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Are you guys still accepting people?

"However, I know the True Name of this man, and as such I know his character quite well. He has been summoned young, perhaps not as wise as he would be in his prime.. But he is honourable to a fault. That is to say, he is no liar. I do not know if what he says is the truth of the matter, but I am certain that he has no intention of leading us astray."

Gajah Mada replied, "Ah yes, on that matter...we also knew his identity, and yours too, actually, turning to Shielder, she added, "The young Emperor there did shout it out for everyone to see. By this point, I imagine that most participants are already aware, I doubt that my master was the only one who had surveillance set up."

It was quite unfortunate for Rider, Jan Sobieski. The manner by which Constantine ousted his identity was through something rather vague that it might as well be a lucky guess. But now, he has been identified by everyone who was watching. She wondered if Constantine had a high-luck parameter or some sort of skill that allowed him to make a correct guess from such a vague starting point. If so, then she had better be careful around him.

Gajah Mada continued, "That aside...let us say that we could trust his character by virtue of who he is...

Truth be told, her Moksha's skill, able to see things free of preconceptions did seem to support Jan's assertion. From what she could perceive, Constantine truly believed what he was saying and seemed to generally believe he was doing the right thing.

But...there was no way she'd say that, risking them identifying her from the skill.

"...however, that is not a guarantee that perhaps Shielder had been misled. Or even that he believes that deceiving us is righteous for the sake of the greater good."

To Gajah Mada, a ruler, either an Emperor or a King need to be unblemished, standing as an embodiment of the philosophy that galvanized and moved their nations. It was the responsibility of their adjutants to make the necessary compromise as a bridge between idealism and pragmatism.

Therefore, as Emperor of a Holy Empire, Constantine should be a paragon of virtue, however...Gajah Mada knew fully well that her thoughts on this matter were not necessarily shared by everyone and that Constantine was alone without any of his retainers to make that compromise, which meant that Constantine lying for what he believed was right could not be discounted just yet.

@GubGar@Letter Bee

Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward

As Tokimune felt the presence of a servant in his territory, the rogue saber immediately headed out to investigate, finding the servant and what presumably was his master on the temple grounds. Tokimune frowned. The Master seemed to be a native of this country, and yet he had chosen to contract what appeared to be a foreign Heroic Spirit rather than one from Japan. He supposed he should see for himself if this foreign servant was strong enough to merit such insolence from the young Master...if they were foolish enough at least.

"There was a temple nearby but I didn't think to note it" Shou pondered for a moment before talking "If there's no one using it which is unlikely we could use it as a base of operations but if there are people we could at least procure some supplies"

"And how, pray tell, are you about to 'procure' these supplies?" Tokimune replied as he materialised himself in front of the two.

Tokimune then turned to Shou, levelling him with a glare, "You are among those seeking the Grail, are you not? Using this place as a base will surely invite violence into this holy ground. You do yourself a dishonour, no man of this nation should have such disregard for temples and the gods whose blessing protected this land."

He continued, turning to Berserker, "And you, foreign warrior. Take your master and go. This territory—this entire ward of Higashiyama—belongs to me, to be a shelter for the people of this city who heeded my words and sought safety from the Holy Grail War. Now begone, I have no interest in the Holy Grail nor the miracles it grants. As long as the two of you refrain from entering my territory, I shall stay my blade, but..."

Drawing his katana, he declared, "Should you insist on claiming this territory your own, or make it a battlefield for the war...then I, Rogue Saber, shall claim your heads!"

Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward

Once Hojo Tokimune materialized as a masterless Heroic Spirit—a rogue servant, as the Grail informed him—he quickly concluded that he had no use for the Grail. After all, he was someone who had accomplished what he sought to do in life. As Shikken of the Kamakura Shogunate, not only did he maintain stability in his nation, but he also successfully repelled an invasion from the mighty Mongols, something no one around him had thought to be possible. Indeed, if Hojo Tokimune had no unfulfilled wish, rather, dying as a monk of Zen Buddhism, he would have practised a meditational that focused on emptying oneself, which included divesting one's desires to reach enlightenment.

True, the Kamakura Shogunate eventually fell, but that was the duty and responsibility of his successors. As for Tokimune himself, his honour in the completion of his duty as Shikken was unblemished. In this, he had no regret to speak of. And so, Tokimune had, from the outset, had no intention to fight for nor interfere with other wishes for the grail. After all, if they are mighty and capable enough to defeat heroes from all over the world, across time, then it was only right they are able to use the grail.

Tokimune's only concern in this Holy Grail War was but one, to ensure the safety of the people of this nation he is a Shikken of. After all, in this age where the so-called Emperor was but a figurehead, and the authorities were seemingly unaware of the war, it fell to him to do what he was duty-bound to do. Because it was his duty. Nothing more and nothing less.

