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Carnatia de Luson

As the golem started behaving erratically, Carnatia's divination magic skill activated, as she caught glimpses of what the golem would do. Not an explosion as some in the group had thought, but rather, cauterizing gashes that acted as a 'spread and pray' of a laser it had tried to fire.

And so, Carnatia had a choice to make. Would she take refuge within the barrier, entrusting her safety to Roxas' spell, or should she attempt to dodge the beam and move in to fully disable the golem through disenchantment? The first option was clearly the safer option, but that also meant fully trusting her safety to someone else, not to mention what if the beams caused damages to valuables that were in here? That would be such a waste, of course, that also meant taking a risk of being vaporized by the laser.

The decisive question would be if she could trust her reflexes enough to dodge as her precognition warned her of the lasers' trajectories. Or better still, if she could strike it in time before it fired the lasers. Either way, she had to decide quickly, as she noticed Fia changing into a bird and rushing inside the barrier.

Judging the distance between her to the golem and her to Roxas, she was actually closer to the golem, and so, if she couldn't make it to the golem before it fired, she couldn't make it to the safety of the barrier before it fired.

And so she ran towards the golem, rapier in hand as she suffused it with disenchantment magic. Her mind sharpened, focusing on the precognition of possible attack her divination magic allowed her access to while honing into the golem, looking for that one singular vital weak spot for her to strike. The Zen focus her master taught her, the same one she had used to avoid the phantoms, now fully being used as how they were intended, to find the best spot to strike at the golem's head where the mana was gathering.

Her all-or-nothing gambit.
I would like to be a Spellsword if I do join, btw.

Sure here's their wiki page on spellsword

Skyrim: Apotheosis

The year is 203 of the Fourth Era, twenty-eight years since the end of the Great War between the Empire of Men and the Aldmeri Dominion of the Elves. A war that ended with the White-Gold Concordat, a controversial treaty that saw the Empire agreeing to ban the worship of Talos, the founder of the Empire and one of their Nine Divines, as well as ceding part of its territory of Hammerfell to the Aldmeri Dominion. Two years ago, internal tension within the Empire caused by the controversial treaty erupted in the form of a civil war in the province of Skyrim, as some among its Jarls sought to secede from the Empire. Two years ago, just as the Empire seemingly was about to execute Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion, the dragons—hitherto thought to be extinct—returned, putting a halt to the civil war as Skyrim was forced to deal with the Dragon Crisis. In a different timeline, one where the Imperial Moth Priests might peer through the Elder Scrolls, a doom-driven hero rose against Alduin, the dragon of the end times. The Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn. This is not that timeline, there was no dragonsouled mythical dragonslayer of legend, and so in a mere two years, chaos swept across the land of Skyrim, the Fatherland of Men, and is now threatening to spread into the rest of the continent.

Welcome to Skyrim: Apotheosis. All right, so first of all, despite the name, this RP does not, in fact, have any connection with the widely anticipated Skyrim Mod Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis set to release in 2025, the name is just a coincidence. This is basically an RP using a modified DnD 5th edition set two years in Skyrim after an AU of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, where the main character of the game, the Dragonborn, just wasn't a thing, and so things go from bad to worse for Skyrim. The player characters are part of the Dragonbane Vanguard, a coalition of armies from all across Tamriel that was formed in 4E 202 after Skyrim fell to the dragons, its mission is to defeat the dragons and liberate Skyrim. Due to your characters' accomplishments, you have been gathered to form one of the elite mobile task forces, intended to be the tip of the spears for the campaign to liberate Skyrim.

As mentioned, this would be modified DnD 5th ed. To be specific, we'll be using the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Table Top Roleplaying Game based on 5th edition DnD. The basic 1.4 rulebooks will be the basis of the system, but feel free if you want to bring stuff in from the supplements they have on the site. There is also a wiki for more ease of access.

