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"Looking for a healer, and preferably a tank! Looking to dungeon delve!"

Claudia saw a party recruitment popped up in the global chat of the area.

He's neither a healer, well not primarily a healer, nor a tank, but since he WAS looking for a party, he might as well ask.

Claudia briefly scanned the room to look for the player with the handle of 'Goibniu', before eventually finding the centaur. It appeared that some players had approached him already. He recognized one of them, being known in the community as a reliable but rather 'firebrand' healer, though the two of them never ended up partying together.

He sent a message to the general chat.

Claudia Solaria von Galatriel: Oh, the timing is quite serendipitous, I am looking for a party. I will make my way there posthaste."

It was, of course, written in character for Claudia. While he did not intend to go full roleplay as in pretending he was a denizen of the game, that was the extent he would compromise. His mannerisms, way of speaking, and so on will be Claudia's.

Making his way toward the three, Claudia introduced himself, "Goibniu, I presume? My name is Claudia. I am not a dedicated healer or tank, though I can somewhat heal adequately. I am rather good at dealing with damage, however."

Turning to the rest, he added, "If it is all right with all of you, I would like to join the party. Oh, and...if it is not too much trouble if you do not have a specific dungeon in mind, might I suggest that forest area in Osna? I am looking for a material dropped by the boss of that dungeon."


"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll read some of the source material before the audition for added value. Yes, of course. Thank you, have a good night."

Robert ended the call with his manager as he leaned back into his chair.

An audition for a TV adaptation of a superhero comic book. It was nowhere near the most popular IP, but the franchise, in general, was pretty big, and thus, his manager was very enthused at the opportunity. Robert...didn't particularly care, if he were to be honest.

Nothing was wrong with the superhero genre, he kinda of liked it actually, but as far as movies went...well, it was entertaining, and thus as a piece of entertainment it did its job. Robert was not about to turn his nose down and went all 'what is this lowbrow garbage?'. It was more that as an actor, the way they went about writing the characters was not exactly his cup of tea. Rather than having a deep dive into the character in the source material and then constructing a live-action version that embodied what the character was supposed to be, only surface-level materials were used, with the personality of the character written more to just be the actor's personality or rather the actor's public persona.

In this case, some glamorous bad boy. Which explained why he was invited to the audition. That was the public persona he used. It was still a role, so he didn't mind as much at first, but after being typecast into these sorts of roles so much, it started to become boring as most roles felt the same. There were, of course, movies that were more...artistic in nature, but in the current status quo, they were either low-budget amateur films or big budget directed by big-shot directors who could afford to just shoot artistic movies based on their vision rather than chase trends.

Unfortunately for Robert, he was in the awkward position of not being low profile enough that his agency would allow him to star in a low-budget amateur production, but also not well known enough for these big-shot directors to consider for their artistic films.

Robert sighed. He supposed since he was the one who made the decision to give up on theatre to do movies, he didn't really get to complain since he did it knowing what it would entail. He certainly couldn't complain about the pay, especially compared to when he was doing theatre.

At least he still has ToE to get his acting fix. He thought as he picked up the VR equipment.

He put on the equipment while booting up the game program, along with some 3rd party voice change programs. It was a quasi-legal, in-the-gray-zone common program used by many players for various reasons...some for more nefarious purposes than others. For Robert, it was really nothing more than a program he needed to do what he wanted to do. He might be an actor and was even able to manipulate his voice, but there was a biological limit to what he could do. It was regrettable, but it was what it was. It was not as if he was out to lead anyone or to trick people.

After sending a message to his guild's group chat to see if anyone was free to farm some monsters, Robert closed his eyes as he started to get into character. The character of Claudia, whom he had created for the game. A scion of the Count's noble household descended from an angel before being forced to make a pact with an old god to save her people from an ancient dragon.

She was a woman of contradictions, caught between the purity of her celestial origins and the corruption of her dark pact. The actor let out a slow breath, his expression softening slightly as she imagined Claudia’s inner turmoil. To serve the old god was to betray her principles, to stand alongside monsters she once would have fought against. Yet, to refuse was to bring devastation upon her home, to see her people suffer the dragon's wrath.

