heal the others. She slowly stood up, testing if her now healed leg could support her weight now.

Feeling no pain after she placed her weight on it, she then moved on satisfied, following the others to the next room.

As with the rest of the group, the appearance of the mysterious holographic man surprised her, prompting Carnatia to draw her rapier in reflex.

Then, like a snuffed-out flame, the holographic man disappeared. Vesemire looked to his left and right, and Gray did the same: checking every gap and trapdoor, lest there be traps and contraptions suddenly sprung open. They found none.

"Relax… it seems whoever or whatever assuming the form of Theriadore had no ill intent."
After saying that the monocled elf turned back, heeding the warning, and continued to browse the rest of the exhibits displayed.

While it was true that Carnatia's precognition was not triggered, while Carnatia sheathed her rapier, she did not drop her guard and instead kept her hand on its handle, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. After the previous injuries she suffered against the golem, she would rather not get another one just because she dropped her guard.

With that thought in mind, she browsed the rest of the exhibits. Who knows, perhaps with her Golden Prerogative she would find something valuable. It was a skill commonly found among the nobility. Some say it was proof of their Divine Right to rule granting them supernatural luck, others simply believed it to be a skill that had been naturally cultivated among the nobles to help them amass riches, which allowed them to negotiate prices better and be drawn to the most valuables items nearby when exploring. Whichever the case, it was a useful skill.

"Good Lord, look at that! It looks like what we are looking for."

Inside that box was a tubular container made of embellished wood. When the Archeologists walked forth to claim it, that holographic entity showed up again, this time sitting on the chair next to the pedestal.

"I assume you pick that up with a reason. Otherwise, it would be nothing but a deadweight for you." Despite its roundabout fashion of saying things, the expression of unreal Theridaore feigned a deep concern. "It was created for one and only purpose. And if its service is needed again, then my biggest fear has come into being. It's such a terrible fate that she has to endure a thousand years of restlessness. I hope your efforts will put an end to her misery".

Her search was interrupted once more by the appearance of the holographic man, seemingly reacting to something Vesemir found. The last part of what the man said appeared peculiar to Carnatia. The fact that he said that the item was created for one purpose only. And the implication that it is to put 'her' into rest.

Carnatia remembered what Vesemir said back in the camp. That their purpose here was to seek an item that could help them navigate through the Land of Twilight's negative energy, on the surface, it did not seem to match up with what the holographic man was saying. But what if, perhaps dealing with the Land of Twilight's negative energy is tangential to putting 'her' to rest? If that is the case, then the next question would be how much Vesemir knew. Was that the true purpose of his expedition?

As light that washed over them subsided, Carnatia turned to Vesemir,

"Sir Vesemir. What do you think of that mysterious man's statement? The one about how that parchment you held having only one purpose, to put 'her' to rest? What would that mean? And who do you think this 'her' is?"
@Randomguy I'm not familiar with that forum, too be honest I've pretty much limited myself to the side of RPG after awhile.

It’s this forum would it be an issue for you?
So I tried asking around in spacebattle, and it seems like there might be more interest there. @Lurking Krog do you mind if we move this to that forum?

Same for @XxFellsingxX@Letter Bee too if you guys are still interested
Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia winced in pain at her burns, her practising meditation being the only thing allowing her to keep a facade of composure. That...could have gone better, but could probably be much worse also. Still, given that the laser was still that powerful even after being weakened by her dispelling strike, perhaps it was for the best.

Before long, Roxas was beside her, as she started healing her wounds. Immediately, Carnatia felt her pain lessen as her burn wounds started to heal.

"Thank you. Er...we actually have that brooch from that dilapidated house, perhaps it would—"

Before Carnatia finished, Tillius knelt before the two and took out the brooch. Carnatia gave him a nod of gratitude as he left to put out the fire.

“That was daring, darling. I’m so glad you were not seriously hurt.”

"Thank you for your concern. Yes, I suppose looking back it was rather reckless, but I did believe that was the correct action to take. Still do, actually. Though yes, it would be nice if I could have avoided being burnt."

I am interested as well. I might be a bit more limited in posting capability as life is a bit busy at this time.

Sure, I don't mind a laxer pace.
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