While knowledge of Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls (henceforth TES) in general would certainly help, feel free to jump in even with little to no knowledge of the original franchise. I'm not intending to run the RP under the assumption that the players are familiar with TES lore.

The tone of the RP would be power fantasy. That is to say, while you won't start as OP beings of mass destruction, TES is a setting choke-full of stories of mortals rising up far beyond their station. So this will be an RP where the plan is to have the characters go on a journey where they will end up as powerful entities. Think of Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous RPG as the sort of power fantasy tone.

To start with, I'd like a minimum of 4 players, so we'll see how it goes.


If you've ever dabbled in TES lore, you'd probably know that the unreliable narrator is key. The lore of TES is written from the perspective of in-universe with many conflicting accounts and theories, and aside from the hard canon of what's shown in the game, it's up to the players' headcanon to determine what is true or false. So in this case, as the GM, I would be using my own interpretation to fill in the blanks, so to speak.

That being said, I'm willing to be flexible with it, if there is an aspect of the lore your character's backstory can't work without, like say, Argonian pulling the uno reverse card on Mehrunes Dagon during the Oblivion crisis being true rather than just a propaganda, feel free to notify me, and barring some extraordinary reason, I'll canonize it. Or even just wanting to fully integrate your backstory into the lore of the world.

Now that the foreword is done with, here are a couple of lore that are relevant to the RP or might be helpful to newcomers to TES. Again, you don't really need to know all this, but I'm the type of guy who would usually be hooked mostly on the lore, so just in case some of you are like me. Though the basic premise of this RP AU is on the Dragon Crisis part.


As noted above, we're using the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Table Top Roleplaying Game based on 5th edition DnD, with the milestone system for levelling up instead of the traditional EXP system. Players are not exactly newbies, so your character will start at level 5.

Here is an overview of the classes available in the core rulebook. But they do have others in their other supplements, so feel free to grab one from those if you're interested

I think it's @VarionusNW and @Kero left

Ian was glad that they managed to avoid escalating the encounters with the drunk men earlier. Avoiding escalation meant less risk of a masquerade breach. Less risk of a masquerade breach meant fewer complications. Although...there was a part of Ian that felt disappointed he did not get to sink his fist into those men, a...form of stress relief using the stupid mortals who just can't help but pick a fight. The night was already frustrating enough for Ian, due to the fact that it was becoming more likely that Ludwig's disappearance was caused by certain parties rather than self-inflicted, meaning the possibility they would need to confront people who were able to take down a Brujah of the 9th generation like Ludwig.

...Nailing a liver shot or two would at least allow him to vent.

Of course, Ian realized that was but the Beast speaking, amplifying the Brujah's curse for rage. Succumbing to it would only prove to do more harm than good. Indulging on it in a fight was one thing, but succumbing to the rage while they were about to confront people who were likely to be stronger than they were was foolishness. And so, Ian spent the remainder of the car ride calming himself down.

Once they arrived at the old apartment, Ian told Alex, who was driving the car the same as when they stopped in the club earlier, to be on standby and not to turn off the car's engine. His ghoul nodded, before wishing him luck.

Ian then joined the others, as they were discussing plans.

"I am against splitting up. Remember, we are against people who were able to kidnap a 9th-generation Elder Brujah like Ludwig. We mustn't split our forces. For now, it's probably best to find out more."

He turned to Enzo, "Any ghost around here that might be amenable to help us out?"

Carnatia de Luson

As the Golem dealt with her mirror image, Carnatia noticed that it was making a deliberate attempt to avoid striking at the support pillars, Carnatia surmised that it was programmed to not damage the structure of this place. Which suggested that those pillars would make effective shields.

Focusing her mind to perceive the golem's next attack as much as possible through her prescient defence, Carnatia ran towards the golem, using the pillars as a cover. She emerged, having cast her mirror image once more, her rapier coated in disenchanting magic. She wouldn't be able to disenchant the golem in a single strike, but perhaps it was just the crystal, she might be able to shut it down or prevent it from exploding.

