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Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia watched as the shadows started to disperse, and those who had been affected awaked from their reverie, being checked over by Vesemir. She did not know what effect that fire Gray Flame helped her make had on the phantoms, but it seemed to have worked.

Whatever it was, it had better be worth it, she thought, considering how drained she was right now and not to mention the initial searing pain when the fire first manifested.

"Sir, Vesemir, are they all right? We must move now. The tranquility wont last for too long." someone said, and it was Gray Flame, with Carnathia standing between them and the lantern. A white, refined blaze danced on his palm, providing additional light that also seemed to be keeping the curious shadows and malicious darkness at bay.

'Tranquility won't be lasting wrong? What exactly is this man alluding to now?' Carnatia thought in exasperation. At this point, she was starting to think that Gray Flame was literally incapable of speaking clearly instead of in allusion, riddles, or other obfuscating manners.

Still, the urgency in his voice was clear enough, and thus, Carnatia stood up and drew her rapier just in case. A moment later, a horrifying scream pierced the night's air, most likely the 'something that would disturb the tranquility' Gray Flame had alluded to.

As Vesemir urged the party to move, Carnatia nodded, as she took her position behind Gray Flame and Engelbert.
@RickyG85 Should the duels be made into posts, or just mentioned in passing as we skip to nighttime?
Hmmm... you know what, yeah, y'all go ahead and do that. I'll make an edit to my post to accommodate the tournament still going on

Okay. Could you make a discord server or something so we can coordinate it, then?

Since winning wasn't actually important, I chose not to spend too much time on it.

I mean sure, but we still kinda have to decide how it went down, no? RP wise, it would be sort of weird if our character never talk about it. Especially considering how some have stake on the tournament.

Henry has Beatrice wanting him to win, Aile and Toby want to beat each other, Lucy wants the thrill of gambling, and so on
It would be hilarious if none of the PCs won the tourney.

Yugi secretly enters the tourney and crushed all of us with the Heart of Cards
So what happened to the rest of the tournament? Do we just talk among ourselves how it went down?
Seeing it in action (Thanks, World), I have to admit the duelbook log is better suited to a rp focused yugioh rp than my initial plan. I'll still encourage players to do whatever they're most comfortable with, but duelbook is pretty solid.

How do duelbook work, anyway? Just duel a random opponent and copy the log, or do they have AI/bot. @The World

Ian watched Enzo browsing something on his phone—presumably as part of the deal with the ghost—as the two waited for Elizabeth and Steele to meet them.

Before long, Elizabeth and Steele arrived in the alleyway, with Elizabeth in the lead, looking somewhat irritated. If Ian had to guess, she was probably irritated that Steele appeared to be taking Ludwig's disappearance lightly. After spending about a century together, Ian was reasonably certain that was what happened, judging from the two's temperament.

What have you found?” Elizabeth asked as soon as she approached.

"You'd have to ask Enzo the details once he's finished with our 'ghostly informant', but in short, Ludwig's possibly held in a house on the Lower East Side. Listen, we cannot go without a plan, if they did manage to kidnap, we're dealing with—"

Ian stopped, as several men entered the alleyway, armed with makeshift weapons such as bottles and bike chains.

Ian sighed, as he threw an exasperated look at Elizabeth and Steele. Why couldn't they have kept a low profile?! They had already have enough issues as is!

Still, remembering this was not the time or place, he pushed down the boiling rage that was common to Brujah and regained his self-control.

"Friends of yours from the club?" he asked sardonically.

He then turned to Steele, "Look, just do your thing."

Ian was skilled enough in oratory skills, but his was mostly intended for a reasonable audience open to reason and dialectics, drunk people from the bar... were most certainly not the types of people amenable to reason. For people such as these, Steele's repertoire was much better suited. Furthermore, in the worst-case scenario, Steel was more trained in the Presence Discipline than Ian was, which should take care of these mortals easily enough.

Gesturing for Steele to come with him, Ian approached the group of men.

"Good Evening, Gentlemen. Anything we can help you with?"

Carnatia de Luson

As Carnatia recited the verses Gray Flame uttered, fire appeared in her right hand. It was a pleasant feeling—at least at first—what was a warm and comforting sensation upon her palm turned to blazing agony soon enough as the fire burned wildly, engulfing her palm. She flinched and gritted her teeth.