His posture straightened, shoulders squared as he imagined the dignified countenance of a Countess who held the power to command the power of the heavens. Robert closed his eyes, imagining the sensation of divine energy coursing through him, filling him with a warmth that was both comforting and overwhelming. But this power, this gift, had not been enough to protect Claudia's people from the wrath of the Ancient Dragon. His expression darkened as he recalled the desperate pact Claudia had made with the old god Xal'Zagoth. He whispered the name to herself, feeling the weight of it on her tongue, a name that carried the stench of ancient evil and forgotten horrors. Claudia had entered the service of Xal'Zagoth, and in doing so, she had been thrust into the Ebon Covenant, a cabal of dangerous and malicious figures. The actor pictured the faces of his new companions—twisted, powerful, and untrustworthy. Yet, Claudia alone walked among them with the poise of a noble, the light of her celestial heritage now dimmed by the shadow of her unholy contract.

Finally, the actor opened his eyes, ready to step into the world of ToE as Claudia Solaria von Galatriel, to become the Countess who walked the line between light and dark, noble and damned, for the sake of a land that might never know the true cost of their salvation.

Taking a glance at the guild chat of Ebon Covenant Guild. It appeared that none of the members were free tonight.

Robert sighed, as he pushed back the persona of Claudia into the back of his mind. With no guildmates, that meant that full RP was not in the card tonight, meaning, that he should not 'fully become Claudia' but rather more of a character whose personality was based on Claudia but was still, ultimately, a player of ToE and not an actual denizens of it.

He supposed he might as well log in to the guild hall in Shebar and look for anyone who also planned to go to the same dungeon as he was. Since the material was only dropped by the boss, farming the material she was looking for required a party.

He activated the virtual dive system, and soon after, Robert found himself standing inside the guild hall in Shebar, in the form of his avatar, Claudia.

He hadn't been able to log in for a while due to a hectic shoot, so he looked forward to see if anything interesting had happened in his absence.

Gajah Mada held onto her kris tighter, ready to draw it at a moment's notice, as Arachne hostility towards her and Lorenzo became apparent. It was then, that Jan intercede, placing himself between the two.

"Near the center, you say? Wonderful! It seems we have our target, then. Time to get going, I'd say!" Jan declares as he physically interposes himself in the center of the conflict, body blocking both sides from one another as best as he was able. Not moving to defend either, but simply attempting to form a physical wedge to end the stand-off. This.. was actually not new territory for him. While Jan was not politically savvy, he was a friendly enough face that he was able to prevent arguments from escalating. That didn't mean he missed doing it, though.

"Caster, you said you'd be going with us, then? I notice you do not have a vehicle of your own. You're welcome to catch a ride with me on my steed. She isn't as mighty as the Warhorse I once rode, but I find it quite the charming modern vehicle. Ah, of course if you have your own method of transportation I will take no offense." He was of course referring to his electric scooter. A very non-threatening, unimpressive vehicle. Though Shielder might have been aware that Jan had some ability to allow it to go far faster than it ought to have been, since he saw it briefly in action on the way over. "Either way, we ought to conclude the conversation and make our way over. I doubt our newly revealed foes will be content to wait patiently."

Gajah Mada gave Jan a nod of gratitude at his attempt at deescalation. She did not fancy having a fight with Arachne right now, in these circumstances, but given Arachne's disdain of her, exacerbated by her master's provocation, Gajah Mada concluded that were she to attempt saying anything to deescalate, it could probably backfire and incense Arachne further. It was fortunate that Jan saw it fit to intercede.

She then spoke, "I agree with Rider. We should finish up here and make our move toward the anomalous Ghost Liners. Though one last thing..." turning to Arachne she continued, "It wouldn't do for us to charge into danger blindly. Against existences such as ourselves, that is to say, Heroic Spirits, information is key. What can you tell us about them? Any clue of their true identity? Oh, and...give us the name of your class. In honour of our alliance, temporary as it is, I will refer to you with your Class. The declaration from the overseer earlier was intended for all the Servants, and some are not yet here. This way, in the chance they have not figured out your identity, it will remain that way. Consider this an...olive branch in light of our current shared goal, so to speak."

@GubGar@Digmata@Letter Bee
There should definitely be at least local voice chat...though that might make it hard for our actor friend to hide he's a guy. Hmm...maybe he just claims not to have a mic. I know some people that don't, or that can't talk for whatever reason.

I figure there's adventurer guild hubs that give out quests and stuff. I dunno about user-run guilds, but probably?

I mean, since it's VRMMO, I assume he's just using some quasi-legal third party AI-based voice modification tech.

Is there any lore stuff in the game or outside of the game I should add?