Keeping her attention of the golem's attacks, both those presently happening and those she foresaw through her prescient defence, Carnatia moved in, attempting to disable the crystal.
Carnatia de Luson

As the golem activated and her fellow party members were throwing out ideas on how to engage the golem, Carnatia stepped forward. Taking charge was not her first inclination, but when no one else was stepping up, she supposed she would. Third child or not she was a former daughter of a prestigious family with a knighthood lineage expected to lead armies. So she had some training.

"If the issue is avoiding destroying the eye, I believe I might have a solution. I would not be able to disenchant it in one strike of my blade, but with several, perhaps I could have it cease functioning. Those well-versed in close combat should form ranks and be the vanguard. Keep the golem busy. Those with ranged capabilities, spells or otherwise, provide cover fire to create an opening. I will attempt to slip past it and strike the golem and dispel its enchantment. If you have any spells that would help me do so, do cast it. If you have any objections, speak now before the golem fully activates!"

As she gave out orders, she cast her illusion magic, making eight copies of herself. While they were incorporeal, just with the ranged attacks she had ordered them to do, it would increase the amount of information the golem would have to process, leading to a greater chance of it showing an opening.
Carnatia de Luson

As the group started moving, Carnatia noticed Fia approaching her, before starting a conversation.

Fia jogged a little to catch up with Carnatia. Between her, the lantern, and Gray Flame, the light flame shared between them held something familiar. “That light. What is it? How are you radiating it?”

With a little shrug, Carnatia replied, "You would have to ask Sir Gray, I'm afraid. I was merely following his instructions.

She then added with a small sigh, "Though good luck prying the answers off him."

They then continued their journey, as Vesemir and Gray led them further inside the ruins, where Carnatia noticed the phantoms receding, creeping just around the corner but no longer swarming. Still, not wanting to be caught in whatever it was the phantoms were doing, Carnatia did her utmost to ignore them. Without them swarming her and their incessant whispers, it was a much easier task.

Eventually, they reached a building with two pillar columns placed at its entrance.

"This is the building." Said Vesemir enthusiastically.

He then spared a moment to speak to Forbann, telling him that he could rest here and keep watch. The Armored Oni agreed with that plan.

"When the Prince of Isrion attacked the City, dozens of Lasse residents took refuge here." Rambled the elf as they climbed the stairs. "Theriadore was indeed a powerful magician, the record said the Human Prince tried to besiege this building, but the Magistrate's enchantment made it impenetrable."

Pausing to sigh and caress the pillar, Vesemir spoke again, his tone changed from somber to utter disgust.

"Makes you wonder if things could have ended differently if he was here, rather than be seated in Alkautsar Council. It happened generations ago, but my blood boils whenever I think about this piece of history. The sheer incompetence was infuriating, and all of that was just for political gain. Luithiel did nothing wrong! She did what a leader was supposed to do, to make That accursed Black Armored prince pay the ultimate price. Mark my words, she was sentenced as a hero."

"Though, someone might argue that she was too excessive with her method," murmured Gray Flame as he followed the monocled elf into the building.

"True, I must admit that Theriador too would definitely agree with that proposition, but in Luithiel's defense, excessiveness was the response to the inadequacy of those who are supposed to be in charge. Lukman's death was unfortunate, but Varenheim's inability to see things perspicaciously was not without blame either..."

As she had thought, an elf like Vesemir perceived that war differently than the more mainstream interpretation, at least in the human lands. To the elves, the war was at most an excessive to Serensiel's tyranny, to the humans—who won, and thus wrote history—the war was justified and was retribution to Serensiel's perceived threat and aggression. Prince Isrion was even somewhat romanticized as a hero, especially in Westernant since it has absorbed his kingdom. At worst, the mainstream interpretation of human historians was that his more questionable acts were meant as a deterrent and in the long run saved more lives by squashing any possible retaliation after the war by the elves.