'Sir Gray did at least give out a warning this time...' she thought sardonically.

"Steady," murmured the masked elf as she squeezed her left hand. The fire was warm again like there was a translucent barrier insulating her palm from the burning flame. However, true to his warning earlier, the mysterious power quickly drained her and the longer the fire remained, the more she felt like she was steaming from the inside.

"You are trying to invoke the power of those you never knew before," warned Gray Flame. "And without my barrier, that might hurt you. But my power can only bargain, not to repel this grace. So while the grace still tolerates you, you must pick those you deem worthy and give them the light. That would help them defeat the phantoms."

After saying that, the fire on Carnathia's hand swirled and concentrated on her palm before refining itself into a radiant glow. Gray Flame released his grip on her other hand and exclaimed.

"Go! Before you burn yourself!"

As the pain receded she nodded. She would rather him explain a bit more about exactly what this would do so she could make a correct judgment of who 'the worthy one' was. But she supposed she had no choice now.

Gray Flame bestowed it to Roxas, as for the rest...

Carnatia briefly remembered the flashes of image her skill briefly showed her as a warning. Images of a horrific battlefield. Most of the people still trapped had either a military background or the bearings of one who had served in the army she often found on knights who had served formally in Westernant's army. And thus, hopefully, would be more used to the sight. The one who had the highest chance of being affected the most by such sights were...

She ran toward Fia, and following what Gray Flame had done, she grasped Fia's hand with her right, now glowing with radiant white light. As it was with Roxas, the light enveloped Fia, clinging to her.

@Mas Bagus@Randomness
Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia watched as Vesemir and Gray Flame conversed in old elvish. As the former daughter of a Duke Household Carnatia was familiar with modern Elvish used in Varenheim, but as was the case when Gray Flame beckoned her to speak with the Ent earlier, she couldn't quite decipher the old elvish they were using.

It appeared that the two were arguing, until eventually, Gray Flame relented, retracting his hand before turning back to Carnatia.

"If you believe I deserve those words of blame, then I accept it. However, there is a reason for my caution. We are not supposed to speak about the shadows in detail, especially not in this Land of Twilight. Discussing what they can do and how to counter them is like declaring an open challenge that might be answered by even more perilous treachery. And for that reason, I preferred to keep them away from everyone's mind by not telling, letting them not be engraved too deep in everyone's mind, forgotten and ignored."

Carried by the howling wind that suddenly blew around them, both could hear the whispering intensified into pugnacious curses and loathsome wailing.

"But my dear Carnathia, since we have opened Pandora's box and you asked if there is something we can do from our side..."

He beckoned the noblewoman to follow and offered his hand.

"Before we go further, A fair warning! This... what I am about to do will be very taxing for those who are untrained, and we don't know what's ahead of us after we escape from this darkness. Sieze my hand if you would not heed my warning, and repeat what I say."

Carnatia wanted to ask in more detail what exactly they were doing, but given the situation of the phantoms' activity rising into a crescendo, she decided not to. Despite all her misgivings with Gray Flame, Carnatia realized that the mysterious elf was trying to help in his own convoluted and cryptic way, and so she did believe that what he was offering was an attempt to help.

To be honest, having just met, Carnatia did not care enough about any of these people on a personal level to risk herself to save them, however...for one, in terms of pragmatism, losing party members this early into the expedition is not ideal, but more than that, as a Carnatia they were bound by unspoken social contract that was integral for any party to function. Just as how to her, Gray Flame had broken that contract by withholding vital information, helping each other in peril was integral to trust between party members, which in turn, was paramount for an effective party on an expedition.

Indeed, fulfilling that unspoken social contract as a 'party' was the duty of each and every single one of the members, and so...

Carnatia seized Gray Flame's extended hand.

"I'll follow your lead on this...for the time being, at least."

She then repeated the words after Gray Flame.

"Im liuth difyn anan Ar Malik faldirian
Uin sharri nan Së eän
Adh uin sharri ghāsiqin húrun
Adh uin sharri húnas caran núlëd
Adh uin sharri ḥāsidan malam ḥāsad"

@Mas Bagus
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