And so, Tokimune claimed the Higashiyama War, where the temple he was summoned into was his territory. He intended this place to act as shelter for the people of the city. And so, he started to spread the word to the local populace, first to the temple monks and next to the local citizenry. He had to summon winds and thunders in a reduced capacity to prove he wasn't simply a lunatic, but eventually, though some still call him charlatan, words had started to spread through Kyoto's populace, that 'All of Kyoto might be in danger soon enough and you may evacuate to Higashiyama Ward for safety.'

Tokimune was aware from the knowledge the Grail provided him that this was a breach of the concealment of mystic that mages were concerned about, but Tokimune was no mage, and thus concealment of mystic was of no concern to him.

Perhaps in the long run the concealment of mystic was better even for the general populace, but Tokimune was not concerned about that. For what moved the man known as Hojo Tokimune was not inherent benevolence but rather his own personal moral code to which he was honour-bound to follow. To Hojo Tokimune as long as he existed, he was honour-bound to provide shelter in his territory, what happened after the war or to people who chose to not heed his warnings were not his concern.

And so it was that Hojo Tokimune walked the grounds of his territory, looking for possible intruders.

There's a reference to Highton View Terrace, is this supposed to take place in the adventure continuity or is that just an easter egg?

'An evil of Zoroastrianism having corrupted the grail? Gajah Mada thought, once Shielder finished speaking.

That was a cause of concern, if true. Gajah Mada could already feel her master's ire through their master-servant pact. Not surprising, given that her master had been upfront about how protecting innocent people was his main motivation in joining the war.

It was not as if Gajah Mada was entirely unsympathetic to Lorenzo's sentiment, after all, she was an incarnation of Vishnu. She might not be counted among the ten primary avatars of Vishnu, the Dashavatara. The divinity indwelled among her pales in comparison to those ten, such as Rama or Khrisna. But nevertheless, she was an aspect of Vishnu, the protector of good and virtue, who descended into the world when righteousness waned and unrighteousness increased.

If there was indeed an ancient evil existing in this age, as one of Vishnu's avatars, it was her sacred duty to annihilate that evil. However...

"That is quite the claim, Shielder. You'll excuse me if I did not take it merely at your words. In the first place, it is quite suspect that a rogue servant—Servants that are anomalies, their movement limited by the leylines—would be able to possess this information when masters joining this war do not. I am not saying you are lying, but such a claim demands to be substantiated further. The existence of rogue servants is a symptom of an anomaly in the war, yes, but it says nothing regarding the nature of the anomaly itself. Until we have further proof, I see no reason to change our course of actions."

Turning to Rider, she added, "At least that is where I stand at the moment. What say you, Rider? I would like to hear your thoughts."

Through her telepathic link, she then addressed her Master, 'Calm yourself, Master. While I agree that what Shielder said was a cause of concern, as I've said, we do not have proof of its veracity at this juncture. I suggest we continue doing what we've been doing. After all, if the grail truly is corrupted, all the more reason for us to ensure it does not fall to nefarious hands, no? Until we have concrete proof, I say we claim the grail for ourselves and then determine what we should do with it'

If she had determined for herself that the grail had been corrupted by evil, she would destroy it herself if needed, but until then, she would not simply renege on the very oath that had made her left indelible marks on history merely because someone claimed the grail to be corrupted.
How big are you on worldbuilding? I might be interested, but mostly on the worldbuilding of the isekai world.

Something like overlord concept, where a guild got transported into the fantasy world, though of course the guild is not Nazarick and the world iis not the one in overlord but our own making
Carnatia de Luson

As they reached the camp, Carnatia was more than ready to curl up on her bed sheet, perhaps after a nice cup of tea brewed using her enchanted tea set that could brew various flavours. Maybe green tea? No, on second thought, probably apple cider was more to her fancy right now. After that trip through the damp and misty forest at night, a warm apple cider would be good. It was not something that could be brewed easily in a camp like this, but fortunately, it WAS an enchanted tea set. It was quite expensive, Carnatia had to borrow some money and ended up using her rapier as collateral, but it worked out in the end, she managed to scrounge up just enough money to pay it back. was quite close and she was about a day short of losing her rapier.

"My wisdom can wait until I get a chance to close my eyes. For five or six hours, at least." Gray answered. "Until then, I would be no use to you. I am not a doctor you can consult on, Roxas is. though I am not sure if you will hear a lot of good news, even from her."

Though...before the tea, there was probably one matter they should arrange as the group.

"I quite agree that I also would like nothing else but a peaceful slumber right about now, however...It wouldn't do for us to get ambushed. We need to take turns watching the camp, to be safe. So...shall we cast lots?"
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