Uh...well, the 'flavour text' in my character sheet's equipment alludes to some sort of eldritch god and an 'Emergence of the Old Gods' event as part of the game, I guess. But it's really not that big of deal, just something as the backstory for my character's PC.
Most MMO server is usually country based though. It's kinda odd to have city specific server, no? But I guess it could work. I kinda conceptualize Robert to be in LA, since you know, actor, but he can be in Chicago for a shoot or something, or just taking a break.
All right. Here's my character. Tell me what you think about it @Eviledd1984

Yeah pretty much :)

All right. Got it. I have this idea of a struggling theatre actor IRL who switched to showbiz when he got the chance since theatre is not really paying the bill. But he kinda missed actually acting a role rather than just selling pretty face so he uses the virtual MMO to roleplay. Joined an RP guild of sorts.

By the way, what sort of aesthetic/style are you going for? It's a personal pet peeve of mine, but I usually try to match the face claim with the general feel of the RP, like with our last VTM RP, I tried making my FC match the VTM ambience. You mentioned Hack Sign and SAO, so is it anime?
Huh. Looks interesting. If it's based on DnD Class is multiclassing allowed?

Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward

As his vision slowed once more, Tokimune watched as Berserker slipped past his attack, before going in for another attack with his own blade. Tokimune took note of the blade.

A short sword or a dagger with an asymmetrical wavy blade. A Kris. It was a very distinctive weapon. Tokimune had heard that it originated in a nation down South. It was a start, but he could not specify which Heroic Spirit this was just yet. A Kris-wielding warrior who was famous for invulnerability...that should narrow down the search quite a bit, however.

Tokimune's mind then turned to how best to deal with Berserker's attack. Judging from the speed by which he moved just now, Tokimune would estimate that it was roughly equivalent to his own natural agility. It was not bad, but then again, while agile, Tokimune was not among the most least as far as his natural agility went. But in his territory, it was not Tokimune's natural agility which Berserker had to contend with. As was the case with Tokimune's strength and fortitude his legend of being the undefeated Shikken who had driven the seemingly invincible Mongols away in a defensive battle meant that within his territory, his speed, too, was increased.

And based on Tokimune's calculation, he was currently about twice as fast as Berserker.

Moving at top speed, Tokimune sidestepped Berserker's swing, before flanking the opposing Servant, his lightning-imbued katana swung at Berserker's back.

@King Cosmos

Lorenzo turned towards Caster as she left and said, "I know who you are, and to be honest with you, you did legitimately beat Athena herself and her behavior was unbecoming of someone of her 'Wisdom'. I admire you for that greatly, but not enough to refrain from outing you."

'Arachne?' Gajah Mada thought. While Arachne was the most famous figure associated with spiders, there were others...What prompted her Master to declare it with such certainty?

It was then, a train of thought passed through Gajah Mada's head. Perhaps it was a bluff, to take advantage of her own Moksha skill to gauge the reaction of this new servant so they could either confirm or cross Arachne from their list of possible identities. Arachne was a reasonable guess, considering the spider, she supposed.

Gajah Mada was not sure if this was what her Master intended, but nevertheless, it seemed worth a try.

She turned her head at the Servant in question, gauging her reaction. It did not take long for her to sense that the Servant was angry—no, livid, at Gajah Mada's Master.

So she was Arachne. That would explain why she was somewhat fixated on Gajah Mada. It was probably her divinity.

Gajah Mada gripped her Kris, just in case Arachne's anger led to a confrontation. Suddenly, Lorenzo spoke again,

"Now, please stay away from my Saber."


Of course, through her Moksha skill, Gajah Mada had determined that her Master only meant it in the technical sense as in a familiar contracted to him rather than anything more. However, the Palapa Oath she made included abstaining from worldly pleasure, which meant that she had little to no experience with such a thing, leading to the Saber-class Servant flustered for a split second before composing herself.

Stepping forward in front of Lorenzo, she spoke "Master, please refrain from challenging a possibly hostile Servant yourself, if you would. It is my duty to protect you, not the other way around."

Then, in an attempt to divert Arachne's ire from her Master to herself, she turned to Arachne, "A word of advice, Arachne, you should temper your emotion more. The anger I've observed from you all but confirmed that my Master's deduction was correct. You are Arachne, it seems. Well, then, Arachne...would you be able to find anything out regarding these two anomalous Ghost Liner through your familiars?"

@Letter Bee@Digmata

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