Carnatia's thought on the matter, as with most things, was that the truth probably lies in the middle of the two extremes. No doubt that Isrion rose against Serensiel's tyranny, but he also committed atrocities that he probably could do without. Still, war is war, both will have committed atrocities, and as the dust settles, the victors will exalt their leaders as heroes and the enemy leaders as villains. It was simply the way of the world. It was what it was. To Carnatia it was not abhorrent nor was it virtuous, it was merely how the world—and politics—work. Just as if the reverse happened, no doubt Varenheim would've done the same.

Of course, Vesemir was free to think what he thought, as long as he fulfilled his end of the contract, Carnatia did not particularly care what he thought of that war. Perhaps if she was still a noble of Westernant she would be concerned with a prominent historian having such a conflicting opinion with her kingdom's official narrative and stance, because protecting their kingdom—including their dignity and political standing—was the obligation of a noble. But she was no longer a noble, so it really was none of her business.

And so she followed the rest of the group silently until they reached the library, where a statue can be seen at the end of the hall, as if guarding the door behind it.

"Heads up! It's not an ordinary statue." Warned Gray Flame, raising his hand to make everyone stop their advance.

"A golem?"

"Looks like it. And the expensive one at that, they made a few of it in Nuria to guard important facilities. This one was custom-made, kinda what to expect from someone like Theriadore. It's still on standby mode, see that crystal on its head? It glows with a faint light, which means it is saving its power, but the battery capacity is still adequately loaded. The crystal serves as its eye, the targeting module, and in battle mode, it can be charged up to fire a powerful energy beam."

"Awfully knowledgable about this kind of thing, aren't you?"

The Masked elf, with his masked face, could only stare at Vesemir with his trademark blank expression. "Only a bit. Anyway, what do you think? Do you have a century-old-something from the black market that we can use to get rid of that thing?"

He then turned to everyone else. "What about you guys? Ever had any experience with a magical construct before?"

Carnatia replied, "I do have experience disenchanting magical construct in general, though I'm not sure how effective it would be on a golem.

@Mas Bagus@Randomness
She's basically standing with wherever the rest of the welcoming committee are. So depends on where @RickyG85 is placing them

Aile was in a bad mood as she arrived at the cemetery the night after the tournament, her mind could not help by wander to the tournament itself. She had won the entire tournament, but her performance itself was subpar. There was that round against Tobias, that she was looking forward to for 'stress relief', and while she did beat him handily, she made a critical mistake of missing the timing for Sacred Artorigus. She did beat him thoroughly—because his deck was not optimal, to say the least—but her mistake marred what should have been a cathartic victory for all the troubles the younger boy had caused her...Even more irksome was the fact that he was also one of those given the special invite, meaning she possibly had to deal with him even more now.

After that, she advanced into the next round, where she faced another one who had been given a special invitation, Claire Turner. She did better than her match against Tobias, and advanced to the final round, where once more, she faced someone who was eventually given the special invite Anthony Arden. While she ultimately won the match and thus, the tournament, she once more made a mistake. She had forgotten that Merdaut became a five star with an equipped card, and thus can't be used to XYZ summon the 4 star, King of Noble Knight Artorigus, only to also forget that Borz also can become a 5 star if equipped with an equipped card she had on her hand, thus allowing her to XYZ summon the 5 star Sacred Artorigus. And probably the worst part of that final match was that she had the impression that her opponent had bad draws, meaning she also couldn't say she won that match due to sheer skills.

And that fact frustrated Aile. She was well aware that rather than pure skill, her deck—which was only possible to be constructed due to her very well-off financial situation—played a major role in her victory. And while that was simply the nature of a trading card game, it was not good enough for Aile. She would have been frustrated with her performance if it was but a mere card game, but now that she knew it was connected to a secret underground society? Simply relying on her deck alone wouldn't cut it.

She sighed, as she joined the rest of the society's members as part of the welcoming committee for those given the invites at yesterday's tournament.
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