Carnatia de Luson
As they reached the camp, Carnatia was more than ready to curl up on her bed sheet, perhaps after a nice cup of tea brewed using her enchanted tea set that could brew various flavours. Maybe green tea? No, on second thought, probably apple cider was more to her fancy right now. After that trip through the damp and misty forest at night, a warm apple cider would be good. It was not something that could be brewed easily in a camp like this, but fortunately, it WAS an enchanted tea set. It was quite expensive, Carnatia had to borrow some money and ended up using her rapier as collateral, but it worked out in the end, she managed to scrounge up just enough money to pay it back. was quite close and she was about a day short of losing her rapier.
"My wisdom can wait until I get a chance to close my eyes. For five or six hours, at least." Gray answered. "Until then, I would be no use to you. I am not a doctor you can consult on, Roxas is. though I am not sure if you will hear a lot of good news, even from her."
Though...before the tea, there was probably one matter they should arrange as the group.
"I quite agree that I also would like nothing else but a peaceful slumber right about now, however...It wouldn't do for us to get ambushed. We need to take turns watching the camp, to be safe. So...shall we cast lots?"